Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 29: clues

The latest website: All the way to the west, after walking for less than a day, suddenly the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gradually returned to stability.

Zuo Lingquan stopped at the top of the mountain and looked up at the sky - the thick dark clouds were blown away by the wind, revealing the familiar starry sky and full moon, and a dry and hot air flow also pressed over from a distance, turning the originally cold and rainy night into a different one. It became a sultry summer night.

Judging from the vastness of the Xinghai, the Qilin Cave has completely collapsed and merged into a part of Yuyaozhou.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't tell where he was at this time, and he didn't know how far he was from Qingwan. He stopped and turned around and asked:

"Heaven and earth seem to be stable, continue walking or go back first?"

Xie Qiutao got a precious dragon turtle. This trip has already made a lot of money. Regarding the great opportunity deep in the ground, holding the attitude of 'it's the best, it's not a loss', he said:

"Look at you. Someone has already entered the hole first. After a few days, there is not much chance that the baby is still there, but it's better to take a look, so as not to miss the opportunity and regret it later."

Shangguan Lingye and Zuo Lingquan went out to hunt for treasure this time. They agreed to find the fairy sword. The result was good. Zuo Lingquan paid for the saber, and she paid for herself. The lady turned away again.

Shangguan Lingye is more diligent and thrifty than Xie Qiutao. In the past, he always acted as a 'hair too slaughtered geese', even the dumplings. It is common for them not to meet in the next few decades, and she responded:

"The world has stabilized, and a large number of monks will come in immediately. If you go back at this time and come back again, I'm afraid there will be nothing left. Let's try our luck first."

While speaking, Shangguan Lingye took out a heat-repelling talisman and threw it more than ten feet away.

The talisman showed a faint light, exuding an icy aura, other than that there was nothing unusual.

After confirming that the talisman was triggered normally and did not cause any abnormality, Shangguan Lingye fluttered in the wind, and the dusty dress on his body was instantly refreshed.

When Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao saw this, they no longer suppressed the flow of true energy in their bodies, and at the same time the imperial air floated beside them.

Zuo Lingquan took out the Tiandun card and tried to contact Qingwan. It's a pity that after leaving the Nine Sects, the Tiandun Pagoda is no longer covered by dead ends. The Tiandun card can be spread for a few miles at most, and it has not spread far enough to be contacted at all.

Although Shangguan Lingye has a high morale, she can't perceive the situation thousands of miles away. She knows that Zuo Lingquan is worried about Qingwan who is waiting alone, and said:

"There is a protection circle on the painting boat, and Qingwan's situation is much safer than ours; if the people from Qilin Cave don't leave, there may be a fight later, you just need to pay attention to yourself."

The private ferry boats are custom-made by Xie Yuelin at an exorbitant price, and the basic life-saving functions are naturally not lacking; although the defense force is not indestructible, the monks who have the ability to destroy the ferry boat will not be able to make trouble with Qing Wan.

Zuo Lingquan wasn't worried about Qingwan's safety, but he was afraid that Qingwan would be in a hurry, so she would report her safety as soon as she thought of it.

However, what Ling Ye said also made sense. If you don't take advantage of the fact that you are looking for treasures from heaven and earth, and come back when you go back, I am afraid the place will be overcrowded.

Since they decided to continue to search for treasures, the speed must be as fast as possible. The three of them stopped talking and flew directly to the Qilin Cave discovered by Xie Qiutao.

When I can't use my supernatural powers, I can only use my legs to run over mountains and mountains. I'm afraid that people will find out that I can't move too much.

Originally, it was still a day's journey from Qilin Cave. The three of them rode against the wind, and within two quarters of an hour, they found the stone platform in the mountains.

Looking at the moonlight, the stone platform was built against the mountain peak, surrounded by scattered collapsed buildings, covered with vegetation and vines, and no trace of human activities could be seen.

After Shangguan Lingye flew to the vicinity, he landed on the ground to restrain his breath, so as not to startle the snake.

The three of them kept an appropriate distance, carefully came to the stone platform, entered through the huge hole, and headed to the ground.

Although the distance to the deepest part of the ground was only more than two miles, the three of them checked the formation or traps along the way, and it took a little while for them to reach the deepest lair.

It is relieved that there were no accidents along the way, and there was no ambush in the deepest part of the nest; but what was disappointing was that, as Xie Qiutao said, there was indeed no hair left in the Qilin Cave.

Zuo Lingquan stood in the huge underground lair, and he could see that the rock walls of the cave were as hard as iron, and I don’t know what material it was made of; there was a big platform in the middle, where the big horned deer should have been lying, and the whole lair was very clean without any debris. thing.

When Xie Qiutao saw this scene of "Family Disciples", the little face he was expecting was full of regrets:

"Sure enough, it was all taken away, and it's cleaner than my pocket."

The three of them were not very reconciled. Although they could not see any objects, they still searched around in the lair to see if they could find hidden treasures. Xie Qiutao even took out the little dragon turtle that he just got, took it away and sniffed it everywhere.

No one is better at finding treasures from heaven and earth than dumplings. Danzi hopped in the empty nest by himself, and finally landed in a corner of the stone wall, pointing to the ground with his wings:


Zuo Lingquan hurriedly came to the front, half squatted to check the ground, but saw a sword hole on the ground, and there was some sawdust-like powder next to it. It seemed that someone had inserted the sword here not long ago.

Xie Qiutao was most attentive, squatted beside him and looked at the powder carefully, and dipped his hand to smell it:

"It smells so good, just like the smell in the cave. I heard the sound of sawing something two days ago. It must be sawing something. But why are you sawing it here? Is it too big to fit in Linglong Pavilion?"

Shangguan Lingye naturally didn't know the reason. She looked for a while, but didn't dare to taste the taste. Looking at the sword hole on the ground, his eyes were a little shocked and blank.

"What's up?"

"You didn't notice that this sword hole looks familiar?"


Only then did Shangguan Lingye and Xie Qiutao turn their eyes to Jian Kong, and they were also shocked when they saw it.

The shape of the sword is similar, but there are also subtle differences, such as eight sides, six sides, four sides, length, width, thickness and so on.

The mainstream of contemporary sword casting focuses on the light four-sided sword; the trace of the sword hole is the six-sided sword, and the most important thing is that it is exactly the same as the sword hole they saw in the catacombs outside the sand sea.

When Zuo Lingquan and Lin Zifeng were fighting, they borrowed a sword from an unknown expert. In retrospect, it was also a six-sided sword. If it was stuck on the ground, the sword hole would be the same.

Although the six-sided sword is not rare, there is no difference between the two sword marks.

Xie Qiutao remembered the shape of the sword hole in the crypt and wondered:

"Could it be that the person who picked up the opportunity in the sand sea came here to pick up the good things again? What kind of luck is this, he is one step ahead of us every time."

Zuo Lingquan's expression was more serious: "It's an immortal sword. It seems that this person is not just lucky."


"Well, I used it once, it's amazing..."

Shangguan Lingye pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "According to the time, that person took away the immortal sword from the ground in a month at most. Immortal soldiers are too powerful, and some of them have side effects, such as swallowing blood essence, reducing life expectancy and affecting the mind. Go crazy and so on.

"Even if my master gets an immortal weapon, he has to study it at home for a year and a half, thoroughly understand it, and then dare to use it. This person took the immortal sword for only ten days, and he came to Qilin Cave Heaven and returned it. Dare to lend you a sword at will, your behavior is too abnormal."

Zuo Lingquan thought about it carefully and thought it was very reasonable. If he just got a fairy sword, let alone lending it to others, he would not easily take it out in front of outsiders.

The principle of 'wealth is not lost' is also practiced in the cultivation way. As soon as you find a big opportunity, you will show it off It is no different from courting death, and normal people will not do this kind of thing.

"It kind of doesn't make sense."


Shangguan Lingye felt that this matter was very strange, the other party could never have just obtained the fairy sword; but she did see the sword being taken away not long ago, and the original owner had already become a dead bone...

withered bones...

Shangguan Lingye's heart moved, and suddenly thought of a possibility:

"In the past, there were monks who found secret treasures by chance and wanted to refine them, but their bodies were taken away by the remnants of the monks who lived in them. This makes sense..."


There is one more chapter to come. I didn't sleep well last night, I was unfocused, and I wrote very slowly...


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