Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 7: Zuo Ci, kind-hearted kindness

"Hey! Hooked, hooked..."

On the edge of Duobao Pond, Zuo Lingquan and the three sat side by side with a fishing rod in their hands. Not long after they were thrown into the pool, the fishing rod in Xie Qiutao's hand moved.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to fish, so he helped drag the fishing rod up.

Tuanzi watched a large amount of dried small fish being fed to the fish, and was so distressed that when a silly fish took the bait, he became naturally excited, lay on the edge of the pool, looked down, and opened his mouth, with a pair of "coming soon in the bird's beak". Come" in a hurry.

I don't know if the dumpling's deterrent power is too strong, Xie Qiutao found that the fishing rod was empty before he pulled out the things in the water, and he ran away.

Her eyes widened, and she hurriedly carried the dumpling back and said:

"You are showing your teeth and claws, how dare the fish come up? Look, run away."


The dumpling was very innocent, but he couldn't defend himself, so he could only retract into Tang Jing's arms and wait.

Xie Qiutao threw the rod again. After waiting for a while, the fishing rod moved again. After warning the dumpling not to move, she skillfully pulled it up - it was a small cyan turtle, the size of a baby's fist, and its appearance was not good.

Xie Qiutao was a little disappointed, and put the little turtle back into the water. Seeing Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jingshen looking at her unexpectedly, the fishing rod in his hand did not move at all, so he leaned in and explained in a low voice:

"Don't worry, all spirit beasts are smart, and no matter how good the bait is, the chances of being fooled are very low. Unlike humans, I am naturally close to turtles, and I have been attracted to turtles since I was a child. Perceived, most turtles will run to me."

Zuo Lingquan knew that Xie Qiutao and the turtle were close because of the Xuanwu bloodline. Hearing this statement, he pondered a little, and felt that he had the bloodline of the Sea King, and should be able to attract the spirit beasts of the genus Flood Dragon, so he tried to inject True Qi into the fishing line.

Among the beasts belonging to the genus of dragons in the world, the goal of cultivation is to transform into dragons, and the dragon king water spirit is the best chance that water beasts can find. The breath of the dragon king water spirit is indeed very attractive to the beasts in the sea.

Zuo Lingquan just tried it for a while, when he found that the fishing rod began to move.

It's just that there are too many beasts in the genus of Jiaolong. All the creatures of scale and armor are basically related to Jiaolong, and there is nothing more than the difference between bloodlines.

Zuo Lingquan took a pole and pulled it up to take a look. It was a fat carp whose name could not be named. It was a bit rarer than ordinary carp, but it was still far from the threshold of the spirit beast, so he put it back into the water.

Tang Jingxuan saw that the two were starting to enter the state, and they kept going on poles. It was itchy in her heart, and she also injected infuriating energy, trying to use her own breath to rare spirit beasts.


Not to mention.

The Suzaku family is the **** of fire, and some phoenixes even eat dragons and snakes. For example, dumplings like to eat fish.

Tang Jingxuan just tried it, and scared half of the water beasts that had finally gathered, causing her to hurriedly close her hands and sit by the side to watch honestly.

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao are both pro-water in the five elements, and have a special destiny. Fishing in the pool feels like cheating. The process is also quite enjoyable.

Zuo Lingquan only regarded it as a leisurely and elegant way to compete with Xie Qiutao and had a good time, but as time passed, the atmosphere in most of the pools gradually changed.

There are nearly a thousand people up and down the three-story round building, and half of them are anglers who are obsessed with this method. They know the difficulty of starting a pole in Duobaotan. They can catch a dozen or so poles in one night and catch a fish, shrimp, turtle and crab that can make a small profit. Good luck.

Bad luck, it is not uncommon to sit for a whole night. Before leaving, I took two sips of the water in the pool, and I came here to drink water when I was thirsty.

The three male and female monks sitting in a remote place kept talking and laughing. After sitting down for less than half an hour, they raised more than ten rods. Although they didn't catch anything good, the frequency continued. It will be a matter of time before a few genuine spirit beasts become available.

Seeing this scene, most of the countless monks in the pool are naturally hot, but according to the rules, others will dig their own treasures to fight the nest. So I can only look at it eagerly, secretly scolding myself for being blind, and I didn't see this good position today.

Because the frequency of starting the pole is too fast, there is almost no stopping, and even the owner of Duobaotan is disturbed by such a movement.

On the third floor of the round building, in a tea room, Shen Wanning, the owner of Duobaotan, sat beside the chess table, holding white stones in his hands, pondering the chess game.

Opposite Shen Wanning, sat a man in a brocade robe. He was tall but quite polite. It was Bao Xiangyang, an expatriate deacon of the Eight-Armed Xuanmen.

In terms of status, Bao Xiangyang is much taller than Shen Wanning, who came from an aristocratic family, but both of them love to play chess together, and they come and sit in Duobaotan every time.

While Shen Wanning was secretly planning how to slaughter the opponent's dragon, footsteps sounded at the door, and the steward in the building said from the outside:

"Master, the situation of the two guests below is not right. There are more than ten poles in less than half an hour. Do you want to go down and have a look?"

Shen Wanning has been rooted in Thunder Cliff for an unknown number of years, and he has seen all kinds of scenes without raising his eyebrows, and responded:

"It is estimated that you have the opportunity related to the water of the five elements, don't interfere, open the door to do business, and be honest, let them take as much as they can take away."

When Bao Xiangyang heard this, he smiled and said, "Brother Shen is so arrogant, are you not afraid that the boat will capsize in the gutter and be wiped out?"

Shen Wanning shook his head and sighed: "There are no profiteers and no businessmen. Today, the three-tailed carp was put in. If he can take them all, I have to thank him. If the news spreads, we can talk about it for decades at least."

Bao Xiangyang was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and nodded: "Good you Shen Wanning, no wonder the business is so big..."


The two chatted for only a few words, and the deacon outside the door came back again:

"Master, Young Master Han seems to be unhappy."

Hearing this, Shen Wanyou raised his head. After all, opening the door to do business and treating a high-profile customer badly would be equivalent to cutting off his own fortune.

Moreover, Han Chupeng, the nephew of Han Song, the elder of the alchemy of Luojian Mountain, can no longer be described as a high-stakes guest. , Over the decades, it has been paid almost every time, and Shen Wanyou has been moved to get a private room in the best place in the building, only entertaining Han Da Caishen, and other suzerain elders will not be allowed to enter.

Hearing that the God of Wealth was dissatisfied, Shen Wanyou thought about it and said "sorry", put down his chess pieces and got up, wanting to entertain, but when he walked to the fence outside the room, he found that Han Chupeng's personal guard Zou Shizong had already come downstairs. Came to the secluded corner by the deep pool...


"Yoyo, it's moving again..."

"Look what it is? Sigh, why are things so bad today, dozens of shots down, not even a silver-spotted carp..."


In Duobaotan, after a moment of silence, the atmosphere became lively again.

After all, the black-robed young man and the round-faced girl sitting beside the water pool were very lucky. They took up the poles very frequently, but they didn't succeed either.

Many people in the surrounding area were originally jealous, but after waiting for a long time to see the shipment, they became anxious. Many people started talking, waiting for the two to catch something good, which made everyone jealous for a while. .

Unconsciously, the corner where Zuo Lingquan was located became the focus of the entire Duobaotan. The monks up and down the round building were all focused on the two ordinary fishing rods, and even the elegant room on the third floor kept going. I didn't even notice the immortal money sprinkled in the pool.

Zuo Lingquan sat cross-legged on the edge of the water pool. At first, he felt that he was in good luck, but gradually he realized that something was wrong. He knew that Duobaotan was not a shantang and would not do business at a loss, but his heart was too dark. .

He and Xie Qiutao, under the circumstance of relying on their natural talents, did not catch a spirit beast for most of the day. If they were replaced by ordinary people, would they be able to catch something?

Zuo Lingquan's purpose is not to get rich overnight. Since he can't catch good things, he wants to see how dark Duobaotan's heart is. It can be regarded as helping many Taoists test the probability of shipping.

But when Zuo Lingquan was fishing seriously, the monk watching from the left side of the pool suddenly lowered his voice.

Zuo Lingquan felt something, and when he looked around, he saw a figure walking out of the round building.

The figure was dressed in a military uniform, with a black sheathed long sword on his back, his eyes were shining brightly, it was the guard of the fairy family who had just spread the money of the fairy on the third floor.

The cultivator sitting on the edge of the water pool was not very high.

The other monks up and down the Duobaotan also noticed the difference, and the words stopped, looking at the guard with the sword on his back, and walking towards Zuo Lingquan's position.


The sound of footsteps is not obvious, but it is clear in Duobaotan.

Tang Jingyou pulled Zuo Lingquan's sleeve; Xie Qiutao frowned and looked up and down:

"The brand of Luojian Mountain."

Zuo Lingquan held a fishing rod in his left hand, and after a slight glance, he continued to look at the water pool, as if he did not see this person at all.

The sword guard walked with his hands behind his back and came to the vicinity of the three. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan didn't turn his head, he narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Luojianshan Zou Shiying. My son has taken a fancy to this place, please make room for the three of you."

Then he waved his palm lightly, and threw twenty golden baht, lined up on the tea table.

Everyone around is not surprised by this scene. People who come here often know that Han Da Caishen is obsessed with this way.

Twenty golden baht is several times the ticket price, which is basically equivalent to picking up money for nothing; even people who are very lucky are a little reluctant to give up. When they see the sign of Luojianshan, they will suppress their emotions and get out of the way. After all, they practice the Tao. No one wants to cause trouble, especially this kind of immortal children.

But there are always exceptions.

Zou Shiying waited for the three of them to get up. The young swordsman at the head didn't even look at the fairy money on the table. He just replied plainly:

"Your hands are prosperous, you can find someone else."


As soon as these words came out, Duobaotan became quiet.

The nearby monks guessed that this two-faced fisherman did not know Young Master Han. Seeing that the two did not have a sect sign, they seemed to be wandering cultivators, so they winked secretly.

To put it bluntly, the practice is a place where the weak eat the strong. When it is time to give face, you don’t wink. When you leave the Fairy Market, it’s not that people will give you fairy money.

If you can save your life, you have to praise "the famous family is upright and follow the rules", and they are directly killed in the wilderness. Who in this world will care about the life and death of a few loose cultivators?

Even if it is a disciple of a sect, how many sects are there in the world that can hold down the rich and powerful Luojian Mountain that has been passed down since ancient times?

A thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and no matter how poor people are, the sects that can be suppressed can be counted with a few hands. Killing ordinary sects is not the same as killing them in vain.

Duobaotan is a place for doing business, and I didn’t want to go wrong. As soon as Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, the nearby steward secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward and said:

"Xianchang Zou, our owner has recently acquired an old turtle, and we want to let Young Master Han have the palm of his hand..."

The reason why he persuaded Zou Shizong was because the steward saw that the black-robed swordsman who did not move his nest was a stunned young man, and persuaded him to move his nest, things would only get worse.

But Zou Shizong didn't mean to go down the steps, raised his hand to stop the deacon's words, looked at Zuo Lingquan who had not turned his head, his voice was slightly cold:

"Seeing that you are young, since you are all swordsmen, I would like to mention to you. There are many people with talent and high proficiency in the cultivation way, but those who can go on are those who have good eyesight. Clear the situation, and die on the road sooner or later. My son has taken a fancy to this place, and now you get up with your money, if you are just now, I will only treat you as young and frivolous and ignore it.

The steward smiled and said, "Oh, they are all fishing friends here, so why bother to say such things. This gentleman, why don't you arrange a private room for you, and prepare some good tea..."

Before he finished speaking, the black-robed swordsman sitting by the pool turned his head with contempt in his eyes:

"If you can't speak, just let your master come out and give me a wink, you're not worthy."


Duobaotan was noisy up and down.

It was polite to say refusal just now, but now this sentence is a blatant ignorance of the other party.

Did you not see that the other party was someone from Luojianshan?

After all, the steward was a member of Duobaotan, and there were guests on both sides. He hurriedly pushed Zuo Lingquan out of the way, and his business would definitely be greatly reduced in the future, so he chose to laugh and not answer.

Zou Shizong's face turned cold, and he looked at the Diaoyutai on the third floor of the round building.

That is, at this moment, the bead curtains on the Diaoyutai were opened, and three figures flew out from inside, streaking across the Baizhang deep pool in the shape of a mountain, and landed around Zuo Lingquan and the three of them.

The person at the head was a man in a brocade robe with cloud patterns. He looked like he was in his thirties. He had a green scabbard sword on his back and a sword card hanging from his waist. His nose was like a hook and his eyebrows were like a knife. It is Han Chupeng, the **** of wealth here.

Zou Shizong did not speak any more and retreated to Han Chupeng's side.

Han Chupeng looked at the three people sitting by the pool and looked down:

"Little friendly and daring, people who don't care about me, Luojianshan, are rare in the world. Report it to the family, if you know me, I will give you face and spare you this time."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes turned back to the pool:

"I said you can't afford it, do you believe it?"


Duobaotan looked at each other from top to bottom, and they were dubious about this statement. After all, this kid is too crazy. He knew that the other party was someone from Luojianshan who said this, either because he had a big background or he had a brain.

Han Chupeng is not a foolish second-generation ancestor, although the other party didn't give face to make him angry, he didn't get angry directly, and looked at the owner here first.

Shen Wanning, the owner of Duobaotan, was no longer able to intervene. He was always asking for trouble when he went to make peace with himself. Seeing Han Chupeng looking over, he just shook his head, indicating that he did not know him.

Next to him, Bao Xiangyang, as a person from the Eight Arms Mysterious Sect, naturally would not stir this muddy water and did not make any movements.

Han Chupeng's experience is not low. After recalling the great immortals that Luojianshan could not afford to provoke, he went through the famous Tianjiao again, and after confirming that it did not look like one of them, he opened his mouth and said:

"Boy, I'll give you one last chance to report on your family. If you don't say it, it will be too late to reveal your identity later. Even if you are the direct descendant of Huang Chao's ancestors and you don't have long eyes, this account is not worth it. Come to the top of My Fallen Sword Mountain."

Zuo Lingquan never turned his head, his tone was flat:

"I am the direct descendant of the ancestor of Huang Chao, you can get out now, don't court death yourself."


The audience was dazed.

This kid can't even talk about tigerskin banners. If you talk a little bit, Luojianshan might really stop.

Said to be the Sword God's Inheritance?

There are countless disciples of the Sword God, but there is only one direct descendant. Later, he was removed from his teacher's name. Now he is called the 'Monster King of the Northern Territory'. Can you still be the 'Four Saints of the Nether Ying'?

Han Chupeng laughed angrily, spread his hands and looked around:

"What if it's the direct succession of the old swordsman? I don't have eyes for a fight, and the old swordsman comes to the door to make excuses. How can I be afraid of the top half when I fall into Jianshan?"

These words are completely nonsense, the Sword God is really coming, and the ancestor of Xiaoshan will definitely slip and kneel on the spot, aren't you afraid?

However, it was the black-robed swordsman who was sitting who blew the bull first, and the monks didn't say anything.

Han Chupeng turned his eyes back to Zuo Lingquan: "The rules of the market are that you can't use swords in private. I greeted you in advance and persuaded you again and again not to be reckless, the etiquette has been exhausted; now in full view, thousands of people are watching , isn't it private to you?"

Zuo Lingquan holds the fishing rod in one hand, and his voice is casual:

"It doesn't count."


Many monks next to the water pool stood up with surprise on their faces. They didn't expect this person's head to be so mindless.

Sticking to the rules of the market, Han Chupeng would not be able to intimidate and threaten the market, but he would at most go outside the market to block the door.

Saying this now is tantamount to admitting that the two sides were dueling voluntarily, and as evidenced by the countless cultivators present, it is difficult to manage the worship at the market. Isn't this courting death?

When Han Chupeng heard this, his smiling face gradually gloomy, and then turned into rage.

Han Chupeng is a person with a good face. When it comes to this step, the other party will not give any steps. Even if he can't figure out the background of this black-robed swordsman, the arrow has to be sent on the string; Can't afford to lose this face.

"There is a kind!"

Han Chupeng held the sword behind his back: "The woman keeps it, take this son for me."

The crowd gasped for breath.

It was also at this moment that there was a soft sound in the round building:

click -

The swordsman in black robe sitting by the water pool did not move, but one of the two swords around his waist popped out by half an inch.

The sword light is like snow, and it is like a thousand-zhang old Jiao, opening his eyes in the deep sea of ​​Jiuyou!

In an instant, the entire Duobaotan was like an ice cellar.

Bao Xiangyang, who was standing on the third floor across the bank to watch the fire, was currently the highest in the road. Seeing this scene, his pupils suddenly enlarged, and the secret passage was not good.

The Luojian Mountain beside Han Chupeng worshipped Zou Shizong. He noticed that it was not good, and the long sword was unsheathed from his back, and he came to Han Chupeng first, trying to block the sword.


A slight sword sound, which was not harsh, sounded in Duobaotan, as if a sharp blade had cut through a piece of paper, and something was broken.

This sword is too fast!

When Zou Shizong drew out his sword, he found that the swordsman in black robe was holding a fishing rod in his left hand, and his right hand was on the hilt of the sword at some point.

Thinking that the opponent was going to pull out the sword completely, Zou Shizong quickly retracted the sword and returned to defense.

But his mind moved, but his hands and feet did not obey.

Zou Shizong wanted to look down, but found that his head fell directly from his neck and fell to the ground.

Only at this moment did Zou Shizong suddenly realize that the black-robed swordsman put his hand on the hilt of the sword. He was not drawing out the sword, but had already received the sword!

There is no one among the thousands of monks in Duobaotan who can clearly see the style of this sword!


There were countless monks up and down the round tower, until Zou Shizong's head suddenly fell to the ground, only to realize that the black-robed swordsman had made his move, and his eyes showed the shock and inconceivability of seeing the immortals come into the world.

But it's not over yet!

When Han Chupeng saw Zou Shizong who was protecting him, his head left his neck, and the anger in his eyes instantly turned into stunned.

Just at this moment.

The black-robed swordsman did not turn his head, and the simple and simple long sword around his waist once again burst into a dazzling sword light.

Han Chupeng's cold hair stood upright, like falling into an ice abyss. He saw the light of the sword, but not the shadow of the sword. He tried his best to use even a method of protecting his body. The staggering speed only made him back a few inches.


The sword light is like a white rainbow, which is understated, but unavoidable. It seems that in an instant, the entire Duobaotan wind is divided into upper and lower parts.

But this time, the invincible sword light stopped a few feet in front of Han Chupeng.

Everyone finally saw the style of the black-robed swordsman's sword when it was unsheathed, but the sword was still unsheathed.

The black-robed swordsman holding a fishing rod sat cross-legged by the deep pool, his right hand stretched out, and the sword pointed to his side.

In front of the sword edge of the quaint six-sided sword, there was a man in brocade clothes, holding a turtle-backed inkstone in his hand. There was a clear sword mark on the inkstone table, which almost divided the entire inkstone table in two.

There was silence in Duobaotan, and many people didn't see what happened at this time.

Most people only felt that the moment before their eyes, the situation by the cold pool turned into a swordsman in black robe holding a sword in his right hand and pointing at Shen Wanning, the owner of Duobaotan; Han Chupeng took a few steps back; Zou Shizong stood in place with a sword, his neck Lost head.


dong dong dong... Valley

Until this time, Zou Shizong's shocked head fell to the ground, bounced a few times, and rolled into the deep pool, carrying a blood stain.


Everyone up and down the round building held their breaths, looking at the black-robed man with his sword raised, his eyes shocked.

The handsome black-robed man didn't seem to move from the beginning to the end. His eyes were fixed on the fish float on the water pool. His pair of swords and brows were light and light, as if he was just fishing leisurely. He raised his hand at will and swept away the flying insects and catkins around him.

But the action was understated, the sword intent on the back, but it was difficult for people to look directly at this person's shape.

It seems that even the small beasts in the water froze in place under the terrifying sword intent, only the sound of their heads bouncing on the ground and the blood spurting from their necks could be heard.


The fish float in the pool moved again, causing a circle of ripples.

In the silence all over the place, Zuo Lingquan handed the fishing rod to Qiu Tao who was beside him, got up slowly, held the sword in one hand and pointed at Shen Wanning.

He was already very tall, what he did just now, coupled with the sword intent that looked down upon all living beings, the scene looked like a **** from outside the sky, standing on the sky, pointing his sword at a person on the ground condescendingly. only ants:

"wanna die?"

The voice was clear, not mixed with anger, but simply asked.

Before Jian Feng, Shen Wanning's face turned pale!

He didn't block Han Chupeng's sword, but when Zou Shizong shot, he flew down and wanted to block.

But when he landed here, Zou Shizong was already dead, and the sword came to him again and had to block.

Shen Wanning was also shocked by the other party's aura. The sharpness in the eyes of the black-robed swordsman made him restless and did not dare to stand in front of the sword, but after a moment of silence, he still put away the inkstone and said solemnly:

"Thunder Bluff can't kill people, Your Excellency is breaking the rules."


The words made the monks up and down the round tower finally come to their senses, and there was a noisy speech:

"what happened?"

"What a fast sword!"

"How many swords are there?"

"This sword immortal, could it be that he is really the direct descendant of the old sword god..."


The voices of amazement, astonishment, and doubt continued one after another.

Bao Xiangyang, who was standing on the third floor, came to his senses and was shocked by the swordsmanship of this black-robed swordsman, but he also understood that what Shen Wanning said was true.

Xianjia market cannot kill people. It is an iron rule that prevails in Jiuzhou. If major wealthy families want to enter the market to do business, they must first admit this rule. Even if the young master of the wealthy family kills people, they can be punished if they sit in the town and worship them. It's a mess, no matter how big the background is, today's things will not be smooth.

Zuo Lingquan naturally knew the rules of cultivating the Tao, but he also had his own rules. He pointed at Shen Wanning with cold eyes:

"He first wanted to kill me and put his mind on the two girls next to me. Do you think I have bad rules?"

Shen Wanning noticed out of the corner of his eyes that on the third floor of the round building, there was an old swordsman - Chu Yi, the 'Black Cliff Sword Demon' - came a little stronger and said solemnly:

"There are immortal masters enshrined in the market. No matter how serious Han Chupeng is, he would not dare to kill people directly in the market. If you kill people directly, the rules are broken; Everything can be said..."

Han Chupeng's face was bloodless. He knew that he was not an opponent. He was afraid that this lunatic would kill him directly, so he quickly said:

"That's right, no matter what I think, I can't kill people here. No matter how poisonous my thoughts are, I'm still crippling you, blocking the grass and cutting the roots outside. As for these two girls, I remind my subordinates not to accidentally hurt me No matter what you think, it is impossible to kidnap women in the market. If they want to leave by ferry, I can't stop them. Everyone knows that; You may ignore the rules you set and act recklessly, how can you kill people in the market?"

The monks watching had different eyes. Although they understood that Han Chupeng had murderous intentions and some nasty thoughts, he deserved to be kicked to the iron plate and killed; but in the market, Han Chupeng did not have the guts to kill, at most He also forced people to go outside to kill him. Zuo Lingquan killed people here, and he really crossed the line.

"I advise you again and again not to be impulsive, but you should act first. You are all practitioners, and you have to understand that when you draw your sword, you must be conceited with your life and death. Draw your sword first and kill yourself. In my eyes, it is a battle of life and death, and you can't beat it again. Explain that you don’t want to kill people, why should I believe it?”

Zuo Lingquan raised his long sword and pointed at Shen Wanning's eyebrows:

"The two of them drew their swords at me just now, and there was already a life-and-death struggle. We should have left two lives, and the rest of the account should be settled outside the market. You just intervened. I thought you were slow to react and didn't see the situation clearly. If you dare to intervene again, you will make up for another life for him, don't blame me for being unreasonable."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two guards who didn't have time to draw their swords suddenly changed, and they quickly released their hands.

In the round building, everyone was amazed. I really didn't expect this black-robed sword immortal to have such a tough personality. He didn't compromise for half a step. Killing one was not enough.

Han Chupeng was afraid that Shen Wanning would really let go, and wanted to step back, but he knew that he couldn't run away, and his face was pale and he didn't dare to speak.

As a businessman, Shen Wanning would die for Han Chupeng, but he couldn't really let it go. Han Chupeng died in his territory, Luojianshan would definitely settle accounts in the autumn, and whether the black-robed swordsman could handle it was uncertain. His Duobaotan would definitely not be able to hold it.

Shen Wanning was in a dilemma, at this time he could only look at the old swordsman on the third floor.

Chu Yi, the swordsman of the Black Cliff, is the **** of Thunder Cliff. He should really care, but he has not yet figured out who this black-robed swordsman is.

When he came here, people had already been killed, and people could not be resurrected. When he went out at this time, in case the other party was a junior of an old friend, or a descendant of an immortal, he would offend him no matter what he did, so he wanted to wait for the black-robed swordsman to take a step back and privately negotiated settlement.

But the black-robed swordsman below is not an ordinary cross.

Seeing that Shen Wanning didn't speak, Zuo Lingquan's eyes were slightly cold:

"I count to three. One!"


Many monks in Duobaotan became noisy and felt that the matter was too much. Some persuaded Shen Wanning to stop meddling, and some persuaded Zuo Lingquan to think twice before acting.

Zuo Lingquan naturally wouldn't listen to this.

He dared to kill people in Xianjia Bazaar, but he was enshrined here without knowing his identity, but he did not dare to kill him rashly.



"Brother Shen, you can't find death! Get out of the way..."


Everyone in Duobaotan saw that Zuo Lingquan's killing intent was determined, but Shen Wanning couldn't stop it, and even Bao Xiangyang spoke up, persuading Shen Wanning to leave this business alone.

But Shen Wanning doesn't care, this is his family business, no matter what, he has to close the door tomorrow.

Shen Wanning looked anxiously towards the third floor, if it wasn't for the huge gap in identities, he would have already started scolding his mother and yelled at the Black Cliff Sword Ghost Chu Yi.

After all, Chu Yi was the worshiper of Lei Tingya, and he couldn't explain it any longer. Seeing Zuo Lingquan pressing step by step, he didn't even give him a step. reprimand.

But before Chu Yi moved, he found a figure not far away.

The figure is an acquaintance, and Qianxingdao Huang Ji is probably resting in the port. He noticed the sword qi and came to take a look.

Huang Ji's expression was very strange, as if he had something important to tell him.

Seeing this, Chu Yi asked first:

"Is this son your junior?"

Huang Ji often comes to Thunder Cliff, and has a good relationship with Chu Yi, who sits and worships Chu Yi. Seeing that Chu Yi wants to go to peace, he can't help reminding:

"No, I have nothing to do with Huang, I just remind Brother Chu, this Sword Immortal, you may not be able to offend him!"


I can't be bothered? !

Chu Yi was stunned.

Thinking that he is entrusted by the major giants, as a neutral faction, as a door **** in Thunder Cliff, the authority given is to treat all the sects equally, and there are people who can't be offended?

Not to mention Huajunzhou, even if it is Qianxingdao, Dongzhou Nanmeng and other foreign powers, as long as they have interests in Huajunzhou, the disciple makes trouble in Thunder Cliff, he disciplines him, the ancestor of Ming He, the Valkyrie of Dongzhou Can't blame him, who else in the world can't be offended?

No, there really is, he can't control the people of Youying's alien race...

The Inheritance of the Old Sword God...

Chu Yi was taken aback - the thing below, wouldn't it really be the number one sword cultivator of the demon clan, would it?

If it is true, Chu Yi himself is not far from death.

So he looked at Huang Ji, his expression stunned and blank: "??"

Huang Ji couldn't figure out who the black-robed sword immortal below was, but only knew that the man behind the black-robed sword immortal's wrist was so strong that it was beyond the cognition of the cultivation way!

Huang Ji didn't dare to talk about what the other party did when he was drinking back Jiaolong at sea, so he could only shake his head slightly, indicating that this child's details were extraordinary, and it was best not to rush into evil.


Black Cliff Sword Ghost Chu Yi didn't know why, so he was naturally hesitant. After all, it would be better for Han Chupeng to die than to be ignorant. It would be better if he hit him to death on an iron plate.


Three beeps came in an instant.

Seeing that Chu Yi was really not ready to show up, how could it be possible to die for Han Chupeng, Shen Wanning gave way without hesitation.

The onlookers looked shocked, wondering why they didn't come out to worship, but they understood that Han Chupeng was dead today.

But what shocked everyone was that as soon as the word "three" of the black robe sword immortal opened, a sword light lit up from Han Chupeng's hand.

Zuo Lingquan originally thought that Han Chupeng saw no one to protect him and wanted to fight to the death, but he didn't expect that Han Chupeng would attack a guard beside him with a thunderous momentum.


The sword fell from the hand, and blood spurted out.

Before the guard could understand what was going on, he fell to the ground with his head in a different place.


? ?

The cultivators all over the place were stunned and dazed, completely unable to understand.

Under the strong desire to survive, Han Chupeng's mind turned extremely fast, he quickly retreated and drew his sword to protect him, and said anxiously:

"The two of them attacked you with swords, leaving two lives, and the lives are given to you. The rest of the account will be settled in the market. If you kill again, you will not be right."


Everyone opened their mouths and looked strange, not knowing how to describe this bastard.

Xie Qiutao scolded angrily:

"You bastard, you have a face like a dog? Killing your own people to survive, you fell into the sword mountain for thousands of years, and you were thrown away today. If we don't kill you, we will kill you at the sword mountain!"

"He is my personal servant, and my life is originally mine. If I want to kill or scrape, it is my personal matter. What does it have to do with Luojian Mountain? I didn't kill the senior brothers. The two lives have already been given to you. If you go back on your word. , it makes sense and becomes unreasonable..."

In order to save his life, Han Chupeng was completely shameless and a little hysterical, but he was afraid that his teacher would not protect him, so he still insisted.

Seeing this, Shen Wanning hurriedly said:

"Jianxian, the swordsman said that there is no difference. Now the two lives have been explained. If Han Chupeng dies in Shen's territory again, Shen can't afford it; for what he owes today, Shen will surely make up for it with a lot of money, and I hope Jianxian can Keep your promise, be accommodating, go outside the market to settle your grievances..."

Zuo Lingquan's expression didn't change much, he flipped his wrist lightly, slowly sheathed his sword, and looked at Han Chupeng:

"Do you think you saved your head today, how many more days can you live?"

Contemptuous eyes.

Han Chupeng and Shen Wanning, as well as Chu Yi, Bao Xiangyang and others above, all felt the undisguised contempt in those eyes, not even killing intent, and simply told Han Chupeng - you are going to die soon.

Just like the Ten Temple Yama whispered in Jiuyou, there is no need for unforgettable hatred and anger, but just plainly inform you that the end is coming.

No matter how angry you are, how unwilling you are, and how many ways you try to escape your struggles, under the punishment of **** and heaven, there is nothing to hide, and you will never be able to escape from the boundless palm of your hand. All you can feel is despair. The common people are as desperate as ants!

Duobaotan was silent.

Zuo Lingquan put away his sword, turned and walked towards the exit of Duobaotan, leaving everyone with a back view that had already restrained his sword intent.

Xie Qiutao really couldn't find a chance to grab the limelight, so he could only snort at a few people and walk away.

Tang Jingxuan was unknown, and didn't like fighting and killing. He kept covering his eyes and followed Zuo Lingquan out silently.


The sound of footsteps was slight, but it was heavily hammered in everyone's heart.

Han Chupeng clenched both hands tightly, although his life was temporarily saved, but he felt that he was no different from death. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan was about to leave, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Do you dare to give your name?"

The three of them did not look back, only a clear voice came:

"Zuo Ci, kindness and kindness."

The words fell and disappeared outside the door.

The three figures left, and Duobaotan remained silent for a long time.

The two corpses fell to the ground with blood dripping into the black pool. In the end, Han Chupeng couldn't bear the psychological pressure and slumped on the ground.

On the third floor of the round building, several immortal characters stood together.

Bao Xiangyang was stunned by this Sword Immortal who was born out of nowhere. Looking back on what he had seen, he had never heard of such a reasonable and unreasonable Sword Immortal. He asked:

"Where is this person sacred? I have never heard of Zuo Ci's name."

Chu Yi also had a confused look on his face. After thinking about it for a long time, he shook his head:

"It is estimated that it is a pseudonym. To say that the unknown sword immortal surnamed Zuo, the old man only knows that the Eastern Continent Valkyrie seems to have accepted a descendant of the surname Zuo, but I heard that when the nine sects met in the first two years, they appeared in the early days of Linggu. This person may be able to put the old man down if he is ruthless, the difference is too big."

Huang Ji nodded: "I guessed so at first, but Dongzhou Valkyrie is too arrogant and domineering, and doesn't like to use swords; if it is a descendant of Valkyrie, even Duobaotan will be demolished today, whoever speaks and beats whoever, character It's not so strong and elegant; this sword immortal is not taught by the Valkyrie, but his personality is somewhat similar to that of the Zixiao City Lord."

Bao Xiangyang shook his head: "Zixiao City Lord doesn't use swords either. I feel that it is really possible that he is a new disciple of the old sword god."

"Hey, the old swordsman won't make an exception to accept apprentices. It's better to say that it is a relative. Doesn't the old swordsman have a granddaughter, and this swordsman is just like a talented girl..."

Chu Yi sighed: "Don't talk about these things. The age of this person is the most important thing. If a certain Fang Xianzun pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, it's fine. He is as young as he looks, and Jiuzhou will change in the future. "

"How is that possible! The face is in his early twenties at most. He started practicing from his mother's womb, and he can't practice this swordsmanship. I guess he must have reached the age of Jiazi."

"Jia Zi's age is too young. It is estimated that he is similar to the granddaughter of the old swordsman. They are all young leaders in their 100s. I just don't know why they have no reputation in the past.



It's not just people in Duobaotan who are paying attention to this turmoil.

Yuyaozhou, within the Peach Blossom Cave.

Under the peach tree that covers the sky and the sun, there are many more formation patterns, which are laid by the peach blossom lord, and use the power of the ancestral tree to cover the breath of the people under the tree, in case of emergency.

A tall and slender woman in a golden dress sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, looking at the water curtain in front of her, a rare smile appeared on Gujing Wubo's cheeks.

Because the distance is too far, the real-time transmission of scenes hundreds of thousands of miles away consumes too much. The maritime relay tower is also a communication hub between the two continents, which must not be crowded. The scenery in the water curtain is blurred, but the woman's words can be heard intermittently:

"Tangtang, it's such a pity that you didn't come. Zuo Lingquan said it a lot more than I did, and all the fellow Daoists in Thunder Cliff were so terrified that they didn't dare to show their heads..."

The stocky girl sat cross-legged next to her. After listening to the live explanation, she looked very excited:

"Domineering! This is called a man. Compared with him, Tangtang, you are just a bit of a sissy..."

The ancestor of Shangguan smiled, but he did not fight the little dragon:

"Compared with the deity back then, it is far worse."

"Who said that, whoever you are not convinced beats whom, only when you beat others can you be convinced; people are convincing with reason, and after beating them, the other party still feels that he is in the wrong, and you are judged against you, you are just eating your childhood. It's a shame that I haven't read the book... ah-"

Still got beat up.

In addition to the words of the two The woman in the water curtain is also talking:

"As expected of the junior I brought out, it gave me too much face... Just now I was thinking of helping him support the scene. After waiting for a long time, why didn't Chu Yi come out to find something? Did you say hello?"

The ancestor of Shangguan responded calmly: "Two tigers are intertwined, and there is always one who is afraid. The best person to deal with in practice is the person who knows the bottom line. As long as you are strong and mysterious enough, you are afraid of the opposite side; you don't say anything, They will also make up their own minds, make up a set of explanations that make them feel apprehensive and reasonable, and then follow their hearts to retreat, it’s not surprising that no one shows up.”

The little female dragon listened for a long time and shrugged:

"You can just say, 'Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit', why bother with such a big pile."

"Yeah, who doesn't know the truth. What will he do next? This little **** must be hiding in the market without showing his face, and he won't be able to kill him when the people from Luojianshan come over..."

The eyes of the ancestors of Shangguan showed a little rebelliousness:

"In exchange for this deity, go out and smash the patriarch's hall in Luojian Mountain. If you want to kill one of his disciples, they will naturally refuse to accept it because of their face, but if you want to kill him, they will sit down and reason with you. Disciple handed it over and let it rest."

"Smashing the Ancestral Master's Hall?! That's you crazy old woman. He went to Luojian Mountain, isn't he courting death, I can't help Luojian Mountain..."

"I've said that I want to protect others, so I'll weigh myself first, and now I know it can't be done right?"

"Hey? I...what do I want you to do?"




Current debt (70/403)

11,000 words, three chapters, ha orz!

In fact, every day for the past month has been 6,000 words, which is considered to be one chapter a day, but the first two months have been delayed too much, and I am too embarrassed to count...

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