Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 32: under the moon before flowers

"Too reckless (

On the branches of the moon, the blue lanterns flickered in the palace of the concubine.

Behind the palace's main hall, there is a slightly smaller palace. Outside the palace is a thousand-layered magic circle, and the guards in armor patrol back and forth.

The main hall is called 'Tianji Hall'. It has been used for 80 years since the imperial concubine entered the palace. The palace maids in colorful clothes stepped on the ladder and went through it to look up. There were also palace maids sitting at the desks, recording the news that Tian Dunshi had just received, and organizing them into books and putting them in the bookshelf.

A beautiful woman in a palace dress, dressed in a concubine's dress, sat in front of the desk in the center of the palace, with a map of Yuyaozhou in front of her, with the borders of several major dynasties drawn on it, as well as the labels of major cultivation forces.

When Shangguan Lingye married into the imperial city, the ancestors only asked her to be a noble concubine, but she thought she was the enshrined of the Dayan Dynasty, so she took over most of the duties of the Qin Tianjian and the Demon Suppression Division.

There are many immortal sects within the jurisdiction of the Dayan Dynasty, and there are countless Ye Xiu and various demons and ghosts. Although most of the nearby sects are responsible for solving the problems, there are always some things that the sects cannot handle, which will affect the secular court. The role of dynasty worship is to deal with these trivial matters.

Shangguan Lingye thought that she would call her back when she did her enshrining duties, but she didn't think that it would take 80 years to do so. Ersheng', the former sect is getting farther and farther away, it seems that she has really become a concubine of the world, not a disciple of the Xianjia sect.

Shangguan Lingye has long understood that doing these trivial things will not make the ancestors change his mind, and he will not be able to return to the Iron Arrow Mansion. But she is still busy with these things. After all, she has done it for 80 years, which is several times longer than her previous practice. It has become a habit; and if she doesn't do these things, what else can she do?


The white-haired raccoon slave was lying on the large desk, poking at the golden bell hanging from the corner of the pen holder with his claws.

Shangguan Lingye looked at the map, his eyes were a little distracted, and he was still thinking about that weird girl and the phrase 'dead mother-in-law'.

Before I could figure out the reason, the unicorn paperweight on the desk lit up, and then a small water curtain appeared on the desk, showing the street scene in Linyuan Harbor.

Shangguan Lingye retracted his thoughts, leaned back in the chair, and the white raccoon slave also jumped into her arms.

In the water curtain, Situ held a bronze mirror, facing the 'Beast House' in the far side of the street, and whispered:

"Uncle Shi, this shop is a thief, and sent someone to check on our Young Palace Master from the site of my Iron Arrow Mansion. It is estimated that it is the idea of ​​attacking the Young Palace Master's spiritual pet."

Shangguan Lingye stroked Li Nu's hair and said in a hurry:

"The shadow of Wang Hailou behind Yu Beast House, the business is getting bigger and bigger, and it has been a little floating recently."

"Then I don't care or not? Uncle Shi is wronged, but this is a sect's family affair. If the Qing Kui of my Iron Arrow House is beaten in his own land, it would be a shame to spread it out."

"Killing is beneficial and harmless to practice. Those who can take the initiative to send to the door for beating are all nobles. Don't delay other people's practice; let them investigate, and they can use this to beat Yu Beast House afterwards."

"I know..."



The bright moon is like a jade plate, hanging high above the sea of ​​lights in the city.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the quiet alleys outside the Siyi Pavilion, and the shadows of two people and one bird were reflected on the ground.

Zuo Lingquan had a serious expression, holding the aggrieved little bird dumpling in his hand, and lectured seriously:

"You are not allowed to appear very smart in front of outsiders in the future. You have to pretend to be like an ordinary bird, understand?"


"Do you know what an ordinary bird looks like?"


"It's not allowed to squeak. I asked ordinary birds questions. Ordinary birds can't squeak."





Jiang Yi was wearing a fiery red dress with her arms around her chest, watching the conversation between one person and one bird, she wanted to laugh a little:

"I don't know if it's smart or stupid. If you say it stupid, you can understand people's words; if you say it smart, you don't fully understand it."

"After all, it's such a small bird, just look at it like a smart child."

Zuo Lingquan took out a piece of dried fruit, put it in the beak that was waiting to be fed, and raised his hand and threw it:

"Okay, go back by yourself."

The dumpling was holding the crispy and delicious dried fruit and didn't really want to leave. He grabbed two more in Zuo Lingquan's hand with his small claws, and then fluttered his small wings and flew into the courtyard wall of the Siyi Pavilion.

Zuo Lingquan clapped his hands and watched the dumpling go home before turning around and looking at Jiang Yi next to him.

Jiang Yi was walking slowly with her arms folded, and found that the dumplings and the two bodyguards had all gone back. There was only one Zuo Lingquan left in the alley. His expression changed slightly, he put his hands down, patted his skirt, and walked forward:

"Let's go back too."

As soon as he took a step, he slammed into the man's chest.


Jiang Yi hurriedly stopped, looked up at the handsome young man smiling in front of him, her eyes a little panicked:

"what you do?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't want to do anything, raised his hand from under the red sleeve, pulled Jiang Yi's left hand, intertwined his fingers, and walked slowly along the alley:

"When you go out shopping, why does the princess get more unhappy the more she walks?"

Jiang Yi was in a bad mood. Her hand was held by a big hand, and she couldn't run away. After thinking about it, she hummed softly:

"I was very happy when I came out, but when I got to the market, I found that I was the weakest in the whole street. Even the stalls on the roadside were better than me, hum... The talent of this palace is not bad, but I stayed in the palace. It's just been abandoned for a few years, otherwise, it's not too far behind you..."

Zuo Lingquan knew that Jiang Yi was arrogant and unwilling to admit defeat. He shook his hand gently and said with a smile:

"Cultivation should go with the flow. Isn't there a saying, 'If you are eager to seek success, everything will fail', relax your mind, and your cultivation will naturally come up slowly. Besides, what is the comparison with the people in the market, you The cultivation base is not high, but with three bodyguards, you can see at a glance that she is a famous and noble girl. Look at the street today, does anyone dare to despise you? There is no one who dares to look directly at you."

This is the truth, Jiang Yi snorted softly, and didn't talk much about it.

After walking hand in hand for a while, Jiang Yi turned to look at the towering palace wall next to her, and thought about it:

"I heard from the officials of Dayan that the Second Sage of the Dayan Dynasty lives here. After seeing the Emperor Dayan tomorrow, he will come here to meet him."

Zuo Lingquan has heard the saying of the "Second Sage" many times, but he has not carefully explained the matter of the secular court. At this time, he looked up and asked:

"Who is the second saint from the Dayan Dynasty?"

"I heard that she was the concubine of the former Emperor Dayan. She was the most beautiful and virtuous concubine of Dayan. Now she has become an imperial concubine and is highly respected in the Dayan Dynasty. The current emperor and Dayan's predecessors were all trained by her. Yes, um... it sounds like a very powerful character anyway."

"Ex-ex... how old is that?"

"After this year's birthday, it should be a hundred years old. In the world, it is a rare old birthday star, but I heard that the imperial concubine came from a fairy family, and it is not surprising that she can live such a long life."

Zuo Lingquan nodded slowly and looked at the palace wall:

"It's not easy to say that a grandmother who is more than 100 years old can help the king for a lifetime in the deep palace, and still be famous."

Jiang Yi knew what the life of a concubine in the palace was like—no worries about food and But it was no different from a canary waiting for food in a cage, especially after falling out of favor or the death of the emperor, that day Only misery remains.

"Yeah, I don't know how to get through it. I've been the eldest princess in the palace for three years, and I can't stand it. Every day is the same, I can't escape, and I don't dare to relax. Sometimes I'm so anxious that I can't sleep at night. , but there is no one to complain, it's okay..."

Zuo Lingquan listened quietly, and found that Jiang Yi's words stopped abruptly, tilted his head and said:

"Alright what?"

Jiang Yixing blinked and turned her head away to prevent Zuo Lingquan from seeing:


Zuo Lingquan raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and patted Jiang Yi's breakable buttocks.

Jiang Yi was agitated, bumped Zuo Lingquan with her shoulder, and said angrily:

"You bastard... why are you hitting me?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were full of smiles, and he said softly:

"Does the princess want to say, 'Fortunately, my slap has rescued Her Royal Highness from the constant life?'"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't think about it... I mean, fortunately, I have a vicious eye, and I can see that you don't want to be the concubine, so I didn't let you succeed!"

"Does it make a difference?"

"The difference is big. It wasn't you who rescued me, it was I who chose you. I seized the opportunity myself. You can't agree to it if you don't want to."

After Jiang Yi forcibly corrected her family status, she was afraid of being refuted by Zuo Lingquan, so she walked quickly to the gate of Siyi Pavilion. Zuo Lingquan didn't let go and dragged Zuo Lingquan away.

Zuo Lingquan was pulled by his hand and walked quickly forward. It was a little funny, but he didn't struggle. He was still dragged back to the Siyi Pavilion by his bull-like fiancee...



Note: Killing and proving Dao means fighting life and death to force oneself to be diligent, not by killing a lot of people to prove Dao.

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