Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 30: I treat my seniors as family

Firecrackers say goodbye to the old year, and fireworks welcome the new year!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's the 30th year. The Zuo family's mansion hangs with red lights and firecrackers blaring outdoors. Hundreds of people from the whole family have a New Year's Eve dinner in the house.

Zuo Lingquan was at home, and no matter how high his morals were, he was no different from the son-in-law of the secular family. He accepted the red envelopes given by his mother, and even played two bird cards with his siblings of the same age after dinner, and the red envelopes were exported again.

Knowing that he is not good at this, Zuo Lingquan stood up very simply, and set off a gun battle with the quirky Tao Tao on the street.

This return home is an unprecedented experience for the girls in the same group.

Ling Ye, Qing Wan, and Jiang Yi all grew up in immortal homes or palaces, and have never experienced the purest smell of fireworks in the world.

It goes without saying that the ancestors of Shangguan and Venerable Peach Blossom had their hearts on the mortal world, but it was difficult to change the fact that they were on the top of the mountain. It was easier said than done if they wanted to celebrate the New Year as mortals.

She is also more comfortable with Jingshen. The experience of growing up in the market made her familiar with the atmosphere of the new year, but she lost her parents since childhood, and the familiarity is also a memory of the past. It is the first time in so many years that she feels the warmth and leisure of home again. .

Xie Qiutao is quite special, and she is by no means as cheerful and lively in her heart as she has shown in front of others.

Not to mention the past that has been displaced since childhood, it is only now that Zuo Lingquan is at home for the New Year and the family is reunited, but she is only a guest from outside, and she doesn't even know where her home is, so the feelings in her heart are bound to be complicated.

However, Xie Qiutao came alone. He was used to these things for a long time. No matter how many thoughts in his heart, in the face of the lively atmosphere, he still left those irrelevant things behind and concentrated on recalling the childhood fun.

The time has just passed, the new year is coming, and fireworks are scattered in Qinghe County.

Xie Qiutao was wearing a brand-new jacket and skirt, standing behind the big stone lion at the door, covering her ears, and looking around with a few children, urging:

"Click, click! Don't worry, my craftsmanship will be fine."

"No problem, you come by yourself?"

"Hey~ I pierced my hands when I was a child, don't you dare..."

In the hilarious atmosphere, Zuo Lingquan held a stick of incense and put it on the cannonball with a thick arm, looking cautious.

Leng Zhu, who had promised to go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire, covered his ears and hid behind the other stone lion, staring at him; because of the matter of selling the son last time, Zuo Lingquan pressed his knee on his knee and spanked him. The second long remembered and said worriedly:

"Young Master Zuo, if you can't do it, let the group come, it's bold!"


The dumpling crouched under the stone lion and covered his ears with his wings, shaking his head like a rattle, indicating that he didn't believe in Tao Tao.

In fact, it's no wonder that everyone is afraid of tigers. Who made Xie Qiutao's craftsmanship too difficult to describe. If you want to describe it, it is that people are addicted to vegetables, and they love to play with flowers if they are not skilled.

After half a month, Xie Qiutao made a lot of artillery battles. Except for the first misfire, all the others sounded, but the sound was in a variety of strange ways.

Either it exploded instantly in situ, causing Zuo Lingquan to fly to the roof; or it was a delayed fuse, which exploded when Zuo Lingquan approached for inspection; finally, it was ignited on time, and a snake-like shape flew into the air. Mobile, chasing Zuo Lingquan to fry.

Rao is that Zuo Lingquan was mentally prepared, and he couldn't guess what kind of shock he would encounter next time.

Fortunately, after many failures, there is always a little progress.

Zuo Lingquan lit the fuze, retreated a few steps from the local cannon and flew to the wrong place, and waited for the fuse to burn out, only to see the fire suddenly appear under the cannon, turning into a red meteor, straight into the sky.


Bang! !

Muffled movements resounded through the night sky.

Thousands of stars bloomed from the fireworks and scattered all over the sky. Not only did they not fly around, but they neatly left an afterimage of a 'fat phoenix spreading their wings' in the sky.


"Look, look, look..."


Inside and outside the mansion, the sound of amazing exclamation suddenly sounded.

The dumplings were full of surprises, waving their small wings and jumping excitedly on the head of the stone lion.

Xie Qiutao proudly stuck her waist and looked up at the sky:

"Hee hee, pretty, right? I'll just say my craft is fine."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes also showed a sense of surprise, and it was a bit like a world away. After looking up for a while, he gave Xie Qiutao a thumbs up.

After the fireworks were set off, Zuo Lingquan returned to the house.

Just after the New Year's Eve dinner, relatives and friends gathered together, drinking tea, drinking tea, playing cards, and there was a lively atmosphere everywhere.

In the living room of the back house, many female relatives were playing around in the room. The four daughters-in-law set up a card table. Zuo Lingquan stepped in and suggested that if he lost, he would take off a piece of clothing or something. He was the referee, but unfortunately he didn't agree.

On the other side, Venerable Peach Blossom was still being dragged by Madam Zuo to persuade Mr. Feng Shui to listen. Venerable Peach Blossom was pulling euphemistically just like a few days ago.

After discovering the connection between the ancestors of Shangguan and Tang Jingshen, the Taohua Zunzhu thought a lot, but the ancestors of Shangguan did not show emotion. Zuo Lingquan also seriously clarified that after understanding the reason for the entanglement of spirits from the ancestors, there was no There is more investigation into this matter. After all, gossip is random, and Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan ancestors are forcibly brought together, which is not good for her, and there are many distractions out of thin air.

As for the ancestor of Shangguan...

Zuo Lingquan was at the window of the wing room, watching the murderous card game of several daughters-in-law. When he was concentrating on it, he noticed a figure appearing in the corridor, glanced to the side, and then flashed away.

Due to the distance between Zuo Lingquan, even if he lived in the same house, it was impossible to run to Shangguan's ancestor's house every day, and he rarely saw him these days.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Lingquan knew that the ancestor had something to do with him, said goodbye to his daughters-in-law, and came to the West Residence.

All the family members kept vigil at the front house, while the west house was relatively quiet, and countless red lanterns could be seen hanging under the eaves.

Zuo Lingquan came to the courtyard where the ancestor lived, and saw that the door of the main house was open, and there were candles and a Qingfeng long sword on the square table facing the door in the middle hall.

The sword was three feet three inches long, placed in a light blue scabbard, exuding a sharpness that was hard to ignore.

This is the sword that was suspended beside the ancestor in the past.

The ancestor of Shangguan returned to the attire of a long dress with golden dragon scales, wearing a dragon-patterned hairpin, and no other accessories. He sat on the Taishi chair, with his left leg resting on the right, and his sitting posture was elegant but not lost. He is domineering like a king, holding a cup of tea in his hand, like an ancestor on the mountain who is waiting for his disciples to come and visit.

Seeing this battle, Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, walked slowly into the central hall, and bowed his hands:

"Senior Shangguan."

The ancestors of Shangguan have always been expressionless, and those eyes made it impossible to look directly at her face:

"The New Year is over, it's time to hit the road."

On the road?

Zuo Lingquan felt that this wording was unlucky, but it was not easy to point it out, and smiled:

"Senior is going back?"

The ancestor of Shangguan did not talk about the shortcomings of these parents, and said calmly:

"After the Lantern Festival, I will take you to Shenhuo Dongtian to retreat to refine the life objects; the fire of life is taken from Tang Jingxuan, the land of life has Zhongzhou antlers, after refining and refining, you only need to refine the gold of the five elements. Reach the peak of Youhuang."

The ancestor of Shangguan picked up the Qingfeng sword on the table and placed one hand in front of him:

"This sword was given by the superintendent of the army. There are only two more powerful swords, one is called 'Taiyin' and the other is called 'Taiyang'. Heaven and Earth, or cut off the Tao of Longevity again, there are very few divine soldiers in the world, and this sword is one of them."

The things he said were too high-level, and Zuo Lingquan couldn't understand:

"Senior are you going to give me the sword? Let me stop Youying Alien?"

"See if you can draw this sword first."


Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly, took a step forward, and held the hilt of the Qingfeng sword.

At this moment, there was no change in the color of the world, nor did the feeling of 'with a sword in hand, I have the world' when holding the hilt of the sword in the past, just holding the same object.

For the first time, Zuo Lingquan was unfamiliar with holding a sword, so he was a little puzzled and tried to draw the sword.

No response!

Zuo Lingquan frowned slightly, and drew the sword again, but the sword was the same as in the hands of the ancestors, without even shaking it.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't hide his surprise and wanted to try his sword intent, but the ancestor had already withdrawn his hand:

"With your current practice, you are not qualified to use this sword for your use. This deity can help you to refine it first, and then go to the Sword Washing Pond of Juejian Cliff in Central Continent for tempering. It depends on your personal fortune, you can't pull it out, you are just a porter walking around with it all your life."

Zuo Lingquan did not immediately agree, but asked:

"Senior, give me the sword, what do you use?"

The ancestor of Shangguan put the sword on the square table and shook his head slightly:

"The deity has never relied on the opportunity given by God, but the fist. However, the deity did not say that I would give you this rare opportunity in the world, with conditions."

Zuo Lingquan was a little embarrassed to say this:

"I already understand the way of the predecessors. Even if I don't give anything, I will not refuse to do anything that should be done. I will stick to this sword, but it is strange that I agree."

The ancestor of Shangguan did not respond to this, and directly talked about the conditions:

"This sword is too heavy, and the deity will only give it to his own disciples. You now worship me as your teacher and take over the mantle of the deity. This sword is the gift of the deity to you."


Zuo Lingquan was stunned: "Why did the senior suddenly mention this? I didn't say that I don't want to be a teacher before..."

The ancestor of Shangguan was expressionless and said seriously:

"There is nothing in the world for nothing, if you want this sword, call me master, and from now on I will treat you as my own; if you don't worship a master, this sword can't be given to you, and there is no second one in the world. You decide for yourself."

Facing this question, Zuo Lingquan fell into silence.

If you follow a teacher, you can get a unique opportunity in the world. The other party is still an elder who treats him very well. I am afraid that no monk in the world can refuse.

But Zuo Lingquan felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that he thinks it's too embarrassing for the ancestor to not give a sword if he doesn't go to school. It's shameless to want to prostitute for nothing, but he feels that the ancestor suddenly becomes a little alienated, which is different from before, as if he is an outsider.

Zuo Lingquan has practiced swords since childhood, but the most cherished thing in his heart is not the sword.

I wanted to cultivate immortals since I was a child, but the place I most yearned for was not immortals.

Longevity, immortality and immortality are only illusory things to Zuo Lingquan, and he never has the slightest weight in his heart.

In the face of the old ancestor's sudden suggestion, Zuo Lingquan hesitated and said:

"Is there something on your mind, senior?"

The ancestor of Shangguan raised his head slightly: "This deity asks if you are willing to be a teacher, and answer truthfully, this is your only chance."

Zuo Lingquan had no problem teaching Zuo Lingquan the Taoism of the ancestors of Shangguan, as well as his attainments in martial arts. In his heart, Zuo Lingquan had already regarded the ancestors of Shangguan as an all-knowing and almighty teacher.

But when it comes to apprenticeship, Zuo Lingquan has no hesitation in his heart, shaking his head and said:

"If for this sword, I could call my senior a master against my will, I would not have practiced the sword to this day."

The ancestor of Shangguan put away the Qingfeng sword: "Then don't mention this sword, the deity accepts you as a disciple, do you agree?"

Zuo Lingquan hesitated.

But the hesitation is not a hesitation to answer or not, but a doubt about why Shangguan Patriarch insisted on asking him to be a teacher today.


"Answer yes or no."


Zuo Lingquan shook his head.

The ancestors of Shangguan's eyes were slightly dark: "Why? Can't you see the way of the deity?"

"No, I admire my ancestor's cultivation, it's just..."

Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, not knowing what reason to find a reason to refuse, nor why he was so determined, but when he mentioned apprenticeship, he unconsciously thought of something:

With the kiss under Luohunyuan, the tongue was bitten, and the old ancestor's eyes flashed with a flash of astonishment...

Later, when he came over again, the old ancestor tilted his head and went out of the bed softly, "Bah—" with a funny look...

Seeing Ling Ye riding on top of him, the ancestor huddled in a blanket, pretending to be calm when he was preaching great truth...

Zuo Lingquan couldn't forget these things, so no matter what, he couldn't call Shangguan Patriarch a master.

Facing the distant gaze of the ancestor, Zuo Lingquan suddenly realized that something had arisen in his heart at some point.

There is one more person's shadow, standing with Lingye, Qingwan and the others, standing in the deepest part of his heart, standing in the place where he has done everything in his life to keep the wind and waves out.

The candles were dimly lit, and there was silence in the central hall.

The ancestor of Shangguan looked at Zuo Lingquan's face. Although he didn't hear any words, the experience accumulated over thousands of years was enough for her to see the general thoughts in Zuo Lingquan's heart from the subtle changes in Zuo Lingquan's eyes and expressions. .


After being silent for a long time, the ancestor of Shangguan took a deep breath and said nothing. He stood up, put the Qingfeng sword on the table, passed by Zuo Lingquan, walked out of the room, and disappeared in the in the courtyard.


Zuo Lingquan looked back at the back of the ancestor's departure, and then looked back at the long sword on the table, his eyes blank.

Just now you forced me to apprentice, and now you don't say anything to give me the sword, what do you mean...

Could it be that the ancestors also have feelings for me...

Before Zuo Lingquan could come up with a result, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside:


The footsteps were heavy, and even with the long dress of dragon scales, there was a sound of 'shasha-'.

Zuo Lingquan turned back in doubt, but saw the ancestor Shangguan had gone and returned!

The ancestor of Shangguan showed a rare anger, his eyebrows stood upright, and he looked like he was about to kill.

I go! !

Zuo Lingquan was caught off guard, and was really startled by the momentum that was about to kill him, and quickly raised his hand:

"Senior, ehh..."


Ancestor Shangguan's eyes were as sharp as a sword, he grabbed Zuo Lingquan's collar with both hands, and pushed him back with an unusual sturdiness. Zuo Lingquan only felt that he was hit by a mountain. He held Shangguan's ancestor's wrist, but he couldn't stand at all. He stepped back until he hit the wall behind, making a muffled sound.

"You want to die, don't you? I'm your mother-in-law!"


"What the **** is going on in your head? Do you think I can't see it? Or do you think I dare not kill you?"

As the distance was so close, Zuo Lingquan was stunned.

Ancestor Shangguan's arms were long and slender, and he didn't seem to have much strength, but Zuo Lingquan, who was slammed against the wall, had difficulty even breathing, and his face turned purple:

"Pre... Senior..."

The ancestor of Shangguan was so angry that even his jet-black hair scattered slightly. Even if his terrifying aura was forcibly suppressed, cobweb-like cracks appeared on the walls, tables, chairs, candlesticks, etc. of the room.

ka ka ka-

"This deity is implicated in Tang Jingxing, which is really a last resort. Even if you don't understand it, as the husband of Lingye, you still dare to have evil thoughts in your heart? You said to yourself, let this deity erase your memory, or take Tang Jingxing away forever. never see each other again?"

Ah? !

Zuo Lingquan became anxious when he heard this, gritted his teeth and said with all his strength:

"Senior... senior, don't get excited..."

"Don't choose, right? How about the deity come together?"

"Don't... I didn't have any evil thoughts just now, I just recalled some messy things subconsciously... I have no bad intentions towards senior..."

"Are you blind?"

"No, no... I really remembered it subconsciously, there is no other meaning... I treat my seniors as family, um... just like relatives, people not only have love between men and women, family and friendship are also human..."

Zuo Lingquan explained hard, and he was almost out of breath.

The ancestor of Shangguan pressed Zuo Lingquan, his hand slightly loosened, and after he explained it for a long time, he said solemnly:

"The deity cares what your feelings are, and the next time you are noticed by the deity, you will be responsible for the consequences!"


Zuo Lingquan looked at the cheeks that were close at hand, and to be honest, it was the first time that he had seen the face of the ancestor of Shangguan so Although he was furious, he was much more unhappy and sad than before. Shockingly beautiful.

Although there is a lot of physical contact through Jing Xing, the real physical contact between the two is limited to the ancestor's click on Zuo Lingquan's forehead.

At this time, the old ancestor slammed him against the wall with both hands. He held the wrist of the old ancestor, and his body was almost close to each other. When he bowed his head slightly, he could see the extraordinary grandeur brought by his extraordinary height.

But at this time, Zuo Lingquan was afraid that the ancestor would beat him half to death in his anger.

The ancestor of Shangguan took a few breaths, his aura gradually stabilized, and he glared at Zuo Lingquan again, then let go of his hand and stood up straight, walked out of the door quickly, and disappeared into the courtyard.


Zuo Lingquan had a lingering fear in his heart. He was stunned for a moment in the room. After making sure that the ancestor did not come again, he breathed a little and looked around, not knowing what to say...


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