Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 21: talk about marriage

"Candied haws!"


"Selling coal..."






Light snow was flying along both sides of the river, and the shops on the street were a little more old-fashioned. People from surrounding counties and counties came to the capital to go to the market, and there were many outsiders who looked immortal.


Amidst the shouting in the street, the boatman who was carrying passengers at the pier, Yu Guang found a group of people coming from outside Fang City, and said unexpectedly:


"Oh, shopkeeper Tang, rare guest... Dressed like a little daughter-in-law, it seems that the pot of water was splashed in the right place two years ago, I'm also half a matchmaker, why haven't I seen you give a thank you gift or something... …”


"Go, go, I'm not married yet... I'll give you two jugs of wedding wine after a while, okay?"


"Yo, are you planning to come back for a wedding?"


"Don't make a fuss, it's embarrassing to let the neighbors hear it... What about Lao Zhang? Why didn't you see anyone else?"


"I retired, and I took a leisurely job in the arrest department to support the elderly, and I stopped patrolling the streets for a long time..."




The pedestrians who stopped and chatted on the street were naturally Tang Jingxuan and Zuo Lingquan who had just returned from the north.


Zuo Lingquan held a flower umbrella to shield Jingyou from the wind and snow; Xie Qiutao stood beside the gourd stack and bought candied haws for the dumplings. Hearing the conversation, he was a little puzzled and asked curiously:


"What kind of water did Sister Jingxu pour? What does the ship's master mean?"


"When I first came to the capital two years ago, I walked here, Jingxu came out of the house and poured a pot of boiling water on me."


"Then Young Master Zuo, relying on his identity, abducted Sister Jingxu?"




Zuo Lingquan wanted to deny it, but remembering the days and nights that followed, it seemed okay to say so, so he laughed without saying a word.


After picking up Jiang Yi from Yinheng Mountain, he did not stop on Zuo Lingquan Road and returned directly to Dadan, which is located on the border of the Southern Wilderness.


On the boat that day, Zuo Lingquan said that he wanted to clean up Lingye Zhenfugang. Although he had this intention, but time did not allow, Xie Qiutao was still waiting below, and he couldn’t really fight for a month. war.


At present, the relationship between Lingye and Jiang Yi is very complicated. Anyway, the two of them are on the same page. On the way back, Jiang Yi will no longer help Lingye with official business, but also pull Qingwan with him, specifically with Zuo Ling next to him. Quan Qingqing me and me.


Ling Ye is busy with official business, his **** can't be separated from the stool, and he can't call anyone to help. It's really exhausting, but compared with the status of the boss, what's this tiring? Not only did he not ask Jiang Yi and Qingwan to join hands, but he also stretched out from time to time, and the bracelet on his hand leaked out to show it off.


Qingwan naturally stood on Jiang Yi's side, thinking of finding a place for Jiang Yi, she had been making torture tools seriously these days, and she had the intention of sharpening knives in front of Ling Ye.


In the backyard confrontation, the most difficult thing to do is Zuo Lingquan, who is caught in the middle. These days, he has been cautious in his steps, even more cautious in his words and deeds than when he was abused by the ancestors.


But a man, sometimes it's okay to be a little bit hard and tired. After coaxing me all the way, I finally made it through the journey back home.


After returning to Dadan, Jiang Yi took Leng Zhu back to the palace to visit relatives; Ling Ye and Qing Wan went to Xihuang Valley for a walk, where there is a statue of the ancestor, and there must be a pillar of incense when passing here; Jing You wants to go home On the trip, Zuo Lingquan accompanied him, and took Xie Qiutao to see the customs of Dadan.


After Tang Jingxun and Chuan Gong finished chatting, she returned to Zuo Lingquan's side, walked side by side to the small restaurant that had been closed for a long time, and sighed a little:


"It didn't take long for me to go out. The streets have changed a lot. Every house has been renovated. It is said that it is still money from the imperial court..."


Qihuang Valley has become the next sect of Jingtai Terrace, and it has gradually been on the right track. The Xianjia Market has been built, and there are naturally many outsiders.


Linhefang, as the gateway to the capital, naturally had to be well groomed. Even Tang Jingshen's small wine shop was renovated under the arrangement of the third uncle.


Zuo Lingquan accompanied Jing You to the outside of the small restaurant that was closed all the year round. When he recalled the time when he first met at the door, he felt a little nostalgic.


The dumpling returned to the place where he grew up as a child, and naturally felt more cordial, and took Xie Qiutao around, "jiji~" non-stop, it should be saying "this house has a stupid cat, that house has a stupid dog". If so, introduce it to Xie Qiutao.


Zuo Lingquan did not follow. After Jingshen opened the door of the wine shop, they entered the shop together.


Tang Jingxuan returned to her small home, and she was a little more cheerful. She walked around the shop, touched a few old wine jars, thought about it, and turned back:


"Little Zuo, let's... let's have a wedding, do you want to talk to the dead woman?"


The marriage was brought up by Ling Ye. Zuo Lingquan and Jingxu have long been indistinguishable from each other. When they go home for the New Year and get married, they naturally settled down, and they haven't told their ancestors yet.


Although this kind of thing is a private matter, after all, Jing Xun can affect the ancestors. Zuo Lingquan thought about it and said:


"Let's say hello, see when the ancestor is convenient, just set the day."


As a woman who has not left the cabinet, Tang Jingxuan is naturally a little nervous about marriage. But when she thought that she was the first girl to get married at the Zuo family's ancestral house, there was no hesitation.


Thinking of the dead mother-in-law, Tang Jingxuan was still a little worried:


"What if the dead mother-in-law doesn't agree? When I come back next time, I don't know how many years later, I... I want to get married at home. "


Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled. He hugged Tang Jingshen's waist and came to the backyard:


"Just say hello in advance. Old Ancestor is not an unreasonable person, how could he interfere in your and my marriage..."


The backyard was once burned by the remnants of the pill, but now it has been renovated, and the ground is also paved with bluestone floor tiles.


Tang Jingxuan stirred a strand of hair with her fingers, returned to her boudoir, sat down on the bed, hesitated for a moment, and said to the air:


"Mother-in-law, are you busy?"


Zuo Lingquan was sitting next to him, unable to hear the ancestor's response, he could only see Tang Jingshen listening for a moment, and then frowned:


"Then when are you not busy? Me... Xiao Zuo and I are getting married. Getting married... marriage is all that matters. If you are always busy, I can't be alone on the wedding day, right?"


"Are you thinking about it? What's there to think about? The Chinese New Year is coming soon. If you're busy in a few days, I'll just take care of things with Xiao Zuo right now, and we'll walk through the scene on the wedding day..."




Zuo Lingquan raised his eyebrows and was a little moved by this proposal, but unfortunately Jingxun nodded after listening to it for a while:


"It's almost the same, so it's settled. When the time comes, don't come to interrupt, you will only have a bridal chamber once in your life. If you dare to come, I'll let Xiao Zuo continue and shame you..."




Zuo Lingquan blinked his eyes, but did not dare to answer. After Jingshen's expression returned to normal, he asked:


"What did the ancestor say?"


"She said we can arrange it ourselves."


"I'll just say it."




The courtyard was silent.


Tang Jingxun sat on the small bed she had slept alone for more than 20 years and looked up at the newly renovated beams. She felt a little strange, but she missed it immensely.


After thinking for a while, she took out the jewelry box that she had collected for many years from Linglong Pavilion, put it in its original state, looked at the cheek in the bronze mirror, and sighed:


"I used to think about not getting married in this life, and just guarding this small business. I didn't expect that this world is more unrealistic than a dream, and there are all kinds of messy things. …”


Before Zuo Lingquan set foot on Linhefang, he did not expect this world to be so big. He lay down on the bed, holding the back of his head,:


"It's called fate. When fate arrives, they will naturally come together. How can you say that I got the hand."


Tang Jingxuan glanced with her head, but Tuanzi and Xie Qiutao didn't come back, so they also lay down, lying side by side beside Zuo Lingquan, with their legs dangling in the air, looking at the tent above:


"I don't believe in fate. If a marriage is predestined, it means that the love between men and women is arranged by God. You just meet step by step, and the affection doesn't come from the bottom of your heart at all."


"Huh?" Zuo Lingquan heard this for the first time and thought it was quite reasonable:


"It seems to be the case. When we are together, we should have fought for it by ourselves. It's a matter of time for love and affection. It's nothing to do with God."


"Yeah. You were greedy for beauty, and you fell in love with my sister, and I was kidnapped by you. It has nothing to do with God."




Zuo Lingquan turned over, using his elbows as support, looked down at the familiar cheeks that were close at hand:


"What is this? What I see is Sister Tang's interesting soul, and it has nothing to do with covetousness."


Tang Jingxiao didn't believe it at all, she raised her hand and pinched Zuo Lingquan's face:


"When you first arrived on the pier, I splashed you with a basin of water. You are a rich family born in a wealthy family. If you didn't think I was good-looking, why would you come to sit in my pier shop?"


Zuo Lingquan thought for a while—if it was a rough man who splashed the water at that time, he would definitely not go to the wine shop to eat...


"Uh... At that time, I felt that Xun'er was a friendly person, and it was natural to take care of the business of the liquor store. What does it have to do with lust."


Tang Jing swayed her hair with her fingertips and hummed softly:


"What about that night? You know I'm the only woman in the shop, and you come knocking on the door in the middle of the night. How dare you say that you have no bad intentions?"


Zuo Lingquan had a clear conscience: "At that time, the beasts were making trouble, so I came to see the situation at night, which is reasonable."


"Then you mean, you didn't have any thoughts about me at that time?"




Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, but he couldn't say that he had no interest at all at the time when he was in love with a concubine, and he couldn't explain some things himself. On the placket:


"Everyone has a love for beauty. Seeing how beautiful she is, I may be a little tempted in my subconscious, but it's never to the extent of conspiracy."


Tang Jingxuan noticed Zuo Lingquan's gaze, her face flushed a little, but she didn't dodge it. She looked left and right, raised her hand to open the front of her clothes, and asked curiously:


"What made you interested in elder sister at that time? This? Hmm?"


Big, white...


Zuo Lingquan coughed lightly and closed the collar with a pretence:


"What nonsense? I'm a young hero from a famous family. How could I stare at other people's milk when I see a woman... Tuanzi."


Tang Jing was dubious, thought for a while, and said, "That's because I'm moved by my age, right?"




"Well, don't think I don't know what you like. I've heard from the **** in the neighborhood before, that this man is very weird, an older man, who likes more tender girls, fifteen or sixteen years old. , the old cow eats the tender grass; and those 15- or 6-hair boys prefer those who are older than them, preferably the kind that is well-cooked, the small horse-drawn cart, I feel very conquering..."


? ?


Zuo Lingquan's eyes were strange, he raised his hand and patted Jing's waist lightly:


"Who did you listen to nonsense? Where did such a fallacy come from."


Tang Jingxuan pretended to be a big sister and said seriously:


"Don't underestimate the mother-in-law in the neighborhood, it's just the experience of people who have come here. I didn't believe it before, but after following you, I found out that you were young and liked the older sister; you used to run to my shop at that time. , it must be because of this.”


Zuo Lingquan shook his head seriously at this statement:

"I don't have this quirky habit. All the older sisters I meet are because the lifespan of the practice is too long. I'm only twenty years old. It's hard to meet girls younger than me. When I’m three thousand years old, down to thirteen years old, I’ll…cough—if the fate comes, we will naturally come together, how can I only like to pull carts…”


When Zuo Lingquan said this, he felt that this description was very strange. He slightly spread his hands, indicating his strong body:


"Besides, is my physique like a pony? It's about the same as a wild horse."


Tang Jingxun glanced up and down, and her eyes closed at a touch somewhere in Zuo Lingquan:


"I... I don't have that much, how do I know whether you are a pony or a wild horse."




Is this questioning a man's ability?


Zuo Lingquan naturally couldn't bear this, he took Jingxun's hand and pulled it to him:


"You'll know if you try it."


Tang Jingxuan and Zuo Lingquan rolled over the bed, but Zuo Lingquan bullied her, she kept holding her and didn't dare to move.


Touching the wild horse that was about to run away, Tang Jing's face was flushed with a blush, and she whispered:


"How to try this? No... Isn't it waiting for marriage?"


Zuo Lingquan felt provoked and didn't want to give up, he held his little hand and whispered in Tang Jingxun's ear:




Tang Jingxun watched the shameless Qingwan practice from the sidelines. In fact, she understood many things. She shook her fair hand and hesitated:


"Well...if you want, I can do it naturally, it's not difficult, but...I'm just afraid that the mother-in-law will come over later and draw her sword, slap—"


Blood splashed on the wall!


! !


Somewhere in Zuo Lingquan it was cold, and the little thought that had just arisen disappeared in shock. He pulled up Jingshen's hand, put it on his chest to warm it, and said with a smile:


"Oh, I'll just say it casually, it's fine to just lie down like this."


Tang Jingxuan blinked her eyes, feeling that she couldn't let her man be wronged, and moved her hand back:


"What are you afraid of? She's so powerful that she won't hurt you. And if I'm not upset, she doesn't feel it, so she shouldn't come over."


Zuo Lingquan didn't think that the calm and peaceful mind was like still water. If the old ancestor came over and really came to 'draw the sword and cut', he was afraid that his general situation would be gone, so he was very honest.


But Jing Xun was still motivated when he saw this. He turned against the guest and pressed him over, unbuttoning his belt, in a manner of teasing the good son.


With Zuo Lingquan's concentration, he would definitely be unable to withstand it. Fortunately, before the two of them ignited the flames, there was a movement in the alley outside the yard:


"Miss Xie, what are you doing on the door?"


"Oh, nothing, just take a look."


"Really? ... Zuo Lingquan and Jingxun are inside?"


"Well, I don't know, hehe~ I'll go over there to see..."




Tang Jingxun didn't even notice that Xie Qiutao was eavesdropping outside the yard. When she saw the princess coming, she hurriedly sat up, straightened her clothes and hair, and whispered:


"Go out quickly, don't talk about messing with me here."


Zuo Lingquan smiled, got up and walked out of the door. One flew over the courtyard wall and landed in the back alley.




The fine and dense snow particles disappeared without a trace as soon as they fell on the bluestone floor tiles.


Jiang Yi, who had put on the costume of a heroine when she first met, stood in the alley with a sword hanging from her waist, looking at the direction in which Xie Qiutao ran away, her eyes showed a bit of suspicion.


Before she could inquire about the situation in the yard, Jiang Yi was tapped on the shoulder, and a clear voice came from her ear:


"Xiongtai's chest muscles are so exaggerated, it looks like a trainer..."

Between the words, a hand came around from his side.


? !

Jiang Yi's shoulders trembled slightly, her face darkened slightly, she raised her embroidered shoes and stepped back.

Naturally, I didn't step on it this time.

Zuo Lingquan took it as soon as he saw it, restored the manner of a modest gentleman, and asked:

"Is your work done in the palace over?"

Jiang Yi tidied up the robes on her chest, glared at Zuo Lingquan, then walked into the depths of the alley, and said lukewarmly:

"I'm a married princess. What can I do in the palace? What are you and Jingyong doing in the house? It's daytime, even outside. When I get home, I'm not afraid of being heard by the neighbors..."

Zuo Lingquan heard the vinegar smell in his words, raised his hand and hooked Jiang Yi's shoulder:

"It's all about revisiting the old place. Miss Xie is outside, what can I do."

Jiang Yi twisted her shoulders, didn't dodge, she didn't dodge either. She wanted to sniff Zuo Lingquan's chest, but she thought Zuo Lingquan bowed his head and waved on her forehead, so she quickly covered her forehead:

"Why do you move your hands before you say three sentences? I haven't forgiven you yet. If you do this again, I'll just suspend you."

Zuo Lingquan was slightly puzzled: "Forgive me for what?"

Jiang Yi's expression was not very natural, and it was difficult to explain clearly, but after hesitating for a while, she said directly:

"What else could it be? That old fox is showing off with a bracelet all day long and bullying me like this. Not only did you not speak for me, but you turned to her everywhere..."

Zuo Lingquan hugged Jiang Yi tighter and said innocently:

"That's not right. The last time Ling Ye showed off her bracelet and refused to sit in front of her, I slapped her **** and slapped her hard, didn't I? The princess felt very relieved at the time, and was still taunting next to her." Aren't you capable? What are you yelling at...'."

Jiang Yi was very comfortable watching a man vent his anger at the time, but after thinking about it, she didn't think so.

Jiang Yi frowned, her eyes were full of fire, and she whispered:

"Can that count as cleaning? That day I sat in front of you and looked at you and her... That kind of thing, she's obviously very comfortable, right? She's comfortable for as long as you take care of her, but I'm watching from the side. And let you use force... spit—now thinking about it, it's like having water in your head..."


Zuo Lingquan wanted to laugh, but when he laughed, the daughter-in-law in his arms had to turn into a tigress to kill him, so he showed understanding and frowned:

"Then what should I do? Why don't I take more care of the princess when we are together next time?"

Jiang Yi hurriedly shook her head: "No,'re not serious or serious, and I'm not as thick-skinned as hers. Take care of me. She still has to laugh at me when she sees it, and maybe even laugh at me with my aunt."

Zuo Lingquan was really at a loss: "It's not right to take care of Lingye, and it's not right to take care of the princess, so what should I do?"

Jiang Yi pursed her lips and glanced at Zuo Lingquan. Although it was difficult to open her mouth, she still stood on tiptoe and came close to his ear:

"When you pick her up, don't just serve her. You're not..."

Whisper softly...

Zuo Lingquan listened carefully, his eyes gradually became strange, and he looked back at Jiang Yi's perfect hip line:

"This... is not good? Lingye doesn't agree..."

Jiang Yi's eyes widened: "You are a man, so you don't care if she agrees or not? Is it possible that my aunt has agreed?"


Zuo Lingquan lowered his voice a little, and said seriously:

"It must have been Qingwan who agreed, so I dared to find another way..."

"Hey—don't waste books."

"Haha, at least I have to give in half. If I don't want to, how can I be fooled? If I am **** the princess, will the princess agree?"

As he spoke, he wanted to drag Jiang Yi to the courtyard.

Jiang Yi's expression changed, and she hurriedly avoided, protecting her back with her hands:

"I don't, you dare to do that to me, I... I'll kill you!"

Zuo Lingquan was just joking, he hugged Jiang Yi's shoulder and continued to walk:

"Do not do to others what you don't want to do to yourself, so this method is not appropriate."

Jiang Yi guarded her back and said angrily:

"It's just what you don't want to do to her, otherwise how can you call her to pick her up? You... I think you are partial. Auntie is such a gentle person, you can make her feel wronged and give in, but when you arrive in Lingye, you will not bear it..."

"how could be."

"That's right! I don't care anyway. If you don't treat her like that and suppress her arrogance, I won't be able to swallow this breath."

How could Zuo Lingquan not want Ling Ye to play the little fox with his tail on, but he didn't have time to persuade him. He thought about it and said:

"Okay, I will use my three-inch tongue as soon as possible to persuade Lingye to surrender, okay? In fact, it's still Lingye's practice, and the princess is watching. If you want me to come up with an idea, it should be the princess and me. Let go of the practice together, and let Ling Ye watch and greedy her by the side..."

"You think beautifully."

Jiang Yi felt that it was a bit too much to talk about this in the daytime. She raised her hand and nudged Zuo Lingquan's chin lightly, closed his mouth, and then sullenly folded his arms.


During the chat between the two, they unknowingly walked to the back alley where they once became attached.


Jiang Yi looked at Zuo Lingquan's 'pig-headed man wearing', her eyes changed slightly, she took out the bamboo pendant with the picture of the beating from her collar, and groped in her hand, but said nothing.


Zuo Lingquan understood Jiang Yi's temperament, and seeing her jealousy was hard to dispel, he said softly:


"Don't be jealous, isn't it just a bracelet..."


"What do you mean by just a bracelet? It was given by my mother. I am a long-term daughter-in-law, and I have never met her before. She has all the family heirlooms..."


"Oh, my mother's family is very good. Knowing that I am married to Her Royal Highness, how can I be biased and not prepared at all, I must have reserved a gift for the princess."


Jiang Yi's footsteps stopped, her eyes brightened slightly, she felt that it was indeed the case.


However, after thinking about it, she still felt it was unfair:


"What about Auntie? Auntie has taken care of you for so behind my back to help you cultivate...Alas...Auntie's credit and hard work are more than Lingye's, right? Lingye has her, why not? "


Zuo Lingquan was not sure about this, because Qingwan didn't want to make a sound, and he hadn't told her family about Qingwan.


But she knew her son Moruomu.


Zuo Lingquan felt that the warmth of his mother's way of life, seeing him take a few girls back, should be able to reflect the situation, and the meeting ceremony will naturally not favor one over the other.


Speaking of which, this is a bit of an old-fashioned gesture, but when you bring a bunch of daughters-in-law back in the New Year, parents shouldn't care about this little greeting.


Jiang Yi, Qingwan, Jingshen, plus Lengzhu and Qiu Tao at most, that's only five pieces of jewelry, my mother should be able to come up with them...


Thinking of this, Zuo Lingquan smiled lightly and comforted:


"Don't worry, you'll know when you go back."




Jiang Yi's heart was thinking about the jade bracelet. Hearing Zuo Lingquan say this, her uneasy feeling dissipated. Although her attitude was still cold, she still held Zuo Lingquan's hand after walking a few steps.


Fingers intertwined...





Thank you [ningningning] for the reward from the leader of the boss!

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