Too Reckless

Vol 6 Chapter 7: Auntie, you are really caring

   Chapter 199 Auntie, you really have a heart

   The heavy rain outside the window didn't mean to stop, it was crackling non-stop.

  Tang Jing opened his eyes in confusion, couldn't remember when he fell asleep, but felt stuffy in his chest.

   There was a faint light in the east, and it looked like it was early in the morning. Last night, I forgot to close the window. The room was cold, and there was no other movement.

Tang Jing was dazed for a moment, and then completely woke up - looking down, she was lying on the soft couch, holding a half-embroidered handkerchief in her hand; a stupid bird that was only a little smaller than her dumplings, with small claws facing the sky , The bird's beak is open and its small tongue is stuck out. The sleeping appearance is very ugly, and it has not yet woken up.

The dumplings are getting bigger and bigger, and the weight has also increased, but the habit of sleeping in a soft and soft place has not changed; now it is difficult to squeeze into the front of the clothes, and instead of lying on the chest, it feels like a little mother lying on the chest. Chicken like.

  Tang Jingxuan was forced to wake up due to poor breathing, a little annoyed, raised his hand and shook the dumpling:

   "I'm still sleeping, it's dawn, I'll go out and do some exercise by myself, and I won't be able to cook it again if I gain weight."

   Tuanzi stood up slowly and looked around in a daze. After waking up, he looked at the heavy rain and cold weather outside, feeling a little aggrieved and didn't want to move.

   "You're not obedient, are you?"


Under the disdainful eyes of the master, the dumplings were still subdued, and fell weakly on the side of Tang Jing's legs, then rolled from left to right with a "ji" sound, and then rolled from right to left: "ji" sounded, it seemed to be count.

  Tang Jingxuan wanted to say, "How round do you still want to roll yourself?" But before the words were spoken, the dumpling rolled twice before falling asleep again.


  Tang Jingxuan rolled his eyes, and he couldn't do anything about the little broken bird who would sleep except after eating. He sat up, put the half-embroidered handkerchief over the dumpling, and got up and started to wash.

   It was still dark, and the palace staff all got up very early, but they were all outside the Fuyan Palace for fear of disturbing the princess's rest. Only Leng Zhu went out sleepily and went to the dining room to have breakfast prepared.

  After tidying up, Tang Jingxuan had nothing to do, so she went to the next room and wanted to ask Qingwan what arrangements she had today, and if Xiao Zuo could give her a day and accompany her home to have a look.

   Wu Qingwan's door was closed, Tang Jingxun listened carefully - no one was inside.


  Tang Jingxuan blinked, already aware of Wu Qingwan and Xiao Zuo's incestuous love, she could guess where Wu Qingwan went silently.

  But yesterday, Xiao Zuo should have slept with the princess...

   Could it be that Qingwan secretly called Xiao Zuo out of the princess' room?

   This is an aunt, so exciting to play?

  Tang Jingxuan's eyes were strange, and the fire of gossip was ignited in her heart. After she glanced left and right, she walked gently to the princess's bedroom.

They didn't live too far from each other. Tang Jingshen walked through the veranda silently like a cat, stuck out his cheeks from the corner of the palace, and glanced at secretly—in the rain curtain hanging from the eaves, a handsome man in a black robe The young man, holding his waist with one hand and the closed door with the other, looked like he was thinking about it, and the expression on his face was very intriguing.


  Tang Jingxuan blinked, feeling a bit like a scene where a man in the market annoyed his daughter-in-law and prevented him from going to the kang.

   She looked at the silent bedroom and whispered:

   "Little Left?"

   Zuo Lingquan hurriedly stood up straight when he heard the sound, turned around and walked towards the corner of the bedroom, smiling:

   "Xunxun, get up so early?"

  Tang Jingxuan had a strange expression, and glanced up and down Zuo Lingquan:

   "Why were you kicked out? Made the princess angry?"

   Zuo Lingquan looked back, unable to say anything.

   In order to smash the window paper last night, Qingwan ran over in the middle of the night, seized the chance that Jiang Yi had no time to be angry, and confessed all at once.

   Zuo Lingquan saw that he had come, and the opportunity was right, so he half pushed his aunt and niece into the bed.

  Because she wanted to break through the estrangement with Jiang Yi, her resistance was not strong. Later, she cooperated and took the initiative to teach Jiang Yi some cultivation methods, which was very virtuous and considerate.

   And Jiang Yi's reaction was self-evident. Just when she learned such a scandalous news, before she could digest it, she was pulled by Qingwan, who was like a teacher and mother, to practice together. You can imagine how embarrassed she was.

However, under the careful care of Zuo Lingquan and Qing Wan, Jiang Yi was dizzy and unable to cope, and couldn't raise other thoughts; .

  Because it was the first time to cultivate together, Zuo Lingquan didn't play any tricks like 'stacking Arhats', but strictly followed the cultivation method and tried his best to help the two daughters-in-law improve their cultivation.

   In the end, Jiang Yi was a little sleepy, so she stopped and fell asleep together.

   Zuo Lingquan thought that the matter should be resolved satisfactorily, and the three of them lived happily together and slept soundly.

  As a result, after Jiang Yitian woke up naturally before dawn, he gradually came to his senses, and pushed him out of the door even after pushing and scratching.

  Qingwan also woke up and wanted to run out and hide, but Jiang Yi didn't mean to let her go, so she left Qingwan behind. The two didn't speak, and they didn't know what they were doing.

   Zuo Lingquan was locked out of the door, and it was not easy to leave. He could only hold his old waist, which was pinched a little sorely, and listen to the movement inside at the door.

   Before hearing the result, Jingxun came.

   Zuo Lingquan took Tang Jingxuan's hand, walked towards the veranda, shook his head and smiled:

   "I slept dishonestly yesterday and made the princess angry, so it's fine."

  Tang Jingxuan and Zuo Lingquan touched each other, but they didn't take the last step, and still couldn't let go of what happened at night. He didn't talk about this topic in detail, and instead said:

   "Are you doing anything today? I want to go back to the wine shop to have a look. I haven't lived in it since the renovation. The Chen family has been thinking about it all the time, and I don't know if it was ruined."

   Zuo Lingquan was not sure when Grandma Shangguan would come over. It was all right in the morning, so he nodded at the moment:

   "Then let's go, I just went to get a few jars of wine, and I drank so much immortal brew. Looking back, the wine brewed by Sister Tang is still delicious."

   "Hmph~ Your mouth is quite sweet. I even buried a few jars of wine under the osmanthus tree. According to the rules, it was prepared for my daughter's family to get married. I can't tell when I will come back in the future, so it will be cheaper for you."



  The sound of footsteps outside is getting farther and farther away, and there is still silence in the bedroom.

  Jiang Yi put on a long red dress, and sat on the round stool in front of the dressing table with her hips. In her hand, she held a thick training manual, like an empress reviewing memorials. She was unsmiling and serious.

   There is still a little bit of sweetness in the room, which makes people unable to recall the unbearable memories of yesterday.

Wu Qingwan also put on her skirt, sat on the side of the bed, folded the quilt silently, her profile was soft and graceful, dignified and demure; from the appearance alone, it was hard to imagine that such a fairy who didn't eat fireworks would lie down last night. He hummed softly in front of Jiang Yi.

   Jiang Yi didn't speak, and Wu Qingwan didn't know how to say hello. The red bedding was folded into tofu cubes, and she still looked serious and stretched the sheets.

As Zuo Lingquan left, Wu Qingwan's heart became tense again. Seeing that Jiang Yi still didn't speak, she thought about it, stood up, and walked behind Jiang Yi, just like Jiang Yi was in Xihuang Valley when she was young. He picked up the wooden comb and combed Jiang Yi's long black hair scattered behind his back.

"Xihuanggu has become the next sect, and has made great efforts to build construction, and now I don't know what it will become. I'm not here, Xiaohua must be lazy, and her cultivation base is estimated to have not improved; she listens to you the most, or go back together later, you talk about her ?"

  The short words of these parents obviously have nothing to say.

  Jiang Yi did not answer this topic, and turned over the cultivation record, with a tepid expression:

   "The records are quite detailed. From March to the present, one hundred and seven times, the skills and proficiency have improved visibly. Auntie, you really have a heart."

  Wu Qingwan has always been flattered and humiliated, even if her heart trembled, her expression was still soft:

   "It's specially prepared for you, and the records are very detailed. If you follow along, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and you won't go astray like me."

   The two chatted like this, if you only look at the surface, it really looks like they are discussing the cultivation method.

   Jiang Yi turned the practice record to the front and sighed softly:

   "Yeah, if I didn't read the training booklet, I didn't know there were so many cultivation 'moves'. How did you come up with this method, Auntie? Zuo Lingquan taught it?"

  Wu Qingwan bit her lower lip lightly and explained, "I originally only practiced with Ling Quan and didn't have any other contact with Ling Quan, so I figured out this by keeping him blindfolded."


   Jiang Yi nodded slowly, and turned a few pages back:

   "Hang it on Zuo Lingquan?"

   "This is his idea. The cultivation effect is not bad, um... The best effect is that he sits cross-legged on the futon, and you sit face to face with him."

   "Really... On the third day of June, Shuanlonggang, the inn..."

  Jiang Yi thought about it carefully, but remembered something, tilted her head and said:

   "I got Linglong Pavilion for the first time and talked to my aunt?"


   Wu Qingwan couldn't hold it whispered:

   "Jiang Yi, I really shouldn't hide it from you, and practice with Ling Quan next to you... But you and him were not married at that time. I wanted him to practice faster, so..."


   Up to now, Jiang Yi didn't know what to say. She put together the practice records, looked at the two who were like mother and daughter and sisters in the mirror, and said softly:

   "That's it, the fat water doesn't flow to the outsiders' fields, so I think it's the cheap guy... Look at him last night, I'll have a good chance to clean him up later."

   "Don't worry, I can take care of him. If he doesn't listen to you, tell me and I'll take care of him."

   "Auntie, are you sure it wasn't him who took care of you?"

   The two fell silent again.

  Fortunately, after a short silence, a figure descended from the door of the hall, and a soft call came:

   "Jiang Yi?"

  Shangguan Lingye's voice...

   (end of this chapter)

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