Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 43: Again

When there is no grand meeting, the Tiehe Valley of Tiecu Mansion is sparsely populated, and the round building in the center where nine volumes are stored is even more inaccessible. Eight towering statues are left standing in all directions of the round building.

The moon is bright in the sky.

The silver-white moonlight shines on the statues and the old bluestone floor tiles. There are no lights or fires in the large round building, and naturally there is no one.

But as a fragrant wind blew from the north and landed on a goddess statue, there was a voice in the empty and lonely round building:

"It's all said that I don't get involved in your affairs, why did you call me here? You don't take it seriously when I talk..."

The words were impatient, and there was a drunken laziness, so that the face of the **** statue seemed to show a bit of blush in the moonlight.

On the square in the center of the round building, there were only reflections cast by eight statues. The statues did not move, but the shadows on the ground seemed to come alive, and even faint traces of fluttering robes and long hair could be seen.

A statue next to the Peach Blossom Lord is Chen Chaoli, the Lord Fulong. After hearing the words of the Peach Blossom Lord, he said:

"Since the covenant has been concluded, we must act according to the agreement. It is related to the overall situation of the nine sects, and the eight honored lords must be present; you may not listen or speak, but you must come."

The nine sects are allied with each other. Normally, they only meet once every ten years, but this is not a hard and fast rule. If there is any emergency, the heads of the various sects will gather in private to discuss countermeasures, such as now.

Venerable Peach Blossom knew the rules of the Nine Sects, but she was angry and complained casually because the three elders didn't care about the old feelings a few days ago.

Venerable Peach Blossom is hidden from the world, and has not appeared on such occasions for hundreds of years. Knowing that what we are talking about today is more important, he did not make any more gags and asked:

"I called everyone here today, what's the big deal? Hua Junzhou fell?"

The Round Tower is in Tiecu Mansion, and the statue of Shangguan's ancestors naturally takes the lead. She ignored the Lord Peach Blossom, and said in an ethereal voice:

"Everyone is here, let's start."

After Chen Chaoli waited for everyone to quiet down, he said:

"In recent years, there have been frequent occurrences in Yuyaozhou, and high-level cultivators have defected one after another. This year alone, there are more than ten; Youying aliens have entered the nine sects to recruit members. I'll find out later...

"...Last year, he raided the barren mountain and robbed the demon **** of stealing pills; this year, Mei Jinshui, one of the four holy ghosts, even came to Yuyaozhou and waited for me to 'get back together'. If things go on like this, next year, we will discover the relationship between us. It's not impossible for someone to be the leader of an alien race...

"The immortals in Huajun Continent and Nanyu Continent have already become suspicious of us. The ports facing Yuyao Continent have secretly arranged manpower to inspect the cultivators. The daughter of Qiu Fengqing returned to the sect, and they were all received by Yingyang Immortal. Palace's inquiry..."


The ancestor of Shangguan listened for a long time and felt that these words were too long-winded, so he said directly:

"Yuyaozhou has been infiltrated into a sieve by aliens, and the whereabouts of everyone under the lord cannot escape the attention of those who have a heart; if you can do this, you must be in a high position, probably in the eight of us. between."

In fact, since the pill-stealing pill was robbed from the barren mountains, the eight venerable lords have all had this guess, and they have also checked themselves with iron fists, but only a few minor characters have been identified, and nothing else has been found.

Seeing that the three elders were suspicious of several people present, the five later lords naturally felt tight.

The nervousness is not a guilty conscience of being a thief, but the behavior of the ancestors of Shangguan. Everyone knows that if the traitor is not found, the ancestors of Shangguan would rather kill the mistake and let them go, and they are likely to die.

Venerable Peach Blossom and Mei Jinshui have a close relationship, and a few days ago, they openly sang against Mei Jinshui, so the suspicion is naturally the biggest. She knew the seriousness of the matter and explained:

"You don't doubt me, do you? You know me, I never get involved in the nine sects. The sect affairs are all handed over to the disciples. I drink big wine at home every day.

Venerable Master Covering the Moon, Di Yang, then said:

"I am in charge of the Yuyao Continent's land channel, and I know all the monks coming and going, but when the nine important monks go out to do business, who will be the public ferry? The private ferry formation is made by Fulongshan. on me."

Venerable Wanghai Wen Yeting said:

"I also run a boat, and I don't have my territory in the inland."

Yunshui Jiantan Li Jianyang said:

"I didn't even have to run the boat, so I sold a few low-quality flying swords. The audience was not at the top. Even if I hooked up with Youying aliens, I wouldn't be able to make waves."

Barren Mountain Venerable Master Qiu Boyue: "..."

In fact, among the eight people present, it is difficult to clear the suspicion of Lord Barren Mountain, because the pill-stealing pill was robbed under his nose, and there are too many mistakes.

However, the Lord Barren Mountain was not at fault in previous years, and he was well known for his character as a swordsman. After stealing the pill, he did not escape. He stayed where he was and risked being slaughtered.

The ancestors of Shangguan did kill decisively, but there are only so few strong men in the nine sects, and they would kill them indiscriminately, and they would cut off their own arms; I was in the middle of the plan, so no matter how ruthless the words were, I still couldn't make a rash decision without real evidence.

After a group of people clarified themselves, the matter returned to the original point, and nothing was discussed.

The Emperor Zhao respected the Shang Zhao, and seeing the silence of the crowd, he opened his mouth and said:

"Whether or not there is an internal response between the eight of us, we have to be more careful in the future. The Youying Alien has been very active in recent years, not only looting the power of the gods and the earth, but also the signs of entering Nanyu Continent...

"...If Nanyu Continent falls into the hands of foreign races again, the nine states in the world will be more than half occupied. Huajun Continent doesn't want to sit back and watch its growth, and recently assembled its manpower to prepare to attack Bosuo Continent again. It is necessary for you all to send thousands of disciples to Bhasuo Continent to help out, do you have any objections?”

To rush across continents to fight against alien races, you must at least be able to use the sword, or you will die in the past; sending a thousand disciples is the young backbone of a thousand Linggu Bazhong up.

The nine major sects have a profound background, and people will definitely be able to get them together, but after sending them over, it is uncertain how many people can come back alive.

Li Jianyang, the venerable master of Qingdu, was born as a swordsmith. The disciples of Yunshui Jiantan are also swordsmiths. The disciples around Banbu Youhuang are the backbone of batch casting Feijian. It is equivalent to casting tens of thousands of flying swords less every year, which is converted into immortal money. Even the lord is hurt. He is the first to speak, hoping that the number of places will be less.

The same is true for Venerable Peach Blossom, she said with some dissatisfaction:

"My Peach Blossom Lake disciples are all peasants who farm the land. How can I treat you the same as your martial cultivators and Taoist sects? Even if I send a thousand disciples out, what can I do over there? Farm fields on the battlefield?"

"This motherfucker..."

While Venerable Peach Blossom was arguing with words, a whisper suddenly sounded among the eight.

The tone sounded annoyed and scolded, but the scolding turned out to be the always unsmiling ancestor of Shangguan.

? !

All the lords are quiet.

Venerable Peach Blossom was stunned for a moment, and then became furious:

"Shangguan Yutang, who are you scolding? I was discussing matters in a formal occasion, and I offended you? My Taohuatan disciple is a farmer. Are you going to ask Youying Alien to borrow materials?"

The ancestor of Shangguan rarely did not return to the Peach Blossom Lord, and after a moment of silence, he opened the mouth and said:

"I think your words are too long-winded. The responsibilities of each sect are different, and the arrangements will naturally be different; Medicine King Pagoda, Peach Blossom Lake, and Tiandi City can use the output of the sect to pay for the quota, but the number of people should not be less than 300, so as to avoid shortage in wartime. Physician and Pharmacist."

"No, why am I being long-winded? The request was raised by Shang Zhao. I said there is a problem with the problem? Old Chen has so much nonsense.

"Cui Yingying, please pay attention to the occasion."

"What occasions should I pay attention to? If I don't come, you have to pull me here. As soon as I speak, you will scold me. You are not relying on the old and selling the old?"




Barren mountains, divine fire caves.

The boundless flames are like a red ocean, and the black giant shield protected by the formation is like a flat boat in the ocean.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu maintained the same posture, sitting cross-legged on the jade futon, closing their eyes and refining the surging spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave.

In front of the two of them, there was also a futon, and a tall woman in a long golden dragon-scale dress sat on it, with her hands on her knees, and she was traveling thousands of miles.

Originally, it was extremely quiet in the cave, and the three of them were in a state of meditation without any movement.

But Leng Zhu, who had the most shallow cultivation base, found out that the aura in front of her didn't seem right - to be precise, she felt the aura of the ancestors of Shangguan.

Leng Zhu had just touched Linggu's butt, and there was probably a few hundred Zuo Lingquan difference between him and Shangguan's ancestor. Before, even if Shangguan's ancestor stood in front of her, she could not feel any aura fluctuations.

But at this moment, Leng Zhu found that Shangguan's ancestor was breathing a little heavy, and he could even hear a slight gasp.

"Whoo~~ whoo~~~"

Leng Zhu thought that he had heard it wrong, so he quietly opened his eyes and took a look at it bravely.

The result is amazing!

Shangguan Patriarch's jade-white cheeks seemed to have been roasted red by the fire.

The cultivation of the ancestors of the above officials could kill them both with a single breath. Naturally, Leng Zhu was frightened, and quickly shook Jiang Yi's shoulders:

"Princess, princess..."

Jiang Yi slowly returned to her senses, opened her eyes and saw this scene, and was stunned for a while.

She didn't dare to rush the ancestor of Shangguan, so she could only ask in a low voice:

"Ancestor what happened?"

"I don't know, could it be... could it be because of luck?"

"It doesn't look like it, it looks a bit"

Jiang Yi dare not say it!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the two to get nervous, and the ancestor Shangguan in front of him recovered his mind.

The moment Shangguan Ancestor's eyelashes moved slightly, her complexion was restored to its original state. She opened her eyes, revealing the pair of eyes with stars and rivers, sun and moon, and looked back at the two of them:

"If you don't meditate well, what are you talking about?"

! !

The old ancestor of Shangguan became serious, even if he was neither happy nor angry, his contemptuous eyes could still scare people to death.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu's faces turned pale, and they quickly nodded to admit their mistake, then sat cross-legged and closed their eyes again, only to pretend they didn't see anything.

But before the two of them re-entered meditation, they heard a woman's scolding from outside Shenhuodongtian:

"Shangguan Yutang, you have the ability to scold people, but you don't have the ability to reason with me face-to-face? You don't make it clear about scolding me in public today, and I demolished your patriarch's hall. Do you believe it?"

Between the words, a phantom figure dressed in a green spring skirt floated over from the periphery of the sea of ​​​​fire, seeing the flames as nothing, and came directly to the black giant shield.

Although Jiang Yi did not know the person who came, but from the tone of a person, she guessed that this person was one of the only two female lords of the nine sects.

She and Leng Zhu hurriedly stood up and looked at them in fear, for fear that the two lords would fight here.

But what surprised Jiang Yi was that the ancestor of Shangguan, who had always been "advancing but not retreating", changed his arrogance and arrogance in the past. At this time, he was actually cowardly, and found that the Peach Blossom Venerable Master was chasing after him, and his figure disappeared out of thin air, and he didn't know where he went.

Venerable Peach Blossom was scolded in public, so angry that her chest was about to explode, new and old grudges came together, how could she let Shangguan Yutang go, and chased after him again.

In the blink of an eye, the two women on the top of the mountain disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu stood together blankly for a while, before whispering:

"Princess, what's the matter?"

"It sounds like the old ancestor blamed the female fairy and was called to the door."

"There must be a reason for the ancestors to scold people, and there are still people who dare to talk back?"

"Well... the matter between the Immortal Venerables must be mysterious. Ordinary people can't understand it... It has nothing to do with us, let's continue to practice."




The other side.

After Zuo Lingquan took Jingxing back to the painting boat, Lingye's original intention was to set off directly to the Caiyi Country in the north of Yuyaozhou.

But Jing You was born in the market, and rarely traveled far in the past. It was really hard to travel alone for a few months.

Zuo Lingquan thought that at least he had to catch the wind to wash away the dust and let Jingyou have a good night's rest, so he stopped at the ferry and rented a different courtyard for monks to stay temporarily.

Although several people didn't need to eat, Zuo Lingquan still got a table of appetizers on the ferry, took out the immortal brew, and the family sat together and had a good meal.

Because of the presence of Xie Qiutao, the wine table did not turn into a Shura field. It was very warm to talk and laugh, but secret rivalries were inevitable.

Take the issue of seats, for example, two people can sit in the middle, but three people will be left out wherever they sit.

As soon as Zuo Lingquan came to the table, he saw the three smiling but silent eyes, and he felt a chill on his back. He decisively put the dumpling in front of Jingxing and sat next to the dumpling.

The topics discussed at the wine table are nothing more than the big and small things that happened with the ancestors’ travels; because the immortals brewed too much, the wine bureau did not last long, after a few glasses of wine, after the taste of wine came up, several people followed left the seat.

Xie Qiutao was not drowsy, so he hugged the dumplings with the strength of the wine, and played cotton on the waterside viewing platform to sober up.

Wu Qingwan and Shangguan Lingye were arguing for return, but they knew what to do, so they didn't pull Zuo Lingquan back into the room to continue the round, but left quietly, leaving the beautiful night for a quiet reunion after a long absence.

In the late autumn moonlit night, the bright moon is like a hook, hanging in the distant sky.

The waves on the Lianjiang River are splendid, and the ferry near the river is brilliantly lit. In a water-facing loft outside the ferry, the crisp tune of the pipa reverberates in the night wind, making the night scene by the river a little more lonely.

clang clang~~

In the room on the second floor of the water pavilion, a candle was placed by the bedside.

Tang Jingshen, who was drunk on his face, took out the robes and boots from the Linglong Pavilion given by the ancestors. They were all on the way here. There was nothing to do and sew them by themselves.

Zuo Lingquan didn't move his feet, he sat next to him, picked up the rouge box that Jingyong placed beside the pillow, looked over and over, and shook his head:

"It's been a few years, are you still carrying it?"

Tang Jingxuan snatched the rouge box back and snorted softly:

"Sister has been in Linhefang for more than 20 years. You are the first man to give me rouge. Naturally, you have to keep such an important token."

The words are three-pointed, and it seems that the wine is on the top of the drink.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan leaned over and picked up Tang Jingshen's very sensual legs, placed them on his knees, and helped to remove the embroidered shoes, his movements were very gentle.

Tang Jingxuan had made out with Zuo Lingquan before, although it was only a kiss, but after all, she had some experience and was not as shy as at the beginning. She pursed her lips and asked with a smile:

"Aren't you afraid that the dead mother-in-law will come to trouble you?"

Zuo Lingquan was naturally apprehensive, but he hadn't seen each other for a few months, and after a long absence, he couldn't just leave with a "good night". He smiled, put his arms around Jingshen's shoulders, fell on the pillow together, and held her in his arms.


Jing You let out a sigh of relief, twisted a strand of hair with her fingers, and thought about it:

"Speaking of which, this matter is quite troublesome. No matter how strict the dead woman is, as long as she is happy or annoyed, I can still feel it. There is no man who cares about the old girl of Huanghua, and she is so stimulated all day long, can you not be annoyed..."


Zuo Lingquan just slipped his hand under his collarbone and silently retracted it.

"But I can't always suffer. She wants to eat the remnant soul of nine phoenixes, and I didn't force her. Now that the two are tied together, I don't know how to untie them. Taking a step back, if she doesn't make out with you every day, she should also take a step back and let us make out once in a while, don't you think?"

"It's also..."

Zuo Lingquan felt reasonable, so he put his hand on the bulging placket again, thought about it and asked:

"I'm like this, the ancestor can feel it?"

Tang Jingxuan is not an ancestor, how could he know so clearly. She hesitated and shook her head:

"If you are in physical contact, you shouldn't feel it. What you can feel is emotions, emotions, anger, sadness, and joy. As long as she is angry, wronged, proud or something, I can clearly feel it."

"Ancestor has been wronged?"

"Yeah, it was the last time she ran to fight Mei Jinshui. She said fiercely, but she felt aggrieved in her heart, um... she felt helpless and helpless; the more that mad woman scolds her, The more she was aggrieved, but she still spoke hard-heartedly, I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to cry, she just didn't have a red nose."

Zuo Lingquan nodded slowly, with surprise in his eyes, and asked again:

"How about being proud?"

"The pride is that Mei Jinshui, in front of the group of people in strange clothes, was reading your poems. She had a serious face on the surface, but her heart was actually stunned. It felt like she wanted to say 'Look on the spot' Look, this is the person taught by my mother, you group of reckless men who can only dance with knives and guns, are you too shocked to say anything?'"

Hearing this, Zuo Lingquan couldn't help but blushed. He shook his head and smiled, and hugged Jingxu tightly for a few His hands ran down the waistline and slipped to his well-nurtured buttocks. , asked with a smile:

"The ancestor was angry, was it because Mei Jinshui suddenly ran to the gate of the Nine Sects?"

Tang Jingshen blushed, shook his head, was about to speak, but frowned again, feeling carefully:

"She's pretty **** right now."


Zuo Lingquan's hand froze when he fell into a fat and soft hand, and let it go quietly.

Tang Jingxuan was dissatisfied when she saw the man being so cowardly. She held Zuo Lingquan's big hand and put it back to her original position:

"Continue to touch you~ It has nothing to do with us. She should be talking with fellow Daoists, so don't talk speculatively."

Zuo Lingquan was in a dilemma to tell the truth, but Jingxu came to him all the way, how could he just leave and let Jingxu stay in the empty room alone, hesitating again and again, but still kissed Jingxu's lips...


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