Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Wolong Yin

call out

After the sound of the loud sword cries, the sand and dust in the sword worship platform rolled, and a groove that stretched dozens of feet appeared.

The four earth walls have not disappeared, and the sharp ice picks spread upward from the wall. From a distance, it looks like a crystal clear torch, erected under the warm winter sun.

Zuo Lingquan was wearing a sword in black, standing at the top of the iceberg, his long hair moved with the wind, and looked up at the cliff, meaning probably the next one.

Hyacinth was pulled to the edge of the sword worship platform, and his face was slightly depressed.

However, 'Jian Yi' has long been proven to be able to break through all methods with one sword. In the arena, there is a fair discussion. When encountering this kind of shady swordsmanship, anyone who can't pull it off will die. , left the sword worship platform on his own.

When the smoke and dust in the venue dissipated, the cultivators onlookers realized that the victory and defeat were already divided, and a tidal wave of cheers came over:


"Clean and neat..."

Above the cliff, Jiang Yi and the others didn't see what was going on. Only when they heard the cheers did they know that Zuo Lingquan had won, and there was joy on their faces.

Nangong Yue, who served as the referee, did not analyze the situation just now and directly announced:

"Zuo Lingquan wins!"

Seeing that Taohuatan lost, Li Chongjin was quite happy and comforted:

"The hyacinth is worthy of the outstanding talents of the younger generation. Qimen's magic skills are easy to come by, and the talent is really enviable; but the killing experience is lacking, and Madam Huazhu will need to polish it more in the future."

The elders of the nine sects all understood the meaning of Li Chongjin's words. Although Li Chusun also lost, he fought head-to-head and handed out his sword. If he didn't pull it apart, he could trade death for injury. He only lost in swordsmanship and other aspects. No problem; and Hyacinth's fight was a bit ugly, too focused on defense, and lacked in killing experience. If it was not pulled away, it was equivalent to giving it for nothing. In contrast, Li Chusun is stronger than Hyacinth.

Madam Huazhu lost, her mood was naturally not good, her eyes wandered on Zuo Lingquan, and she said:

"You lose, it's more interesting than who loses better?"

This was not very polite, Li Chongjin frowned and wanted to say a few words, but Xu Yinzhen raised his hand to stop the two, and said:

"Since the alliance of the nine sects, there has never been a situation where a loose cultivator has won two Qingkui in a row. If you don't do your best, can you wait for this son to beat the nine sects one by one, and then start a sect yourself?"

The fact that the Nine Sects Alliance is engaged in such a big battle is actually propaganda, instilling the concept of 'the nine sects are the first and supreme in the world, if you want to live long, you must find a way to join the nine sects', so that the nine sects can get an endless stream of freshness blood.

If a person other than the nine sects appears and knocks down all the nine sects, the influence of the nine sects will be greatly reduced; the rising stars of the practice are likely not to regard the nine sects as beliefs, but as opponents.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest, and the nine sects managed to construct the current situation. Obviously, such a hanging person would not be allowed to exist. This person is either beaten down by Jiuzong Qingkui, or he must be a member of Jiuzong.

Nangong Yue didn't know Zuo Lingquan's identity. As a disciple of the Supreme Being of the Nine Alliances, he still put the stability of the Nine Sects first and said:

"Li Chusun and Hyacinth have both lost, and the others have little chance of winning; let Shang Si order directly to play."

Madam Huazhu was not very optimistic about the current situation and said:

"What if Shang Siming loses again?"

The others heard the words and looked at Qiu Fengqing.

Qiu Fengqing spread his hands slightly: "Wolong is not from the Nine Sects either, let's let Qing Kui from Iron Arrow Mansion come out to guarantee the bottom line."

Nangong Yue was not sure if his Qingkui could beat Zuo Lingquan, but Junior Sister Lingye said he could, so he could only take it seriously and nodded slightly:


Seeing this, Shang Jianyao said nothing and raised his hand.

On the cliff, Shang Siming, dressed in a python robe, walked out of the attic——

Shang Siming, as the strongest Qingkui in the contemporary era, has a very high status in the hearts of the nine sect monks. He is the same age as Hyacinth, but he has already entered the half-step jade rank. The cultivation of one cavalry is enough to make many nine sect elders ashamed. .

Moreover, apart from the identity of Qingkui, Shang Siming was still the prince of the Emperor Zhao Dynasty. Whether in the secular world or in a fairy family, his identity was unattainable.

As the cloud pattern python robe appeared outside the sword worship platform, the monks onlookers became restless, and many girls cheered, and even Zuo Lingquan's momentum was suppressed.

After Zuo Lingquan filled up his qi on the side of the sword worship platform, he came to the center of the sword worship platform to wait.

The inside of the Sword Worshiping Platform has been cleaned up, and the surrounding mountains are roaring.

After Shang Siming finished pressing the realm, he did not take the weapon, he went directly to the Shizhang opposite Zuo Lingquan, and said:

"Tiandi City, Shang Siming, Zuo Xiaoyou, be careful."

It is reasonable and reasonable to call Zuo Lingquan a 'little friend' for the half-step jade-level cultivation base of Shang Siming, but it is obviously a bit condescending to call him that on the occasion of a duel in the arena.

Zuo Lingquan just wanted to finish the fight and see the true Buddha quickly.

"Zuo Lingquan."

When the words fell, the audience fell silent, and everyone was concentrated.

The cold wind swept across the sword worship platform, and the two young men who looked similar in age looked at each other and didn't move.

After confirming that the two sides were ready, Nangong Yue raised his hand:



Just like last time, Zuo Lingquan made a preemptive strike. At the opening moment, the long sword around his waist was already unsheathed, and his body was like a black thunder, attacking Shang Siming who was close at hand.

A distance of ten feet, for a realm like Zuo Lingquan, is no different from face-to-face, the cultivator of the same realm is far less explosive than him, and there is no chance to escape.

But Zuo Lingquan obviously underestimated the gold content of the words 'half-step jade step'.

The half-step jade rank represents 'all the five elements'. All things are divided into five elements, intertwined and mixed together, and there are very few objects with a single attribute; for example, the earth, the five elements belong to the earth, but there are also tree roots, iron stones, water vapor, etc., there is no pure soil.

To control the four natal objects, without one of them, you can only control the part; only a cultivator with all five elements can completely control the heaven and earth, and perform the ever-changing magic techniques.

Facing Zuo Lingquan's outrageous outburst, Shang Siming didn't step back, he just raised his hand and said softly:


When the voice fell, Zuo Lingquan, who had just crossed half the distance, the ground under his feet quickly stretched and stretched, and the distance between him and Shang Siming suddenly became farther.

This distance is not to push people away, but to directly 'flow' the surrounding world and spread to foreign objects.

Not only people, but even the sword qi that was slashed out seemed to be advancing, but in fact, it retreated with the heaven and the earth, and it was resolved before it was close to Shang Siming.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the nine sects nodded slightly.

Jiang Yi couldn't understand it at all, and asked:

"What kind of magic is this?"

Shangguan Lingye responded, "The immortal art of Tiandi City's 'Fengjiang' is equivalent to shrinking the ground in reverse. If you were a normal cultivator, you would never be able to run before Shang Siming's life."

The reason why Xianshu is called 'Xianshu' is because the effect is too overbearing, and it is as unreasonable as 'Jianyi'.

Heavenly Emperor City's 'Boundary Frontier' is a control technique that is as famous as the Dragon Prisoner Formation and the Demon Sealing Sword Formation. Although it has no actual lethality, its effect is more exaggerated than the other two, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of normal cultivators fighting back.

However, what Shangguan Lingye meant by these words was obviously to say that Zuo Lingquan was not a normal cultivator.

Before Jiang Yi asked how to resolve this technique, the battlefield below already gave her the answer.

Zuo Lingquan's figure was quickly pulled away, and he also discovered that this magical power was so powerful that it was difficult to restrain his backwardness.

If you can't crack it, then you will definitely face a one-sided beating.

Zuo Lingquan saw that the distance was rapidly widening, and without hesitation he raised his hand and said silently in his heart:

Yutang Edict...

As the magic in his hand changed, nine streams of water splashed around, turning into nine icy long swords in midair, forming a magic formation.

When Shang Siming saw this scene, his eyes were slightly stunned.

The elders of the nine sects who were watching had a similar reaction to that of Shang Siming; Nangong Yue from the Iron Arrow Mansion stood up in disbelief and looked at Zuo Lingquan in disbelief.

The emperor's 'frontier' is too domineering, and all things will be scattered when one law comes out, and it is extremely restrained by martial arts or all kinds of big demons who are facing the front.

The Iron Arrow Mansion pays attention to 'advance without retreat'. When encountering this move, it directly becomes 'there is retreat without advance'. Venerable Lord Linyuan is just because he was disgusted by the frontier, so he specifically researched the 'sword sword array'. , to cut off the cultivator's connection with heaven and earth, so that he can fight with each other in close quarters.

These immortal arts are the housekeeping stunts of the three elders. Only the future heir Qingkui can learn them. In the ordinary nine sects, you may not even see them, let alone learn them. One of the nine sects will know them. Hands can count.

But Zuo Lingquan in the field, with nine swords floating all over his body, was obviously the starting hand of the 'Sword Sealing Sword'.

And soon, the scene that appeared on the field also confirmed everyone's guess.


Zuo Lingquan quickly choked, the word 'zhen' came out, and the nine ice swords made a humming sound.

The rapidly stretching surrounding world also came to an abrupt end at this moment.

Although the scope did not affect Shang Siming, Zuo Lingquan's ice sword was suspended in the air and could be moved.

Zuo Lingquan held a long sword and strode with a sword formation, rushing towards Shang Siming as fast as a thunderbolt.

The surprise in Shang Siming's eyes was undiminished, but the movements in his hands were not slow, he changed the law, and turned his position away to stay away from Zuo Lingquan.

But since Zuo Lingquan has no reservations, he will not be stingy with one or two spells. He bites his fingers while flying, and flicks the blood beads into the distance.



Hearing a roar in the air, a nine-story ice tower smashed down from the sky and landed directly on top of Shang Siming's head.

"Dragon Prisoner Array?!"

When the elders of the nine sects saw this scene, most of them were surprised, and there was still some sudden realization in their eyes.

The realm of Shang Si's life was pressed to the sixth level of Linggu, and he was held down by the prison dragon formation. He said in disbelief:

"Are you Shangguan Jiulong?"

Zuo Lingquan did not answer, but everyone understood the fact.

Lord Fulong is a master of the Qimen formation, and in order to suppress the stealing pill, he taught the prison dragon formation to the other two elders.

Zuo Lingquan can seal the Demon Sword Formation. It can be said that he has an amazing savvy and figured it out by himself, but at the same time, it can only be Qingkui of the Iron Arrow House. The principles of these two immortal arts are vastly different, and it is impossible to comprehend them at the same time without being taught by an expert.

When the elders of the nine sects saw these two immortals, the shock of the past few days was finally reduced. If it is the Qing Kui of the Iron Arrow Mansion, it makes sense; otherwise, a self-taught loose cultivator has done the nine sects In this way, the nine sects are not worthy of a foothold in the southern part of Yuyao Continent.

Nangong Yue and Situ Baye, who was in the dark, looked at Zuo Lingquan again from the initial doubts to surprises.

And Qiu Fengqing, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, was stunned.

He turned to look at Lao Lu in the dark and spread his hands, what did he mean? If you don't give me the good seedlings you dug up, you will send them to the Iron Arrow Mansion?

Lao Lu was also inexplicable.

Zuo Lingquan, who was in the field, obviously couldn't pay attention to the expressions of the elders of the nine sects. He strode forward to Shang Siming and raised his hand to strike directly at the door of Shang Siming's heart.

Shang Siming was restrained from his figure, and he did not wait to die. He raised his hand and made a tactic, and a dragon wall appeared on the ground in front of him.

However, under the limitation of the sixth level of Linggu, no matter how powerful the spells are, they cannot escape the truth of 'one sword can break all methods'. If it can be blocked head-on, then Zuo Lingquan's sword is not worthy of being called 'Jian Yi'. .


The jet-black sword edge landed on the dragon wall, and the five-color dragon wall cracked instantly, and a crack appeared in the middle.

The sword's edge pierced two inches into the Dragon's Wall and then it was difficult to move forward, but the vast sword energy contained in the sword body also erupted at this time.


The back of the dragon wall exploded instantly, and the ink dragon with the thickness of a bucket passed through the dragon wall, swept the gravel, and stabbed the python robe on Shang Siming's body.

Shang Siming knew that the Dragon Wall couldn't stop the 'Jian Yi', just to reduce the power and speed. At the same time as the Dragon Wall was raised, the figure had moved a little to the side, and a slanting shield was condensed on the chest, forcibly. Shifted the direction of Molong's sword qi and let it brush past his body without being hurt in the slightest.

With a sword shot, a groove more than ten feet long appeared instantly behind Shang Siming's side.

Although the elders of the nine sects knew that Zuo Lingquan was Shangguan Jiulong, they were still concentrating on observing the situation; The sword can see one or two.

Zuo Lingquan's cards have all been exposed. The strongest ultimate move has not killed Shang Siming, so it is basically difficult to kill again. Next, Shang Siming's backhand, Zuo Lingquan may not be able to block it.

Shang Siming obviously understood this, and after escaping the fatal sword, he took advantage of the gap between Zuo Lingquan's full-strength sword and quickly turned from defense to attack, trying to counterattack Zuo Lingquan.

But at this moment, a shocking sword intent pointed at his chest and abdomen again. ? !

Shang Siming was stunned.

I saw that Zuo Lingquan, who had just finished his sword, didn't even take a breath, and he stabbed back with another sword, his power was no less than half a point.


The elders of the nine sects were also faintly stunned, and could not understand a little.

Although Zuo Lingquan was not 'Lianyun' this time, the interval between the two swords was terribly short.

According to common sense, the more powerful the magic and martial arts, the more true qi will be drawn. In other words, if you want to use it again, the interval will be longer.

Zuo Lingquan exploded with extreme speed and lethality in an instant, which can also be understood as preparation in advance, but one strike without the slightest breath, followed by the second strike, was a bit unreasonable.

This arm is filled with rectum, can't the meridians directly ventilate the sea?

Even if he had been cultivating since childhood, his meridians had been constructed flawlessly as a whole, but this outbreak was too inhuman, and it has exceeded most people's perception of the limits of the body.

Shang Siming obviously did not expect Zuo Lingquan to have such a hand. He misjudged and forcibly switched from defense to attack, but the outbreak was not as fast as Zuo Lingquan, and it was too late to start the defense again.

Zuo Lingquan went out with a sword, facing an opponent who was almost undefended, and the sword edge was instantly at Shang Siming's heart.

The sword stabbed to this point, and Shang Siming couldn't use the immortal means, and there was surprise in his eyes, but he didn't make any fearless struggles.

Zuo Lingquan knew that someone had pulled his opponent away, and the sword in his hand burst out without any hesitation.


The dragon-like sword energy instantly shattered the python robe on Shang Siming's chest, and at the same time pierced the flesh underneath. ! !

Zuo Lingquan's eyes changed suddenly, but with all his strength, he didn't have time to stop.

"You motherfucker!"

Shang Jianyao, who was frowning and thinking deeply, was shocked to see this scene.

Fortunately, the stunned Nangong Yue still reacted, and when he noticed something was wrong, he quickly raised his hand and pulled Shang Siming out of the sword.


The dust stirred up by the previous sword energy has not yet subsided, and another groove appeared in the field.

Zuo Lingquan forcibly withdrew his strength, holding himself back until his face was blue and purple, and almost suffered internal injuries. After withdrawing his sword, he looked at the high platform above, meaning what happened to you?

Shang Siming was so shocked that his face was pale, and his chest robe was torn with blood.

Shang Jian Yao was in a false alarm, but his anger did not subside. He slammed the armrest of the chair and stood up, scolding angrily:

"Nangong Yue, what do you mean? Deliberately embarrassing Tiandi City?"

Nangong Yue was actually a little stunned. Knowing that something was wrong, he cupped his hands and said:

"Sorry, lost my mind for a while."

"Losing? What are you missing? Your Iron Head House arranged this kind of play of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in the Nine Sects Association, and accidentally hurt my disciples in Tiandi City. Is this what your host does?"


Nangong Yuerao has a sophisticated and steady personality, and he is a little confused at this time, and he doesn't know how to explain it.

The cultivators who were watching from the outside of the Sword Platform were obviously half a beat slower. After the elders of the nine sects quarreled, they realized that Zuo Lingquan had won the battle, and the audience burst into cheers.

Zuo Lingquan almost beat someone to death in the arena, and he was also shocked, but he diluted the joy of winning. He apologized to Shang Siming, then looked at the platform above, and said:

"It's not my intention to hurt Brother Shang by mistake, so please don't blame me, seniors."

The nine elders above had different expressions and did not speak.

Nangong Yue was scolded by Shang Si for a few words, and it was difficult to retort. He stood up and said:

"Junior Brother Zuo, um... Since you came to Tiehe Valley, why didn't you reveal your identity in advance? In this way, it made the guests misunderstood."

Nangong Yue is a disciple of the ancestor of Shangguan, but he is not a direct descendant. In terms of identity, he is still lower than Zuo Lingquan, so he stood up.

Zuo Lingquan was at a loss when he heard the words:

"Uh... why is the senior called junior and junior? I don't seem to know the senior."

Nangong Yue doesn't know Zuo Lingquan either, but what does it matter? He laughed:

"I'll get to know you later."

Heavenly Emperor City and Iron Arrow Mansion were on an equal footing. Shang Jian Yao said solemnly:

"Since you are the Qingkui of the Iron Arrow Mansion, why didn't you reveal your identity in advance? Deliberately show the enemy's weakness, and let Yunshui Jiantan and Taohuatan misjudgment, don't you think that victory is incompetent?"

When the cultivators on the sidelines heard this, they were all surprised. After thinking about it, they understood the meaning. They looked at Zuo Lingquan, and there were noises everywhere:

"Qingkui of Iron Arrow House? Zuo Jianxian is a Shangguan Domineering Blood?"

"A hammer, Shangguan Baxue is nearly ten feet tall and has a big beard, do you look like it?"

"Then he is... hiss"


Hearing these words, Zuo Lingquan probably understood the meaning and said:

"Everyone misunderstood, I am not the Qingkui of the Iron Arrow House, and I am not a master-apprentice relationship with the ancestors of Shangguan..."

The elders of the nine sects frowned slightly, and Shang Jian Yao said:

"It's not Qingkui of Iron Arrow House, where did you learn your sword and immortal arts? Is it possible that you learned it yourself?"

Zuo Lingquan nodded: "My sword is self-taught, and you can see it when you think about it. As for those immortal arts, they were secretly learned from the ancestors of Shangguan, and there is really no relationship between master and apprentice."

"Steal learning?" Shang Jianyao didn't believe this nonsense at all: "What is the character of Venerable Linyuan, who is not clear about who is here, her old man doesn't teach you, can you steal it?"

Zuo Lingquan actually felt that the ancestor of Shangguan was using Tang Jingshen's hands to teach him these things.

But he kissed and touched the white jade tiger again, and the ancestor bit his tongue.

Although the body is still and not the ancestor, but the ancestor obviously has a feeling, how can he admit the relationship between master and apprentice on this occasion.

Seeing that the elders of the Nine Sects were so determined, Zuo Lingquan could only say:

"I do have some relationship with the venerable Lord Linyuan, but I am not a master and apprentice. The empress can attest to this. The other techniques I know are taught by empress."

Nangong Yue turned around and looked at the position of Shangguan Lingye.

Shangguan Lingye knew that Zuo Lingquan didn't know about it, but the ancestor released the news of Qingkui, just to occupy the pit, so as not to **** people from other sects; the ancestor did not say to accept Zuo Lingquan as a disciple, in case he wanted to What about marrying Zuo Lingquan?

It is also possible to be a Taoist companion, no one can say for sure.

Shangguan Lingye didn't understand what the ancestor meant, and didn't dare to say it to death. At this time, he appeared at the window and just said:

"Anyway, he has a relationship with the Iron Arrow Mansion. Who do you think about it? If you really want to get to the bottom of it, you can just ask the ancestors."

This is equivalent to default.

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands, looked at the young woman's grandmother, and gestured with his eyes: Didn't you say that Shangguan Jiulong is better than me, and more handsome than me? What does this mean?

Shangguan Lingye couldn't say this at this time. Facing Zuo Lingquan's inquiring eyes, he opened his mouth and said:

"Apprenticeship and apprenticeship also pay attention to your love and my wishes. Let's talk about these things after we finish."

Zuo Lingquan also knew that the occasion was wrong, so he didn't say any more at the moment, he turned to look at the high platform, and wanted to continue the challenge.

But Shang Jianyao obviously did not intend to settle the matter, he said dissatisfiedly:

"What else are you fighting for? Your Iron Head Mansion is your own, and then you pay 100,000 white jade baht to force me to wait for the money to be the lucky draw. Are you taking advantage of it?"

Nangong Yue was a little dissatisfied with these words:

"Let's learn from each other in the arena. Win or lose depends on your ability. If Hyacinth wins, I will still give you a lot of luck. How can you take advantage of it?"

This also makes sense.

Madam Huazhu said: "I would like to admit defeat, anyway, I'm also a veteran of the nine sects. What about spending some unjust money to motivate the juniors?"

Xu Yinzhen also nodded:

"Xu Mo didn't come, but there are still people who want to play?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qiu Fengqing who was sitting beside him and touched his chin.

Nangong Yue said solemnly: "Elder Qiu, you said a few days ago that Wolong wanted to kill Qingkui of Iron Head Mansion. There is no suspense, so it's all down to it. Don't you pull it out and let me see the world?"

Qiu Fengqing said the truth a few days ago, but now he may be beaten for speaking out.

"I'm afraid Wolong won't be able to come out, um..."

He turned to look at where Lao Lu was:

"Chu Feng, do you want to come down?"

In the attic where Lao Lu was, Zuo Yunting was already hungry and thirsty, raised his hand to grab Qi Jia's sword, turned around and left the attic.

The surroundings of Baijiantai fell silent again, and they all looked at the flying corridor on the cliff.

Zuo Lingquan also had a serious expression. After all, after listening to Lin Yang, the young phoenix was also at the extremes of the barren mountains, the posture of the Lord...the posture...? !

Zuo Lingquan's eyes froze.

In winter, the warm sun shines on the cliff, and the cold wind blows through the attic of the flying corridor.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, a young man in white robe, with a long sword in his left hand and a folding fan in his right, walked out of the attic slowly.

The white-robed son is calm and unsmiling, staring coldly at Zuo Lingquan below, with an inexplicable pressure in his eyes, even outsiders can see that you are a younger brother.

The most terrifying thing is that this look doesn't seem to be fake, it seems that Zuo Lingquan is really regarded as a weak person.

The elders of the nine sects all sat up straight for a few minutes, their faces were serious, and they carefully observed their appearance.

Looking at it, it's amazing!

There is no vapor to be found at all.

There are all nine sect masters here, even if it is a genius like Zuo Lingquan, who can't see the specific situation, the realm can still be seen roughly.

But for the white-robed young man in front of them, they could only feel a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy, so weak that it was imperceptibly weak, no different from ordinary people.

If you practice one way, anyone who can't see through it must be higher than your own way.

What kind of realm does this have to be for someone who can't see through the elders of the nine sects?

Half-step forgot?

Shangguan Lingye stood at the window with an incredible look on his face, and said solemnly:

"I can't see the truth at all, what kind of freak is this?"

Jiang Yi was also in disbelief, and said with a small rosy mouth:

"Why is this idiot here?"



Zuo Lingquan stood blankly in the center of the Worshiping Sword Platform, looking at the fifth brother whom he hadn't seen for half a year, walking slowly down the cliff.

Zuo's double jokes, Nanhuang's two shame...

Isn't this just for fun...

This is my cousin, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to pretend not to know...

Old Lu, this bad old man, very bad...


Zuo Yunting was very imposing, and after walking for a long time, he came to the octagonal gate, ready to go in and show off twice.

Situ was a little frightened, after all, he couldn't see the depth... No, he couldn't see the depth, no matter how he looked at it, he felt it was shallow.

Seeing that Zuo Yunting was about to enter directly, Situ still raised his hand and said:

"Your Excellency will measure bone age and realm before entering the venue."


Zuo Yunting's expression froze, and he turned to look at the detection array next to him.

Although Zuo Yunting was cynical, he was not stupid.

If he goes in for the test, the whole world will not know that he is at the first level of Qi Refining...

The spiritual pets present are probably higher than him...

How can this be...

Situ stared blankly at the white-robed son in front of him in shock, then raised his hand to signal.

Zuo Yunting paused for a moment at the door, coughed lightly, and said:

"Ling Quan, since you have changed your family, I will not teach you a lesson as a brother; from now on, there will be only 'young phoenix' and no 'wolong' in the world, so let's get together and leave."

After speaking, Zuo Yunting put the folding fan away, turned around and left. ? ?

The audience was at a The elders of the nine sects looked at Zuo Yunting's back as he walked away, and after a while, he remembered it, and turned to Qiu Fengqing:

"What does this mean... eh?"

Qiu Fengqing, who was sitting in front of her just now, may have disappeared without a trace, probably because she was afraid of being beaten.

Li Chongjin and the others looked around, puzzled.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were also dazed, but in order to give his cousin a step down and not let him sing a one-man show, he had to cooperate and say:

"Brother five, walk slowly."

Zuo Yunting raised the folding fan and swung it, and I have to say, the posture is quite unrestrained...

The second volume [Wolong Yin] is finished.

I have to write the outline of the third volume tomorrow, so take a day off o.

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