Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Crouching dragon, young phoenix, little unicorn

The cultivators learned from each other, and the victory or defeat could be decided in more than ten breaths, and the competition in the water curtain soon ended.

The old man who explained, after replaying the competition just now, began to talk about his recent experience:

"...The ten-year-old nine-sect alliance is approaching. The good seedlings that were hidden in the past have recently appeared in groups; the nine-sect Qingkui have a great reputation, everyone must be familiar with it, the old man will not go into details, just chat Let's talk about the more mysterious ones. The first thing to mention is the 'Shangguan Nine Dragons' that just appeared two months ago..."

The monks in the hall are very interested in the rumors of these geniuses, and they are also discussing them.

Cheng Jiujiang folded his arms and stood beside Zuo Lingquan, afraid that Zuo Lingquan would not understand, and explained the meaning of words such as Qingkui Hulongbang.

"Shangguan Jiulong can become the young leader of the Iron Arrow Mansion, and his natural talent cultivation base will definitely be the best.

"...In addition to the most famous Shangguan Jiulong and Jiu Zong Qingkui, there are also many talented people from the sky. Recently, there are even four people in Fengyunjihui, and all of them have mysterious origins. Three of the four people are from the barren mountains. They were shocked by the terrace and called them the 'Three Heroes of Central Continent', do you know who are these three heroes of Central Continent?"

Zuo Lingquan heard this statement for the first time, and when he saw the storyteller betray him, he asked:

"There is this No. 3 person on Jing Terrace?"

Cheng Jiujiang stood with his hands behind his back, with a solemn expression:

"Zong Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on the Terrace, there must be a lot of people in the sky, I...I don't know either."


Zuo Lingquan was speechless.

The monks in the hall were obviously better informed than Zuo Lingquan and others. When the old man asked a question, a disciple of the sect immediately replied:

"These 'Central Continent Three Heroes' seem to be three new geniuses who have emerged from Jingtai, self-named 'Wolong Young Phoenix Little Kirin', and it is said that they all came from the Central Continent Sword Imperial City, and their combat power is amazing. Qilin', whose name is Qi Jia, is the young master of an aristocratic family in Central Continent, only twenty-seven years old, half a step into Youhuang, because he has not found a good sword yet."

The monks in the hall were in an uproar when they heard this:

"Twenty-seven and half-step Youhuang?"

"Sounds like a sword repairer?"


Zuo Lingquan was also shocked, but he didn't expect the Tianjiao of the Nine Sects to be so exaggerated.

Cheng Jiujiang was a little unconvinced and asked:

"Judging from the title, the little unicorn is still ranked last, are the first two more powerful?"

What the storyteller wanted was this atmosphere, he shook his folding fan and looked at Cheng Jiujiang:

"This fellow Daoist is right. Since it is the 'Wolong Young Phoenix Little Kirin', the first two are naturally more powerful than the little unicorn; it's a pity that those two are both divine dragons, and no one knows the specific situation. , I only know from the few words leaked by Qi Jia, the 'little unicorn', that the little unicorn and the young phoenix in it are the difference between the cloud and the mud; and the young phoenix and the Wolong are the difference between the cloud and the mud."


Many monks in the hall were in disbelief, looked up at the sky, and seemed to be wondering what realm it was.

Zuo Lingquan also had a solemn expression and whispered:

"Half-step Youhuang has two gaps between clouds and mud. Could this 'Wolong in Central Continent' be Half-step Forgetfulness?"

Cheng Jiujiang thought about it and shook his head slightly:

"It shouldn't be that high, but there should be a half-step jade rank. The pride of the nine sects is indeed unmatched."


There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and some were in a hurry. Seeing that Mr. Storyteller didn't continue to talk, he couldn't help but ask:

"Who is the last genius? Could it be more powerful than the three heroes of Central Continent?"

The storyteller laughed when he heard the words:

"This fellow Daoist is a little anxious. Is this the last one? It's amazing. He is the only one who has a record of actual combat, and it happened a few days ago, near Shuanlong Harbor."

? !

Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, secretly saying something was wrong.

Cheng Jiujiang's eyes twitched.

Many monks in the hall all got on the boat from Shuanlong Harbor. Naturally, they understood who they were, and responded with a lot of tongues:

"Isn't the 'Southern Wilderness Swordsman' sword unintentional?!"

"It must be, that swordsman is really cruel, killing the old red-haired fairy, father and son, and throwing their heads at the gate of Jiange..."

"It's not that the Zhang family did it by themselves..."


Zuo Lingquan's eyes were strange, and he recalled it for a long time, but he did not remember that he had reported the name of "Southern Wilderness Swordsman". Who gave this name randomly?

Cheng Jiujiang raised his eyebrows and whispered:

"This **** is quite domineering."


There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and the storyteller waited for a while before raising his fan to suppress the noise, and said with a smile:

"In the case of Qingyun City, it's true that after the Zhang family gave the sword, they killed and captured the sword first, and it's no one's fault for being shown to the public by Xiaoshou; this sword was unintentional, and it just emerged. There is no such person; he should also be a genius who just came out of the mountain, maybe on this ship."

Many monks in the hall looked around.

Zuo Lingquan and Cheng Jiujiang also looked around blankly, looking for traces of "Jian Wuyi" to avoid suspicion.

After searching for a long time, I didn't see anyone showing up to claim this reputation. A few monks with good deeds asked:

"Among the five people you mentioned, Chu Feng and Xiao Qilin are not as powerful as Wolong; among the three of Zhongzhou Wolong, Shangguan Jiulong, and Nanhuang Jianzi, who is more powerful?"

The storyteller shook his head and smiled: "Shangguan Jiulong is the Qingkui of the Iron Arrow Mansion, Zhongzhou Wolong is learning his art on the Jing Terrace, Nanhuang Jianzi appears near the Qingdu River, maybe it is the unborn Qingkui of Yunshui Jiantan, just in time. It's hard to say who is more powerful. Since they are all emerging recently, it must be for the reputation of the Nine Sects Alliance in advance. When the Nine Sects Alliance begins, you will naturally know which of the three is stronger or weaker."

"All three of you will be there when the time comes?"

"Zhongzhou Wolong is definitely coming, the other two don't know..."



Zuo Lingquan couldn't listen anymore, he didn't dare to stay in the right and wrong place for a long time, and silently disappeared into the crowd, wanting to leave with Cheng Jiujiang.

It's just that Zuo Lingquan just took a few steps and suddenly looked at the empty shoulders.

What about Sister Tang's white and big dumplings?

Zuo Lingquan was very fascinated just now, and the dumplings have always been very cowardly and will not run around, he really didn't pay attention. At this time, when I looked around, I realized that the group was gone.

Zuo Lingquan was slightly startled, and quickly looked around in the bustling hall. After looking around for a week, he heard the exclamations of several female sect disciples in the corner of the

"Wow—that bird is so pretty."

"It's just a little fierce, to see that this little snake is bullying..."

"Yo~ it will also breathe fire..."

Zuo Lingquan squeezed through the crowd and came to the corner of the hall. When he looked up, he saw a small red snake, raising his upper body in horror, leaning against the corner of the hall, spitting out a snake letter in a posture of defending the enemy. There was a faint flicker of fire.

The chubby dumpling landed on the ground, spread out its small wings that didn't quite fit her figure, blocked the little snake in the corner, screamed 'jiji', and occasionally spewed out a small flame to threaten, but unfortunately it didn't go far. , about the length of his fingers, it looks like a lighter.

The storyteller on the stage, apparently also noticed the change in the corner of the hall, holding a folding fan and saying:

"Yo~ It's a good fight between dragon and phoenix. The body is a little smaller, but the posture is quite strong. Dear fellow Taoists, please take care of your spiritual pets. If you accidentally get lost or eaten, the ferry will not be responsible..."

The master of the little red snake heard that the spirit beast was missing, squeezed over to take a look, and quickly said:

"Which immortal bird is this? Why don't you understand the rules like this? Look at my family Honghong scared..."

Zuo Lingquan did not expect that the dumpling would still breathe fire, so he walked up to him and shouted:

"Duanzi, come back, you can't eat this stuff."


Danzi flapped his small wings and pointed at the shivering little snake with his beak, which should mean 'I finally caught it'.

"Come back quickly and be obedient, or I won't take you out in the future."


Seeing Zuo Lingquan's serious attitude, the dumplings could only reluctantly give up hunting, bowed their heads and took small steps, walked to Zuo Lingquan's shoes and squatted, not moving.

The monks who were watching the show all sneered when they saw this, and a few girls even joked:

"This bird is really smart, I'm afraid it's not low..."

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