Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 21: The dragon walks in the wild (and 1

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The long sword wrapped in the black cloud and mist burst into the air in an instant, but passed by and landed behind.

Lin Zifeng's expression froze, his eyes filled with anger and puzzlement, but he still had the fighting skills that he had been licking blood for many years. He knew that someone would help him, and he had no chance of winning.

The nameless sword fell on his hand, and Zuo Lingquan also showed surprise.

Shangguan Lingye didn't hear who was talking just now, glanced at the sword on the ground that seemed to be able to pierce this world, and said in his heart:

"There seems to be no manipulation on the sword."

In fact, there is no need for Shangguan Lingye to remind this, because the sword is alive.

Swordsmen and swords are naturally sympathetic, unable to communicate verbally, but they can sense each other's 'emotions'.

No matter what the original intention of the person who borrowed the sword was, Zuo Lingquan could feel that the sword, which had been in the dust for many years, had no ill will towards him, and even felt a little eager to try it.

It was like an old man who looked all over the world and saw the ups and downs of the world, looking at a toddler who used a wooden stick as a sword and said:

"Gesture, let me see how much you have!"

After a brief hesitation, Zuo Lingquan turned his attention to Lin Zifeng who was running out, holding the hilt of the sword and taking a step forward.

At this moment, the world fell silent.

The reason why immortal soldiers deserve the word "immortal" is because they are different from ordinary weapons and weapons. If they don't go out, they will change their color and shake the world.

Wu Zunyi built the platform of God's descent like this, and Lao Lu's Huangquan Sword is like this. How can this sword that has been buried in the ground for thousands of years be inferior.

Before Zuo Lingquan held the hilt, he felt that he was in the rain curtain; after holding the hilt, he felt the torrential rain that covered the sky and the sun. then go.

Shangguan Lingye followed closely, his eyes on Zuo Lingquan, only to feel that the moment he held the hilt, the whole person's attitude changed completely, as if his body had grown countless times in an instant, his feet were on the ground, but his head was on the ground. to heaven.

This is the first time for Shangguan Lingye. From Zuo Lingquan, I feel a similar feeling to that of the master-like being in the sky to see everything in the world, no matter how high the mountain is, and the road is ten thousand feet high, you have to bow your head before the deity. Bow down.

The source of this momentum is self-confidence, the common people are like ants, and only I am the self-confidence of a true immortal.

Lin Zifeng, who was running away, obviously sensed the rising momentum behind him.

As a swordsman, taking the sword from the enemy's back is not only a shame, but it is no different from sending him to death.

As a sword cultivator, Lin Zifeng has no shortage of blood in his bones. Even if his physical disability is on the verge of running out of fuel, he still turns back and handed out a sword, and said angrily:


The sky was thundering, and the rain was also skyrocketing.

The twisted electric snake and the mad torrential rain together outline a world-destroying scene.

Zuo Lingquan had no distractions, and put all the accumulation of his life's learning on the sword in his hand.

The background of the sword in his hand is much deeper than that of Zuo Lingquan. Not only is he able to take over all the power sent by him, but also the sword can move at will. With the precipitation of thousands of years, this sword, which has already shocked the world in artistic conception, has played a hundred times more. Wei.


The front of the sword!

In front of Zuo Lingquan, a black dragon rushed out, swallowing the sky, submerging the crumbling earth at the foot of the mountain, and the electric snakes gathered from all directions.

The rivers with flood waters and the torrential rain pouring from the Milky Way were forcibly torn apart by the immortal sword at this moment and converged on the towering mountain peaks.

Lin Zifeng shot with a sword, and his eyes showed endless resentment and killing intent, but facing this sword that changed color, the deepest eyes still showed weakness. The moment the swords collided, they were swallowed by the black sword energy. Shattered the already devastated earth.

boom -

Under the light of thousands of thunders, a jet of black sword rage raged on the ground, like a dragon traveling in the wild.

The water of the five elements in Xiaotiandi was all involved, so that when viewed from the sky, the rain curtain all over the sky turned into a spiral, converging towards the peak of the sword qi.

The sword moves mountains and rivers, shocking thousands of miles!

This sword, in the eyes of Jianxiu Zhongzhou, is the serious "Jian Yi", there is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it.

Lin Zifeng's robe was instantly shattered, and his flesh was ripped apart by the endless sword energy. He held the swords in front of him, forcibly blocking the overwhelming sword energy. A groove several feet wide.


Seeing that Jianfeng's remaining strength was about to be exhausted, Lin Zifeng gritted his teeth and wanted to escape, but to his despair and shock, Zuo Lingquan raised his hand again before the aftermath of the first sword had dissipated, and struck him with another sword!

call out--

These two consecutive swords were much slower than the two swords of Huo Si Gu, obviously because the movement was too large and the body was unable to support it.

But although the interval is long, the power has not diminished, this is the same sword of two styles!

Lin Zifeng still hasn't figured out how Zuo Lingquan has compressed the interval between swords to such a degree that he can't do it anyway.

Facing the pinnacle sword blessed by the immortal sword again, all Lin Zifeng can do now is to stare at the silhouette of the sword in the distance with the most resentful eyes in the world, until it is swallowed up by the torrent of sword energy and merges into the shattered earth under his feet. ...


Although the distance between the two swords is relatively long, in the eyes of onlookers, it is two consecutive swords one after the other, the second ink dragon, clenching the tail of the first ink dragon, tearing the ground at the foot of the mountain.

Unreservedly use the fairy sword to control the world, the feedback from the turbulent world can be imagined.

The moment the sword energy went out, the mountain behind it began to shake.

The thick dark clouds in the sky actually tore a huge crack, and the yellow sand poured down the sky, and together with twisted thunder, they smashed towards Zuo Lingquan's location.

Shangguan Lingye didn't stop Zuo Lingquan from using his sword, and was shocked by the terrifying power of the sword, but his thoughts didn't stop. She knew that she would be devoured by heaven and earth, and the moment Zuo Lingquan finished his sword, she hugged Zuo Lingquan and fled to the periphery...



The earth shakes.

In the mountains, the old kendo demon Wuye Zi, who was wearing a bamboo hat, looked at the two swords in the distance, patted his palms, and exclaimed:

"Exquisite! Just this talent, it would be a pity for the old man to take away the house."

As a kendo hero who dominated Central Continent before the Battle of Stealing Pills, Wuyezi was definitely the first in the world, not to mention his personality, but only in terms of his kendo skills. To be able to get his evaluation, it was enough to see the enthusiasm of these two swords.

Wu Yezi lent the sword to Zuo Lingquan, naturally, not to be kind to the younger generation, but to see how well Zuo Lingquan's physique fits with the sword and how his physical potential is.

Now it seems that this immortal sword of mine seems to be customized for Zuo Lingquan. Although the Dragon King Water Essence has been refined, it has squeezed the position of the water of life and replaced the too violent things; but not refining the sword of life, according to the normal way Seeking longevity is still an excellent embryo.

Wu Yezi said that it was a pity to take the house, not humbly and hypocritically pity, but really feel pity.

Because after the body was taken, the foundation of the body was still there, but 'Jian Yi' was gone.

'Jian Yi' represents the swordsman's understanding of kendo, swordsmanship, experience, state of mind and other reasons, and together they have precipitated their most representative sword, and they can't be used without a link, which is why Jian Yi can't be used. Reasons to teach others.

After the body was taken, the soul changed hands, and the sword one that Zuo Lingquan realized by himself would definitely be gone.

Wu Yezi knew that Zuo Lingquan could go higher in kendo, maybe even higher than him. As a swordsman, he naturally wanted to see the scenery at the top of kendo, so he felt it was a pity to be taken away.

But it's a pity, it's a pity, people don't kill the world for themselves, no matter how much you cherish your talents, you must first ensure that you have no worries.

So after the sword was turned back from the foot of the mountain, Wu Yezi looked at the sword suspended beside him and asked:

"These two swords are really good, old man, do you think I can use his body to push back these two swords in the future?"

Sword doesn't think like a human, and doesn't usually respond to such boring questions.

But for some reason, Baojian reacted today, and the sword edge trembled slightly, the meaning is simple and straightforward:

"You can't do Wu Yezi's mood has long since moved, and the smile on his face also appeared a little stagnant.

However, after a while, Wu Yezi shook his head and smiled:

"It seems that I am immortal and immortal. You are also very embarrassed, old man."

The sword did not respond, nor did it need to respond.

Because the sword will not betray the sword master, it says 'you can't', but it's just telling the truth...


One more chapter is being written.

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