Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 11: long acquaintance

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The magma between the mountains has not been extinguished.

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao were half-squatting in the **** mist, rummaging through the soil with wooden sticks to find valuable instruments such as Linglong Pavilion, and Tuanzi also carefully used their claws to plan the ground.

Daoist Cloud Leopard was blown to pieces, and a large pit collapsed on the ground. Fortunately, Linglong Pavilion has a magical rank, and the texture is extremely strong and has not been destroyed.

After Zuo Lingquan found it, he found that it was a Taiping No Matter Card with the emblem of Fulong Mountain on it, but it was not a gift from the sect. Still proud of being born.

Zuo Lingquan looked back and forth, and was looking for the way to break the Linglong Pavilion, when his ears suddenly moved, and he heard words from behind:

"Ling Ye, tell me some truth. Xiao Zuo and I met first. I'll be the first in everything. You don't need to be courteous, and I don't want to get involved. Do you think it's reasonable?"

"You don't have a complete house, what can you do by leaving Zuo Lingquan in the house?"

"I can do anything, I... can't I just hug and sleep?"

"There is a saying in the world, you should know."

"Hey? How can you say that Xiao Zuo is a pit?"


? ?

Xie Qiutao raised her round face, her eyes were strange, and she pretended not to understand, and continued to rummage in the mud.

Tuanzi also found that the two mothers were not right, but it went up to fight at this time, and it would not be able to help anyone in the future, so he decisively pretended not to hear, and accompanied Xie Qiutao to plan the ground.

Zuo Lingquan saw that the two daughters-in-law were quarreling, so he had no time to pick up the equipment, got up and put on a smile:

"Ling Ye, shy, what's the matter?"

Seeing Zuo Lingquan coming, Tang Jingxuan didn't compete with Ling Ye for jealousy anymore, she trotted to the front and grabbed Zuo Lingquan's arm:

"Go, go home."


Zuo Lingquan was a little stunned, he held Jing Xun and gestured to the surrounding mountains:

"Where did this place come from? And what about going back to the house?"

Tang Jingxuan glanced at Xie Qiutao, who had raised his ears to eavesdrop.

"Sleep, what else can I do?"


Zuo Lingquan blinked, with an inexplicable smile, and turned to look at Ling Ye.

Tang Jingxuan pulled Zuo Lingquan into his arms:

"Just us, the three of us slept in a panic."

Zuo Lingquan is not too crowded, the big deal is that he doesn't lie down. Seeing Jingyou making a fuss, he curiously said:

"What did you say just now?"

Shangguan Lingye didn't mean to send Jingxu to keep the empty room alone, just because Jingxu called herself 'sister' just now, and wanted to be quiet. She walked to the front with Yingying steps, and did not hide the words of the other party:

"I said let Jingxun pay more attention in the future. Master often uses her body to come over. It will be inconvenient if we run into each other again. Anyway, she hasn't settled down with you yet, so she can't do anything to cultivate together."

Tang Jingxuan didn't think so. She couldn't do anything. She had to lie down in front of her man at night. That was her right. How could she give up the bed just because she couldn't do anything?

The ancestors of Shangguan stopped her, but now the new sister also wants to stop her, how could she agree, and snorted softly:

"Who said I couldn't do anything? Now I can."

Shangguan Lingye shrugged slightly: "Okay, I'm here, and I can just give you a few pointers, lest you just walk in and you won't know anything..."

Tang Jingxuan pulled Zuo Lingquan to the other side, not next to Ling Ye:

"Who says I can't? I see more than you do. With your tricks, you can't play Jiang Yihua, so what can you teach me?"



Zuo Lingquan listened to the two daughters-in-law arguing with each other, and he still had some expectations in his heart. But the current actual situation still has to be considered, he pulled La Jingxu:

"There are still things to investigate. Let's go back to the painting boat first. We have to choose a suitable place. And we have to say hello to the ancestors first."

Shangguan Lingye has been recalling the 'teaching' of her ancestors. Hearing this, she frowned and said:

"You have sex, what do you say hello to Master?"

"Isn't the ancestor coming over at any time, say hello in advance, so as not to run into embarrassment."

Shangguan Ling thought about it too, for fear that the master came at an untimely time, so just say hello in advance.

However, I told the ancestors in advance when I was doing things at night, and it still felt a little weird...


Under Fulong Mountain, Peach Blossom Lake.

There is no snow in the south, but in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the thousands of miles of spiritual fields outside the Peach Blossom Pond also appear to be somewhat barren. Only the ten thousand peach trees in the sect are still blooming with gorgeous colors in the cold wind.

The nine sects rushed to help Huajunzhou, and Taohuatan needed a lot of training materials. It has been busy recently, and there are disciples running everywhere in the sect.

In the middle of the night, a breeze wrinkled the cold pool in the depths of the sea of ​​​​flowers, and a woman in a long dress with golden dragon scales appeared silently by the lake.

The ancestral tree by the lake that covered the sky and the sun has disappeared, and only the stone tablet with the scratches left is still standing alone.

After the woman in the golden skirt swiped the handwriting on the eye stone tablet, she lifted her finger lightly and stroked the lake. A crack appeared on the lakeside, which was as flat as a mirror, revealing the valley where the flowers bloomed below.

The valley is not big, there is a peach tree in the middle, and other than that, there are colorful flowers that spread all the way to the edge of the canyon.

Under the canopy that covered the sky, there was still a lounge chair made of vines.

The woman who was hangover on the reclining chair was completely isolated from the outside world and was completely undisturbed. At this time, she ignored the image of the ancestor and lay directly in the sea of ​​flowers.

If it weren't for the height of the chest exposing the position, it would not be easy to spot it with the naked eye alone.

When someone entered the small world, Venerable Peach Blossom would naturally be aware of it, but he didn't mean to wake up to pick up the guest. He turned over drunk and left the back of the visitor's head.

The ancestor of Shangguan was not surprised by this, he walked slowly to the shade of the tree, thought about it, and sat on the ground in the sea of ​​flowers.

Seeing that the ancestors of Shangguan did not speak, Taohua Zunzhu was a little puzzled, and turned over in the sea of ​​flowers and faced her:

"What's wrong? If you want to be in a daze, you won't go to your own room, why do you come to me?"

The ancestor of Shangguan looked up at the tree canopy above and said plainly:

"I have something to ask you."

Venerable Peach Blossom was not at all interested, sat up, picked up the jug lazily and took a sip:

"You are omnipotent and omnipotent, and you can make up your own mind about everything. Do you still need my help to solve your doubts?"

"It has something to do with you."

The old ancestor of Shangguan turned around, took the jug of Venerable Peach Blossom, and swiped his hand on the jug. The original mellow aroma of the wine has undergone earth-shaking changes and turned into the taste of ordinary wine.

Venerable Peach Blossom was stunned for a moment. Seeing her spoiling things like this, she was naturally dissatisfied. She took the jug back and smelled it:

"What is this?"

"I just asked you if I didn't know, and you have a taste."


Venerable Peach Blossom is very picky about wine, and generally does not drink wine made by others, but she smelled the smell carefully and found that although the aroma of the wine was ordinary, it had an indescribable taste, similar to the monk's return to nature and grandeur. Coincidentally, it is very warm.

For this reason, Venerable Master Peach Blossom still took a sip of the jug and tasted it carefully for a moment, then his brows were wrinkled.

The ancestor of Shangguan simulated the taste of wine through Tang Jing's drinking experience, and the taste and aroma of wine will not be different. When she saw Venerable Peach Blossom's reaction, she had already made up her mind, but she still asked:

"How? Did you drink anything?"

Venerable Peach Blossom restrained his drunken expression, looked at the jug in his hand, and was slightly unhappy:

"A person who loves wine, just like a person who loves swords and loves beauty, can do everything, but the love in his heart can't live up to it. This wine is made of ordinary ingredients, but it is because of this that it highlights how much effort it takes to make the wine well. Among the people I've seen, the only one who can get to this point and really figure things out is the one who can't speak, the drunk maniac in the Sword Imperial City. Did this wine come from him?"

The ancestor of Shangguan nodded slightly: "It really is tomorrow's worry, this person is too casual, only wine and swords in his heart, I really can't see what tricks he wants to do this time."

Venerable Peach Blossom has dealt with Tomorrow's Anxiety, and has a general understanding of Tomorrow's Anxiety's past.

Tomorrow's name is unverifiable and unimportant. I only know the meaning of the name, which is 'today there is wine, now drunk, tomorrow's sorrow comes tomorrow'. From the name, we can see its casual nature of living in the moment.

Tomorrow's past years' resume can be described as clear as water. If you don't fight for the magic weapon, you won't fight for the lucky land and the fairy mountain. , I ran to fight for it--of course, this does not mean that Rizuo competes for the first place, the ninth position has to be played several times before successfully ascending, and then tomorrow's sorrow will not climb up, at most, it will be later. When you want to replace it, show up and keep a fight.

As for the resume before becoming famous, Asuka did not shy away from it, and when talking to outsiders, she was even very calm.

Tomorrow's Sorrow was born as a loose cultivator at the bottom. He is free-spirited and has extraordinary talents, but he does not do the right job, and spends all day in the secular world with wine.

When his cultivation base was very low, he was accidentally injured and fell into a secular street and was rescued by the daughter of a secular tavern. Tomorrow I was worried that the wine and people in the tavern were good, so I stayed to help fight. By the way, he was injured, and he became a son-in-law by raising him.

After that, Tomorrow Sadness stayed in the secular world for nearly 60 years, letting her face grow old until her hair was gray, and she stayed with her secular wife all her life. When her wife passed away, she began to practice again.

Cultivation is all about taking one step at a time. This practice, in the eyes of ordinary people, is tantamount to destroying one's future and wasting sixty years of time in vain.

However, the peach blossom lord and the old ancestor of Shangguan, who are strong on the mountain, understand that tomorrow's sorrow has passed the tribulation of the world. There is nothing to worry about, and I have a clear conscience to everyone.

This kind of state of mind is the most perfect state of mind for a practitioner, and it is not surprising that Tomorrow's Sorrow can finally achieve the position of Sword Emperor.

The negative example is Lu Jianchen, who is more talented and has better chances than Tomorrow's, but he is completely defeated in his life choices. In the end, he can only become a meteor that flashed over Central Continent, and disappeared in just a hundred years.

However, if you are in a good mood, it is not entirely a good thing for outsiders; because the way of heaven does not distinguish between right and wrong, as long as you have no distracting thoughts in your heart, you can have an unimpeded way.

People like Tomorrow's Chorus don't care about outsiders at all, and they don't bother to care about the disputes between fairy and demons. They can be said to be outsiders; but once Yiyi gets tired and wants to find some excitement, no one can guess what Tomorrow's troubles can do. Got it.

Even if he ran to the Sword Emperor City and ran naked before committing suicide, it would not be impossible, because there is no one in the world who cares.

The last time Venerable Peach Blossom dealt with Tomorrow, she was very angry with the stubborn old alcoholic. Seeing Shangguan Yutang asking about this, she asked:

"Is it possible that Tomorrow's Sorrow has embarked on an evil path?"

"It's not clear yet, but it's not far from ten. It has already harmed more than a hundred mortals, and their crimes can be punished."

"That means, I can ignore the Sword Imperial City now, and I can let go of this guy's mouth?"

Ancestor Shangguan stood up and said calmly:

"Just do your little things, don't be ashamed in the past."


Venerable Peach Blossom couldn't bear this tone the most, her eyes were full of annoyance, she stood up and patted her skirt:

"Come on, there are no outsiders here, let's make a gesture, you really think the deity..."


In the Peach Blossom Cave, ripples in the space oscillated, and the flowers and plants all over the floor were flattened to the ground, and returned to normal in a flash.

Venerable Peach Blossom, who just got up, lay back on the ground before he finished speaking, his face flushed with anger.

"No outsiders have seen it here, so you don't have to get off the stage."

Old Ancestor Shangguan let go of Venerable Peach Blossom and clapped his palms:

"To be honest, a pharmacist came to me, Yuyaozhou's strongest martial cultivator, to make a gesture. I have never heard such an unreasonable request in my life, and I have learned a lot."

The ancestors of Shangguan are known to be domineering in battle, and it is not ashamed for anyone who loses to her, especially the Taohua Venerable Lord who prefers formation and medical methods. If he wins, he will be damned.

But being beaten doesn't mean that Venerable Peach Blossom has no temper. When she was suddenly held down, she was naturally furious:

"Shangguan Yutang! Did I tell you to compete with you? Don't let anyone finish talking, you are a sneak attack..."

Where is the sneak attack on the ancestors of Shangguan? She has only been lonely for a long time. She was beaten by her apprentice just now, and she wanted to find someone to vent her anger.

There were no outsiders in Xiaotiandi, and the ancestors of Shangguan did put down some of the pretense of being a lord. Seeing that the venerable Taohua was not satisfied, she slightly spread her hands:

"Then what do you want to gesture? Height? Appearance?"

Venerable Peach Blossom has not seen the 'easy-going' side of Shangguan's ancestors for many years. She was a little surprised, and she glanced up and down:

"Apart from being a woman, you're no different from a man, so you're too embarrassed to mention this? You haven't changed your clothes for thousands of years, you don't even know how to dress up. What do you compare to me?"

The ancestor of Shangguan had a flat expression, raised his slender right leg, stepped on the rattan couch, and pulled up the dragon scale skirt to write, revealing the newly transformed golden stockings:

"Do you know what this is?"

? !

Venerable Peach Blossom was stunned for a moment, then frowned and glanced at it, feeling that these socks are a bit...a bit showy!

"What's the mess? Are you ashamed of your age?"

"It's better than not wearing it, and there are other things. I'm afraid it will ruin your Taoism, so it's really hard to show you. You, a self-sufficient old witch, don't understand the preferences of contemporary young people at all, and have long been out of touch with the world. , I'm also embarrassed to compete with the deity, think about it for a few more years and come back."

The ancestor of Shangguan picked up Venerable Peach Blossom for a while, and felt refreshed, put away his slender right leg, and turned away.

Venerable Peach Blossom was very angry, but he really didn't understand what the socks were just now, and he was so trained that he couldn't fight back.

After the ancestor of Shangguan left, Venerable Peach Blossom pulled up the skirt and glanced at the loose cloud-white thin trousers on his legs - I didn't think there was a problem before, but compared with the ancestor of Shangguan, I felt that my legs were short. some……

Everyone knows that Venerable Peach Blossom and Ancestor Shangguan don't deal with things that are not dealt with by everyone. They were hit by both psychological and physical. How could she bear it in her heart? She put down her skirt and said solemnly:


"Huh?! Did the ancestor have an order?"

"Tietufu didn't open a bank well and started buying clothes?"

"Clothes? This disciple has never heard of such rumors, what kind of clothes?"

"Women's is no different from what women wear in the past, and it is purely to corrupt the atmosphere of the nine sects."

"Uh...that group of rough men in Tiecu Mansion, they can't make such clothes, and no one dares to buy them. The clothes that are not on the table in the nine sects are also produced by me in Taohuatan, and they sell well. The disciple feels Can’t be considered to be corrupting the atmosphere... or will the workshop be withdrawn?”

"...No, you young people's preferences, how can this deity intervene, just ask."

"Oh... how about the disciples bring a few pieces and show them to the ancestors?"


"The disciple will go now..."



Pour down your schedule and write a little less or2.

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