Too Reckless

Vol 9 Chapter 39: I feel like my identity is reversed

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The warlords are divided, the killing is boundless, the people are not living, and their lives are like a mustard...

These words, which show the most tragic and desolate aspects of the troubled times, are not seen in the relatively prosperous and stable Nine Sects, and Shangguan Lingye can only know a thing or two in books in the past.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have imagined that in the absence of immortals and the regime's repression, mortals who were originally peaceful and self-absorbed would do all kinds of cruel acts against other mortals, even if the means were not weaker than those of the most extreme ones. Demon heresy.

When they came to the military camp near the city wall, the people who were still in the county town gathered here to seek safety.

Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye walked all the way, and the people they saw were the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Most men, women and children lacked arms or legs, and those who could stand up straight and walk had already put on red scarves, which became a way of maintaining order. 's Rebels.

Lu Chen was accustomed to this, and even said that these people had good luck. Zuo Lingquan asked why, only to know that the chaos had been going on for more than ten years.

In the beginning, the foundation of the imperial court was rotten, tyranny and torture were used, and the people were looted. A number of people in the county were killed, and most of the rest were disabled in corvée.

After that, the people of the world were overwhelmed, and rebels spread everywhere, as did the surrounding Macheng County. The common people thought that they were going to get out of the way, but they didn't admit that the leaders of the 'rebel' who started out in the land and snakes, without the suppression of the law, their style is far more vicious than the court. Zhai, you fight over and kill one wave, I will fight over and kill another wave.

In the end, the food could not be grabbed. Macheng County, which is close to the sea, can still rely on fishing. The remaining people in the interior have long been reduced to the point of changing children to eat. It is not uncommon for the chaotic army to use people as food for the army. .

In this chaotic world where the value of human life is not as good as a bowl of rice, it is possible to survive until now and to hide from the rain in a dilapidated house.

Shangguan Lingye walked slowly across the muddy dirt road, and when he was still some distance away from the farmyard on the Banpo, he saw dozens of rebel soldiers with knives and guns surrounded by the rainstorm, blood flowing down the **** along the rain, and the courtyard A heart-wrenching cry came from inside:



The voice came from a girl, still childish, and there was a boy's voice next to her.

Shangguan Lingye walked behind Zuo Lingquan, walked through the silent crowd, and saw a small fenced courtyard with blood on the ground.

The boy wearing a red turban, at most fifteen or sixteen, and the girl with short hair in Baijiayi, crying so hard, slumped beside the earth wall, with two men with short swords comforting them.

In the old main house, there is a square table with porridge bowls and dishes, which have been eaten, but obviously not eaten by the owner's family.

A man with a spear and a man dressed as a scholar stood by the table with four corpses under his feet.

There was no clean cloth at all in the county town, and the corpse was just covered with a sheet and a tent. From the outline, it could be seen that the corpse was not human-shaped, and the blood on the ground had flowed out of the door.

Shangguan Lingye has handled more than 10,000 murder cases in the past 80 years. He knows the pity and misfortune of mortals, but he rarely goes to the crime scene in person. No matter how many deaths and injuries are presented on paper, they are only a cold number. It's hard to even pay attention.

At this time, when I saw the little girl who was crying so hard, I really realized how much life and death were hidden behind those cold numbers.

She walked slowly to the steps and looked at the little girl who was about to faint from crying. The natural tenderness of a woman made her want to say something to comfort her.

But what can be comforted at this time?

With her experience, she could only comfort her with endless reincarnation, telling them that her family had been reincarnated in another world and lived a good life.

But if the two brothers and sisters really believed her words, the most likely thing to do now would be to accompany their family and escape the world of cannibalism. They would be as open as her immortal family who could pursue longevity.

Shangguan Lingye stood silently outside the eaves. She knew a little about the origin of the ancestor. She thought it was a tragic but very common experience, and the ancestor had already let it go.

Now I understand why the ancestors sat alone in the palace on the top of the mountain for thousands of years and never left the nine sects.

Because the old ancestor was more desperate than the little girl in front of him, Shangguan Lingye didn't dare to change his position and imagine his reaction to such a tragic event in the world when he saw the little girl's eyes, not to mention the kind of complete The extreme desperation of the death of the family, I am afraid that people who have experienced that feeling will not let this happen again.

Zuo Lingquan noticed the emotions in Empress Dowager's eyes and felt that she was becoming more and more emotional.

But to witness this kind of human tragedy with one's own eyes, and still remain rational and unmoved, he is not even worthy of being a human being, so how can he be called a fairy.

Zuo Lingquan did not disturb Shangguan Lingye, and followed Lu Shen into the main house, half squatted and lifted the cloth to look at the body.

The state of death was so appalling that it was difficult to describe in words, and a spell was drawn with blood under the corpse, forming a formation.

Lu Chen took off his hat, came to Jiang Heng's side, and introduced in a soft voice:

"This is the left hero who just arrived. This is Jiang Heng, the leader of the rebel army here."

Jiang Heng saw that Zuo Lingquan had a good temperament, but at this time he had no desire to befriend an expert. He stood beside the corpse with a gun and said:

"We didn't take any money or food in the house, we just ate the food on the table. Judging from the scene, he ate while killing people. Such villains have never appeared in a radius of 100 miles, and few people in the county can read and write. , Can Master Zuo see what was written?"

Zuo Lingquan put down the cloth covering the corpse.

"The number of ways of witchcraft to curse, to kill for the sake of killing."

After Shangguan Lingye comforted the little girl for a few words, he walked into the main room, his face returned to the cold sharpness and majesty he used to be when he was in the police department.

Now that both her and You Huang's ancestors have exhausted their spiritual energy, their grudges are second, and the most important thing is to restore their strength first.

The ancestor of You Huang obviously wanted to kill people by evil means to obtain supplies. It was difficult to start here, and he would go to other places to kill. And it wasn't one or two that were killed. The monks in the jade-rank realm seized the power of mortals, and not a hundred thousand lives could not see the splash. As long as they didn't stop them, they could be slaughtered for thousands of miles.

Shangguan Lingye has been doing the job of 'being a **** to ordinary people' for 80 years. Even if this is not her jurisdiction, she can't sit back and watch this happen. She asked:

"Apart from Macheng County, are there any gathering places with more than 100 people nearby?"

The voice was very cold, with the toughness and domineering of the superior, and when he opened his mouth, several gentlemen in the room were startled.

Jiang Heng originally thought that Zuo Lingquan was the master, but only then did he realize that the woman behind him was a real expert.

"Bandit soldiers are everywhere, the countryside is ten rooms and ten empty, and there are not many living people, either fleeing or hiding in the deep mountains and forests; villages with more than 100 people are soldiers' dens, and the vicinity is long gone, either dead or caught. Ninghe City, a hundred miles to the south, is used as cannon fodder; Ninghe City is the garrison of the Qingjia Army, with nearly 20,000 soldiers and 4,000 soldiers and horses.

After Shangguan Lingye listened carefully, he felt that the ancestor of You Huang was seriously injured. Killing 20,000 people with his bare hands would easily lead to a big flight, but wasted 'resources'; if he wanted to kill people to supplement himself, the first choice was probably the horses where less than a thousand people gathered. Cheng County.

"The murderer will continue to kill. Gather people, be optimistic about the food, don't scatter, just send a single scout to Ninghe City to watch, and I will help you guard for a few days. The other party will look for the next target, if you are not in the county town within three days. If you do it, you will definitely go to Ninghe City."

If Shangguan Lingye wanted his own safety, he couldn't let Ancestor Youhuang kill too many people to regain his strength. He had to find and obliterate Ancestor Youhuang before he regained his strength. While protecting the local people, he was also protecting himself.

Jiang Heng faced an unquestionable tone. As a leader, he should have asked a few questions, but the woman in front of him was too strong, so he didn't dare to ask more questions in one sentence. After thinking about it, he turned around and ordered:

"Xiao Su, gather all the villagers to the port, send someone to look after the granary, and report immediately if there is any trouble."

The young man dressed as a scholar immediately went out to give orders. A man with a sword outside the door was a little hesitant and said:

"Boss, we couldn't last a few days, and now strange things are happening frequently, or we should lead a team to join the Qingjia Army. There are many people there, and there is still a guarantee of security."

The speaker is Cao Xin, who was born in Jianghu and is not very optimistic about the future of the small team, and has been persuading recently.

Of course, this is not the opposite. The most reasonable option in front of you is to join the big 'Rebels', and you can find a position with a little manpower. If you do it alone, even eating is a problem.

Others in the Rebel Army obviously had the same meaning. Zuo Lingquan actually felt that it would be better to protect the people by gathering the people in one place.

But the leader Jiang Heng shook his head:

"Zhu Wu of the Qingjia Army is murderous and narrow-minded. He can stand in one county and one prefecture, but it is difficult to achieve great things. We used to help the strong bully the weak and make the troubled times more chaotic; In the face of a strong enemy, Zhu Wu will not move his own troops and horses, and those of us who have taken refuge in the past are the ones who will die the fastest."

Zhu Ba, who is also a Jianghu native, sighed:

"We can talk about our ambitions if we live first. We can't last a few days in this situation. When the Qingjia Army comes over and surrenders, it will be shameless."


A group of brothers watched, Jiang Heng had no way to break the situation, and he was speechless.

Although it was only a few words, Shangguan Lingye had already roughly understood the situation of the county town by observing the situation in the county town and Jiang Heng's expression and behavior.

Shangguan Lingye pondered for a while and said, "People who are poor can't have short ambitions. You should do as I say first, and find me some pen and paper by the way. I will teach you something, which should be useful in the future."

Jiang Heng didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, it was all a step, and he said:

"Okay, let's do it today. You all go back and pay attention to the trend. If there is anything unusual, report it in time."

The leaders of the rebel army outside didn't say much more after seeing this, and after they said goodbye, they left...


The rain had eased a little, but it still didn't stop.

The coffins in the county town were used up many years ago, and the four corpses were carried by the rebels to the mass graves for burial. No one would discuss the matter until it was dark. After all, the dead are so common these days that the common people in the city are already numb. .

Zuo Lingquan stayed in the fence courtyard and chatted with Jiang Heng about the situation here for a while.

Jiang Heng also came from the bottom. He grew up in a chaotic world where the news was blocked and everyone was in danger. He didn't know much about the situation in the world. He only knew that the coastal area used to be called 'Yan Land', and the most powerful one was the Qingjia Army Zhu Wu. There will be no chance of contact.

Shangguan Lingye wanted to find a map to analyze the current location from the topography, but the map, a strategic material, could not fall into the hands of Jiang Heng in the turbulent times that lasted for more than ten years. , Because it has no effect in the troubled times, it has long been lost, and the county does not make paper, and naturally there is no paper.

Hearing that Shangguan Lingye uses pen and paper, Jiang Heng searched for a long time and dismantled a few clean wooden boards to make up the number; Shangguan Lingye didn't bother to use pen and ink when he saw this, so it would be more convenient to write directly.

As night fell, nearly a thousand soldiers and civilians in the county town were concentrated near the barracks under the city wall, and they found a place where they could take shelter from the rain.

Regarding the arrangement of the rebels, the surviving people did not have any complaints. Apart from trusting the rebels, most of them were already numb—they were all old, weak, sick, and unable to run away. have a partner.

For the convenience of protection, Zuo Lingquan also moved his residence to the vicinity of the station. Jiang Heng gave him special treatment and arranged a small yard. Although it was still dilapidated, it was not leaking.

Zuo Lingquan, Jiang Heng and the others went back to the small yard after feeling all the roads around the station.

It was raining, and only the window of the main house was lit with dim yellow light, and the light was very weak. There were no candles in the county, and there was only a little lamp oil left.

Zuo Lingquan closed the courtyard door, and when he looked back, he saw an old hen squatting on the steps under the eaves outside the windowsill.

There is only the big dumplings, arrogantly circling the hens, constantly 'chirps...', which should mean 'don't be afraid, there are birds and birds covering, no one can move you...'.

The hen will also "cluck" in response, but not sure if she understands it.

Dumpling recipes include all living things. If you don’t think the taste is bad, you will dare to eat all kinds of stones. Roast chicken and duck will also be eaten, but birds are generally not included in the recipe.

This old hen is so good because only fish and shrimp are left in the county town, and the birds and beasts have long been caught. This old hen is the only remaining poultry in the county town; Tuanzi saw that there was even one in this place. If you can't see the birds, you will naturally cherish them, for fear that the birds will be eaten and become extinct.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan naturally didn't mean to stew chicken soup, and Quan should be leaving a playmate for the dumplings. He hung his hat and shroud on the wall and walked into the main room.

The main room was cleaned up neatly, the bed was covered with clean quilts, and the tables, chairs, and benches were not missing arms or legs, so it finally looked like a room.

By the window was an old desk with oil lamps and long wooden boards.

The stunning beauty in a golden phoenix dress sat upright in front of the desk, pulled out the golden hairpin between her hairpins as a carving knife, and carved words on the flat wooden board.

Against the backdrop of the dim yellow lights, those soul-sucking eyes seemed to be shining with starlight, but the serious expression suppressed the bright and bright in the bones, revealing the intellectuality of a lady in the palace.

The fragrant shoulders are cut into pieces, the long black hair is scattered on the back, the ends of the hair are at the waist, the waist is full of bundles, and the bottom is connected to the perfect buttocks, the lines are perfect, just like a ripe jade peach, On the stool, it even makes people feel that the old stool is not worthy of such a perfect hip.

"you're back?"

"Well, I went for a tour just now. Everything around is normal and there is nothing unusual. I also found a few women's dresses. Although they are old, they are very clean."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes closed at a touch, but he didn't take a close look at the enchanting waistline of the grandmother of the concubine.

On the flat wooden board, dense small characters have been engraved. Shangguan Lingye's golden hairpin is a magic weapon to assist in condensing Qi. It's finished.

Zuo Lingquan looked at it a little, and said unexpectedly: "This is the method of metallurgy in the world? Does the maiden still do this?"

Shangguan Lingye didn't lift his eyelashes, he carefully engraved small characters, and said plainly:

"Would it be strange for this palace? People in the practice started at the age of six. Do you think that all you learn is fighting and killing?"

Zuo Lingquan is an unsuccessful disciple of Xihuang Valley, who has not received formal education in the sect. He shook his head and said with a smile:

"There is even how to build an earthen stove. I really didn't know that the sect would teach these things."

"If you want to live long, you must first learn to survive. Sooner or later, people in the practice have to leave the teacher's door and work **** their own; if they practice outside, they can easily get lost in some barren places. In order to improve the survival rate, the sect will teach the disciples how to survive in desperate situations. Next, use one pair of hands to create simple alchemy furnaces, furnaces, magic circles, practice caves, etc. This involves metallurgy, exploration, tool making, material synthesis, etc., and is generally completed by the age of twelve. All kinds of tools are handed down from the cultivation way, so don’t think that immortals are no different from mortals without their magical powers.”

When Shangguan Lingye said this, he frowned strangely:

"This place is too backward, there are no many common things, even ordinary fine iron can't be made, and the blade can't be made too long. Without seeing it with my own eyes, I dare not think that Kyushu still has such a backward place."

Zuo Lingquan didn't know about the situation outside the nine sects, so he couldn't comment on it, he just said:

"Without a foundation, I'm afraid it's hard to learn these things."

"I just taught simple things like Dayan-style weapons and armor, how to make various daily utensils, etc. The description is so detailed that it can't be more detailed, and it uses common materials that can be seen everywhere. If you can't learn it, you can only say that their lives are bad. ."

Shangguan Lingye turned the board over and continued to write:

"In a chaotic world, it is useless to save a hundred or ten people. Only by supporting a hero to pacify the world can the people of a country live a peaceful life. Today's Jiang Heng is a benevolent monarch from the point of view of his personality. It depends on whether he has this kind of good fortune. already."

Zuo Lingquan also felt that Jiang Heng had the bearing of a leader, he thought about it and said:

"The county town can't last for a few months, and metallurgy will take at least a few years to produce results. The investment is not small, and I feel that the thirst cannot be quenched by far."

"Bengong is not stupid. I remember that the brand used military tactics, such as military tactics to attack and defend cities; the fact that the nine dynasties did not go to war does not mean that they do not want to go to war. Emperor Dayan has nearly three generations of monarchs, dreaming of swallowing the imperial dynasty. , secretly arranging troops all day long, and studying with courtiers how to train and use troops, but I thought this palace didn't know. After 80 years, I should have listened to it. To deal with a bandit army composed of a gang of refugees in troubled times, as long as the outsiders The rebels are not stupid, three hundred people are enough to swallow the world."

"What about the food and grass? I don't have enough food..."

Shangguan Lingye stopped the seal carving, propped up his face with his hands, raised his eyes, and looked at Zuo Lingquan:

"What problems can you think of that Ben Gong can't think of? Or do you think Ben Gong is not capable enough to support even a bunch of mortals?"

Zuo Lingquan felt that it was very difficult. Seeing that the concubine was unhappy, he said with a smile:

"It's just that I didn't expect Niangniang to be so knowledgeable. It's better to have this kind of heart than to let them fend for themselves. If the method is taught, it depends on their own fortune."

Shangguan Lingye snorted softly and continued to write:

"I don't know much either. Most of them were recorded in the palace, but it's enough to use in this place. Do you have anything to add?"

Zuo Lingquan suffered a heavy blow in making glass when he was a child. He turned and walked out the door:

"I'm going to cook. A bag of rice and ten pounds of meat is probably enough to eat. As long as the mother recovers her physical strength, it's not difficult to kill the old devil with her bare hands."

Shangguan Lingye sat at the desk and wrote seriously, and said with a little satisfaction:

"be good."

? !

Zuo Lingquan paused in footsteps, tilted his head slightly, and his expression was very strange.

The weirdness is not because of a sudden "good" character, but because of two people, one is writing hard at the desk, the other is virtuous running to cook, how does this identity feel reversed...

Shangguan Lingye blinked his beautiful eyes, and seemed to have noticed this too. With a "poof" smile, he turned his head:

"How about we change it and you write?"

This smile came from the heart, and Bai Mei suddenly felt that the dark room was a little brighter.

Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, but finally accepted the fact and said:

"If you can bend or stretch, I'll still cook."

"I have to tell Jiang Yi about this, she must laugh at you."

"Don't, what's there to say about this, right?"

The dumpling was still squatting under the eaves and chatting with the old Hearing the words, "Gee?", he found that Zuo Lingquan was carrying the rice bag to the kitchen, and jumped two steps forward, spreading his small wings very Seriously "jijiji...".

Zuo Lingquan understood what he meant this time—let him not make salted fish rice, or else he would inform Jingxu and let Jingxu laugh at him for the rest of his life.

Zuo Lingquan said with confidence:

"Don't worry, don't make salted fish rice, because there is no salted fish, this time making meat soup rice, it is guaranteed to be delicious."

Tuanzi was a little suspicious, maybe because he was uneasy, he flew to Zuo Lingquan's shoulder, with a stance of 'birds directing you'.

Dumplings have followed Tang Jing for many years, and every day, gluttonous stands by the stove and looks at the pot. His cooking skills are definitely better than Zuo Lingquan, a rich boy.

When Shangguan Lingye saw this scene, he was also secretly relieved...

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