Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 15: please god

"Too reckless (!

In the distance of the reeds, on a small mound a mile away.

Tang Jing was lying in the dense reeds, holding a golden bell in his hand; Tuanzi was also hiding in the haystack, only showing a small white hairball-like head, watching intently.

Tang Jingxuan saw a wall of fire rising in the distance, Zuo Lingquan and others were locked in, but didn't rush out for a long time, she was very anxious; she wanted to get up, but she didn't know how to help, gritted her teeth, and could only whisper:

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, the dead woman will appear soon..."


Tang Jing muttered for a long time, but couldn't feel the dead woman, and said angrily:

"Dead mother-in-law, I know you're here, come out quickly! You don't get on when you should, and you mess up when you shouldn't. If something happens to Xiao Zuo, I'll chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you..."

Still no feeling!

"Good sister, come out and do me a favor, I won't ask you for Phoenix anymore..."

"You mother-in-law, can't you come out?"


Meaningless shouts, except for the occasional 'ji' from the dumplings, are useless.

The line of sight returned to the sword formation.

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked, the three did not have time to breathe.

Every time the time passes, the chance of the red-haired ancestor arriving increases by one point.

Zuo Lingquan gritted his teeth and looked at the armguard in his hand - although he didn't want to learn the moves of the Iron Arrow Mansion, his life was about to die, so he couldn't care less.

Seeing that Zhang Yinfeng had once again become an iron-clad king, Zuo Lingquan gritted his teeth and rushed forward. According to the luck of the martial arts in the armguard, he mobilized the whole body's true energy and gathered it with his left arm and legs.

The left arm was raised to protect it in front of the body, the phoenix armguard was unfolded, and it turned into a phoenix shield. The infuriating energy poured into the body, and the relief of the flying phoenix on the shield turned into a phoenix phantom and made a sharp cry:


Zuo Lingquan strode forward, his aura skyrocketed, and his whole body turned into an overwhelming black cannonball, rushing over a distance of several meters in an instant, with the phoenix shield in his hand, hitting the phantom of the golden bell.

boom -

The riverside is shaking!

The earth-shattering loud noise was like a city hammer hitting the city wall.

The energy spread from the phoenix shield, turning into a black wave and pouring out.

The golden bell shattered when it was touched, and the red body protection qi spread out, but it was difficult to hurt the Phoenix Shield in the slightest.

Under the overwhelming momentum, the Phoenix Shield collided with the armor condensed outside Zhang Yinfeng's body.

There were some cracks in the armor and it was not smashed, but this did not mean that it would not be affected.

Zuo Lingquan's sword focused on one point, with unparalleled penetrating power, it could pierce armor but could not shake Zhang Yinfeng.

Shield Strike is not the case. Zhang Yinfeng was hit by the Phoenix Shield, and it felt like he was hit by a giant elephant in the center of his chest. The armor on his body was not shattered, but he could not stand under his feet.

Zhang Yinfeng's eyes were stunned, and at the moment of the collision, he was knocked back and flew backwards, suspended in the Imperial Sky Sword Formation, and lost control and fell to the ground.

After Zuo Lingquan collided with Zhang Yinfeng, his body stagnated, but his energy did not dissipate. A fan-shaped aftermath appeared in front of him, spreading outward, the scorched ground cracked and smashed, and rushed out of the fire wall of the sword array until he reached the river bank. The ripples on the river surface instantly spread the distance of half the river surface.

Opposite Jiang, Situ, who was watching, was shocked. Seeing this earth-shattering scene, he slapped his hand vigorously:

"Right, I thought this kid was really just being reckless. It's so easy to break through the formation. If you can't stand still, it's over, which makes me nervous for a long time."

The empress in the bronze mirror just observed, but did not respond.

And Zhao Wuxie and Cheng Jiujiang were stunned when they saw the unshakable Zhang Yinfeng being knocked out, and they said in unison:

"Rush to the city?!"

Zuo Lingquan was also a little unbelievable, and glanced at the armguard on his hand.

Zhang Yinfeng flew back a distance of nearly 30 feet before he stopped. He quickly raised his hand to stabilize the out-of-control sword formation again, and said in amazement:

"Are you from Iron Arrow Mansion?"

Zuo Lingquan was too lazy to respond.

Zhao Wuxie realized that the attack was effective, remembered something, tilted his head and said angrily:

"You know how to use this trick sooner? Take a sword and stab it for a long time, I thought you would know that sword."

"How do I know this trick works?"

"What do you know about yourself?"

Cheng Jiujiang saw that there was a way to break the defense, his eyes glowed with vitality, and he said anxiously:

"The Iron Arrow House has a mace and a shield, which is specially used to deal with this kind of bastard. 'Shock armor' can shock the meridians and lungs through the armor, will you?"

Zuo Lingquan hadn't learned it before, and he was still learning the martial arts on the spot. At this time, he checked and found that there was no 'Shock Armor' in the armguard, only a 'Zhan Gang' was added. Judging from the name, it was a broken body guard. angry.

"No, it will rush to the city."

"Alright, let's go together!"

Zuo Lingquan had just been beaten by the tiger and couldn't get down, and he was beaten very hard. At this time, he had a way to speed up again with his sword and rushed towards Zhang Yinfeng, who was like a great enemy.

Zhang Yinfeng used the sword formation just to trap the three of them, but when he realized that the three of them turned back and fought back, they dared to stand and let Zuo Lingquan collide.

The three galloped in stride, Zuo Lingquan raised his shield to block the stabbing flying sword; Cheng Jiujiang and Zhao Wuxie split up to flank, creating a chance for Zuo Lingquan to get close.


The footsteps on the reed beach were as dense as a torrential rain.

Cheng Jiujiang was as fast as a thunderbolt, with the electric light surrounding his fists, and flashed to the left of Zhang Yinfeng in an instant.

Zhao Wuxie flew forward, smashed the flying sword, and stabbed Zhang Yinfeng to the right.

Zhang Yinfeng didn't dare to be hit by the rampant Zuo Lingquan. He walked around facing the three of them and attacked together. Naturally, he couldn't focus on the sword. He gritted his teeth and took back a sword in his hand.

Above the scarlet blade, flames spewed out, stirring up charred soil, turning into Zuo Lingquan, who was charged down by the waves, followed by a sword net.

Zuo Lingquan did not evade in the slightest, raised the phoenix shield on his left arm, and slammed it between the sword nets.

Zhang Yinfeng, as the seventh-level cultivator of Linggu, was struck by his opponent with a sword net, and he was shocked:

"What is this……"


Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Lingquan had already rushed forward, and the Phoenix Shield hit Zhang Yinfeng again.

Zhang Yinfeng was locked to the left and right, and when he couldn't avoid it, he was hit again, and his feet were off the ground.

And the moment Zhang Yinfeng's body vacated the air, Zuo Lingquan's right long sword stabbed out, and the body armor that had been densely cracked in the center.


The ink-like sword energy is almost indestructible.

Before Zhang Yinfeng could stabilize his body, the phantom of the armor on his chest exploded, and the flesh that had not fully recovered was smashed by the sword energy, and even cracks appeared on his ribs.


Zhao Wuxie has been practicing swordsmanship since he was a child. His swordsmanship may not be comparable to Zuo Lingquan's sharp-edged sword, but he is by no means mediocre. He did not need anyone to remind him, so he did everything he had learned in his life at the moment when his body armor was shattered. A white light was poured into the scar on Zhang Yinfeng's chest.


Even if Zhang Yinfeng was attacked at the seventh level of Linggu, his body would be unbearable, his chest and ribs were shattered, his lungs were smashed, his back robe was riddled with holes, and a blood mist was sprayed; , also began to fall apart.

Cheng Jiujiang was already ready to go, followed by two punches and shouted angrily:

"You **** head!"

The words fell, and two fists hit Zhang Yinfeng's left temple one after another.

The turbulent lightning flashed into his head, causing Zhang Yinfeng to lose his mind in an instant, turned into a broken sack, and flew out to the side.

Zuo Lingquan succeeded with a sword and quickly pursued:

"You think I don't want to head off?"

Zhao Wuxie reconsidered: "It's good to be able to hit the chest. What do you know about a reckless man who uses fists?"

the other side.

After all, Zhang Yinfeng was at the seventh level of the Spirit Valley, and his physique was much more tyrannical than ordinary people. Even if he suffered such a heavy blow, he regained his senses before landing.

"Go away!"

Zhao Wuxie has a deep blood feud, how could Zhang Yinfeng escape, after sweeping away the long sword, he tried his best to pursue him from behind.

But no matter how fast Zhao Wuxie was, he couldn't be faster than Zuo Lingquan, a swordsman who specialized in explosiveness.

But in the blink of an eye, Zuo Lingquan rushed behind Zhang Yinfeng.

Zhang Yinfeng was seriously injured and could not run past Zuo Lingquan at all. He could only grit his teeth and threw his beloved saber to the back, and at the same time threw all the talismans he was carrying.

Zuo Lingquan only saw a handful of pieces of paper flying in front of him, the five-color streamer shone, quickly unfolded the phoenix shield in front of him, and quickly detoured from the side, only to hear a crackling sound, Zuo Lingquan chased behind Zhang Yinfeng again, A sword handed out:

"Death to me!"

But at this moment, a violent shout suddenly came from the sky:

"Shizier dare!"

The next moment, the monstrous killing intent pressed from the sky, followed by a fire python.

The fire python fell from the Nine Heavens, with a scarlet red sword at the front, aiming directly at Zuo Lingquan who was rushing forward.

The secluded cultivator struck an angry blow, which was enough to affect the celestial phenomena. Under this sword, all the reeds with a radius of 100 meters were burned, and even the ground was roasted to dry and cracked.

Zuo Lingquan's hair stood on end, he only felt that there was a volcano above his head pressing down, he did not hesitate to give up the pursuit, the golden bell talisman was drawn from his sleeve, and the phoenix shield was fully unfolded, turning into a semicircle and covering the top of his head.

boom -

The reed beach burst, and the fire was overflowing.

The scarlet long sword smashed to the ground like a heavy mountain instantly smashed Zuo Lingquan, who was standing in the same place, into the ground, leaving a circular pit with a radius of nearly three feet.

Zhao Wuxie and Cheng Jiujiang came to an abrupt stop, their faces turned pale when they saw this scene, and they were hit by the cathartic air wave and took a few steps back.

The two looked up, but saw an old man with red hair standing on the flying sword above the sky, his beard and hair were all open, and his face was blue and purple with anger.

The raging flames surrounded the old man's body, no longer infuriating, but a real fire, looking from the ground, it was like a scorching sun appeared in the sky again.

"Red-haired old fairy..."

Zhao Wuxie and Cheng Jiu stood still, knowing that they were doomed...

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