Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 34: Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect

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Wuyezi no longer belongs to this era. The information obtained from the soul search technique is also the murder and intrigue among the monks at the bottom of Central Continent. It is difficult to understand. , Why did they rush to the same place together after something happened?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't someone take the lead in the past, and others will wait and see secretly to see if there is a hidden murderous intention and whether it is profitable before deciding to make a move?

Wuyezi knew how powerful Mei Jinshui was. In his time, he was a giant of the immortal family in the south. Now he is still alive. Even if he is stuck on the bridge of longevity, his experience and cultivation understanding are not something his younger generation can look down on. These young people just kill them like this. In the past, were you not afraid of being replaced by Mei Jinshui?

Times have changed after all, and the relatively stable environment for thousands of years has brought endless benefits; the bottom is still licking blood, but the monks on the mountain have long understood what is meant by 'one loss, one loss', no matter what the private relationship is, jade No one can please anyone in the chaos of Yaozhou, so a consensus has been reached a long time ago that the Sword Imperial City will come to help when there is an accident in the Nine Sects, and the same is true when there is an accident in the Sword Imperial City.

Wu Yezi, who has never experienced the World Destruction War, naturally does not understand this kind of relationship of 'brothers are in the wall, and they are protected from outsiders'.

But at this time, it doesn't matter if Wuye Zili doesn't understand it. The characters who live in the historical data should be buried in the dust of history.

After rushing out of the mountains, Wuyezi has been fleeing to the sea in the west, hoping to escape into the sea, relying on the talent of being hydrophilic, to escape.

It's just that Wuyezi used deer antlers to forcibly open up the meridians and Qi Palace, which is like drinking poison to quench thirst. The soul-refining formation failed, and the power of the soul was difficult to recover. Seizing the house naturally became an extravagant hope, close to a body that could explode and die at any time. , how to escape from the four pursuers?

Now the only way to survive is to find a place to hide, hide the soul of life in the sword, and wait for the next person.

But the following juniors, staring at the immortal sword in hand, would give him a chance to hide. He didn't need to shoot at all, just chasing him could kill him.

But in the blink of an eye, several people have chased away for several miles.

Shangguan Lingye was in its prime, and if she could beat the drowning dogs, she didn't deserve to be called the first Qingkui of the Nine Sects. Wu Yezi's back.

Wu Yezi turned around in the air, blocked the thunder with the sword Xuan Ming, and was shaken to the ground.

Zuo Lingquan took advantage of the void to enter, his body was as fast as lightning, and his sword went straight to Wuyezi's heart.

Xie Qiutao held the iron pipa upside down, and smashed a hammer on Wuyezi's head like a god.


boom -

There was a bang on the ground, and a crater appeared.

It is said that a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how bad Wuyezi is, he is also a former kendo hero, holding a fairy sword, it is not difficult to deal with.

With just one sword, the ordinary magic sword in Zuo Lingquan's hand was cut off and the offensive was resolved; but when he slashed at Xie Qiutao's pipa with his backhand, it was deflated.

Only a crisp sound of 'dang-' was heard.

Like an iron pipa made of black iron, it was struck by the immortal sword Xuan Ming, and there were no scratches. Of course, the immortal sword was also intact.

Wu Yezi was obviously stunned when he saw this scene, and before he could doubt the rank of the hammer in Xie Qiutao's hand, Zuo Lingquan struck again with a sword, and this sword was not as easy to resolve as before.

Lao Lu chased after him, but his body was like a candle in the wind, and he had no combat power. Basically, it was like watching a play.

Seeing that the sword in Zuo Lingquan's hand was broken when he touched it, and he couldn't exert his combat power at all, Lao Lu flipped his wrist lightly, and an unremarkable bronze-colored long sword appeared in his hand and threw it directly to Zuo Lingquan:

"Try this."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes locked on Wu Yezi, without turning his head, he raised his hand and grabbed the long sword that was thrown.

But as soon as the sword started, Zuo Lingquan was startled and almost staggered by the sword in his hand.

Lao Lu's Huangquan Sword is an ancient sword that has been buried in the ground for countless years. It is difficult to get up.

Because of the nature of the sword, Lao Lu's sword also went thick and heavy, opening and closing as heavy as a mountain, and the speed could not be said to be very fast.

Zuo Lingquan walked a swift and swift path, and with this immortal sword, he would definitely not be able to exert his full strength; but this 'Xuanming' in Wuyezi's hand, the five elements of water, was naturally restrained by the Huangquan sword and the five elements, so it must be said that it is still ineffective. Yezi suffers.

Zuo Lingquan held the Huangquan Sword, which could not exert the earth-shattering effect in the Qilin Cave, but the sword shot also brought an invincible edge.

Wu Yezi didn't dare to fight hard this time, after all, he couldn't bear the sword. Knowing that one person is hard to beat with eight hands, Wuyezi flew back and said:

"Boy, give you the sword, how about letting the old man survive?"

Wu Yezi's remarks are not empty words. If you keep the green hills, you will not worry about no firewood. As long as your life is saved, you can slowly find the magic weapon of immortal soldiers.

But Zuo Lingquan and others don't think so.

Before Zuo Lingquan could speak, Xie Qiutao, who was carrying the big pipa, responded:

"What's wrong with you? Isn't the sword still ours?"

The words Zuo Lingquan was about to say became:



Wu Yezi was so angry that he had no choice but to curse:

"You still call yourself a righteous person, do you still want to show your face?"

There are countless immortals nearby, and Shangguan Lingye also felt that it was inappropriate to say so, and said with a serious face:

"Wuyezi, you've done all your evil deeds, thinking that you can live on with a sword? Even if you destroy this sword, you won't be able to escape today."

Wu Yezi fell into such a situation, why didn't he want to destroy the saber that he had followed for many years, but the fairy sword is a weapon for killing and cutting, and it is not worthy of being called a fairy soldier if it can be destroyed with bare hands. He could only say:

"You killed me, how do you make this sword recognize the enemy as the master?"

Unfortunately, this can only deceive children.

As the first Qingkui of the nine sects, Shangguan Lingye knew a lot about immortal swords.

Immortal swords have sword spirits, which are divided into innate bred and acquired, and the two are well differentiated.

The immortal sword bred by the heaven and the earth is integrated with the heaven and the earth. It looks like a sword, very pure, without the emotion of life.

And the immortal soldiers cast by the day after tomorrow are like the 'playing mace' of the ancestors of Shangguan. With the soul of the immortal beast as the sword spirit, there will be emotions such as 'happy, angry, sad and happy', and even complain, and look more like a person.

The innate immortal soldiers basically live the same life as the heaven and the earth. They will never leave if they recognize the master. When the sword master dies, they wait for the destined people. Just like the real heaven and earth, people come and go.

The Immortal Armament cast by the day after tomorrow is different. The relationship with the sword master is similar to the emotion between people. When the sword master dies, there is a high probability that he will find someone who is destined to avenge the old master.

The immortal sword in Wuyezi's hand is obviously a rarer innate immortal soldier. Although it originated from the Northern Mysterious Turtle, it is slightly worse than the one next to Shangguan's ancestor, but its nature has not changed.

Even if Zuo Lingquan kills Wuyezi, as long as the sword recognizes Zuo Lingquan, it means that Zuo Lingquan should be in his life, what does it have to do with Wuyezi?

Therefore, Shangguan Lingye didn't respond to Wuyezi's words at all, raising his hand was two thunderbolts, slashing at Wuyezi, who was retreating steadily.

Wu Yezi knew that it was impossible to escape with his wings, and if he hit it again, his body would inevitably explode and die. He also showed his fierceness at the moment, and cursed angrily:

"I have murdered and seized treasures all my life, how can I be robbed of my life's savings when I am old, you can come and get it if you have any!"

When the words fell, Wu Yezi threw the sword in his hand into the distance, and then fled in the opposite direction.

Zuo Lingquan thought that the other party was going to escape, so naturally he would kill him first, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the sword.

But Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao had just chased a few steps when they saw Wu Yezi take out a simple-looking sign, pinched it in his hands, and the Qiqiao spewed out a black mist, and the whole body swelled instantly.

"Flick away!"

Lao Lu was startled and hurriedly reprimanded.

Fortunately, Zuo Lingquan saw the cultivator's self-destruction scene, and immediately grabbed Xie Qiutao, who was full of reluctance, and pushed back.

boom -

There was an earth-shattering explosion in the mountains.

In Wuyezi's Linglong Pavilion, I don't know how many things were loaded. After the body exploded together, a multicolored glass-like light was scattered, and the wreckage was blasted in all directions, triggering a series of explosions.

boom boom-

Shangguan Lingye looked at the pain in the flesh, but at this time, he couldn't go forward to pick up the equipment, put up his shield to block in front of a few people, and waited for the impact to end.

However, Wuyezi's self-destruction did not destroy everything. After the Linglong Pavilion exploded, several samples of extremely high-level objects flew out, including a pair of huge antlers, one was slightly damaged and the other was intact.

Shangguan's eyes lit up, afraid of being discovered by the nearby Immortal Venerable, and quickly volleyed into Linglong Pavilion.

boom boom-

When the impact of the explosion was over, the ground where it was originally had turned into a crater dozens of feet deep.

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw that he couldn't even see the corners of his clothes in the big pit. Only a simple long sword was left. It was inserted into the hill at the end of the field of vision, and it became as ordinary as an ordinary iron sword, just like dying together. General.

A sword without a master was thrown on the ground, and the nearby sword emperors couldn't help but be interested. In case the peak sword fairy picked it up and took a look, and accidentally recognized the master, Zuo Lingquan didn't deal with it, so several people hurried Pick up loot in the past.

But at this moment, the dumpling who was hiding in Shangguan Lingye's arms suddenly stuck his head out and pointed to the west:


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted:

"No, he ran away, hurry up."

Shangguan Lingye didn't expect Wu Yezi to be so cunning, and he could put all his belongings together to cover the escape of a remnant soul.

The remnant soul is exposed to the broad daylight and the turbulent wind, and it will soon be wiped out.

But just to be on the safe side, Shangguan Lingye still followed suit, bombarding the ground with thunder, until the group nodded in satisfaction, and then turned back to get the spoils...


Zuo Lingquan went to chase down Wuyezi, who was at the end of the road, and it only took a few words to add up. Compared with the return with a reward over there, the atmosphere on the mountain was much more solemn.

When the Honored Lord appears alone, his aura can indeed suppress all beings under his feet, but when the masters on the top of the mountain are in the same hall, the feeling of being on the top of the mountain and looking at the common people from a bird's-eye view fades away, or that they are both in the sky and there is no comparison, then The momentum is not reflected.

The mountain wind has been silent, and the underground mine is also silent. It seems that there are only nine figures suspended in the sky.

Four of them came to Sword Imperial City this time, and all of them are currently in Central Continent.

The blue-robed man at the head did not wear a sword. He hovered in the air with his hands behind his back. He looked a little unattractive. Anyone who saw it at first glance would not think that this man was after the battle of self-stealing pills. Jiang Chengjian, the 'sword boss' who established order in Central Continent, or the 'First Sword Cultivator in Yuyao Continent'.

The two people behind them were Yun Hongye and Huang He, who were ranked second and seventh, and had a good personal relationship; the one with a jade-like face and a robe was Huang He, and Yun Hongye was dressed as a standard swordsman.

Jiang Taiqing, nicknamed 'Lei Gong', ranked fourth in Sword Emperor City, wearing a cloud pattern robe, facing the elderly like a master of the academy, but in fact the youngest of the four, because he has to teach an unorthodox apprentice, too tender and not enough Majesty, only to come up with this old-fashioned appearance.

The four of them have swords without swords, but at this time, they did not touch the swords, but looked at the woman in front of them with serious expressions.

Four of the nine sects also came here. Except for the peach blossom lord, the rest are the three elders of the nine sects. This kind of old thing, the other lords can't really talk about it.

The woman in a long snow-colored dress was surrounded by the eight top monks in Yuyao Continent. She did not show panic, but her eyes had a bit of 'hope for a child to become a dragon'. The first sentence she said was:

"Everyone, long time no see."

Venerable Peach Blossom still imprisoned with thunder, trapping the former teacher, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth without saying a word.

The other seven looked different.

Lord Fulong, Chen Chaoli, dressed as a Taoist priest, holding a stick of floating dust, ranked third among the three elders, with a light-hearted personality.

Hearing the woman speak, Lord Fulong hesitated for a while, but still bowed his hands:

"The younger generation has seen Mr. Mei."

Mr. is a respectful title for a person with high morals and respect. Chen Chaoli said so because he went to Meishan and left an inscription when he was wandering around. And that time, he saw Mei Jinshui, who was already a giant in the south, and praised him. Say a few words to him.

Afterwards, he established a sect and even led the demons in the battle of stealing pills. Mei Jinshui took care of him. The love of incense is not as deep as that of master and apprentice, but he must be an elder. Therefore, no matter where the other party is, who is superior or inferior to each other , should treat each other with the courtesy of the elders, or treat them with the courtesy of the elders.

Shangguan Yutang crossed from the wild land to this place, and built the current family business, relying on his own ability; but without Mei Jinshui's approval, it would not be so smooth, and when he saw his old friends, he rarely let go of his condescending attitude. , bowing hands.

Emperor Zhaozun is the head of the Shang Zhao. It was a foreign aid from Huajunzhou during the battle of stealing pills. Later, it took root and built the current Tiandi City and the Emperor Zhao Dynasty. The friendship with Mei Jinshui is not deep, but stealing The battle of pills shared weal and woe, not without friendship. At this time, sitting on the back of the five-colored unicorn, he sighed softly.

The four people in Sword Imperial City, who had dealt with Jiang Chengjian and Mei Jinshui, probably felt that the atmosphere was too serious, and said:

"Since Fairy Mei has left, why did she come back? This makes me very embarrassed to wait."

Others think so too.

Xiangyang Chengmei was near the water, where the qualifications and prestige were placed in those days, and the military exploits in the battle of stealing pills were no less than that of the three elders.

Once fought side by side and died together in Tiecudong, the blood and true feelings are obvious to all, and the three elders also absolutely trust Mei Jinshui, just like today, the only person who will not doubt the three elders, only the other two elders, This is a friendship that is witnessed by life.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Mei Jinshui left shortly after the war. She didn't explain the reason to anyone, and she would not be understood because she went to the Youying Alien and re-established it there. The power has continued to this day.

For the three elders, this is an incomprehensible betrayal. Taking this step, they must kill their former best friends and even their teachers; but the tragic battle of stealing pills has survived, and killing their former comrades is easier said than done. ?

Mei Jinshui had run too far to clear the door. What the three elders could do was to clean up the traces of Mei Jinshui, lest his influence be biased towards future generations and let time dilute the impression of this matter.

But the three elders did not expect that Mei Jinshui would dare to come back.

Coming back means that the soldiers will meet each other. If they let Mei Jinshui go, the order of the righteous path will collapse.

Jiang Chengjian said it was very embarrassing, and he really didn't want to encounter such a thing, but for so many years in Yuyaozhou, for the sake of peace in one state, no matter how difficult it was, what would happen if other Sword Emperors would follow suit?

Facing Jiang Chengjian's question, the woman in white as snow just smiled and said:

"I've been away from home for a long time, and I want to come back and have a look."

The faces of the eight people in a circle were not very good-looking. In the end, Chen Chaoli, who pursued the most thorough way of subduing demons and eliminating demons, opened his mouth and said:

"Dare to ask, have you seen enough sir?"

This sentence is already equivalent to asking Mei Jinshui to explain his last words.

Fulong Mountain is a sect of Taoism. The disciples are not involved in human affairs, and they all take the responsibility of subduing demons and eradicating demons. In the eyes of Zhengdao, to take refuge in Youying aliens is to fall into the devil. No matter who the other party is, Chen Chaoli will not be soft-hearted.

Venerable Master Taohua, who had been trapping Mei Jinshui for a long time, saw that the heavy people had murderous intentions, and finally couldn't hold back, and said angrily to everyone:

"My master's contribution to Yuyaozhou is no less than yours. Today is my righteous extermination and leaving her behind; as long as she is willing to turn back and sincerely repent, you can't touch her at all, otherwise I, Cui Yingying, would rather be imprisoned in the Forbidden Land of Thunder Pond. Send her away safely!"

Venerable Peach Blossom was almost hoarse, saying this sentence is equivalent to pressing down on his own avenue and the entire Peach Blossom Lake.

To be able to say this means that the Master Taohua has selfishness, and when necessary, he can even betray the nine sects and even all beings in the world, and he is not worthy of his current position at all.

But people are not plants, who can be ruthless?

Venerable Lord Sword Sovereign is not a saint, but he is more tenacious than ordinary people, so he can understand Venerable Peach Blossom's current impulse and consider her words.

Mei Jinshui is undoubtedly very powerful. For thousands of years of Taoism, the stones should be cultivated into immortals, not to mention that Mei Jinshui, who has stood on the top of the mountain in previous years, can really turn back. Although it conflicts with the rules, it seems that acceptance is not impossible. , after all, if an expert of this level doesn't allow him to turn his back, it's not forcing You Ying's alien race to fight to the death.

However, there is no precedent for this kind of thing, and no one knows what the consequences will be if you know the person and the face but not the heart.

The eight people present exchanged glances, apparently discussing the matter.

Venerable Master Peach Blossom was raised by the sea near the water, and everything came from this teacher. It is conceivable how much expectations he had for the teacher to return.

At this time, Venerable Peach Blossom looked at the familiar Taoist friends, and there was a certain amount of hope in his eyes, hoping that everyone could reunite and return to the past after the war.

But it is a pity that the affairs of one continent cannot be controlled by personal feelings. Venerable Peach Blossom knows that, using her everything as a bargaining chip, forcing the entire Yuyao Continent to make an exception, there is little hope.

But she didn't expect that the first veto would be the person she thought could speak to her master!

Shangguan Yutang was suspended in front of the three elders, and his expression did not waver from the beginning to the did not even consider the words of the Peach Blossom Lord. Seeing that everyone had differences, he said directly:

"I admire the person of Senior Mei, so I understand that, like most of us, she chooses a path and will not look back. It's just that they are different from each other. Sorry for this..."

"Shangguan Yutang!"

When Venerable Peach Blossom heard these words, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart:

"You are a stone with a wolf-hearted and dog-lung lung? You forgot that when you first arrived in Yuyao Continent, who helped you stand firm? In the battle of pill stealing, how many times did Master save your life? No Shizun, you died in Tiecudongtian, and now let you let Shizun live, you..."

"I will remember the kindness, but you know what kind of person your master is. If she can regret the past, she will not leave then."

"How do you know?! You did it on purpose, why don't you even have the qualification to regret when my master can come back?"

Venerable Taohua became more and more angry, and finally even turned his back to Mei Jinshui, facing Shangguan Yutang, and had a tendency to fight for his life with everyone.

Zuo Lingquan and the others, who had just killed Wuyezi, couldn't hold back when they saw the movement, and they quietly ran back to find the scene of infighting, and they were at a loss for a while...

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