Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 19: Master Zuo, isn't this good?

Zuo Lingquan couldn't hear the conversation between the master and the apprentice, and he didn't know that it was inconvenient to go out now. After waiting for a long time in front of the picture scroll, he came to the door and took a look - the main hall was empty, and he could only see the people who kept going backwards outside the door. Clouds and stars.


Although there is a shelter formation in the attic, the cold wind can't blow in, but it is strange that the door is open at night. After Zuo Lingquan closed the door, he went up to the second floor from the stairs at the back of the hall, and just stepped on the second floor. , and heard in the distance:


"Yoyoyo~ Xiao Lingye, I didn't eat..."


"Unsteady footsteps, too weak movements, and weak hands, you can still be at ease as a daughter-in-law and give birth to a baby. Needlework is more suitable for you..."




Extremely bad-mouthed, his sarcastic tone can make his popularity half-dead.


Zuo Lingquan's eyes were astonished, and he felt that the voice was like a child's, very unfamiliar, so he walked inside.


The second floor is the workshop, the rooms for alchemy and alchemy are all here, and the martial arts hall is at the end.


At this time, Tang Jingxuan, who ran down from the corridor window at some point, was holding a handful of melon seeds and looking in with great interest.


Zuo Lingquan hurried out of the window and looked at the martial arts hall, only to see Ling Ye put on a valiant outfit, like a sect apprentice who had just begun to temper his physique, trying his best to attack his opponent.


As an opponent, it is not the ancestor of Shangguan, but a sturdy little girl, dressed in sackcloth, wearing a pair of straw sandals, and carrying a wooden stick on her shoulders.


The stocky girl's movement is terrifying. At the same time as her mouth stinks, she knocks on Ling Ye when she **** Leng Zi. Ling Ye is so angry that she can't touch the corner of her clothes, so she can only be incompetent and furious.


What made Ling Ye even more unbearable was the master's ignorance.


In the corner of the martial arts hall, there is a tea table where the teacher is watching the battle. The slender Shangguan ancestor sat beside the tea table. He didn't even bother to look at the battlefield. With a tea cup in his hand, he casually looked at the water curtain on the tea table. It should be the elder of the iron cluster mansion, and he is talking respectfully:


"...The situation in northern Xinjiang is stable. We have contacted the nearest Taohuatan, and sent a doctor to assist in the aftermath..."


After the report was finally finished, the ancestor was still not interested by Ling Ye's all-out efforts. He even changed the stage at random. There was a fight scene on the water curtain, and someone was explaining:


"...As expected of Lei Gong Jiang Taiqing's former direct descendant, this swordsmanship is really drifting, and there is no chance of winning when falling on the sword... As the saying goes, know shame and then brave, since being expelled from the division, Yunzhengyang's swordsmanship has reached a new level. I am afraid that only the new disciple of the Eastern Continent Valkyrie can be compared..."


I couldn't hear the words clearly, so it was certain that they were not in Yuyao Continent.


I would rather fight the battles of other disciples in the appearance of thousands of miles, and I am too lazy to watch the heirs beside him go all out. It is conceivable how much stimulation he has on Ling Ye. His face flushed and he gritted his teeth to squeeze his body, trying to arouse the interest of the master. .


Zuo Lingquan was naturally distressed when he saw his daughter-in-law being abused so badly, but as a martial artist, he knew that there were no tigers and wolves in the greenhouse, and proper stimulation could arouse the fighting spirit of the warriors. This method is beneficial and harmless, and Ling Ye's fists The heat is really not good, and it is unreasonable for the ancestor to stare at it seriously.


Therefore, Zuo Lingquan didn't bother and just watched with Jingxun outside.


After watching it for half an hour, seeing Ling Ye being abused on one side, and being sprayed by the stinky little **** the other side, his chest was about to explode. Zuo Lingquan shook his head, and his hands were itchy.


The ancestor of Shangguan, who was sitting inside, must know that Zuo Lingquan was at the window. Seeing that he was eager to try, he let Ling Ye rest for a while, and Zuo Lingquan came in.


Zuo Lingquan was very confident about this. Holding the gesture of finding a place for his daughter-in-law, he rolled up his sleeves and went in to clean up this little girl's film. As a result...


Not to mention.


Dushi girl is the magic weapon of Shangguan ancestor's immortal soldier. How much combat power he can have depends on the ancestor's mind. If Zuo Lingquan can do it, he will be damned.


Although Zuo Lingquan played more skillfully, the scene was no different from Ling Ye's. The opponent was always faster than you, and he was beaten by all means, and he had to face the stinky mouth of the stocky girl, such as:


"You dare to call yourself a martial arts cultivator even if your legs are unsteady. You are better off with a cane than a sword..."


"Just this waist, I will eat more dragon and tiger pills in the future, it looks like kidney deficiency..."




The sturdy girl didn't know who to learn from, and she was not taboo in her words. When she found any flaws, she was ridiculed. Zuo Lingquan's mood was very angry, but she couldn't do anything about the dead girl. She was cleaned up for a long time, even It is suspected that the ancestor was deliberately taking this opportunity to clean up him and avenge the revenge that he had been touched before.


However, Zuo Lingquan thought that he should not be with the grand-mindedness of the ancestor, so he forced the double torture of physical and psychological, gritted his teeth and persisted until he was completely exhausted, and then went out to the martial arts hall with Ling Ye.


Ling Ye was flirting in front of the picture scroll. She was still a little greedy at first. At this time, she was trained to doubt her life. She didn't even want to say a word.


Zuo Lingquan couldn't lift his arms, looked at Ling Ye's round buttocks, he was too determined, he was leaning against the wall, but after Jing Xuan helped to close the door, he got under his arm and dragged him, and then the two of them went together. Xie Qiutao went to the house.


Tang Jingxuan's martial arts accomplishments are limited to kitchen knives, so he didn't dare to say much when he was on the sidelines. At this time, when he was in private, he saw that Zuo Lingquan had lost the strength to touch her, and his body was dead. He was reluctant and muttered:


"That dead mother-in-law, no matter how serious or serious, I think she is deliberately cleaning you up, how can there be a disciple who teaches like this?"


"Ling Ye is worse than me, how could it be intentional."


"That's Lian Lingye's sister to clean up together. Just now I just felt that the dead woman was aggrieved, so I came down to take a look..."




"Well, I can't describe that feeling because of the bitterness, and I don't know if it was caused by Senior Peach Blossom or Ling Ye..."


Zuo Lingquan pondered for a while, and judging from the relationship between the three, it must have been Venerable Peach Blossom who **** off the Ancestor. It's not easy to ask about this kind of thing, so I didn't say more.


The third floor is the living area, the space is extremely grand, there are several guest rooms, the deepest is the ancestor's Qi training room, Taohua Zun lives there to recover from his injuries, and the rest are outside.


Zuo Lingquan came to Xie Qiutao's room, and when he entered the door, he saw the dumpling turn the little dragon turtle over and put it on the table as a rocking chair. There is also a box of small dried fish in front of me, shake it twice to take a bite.


This kind of arrogant attitude of the parents not at home, naturally did not dare to be seen by Jing You, and when the door was opened, the dumpling turned upside down, posing as an obedient bird.


When Zuo Lingquan saw the little dragon turtle, he remembered that the purpose of the trip was to give the dragon tortoise wisdom. He turned to the bed on the inside.


Xie Qiutao's weather has stabilized. She lay quietly on the pillow, covered with a thin quilt. She should be adjusting her breath, and there is nothing unusual.


Because it was the girl's house, Zuo Lingquan didn't go up to take a closer look. Seeing that Qiu Tao was fine, after drinking tea and resting in the room for a while, he got up and said:


"I went to the painting boat to rest, and I happened to take care of Qingwan. There are women here. It's inconvenient for me to stay here."


With the two masters of the Xian family in front of them, Tang Jingxuan couldn't sneakily go to the boat with Zuo Lingquan for the night. Without stopping, she said with concern:


"Can you do it? Shall I take you there?"


How could a man say that he can't do it? Zuo Lingquan bowed his head and kissed Jingshen's face, then went out of the room.


Zuo Lingquan rubbed his old waist at the door, feeling as if he had been squeezed by Ling Ye, Qing Wan and Jiang Yi for a month without pity.


He wanted to leave immediately, but Venerable Peach Blossom hadn't visited him yet. He didn't know how his injuries were. After hesitating for a while, he came to the Qi Refinement room on the inside. Just as he was about to listen to the movement inside, a voice came from behind:


"If you still have the strength, the deity will accompany you to practice again. You have to practice your physical training to the limit. If you have spare strength, you will give up halfway."




Zuo Lingquan didn't have a drop left, he just recovered a little after drinking tea, how could he withstand the torture of his ancestors. He turned around and looked at the ancestor of Shangguan who appeared behind him at some point:


"I've done my best, and I'm afraid it will hurt the fundamentals if I practice again. Hmm... I'll come and see, how is Senior Peach Blossom's injury?"


"Don't worry, at the end of the medical way, the fighting strength is not strong, but it is not easy to die. Her life is as hard as a stinky stone, and she can recover as before in three months at most."


Three months may seem like a long time, but for the cultivator at the level of the venerable master, it can be regarded as an instant recovery. You must know that the venerable lord of Barren Mountain was beaten to death last year, and he is still cultivating in an unknown place.


"That's good." Zuo Lingquan was naturally relieved when he heard the words, and walked out with the ancestor.


Old Ancestor walked in front, the self-cultivation dragon scales outlined the perfect proportions of the figure, and it was self-evident how thrilling the back was.


But Zuo Lingquan dared to stare at the back of the ancestor, looking at both sides of the corridor, thinking about it:


"Fang Cai Lingye said that during the Chinese New Year, I invited my senior to be a guest at Zuo's house. My senior has taken care of me for so long. If I have time, I really want to do my best as a landlord..."


Speaking of Chinese New Year, the ancestors of Shangguan remembered Ling Ye's impeccable arrangement, the bridal chamber and the time when Jasper broke the melon...


She suddenly turned around, raised her hand and placed it on Zuo Lingquan's chest, her fingertips showing golden light.


Zuo Lingquan naturally couldn't slam into the arms of the old ancestor. When he was wondering, he found that a warm current poured into the body, and then the pain and weakness of the limbs began to recover quickly, but in a flash, the body had returned to full strength and energy. Extremely, I feel that I can pack a few daughters-in-law together so that I can't get up.




Zuo Lingquan looked down, his eyes full of surprise and admiration, but before the word "thank you" was spoken, he heard the ancestor say without any emotion:


"Seeing that you're free to do nothing, let's practice again. Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."




Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, and his first reaction was to think back on what he said wrongly, but he just invited the ancestor to be a guest at home, so he didn't feel anything wrong.


The ancestor of Shangguan raised his finger slightly, and the two of them reappeared in the martial arts hall.


The stocky girl transformed by the little female dragon appeared in the hall, with a look of disdain on her hips:


"Yo~ how long has it been, and you're hardworking enough to beg for a beating again. Do you want me to let you have two legs, one hand and four fingers?"


The ancestor of Shangguan didn't say a word, he came to the tea table and sat down, picked up the teacup, and continued to read the messy secrets of Kyushu.


Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth and said there was suffering...




When he was in Yanjiazhuang, Zuo Lingquan had the idea to become a 'sword doctor', save people after being beaten to death, and then save them after being beaten to death.


This kind of boring and bad taste, I just think about it in my heart, and I am not ready to put it into practice, but Zuo Lingquan never imagined that he would have a day when he would experience this kind of bad taste, and what he experienced was that he was beaten to death and saved. The one who got up.


Hanging Loft went all the way to the south, crossed the Central Continent Desert, and arrived at Taohua Lake on the south side of Fulong Mountain. It took three days.


For three days, Zuo Lingquan stayed in the martial arts hall and never came out. After fighting each other with the stocky girl until he couldn't get up, the ancestor used his magical powers very thoughtfully to bring him back to life with full blood.


It would be fine if he simply squeezed his physique to the limit. Zuo Lingquan had been like this since he was a child, and he could bear it;


Zuo Lingquan didn't pay attention to all kinds of messy and sarcastic words, three days without any heavy ones. Zuo Lingquan didn't pay attention at first because of the presence of his ancestor, but his fists and skills really couldn't help the sturdy girl, so he couldn't help but retorted the girl:


"Round face and small body, it looks like a bun with bean sprouts..."


Because he was so angry, Zuo Lingquan didn't think carefully before saying this, he opened his mouth and went out.


The sturdy girl was naturally not angry about this, she laughed loudly, and said to her ancestor:


"Did you hear? He said that you were ugly when you were a child, with bean sprouts on top of a bun, hahaha..."


The old ancestor looked calm and did not respond to this, but the sturdy girl started to be even more ruthless after that. Obviously, she had a great opinion on this description!


The training process is very painful, but this is the way the body is trained, and the effect of high-intensity torture is immediate.


Although Zuo Lingquan couldn't improve his realm, he fought with a sturdy girl who knows everything, and his combat experience, which must be accumulated through actual combat, such as enemy strategies and instinctive reactions, has been greatly improved. It can be said that the realm hammer is solid.


Ling Ye was picked up once, and did not dare to come and watch the battle after getting up. Perhaps because he was afraid of being pulled over by the ancestors, he did not dare to stay in the attic directly. for three days.


Jingxuan was naturally reluctant to see her man so miserable, but she didn't want to interrupt her practice, so she just watched silently from the window.


From Zuo Lingquan's point of view, the three days seemed extremely long, but fortunately, it finally passed.


By the time the Hanging Loft appeared above the thousand-mile spiritual field, it was already three days later at dusk; the old ancestor could not have stayed by his side all the time. After escorting Venerable Peach Blossom to his home, he returned to Yinheng Mountain by himself.


Taohua Zun is the master of conditioning and has been retreating on the third floor. It is not known when he will come out. Therefore, the attic will stay in Taohuatan. Zuo Lingquan wants to pick up Jiang Yi and has to take a painting boat.


But before going to pick up Jiang Yi, you have to wait for Xie Qiutao to pass the calamity.


Xie Qiutao refined Kui Yu's divine power and successfully stepped into the gate of Youhuang. Before he woke up, the Thunder Tribulation arrived as promised.


Thunder calamity is the feedback from heaven and earth caused by monks taking power from the hands of heaven and earth. It has to be resisted by the physical body, and the body is tempered by thunder, completely mastering this power. Dao Xiao, but if you borrow too much, your physique will not be fully tempered, you will not be able to grasp the power of heaven and earth, and the thunder will continue to come.


Therefore, Xie Qiutao couldn't hide in the hanging attic to survive the calamity, so Shangguan Lingye moved her to the spiritual field and set up a formation around it.


The Xiaolei Tribulation that entered Youhuang was not too powerful. With Xie Qiutao's physical strength, he passed the test without any risk or danger.


When the thunderclouds dissipated in the sky, the sky darkened.


On the snow-covered field, Xie Qiutao sat upright, the mist surrounding his body gradually merged into his body, his breath gradually calmed down, and he opened his eyes.


Zuo Lingquan was standing nearby with his sword in his arms, and when he saw this, he came to the front, thinking for a while, but he didn't know what words to start with.


Xie Qiutao's face was as fair as jade, without the small freckles of the past, but also less lively and a little sad.


She first looked up at the north, and then turned to Zuo Lingquan:


"It's back to the Nine Sects... Is the north thing done?"


"Yeah. The gourd was broken, and the errand didn't go wrong, but those people ran away and didn't catch up."


Zuo Lingquan thought for a while, then sat down next to Xie Qiutao, with the long sword flat on his lap, and smiled:


"Don't worry, your father..."


"That's not my father."


Xie Qiutao put away the posture of sitting cross-legged, and then sat with her knees in her arms:


"My ancestors of the Xie family have taken the responsibility of eliminating demons and defending the way for generations. Although my father is the son-in-law who came to the door, he is also my Xie family. How could it be used by foreign races? It must be those evil demons who did it."


Zuo Lingquan nodded: "I think so too."


"Even if my father's will is not strong, my mother will not agree. My mother is a descendant of the Xie family, and the eldest lady of the aristocratic family is also the eldest lady. She used to take care of me and my father, and often told us, If we dare to do something that goes against our ancestors, we will send us away with our own hands; if she is not sane one day and goes astray, let us not be soft-hearted. I thank my family for this, and would rather die than give her Ancestors smeared..."


Zuo Lingquan sighed softly, not knowing how to answer.


Xie Qiutao was cheerful by nature and didn't want to feel sorry for herself in front of others. After muttering for a while, she slowly suppressed her emotions, the sadness on her face dissipated, and a smile appeared on her face, encouraging herself:


"Hee~ Young Master Zuo doesn't need to worry about me, I should be happy. I used to think that my parents were gone and I would never see each other again. Now at least my body is still there, so there is a chance to get it back."


She smiled sweetly, although a little reluctantly.


Zuo Lingquan nodded and showed a bright smile:


"Yeah, just think about it."


Xie Qiutao stood up, patted her skirt, and stepped on the snow to the attic in the distance:


"What's so hard to think about? No matter what happens, the road has to continue walking, right? Let's not talk about this, what about my little turtle? Has it appeared in the past few days?"


"Heh... I should show up when there's no one there. I'm always being used as a cushion by the dumplings. The little dragon turtle may not be happy. Last night, I sneaked under the bed to hide, but unfortunately I was found by the dumplings..."


"Duanzi is still naughty... Where is Zuo Gongzi going next?"


"It's the end of the New Year, and I'm going to go back to my hometown for the New Year. Miss Xie, would you like to come to my house?"


"Go to your house? I'm sorry."


"What's so embarrassing about that? You're not going back with me alone. Ling Ye and the others are all here."


"They're both good friends from Young Master Zuo. I'll follow you. If I'm misunderstood... ah~ I can't seem to misunderstand me. I'm a little girl, and I can't compare to Sister Shangguan. At most, I'll be misunderstood as a maid."


"Why, I'll just introduce you..."


"After the new year? Zuo Gongzi won't stay at home all the time, right? I still want to go to the north to have a look. I finally found some Zuo Lingquan thought for a while, shook his head and smiled: "After the end Let's see the situation after the year. I want to go to the Bosau continent in the north. There is a war there, and a few acquaintances are there. I just don't know if there is a chance to go there. "


"Bosuozhou is in the northwest, quite far from my home. From here, we have to cross Huajunzhou. If Mr. Zuo really goes, I can guide you. Now, all the sects have acquaintances, and there are countless fairies they know, all of them beautiful!"


"Really? ... No, what is Fairy Ti for?"


"Let me introduce you to Young Master Zuo. Wouldn't it be fine for Young Master Zuo?"


"Huh? Miss Xie, it seems you have misunderstood me, I..."


"Don't worry, Sister Shangguan is not around, I'm paying attention. What kind of girl does Young Master Zuo like? Come on, let me see if you know anyone."




"Don't be embarrassed, what can't we talk about in our life-threatening friendship? Actually, I can see that Zuo Gongzi likes those who are more mature and have top-notch figures, right?"




"Hee hee~ It seems that I guessed right."


"Guess what, I never marry someone based on looks..."




As the sun sets in the west, two silhouettes are drifting away on the field...

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