Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 17: Hibiscus Golden Chrysanthemum

Zuo Lingquan used to come into contact with the top-notch Qingkui Daoists. No matter how old they were, they had experienced various experiences since childhood and were relatively mature.

He thought that all the children of the rich and powerful family should be like this, but after he really got in touch with the fairies on the cruise ship, he realized that there was no shortage of pampered and wealthy young ladies.

The fairies who talk about qin songs on the cruise ship are basically the direct descendants of the masters at the top of the mountain. Because of their talent and personality, it is impossible to reach the top of the mountain in the cultivation way, and they cannot bear the hardships of cultivation. They are all fed by the elders with the treasures of heaven and earth.

This kind of fairy who grew up in a greenhouse has no concept of cultivation and perception, and chats are all about romance and love between children and children. Even if the sect has an important responsibility, she still finds a way to cling to a wealthy young master, or bring home a future genius.

Because of Luojianshan, Zuo Lingquan has a mysterious background and a terrifying prospect, and has been targeted by many fairies. There is an endless stream of fairies who come to chat up and make friends, and even a few widowed wives who directly wink in secret. , a 'follow auntie in the future, let you understand what a real fairy' looks like.

Zuo Lingquan knew the word 'contentment', and he really had no common language with these people. In addition, his three daughters-in-law and Xiao Lengzhu were staring at him from a distance. With a look, I wandered around a few times on the cruise ship.

The purpose of Zuo Lingquan boarding the ship was to relieve Ling Ye, but it was difficult to say it clearly. The little fairies around him asked, only that he heard that there was an ancient famous qin here, and came to see the excitement, and he did not make out with the three daughters-in-law during this period.

When the cruise ship arrived at Jiangkou, Zuo Lingquan said goodbye to Mrs. Xue, who was the host, and left the cruise ship alone; Mrs. Xue obviously wanted to win him over and arranged a cave for him in the Yuchan Palace, but Zuo Lingquan used to be alone. For the reason, declined.

After leaving the cruise ship, it was already early morning.

Zuo Lingquan rose and fell like a dragonfly on the water of Chunchao Lake. After confirming that no one was following, he went to Fengyue City.

Xie Qiutao and Jingxun were afraid of an accident and kept following from a distance. Only at this time did they turn with Zuo Lingquan and turn back together.

Xie Qiutao was walking on the lake, as lively as ever, walking backwards facing the two of them, chattering:

"...That Dongfang Yunzhi is the most unruly. When I was in Yingyang Immortal Palace, I didn't like her very much..."

"Have you seen her?"

"No, I just heard that she wanted to learn the piano, and invited Mr. Sanzhu to the Yingyang Immortal Palace. As a result, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets dragged the family for more than ten years... But Mr. Sanzhu did not What's the matter, I can play the piano well, but I'm not arrogant, I didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, if I want to replace it with me, I love to learn and don't learn to roll, how can a teacher accommodate his students..."


The two chatted casually, and the dumpling squatted on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder, staring at the back "gugujiji...", it should be saying: "I really miss the nurse~"

Tang Jingxuan also glanced at the lake behind him from time to time, and thought about it:

"Ling Ye and the others are here, why don't they get together?"

Zuo Lingquan naturally wanted to get together with his four daughters-in-law and sleep together for the New Year, but there was still a way to cultivate, and he lost the opportunity to be independent when he moved out of the ancestors, so he sighed:

"Everyone's eyes are on me now, and rash contact will remind people of our relationship, so let's find time to get together in private."

Tang Jing let out a sigh, probably because she thought that the princess and the others would not have the chance to eat alone in the future, so she asked quietly in her heart:

"Mother-in-law, will you be busy later?"

The good mother-in-law didn't speak, she just let out a helpless and speechless sigh, and she didn't move.

Tang Jing pursed her lips and smiled, looked back again, and then quickened her pace:

"The dumplings are dozing off to death, hurry up and go back."


Looking eagerly at the nanny's dumplings, he turned back blankly, wanting to say "birds don't fall asleep", but seeing the quiet eyes, he quickly yawned obediently, and rubbed his eyes with his wings.

Soon, the three returned to the lakeside waterside.

Under the gesture of the old lady's eyes, the dumpling held Xie Qiutao's skirt dejectedly, and asked her to carry him back to the room to sleep.

Xie Qiutao wasn't stupid either. Seeing something the little girl couldn't say, she hugged the dumpling with weird eyes and ran away.

The water pavilion is another courtyard for monks or literati and poets. Quite elegant.

Zuo Lingquan saw Jingshen's careful thoughts. After entering the bedroom, he did not rush to the bed, but sat down beside the tea table in the outhouse, took out the books he bought, and prepared to turn on the lamp. The posture of night reading.

Tang Jingying silently closed the door, walked to the back room, took out a clean blanket and spread it on the bamboo couch.

"Little Left?"

Zuo Lingquan leaned on the side of the tea table, holding the scroll and paying full attention, like reading Spring and Autumn under the moon:

"Huh? What's the matter?"

what's wrong?

sleep what is it...

Tang Jingxuan frowned, and felt that Zuo Lingquan suddenly lost her eyes, but she was a daughter, and wanted to take advantage of Ling Ye and the others before they came, so she couldn't say it explicitly, she could only hint:

"Well, mother-in-law doesn't seem to have anything to do today..."

Zuo Lingquan turned over the page of "Relentless Sword Immortal": "Really, the ancestor has always been worried about the common people, and it is really not easy to be able to relax once."

? ?

what with what?

Tang Jing pursed her lips, she understood what Mr. Xianggong meant, didn't she just want her to speak up...

Sister is not...

After Tang Jingxuan laid the sheets, she didn't speak anymore. She sat down on the bamboo couch softly and unbuttoned her autumn skirt, revealing her rouge-colored bellyband and tight-fitting thin trousers.

Tang Jingshen raised her chest slightly, looked at the reflection in the bronze mirror of the dressing table, twisted her waist slightly, looked at the plump buttocks like a big peach, slid her fingers along the sensual lines, and said quietly:

"Little Zuo, do you think I've gained weight recently?"

Zuo Lingquan glanced out of the corner of his eye, the familiar and seductive picture caught his eye, and his heart swayed slightly, he looked away, but couldn't help but look at it.

After glancing back and forth a few times, Zuo Lingquan's expression of worrying about the country and the people couldn't hold back anymore, he closed the scroll, and got up with a light cough:

"Is there? You can't see it with the clothes hidden, and the husband will help you to take a closer look..."

Tang Jingshen snorted inwardly, showing a look of "Just this concentration?", lying on her stomach with a smile, and asked Zuo Lingquan to take a closer look.

It's a pity that Zuo Lingquan just softly opened the white moon, and there was some movement outside the water pavilion, and a familiar voice came:

"It's a great place to live..."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes lit up, and he wanted to get up to go out, but was caught by the somewhat disappointing Jingxun with his legs:

"What are you going to do? She's coming in anyway, so I can't say anything in the bed."

In just a few words, the bedroom door opened.

Shangguan Lingye, who was still wearing a gorgeous palace dress, walked in lightly, with his hands folded around his waist, revealing a jade bracelet. His temperament was as graceful and luxurious as ever, and his eyes were not in the urgency of reuniting with Lang Jun, even a little cold, feeling like he was coming. Xingshi asked for guilt.

But Shangguan Lingye walked into the room with a cold face, and turned to look at the bed...

White Jade Tiger...

pink toot...

? !

Even though Shangguan Lingye had experienced everything, he hadn't met for so long, and when he saw such an exciting scene, his smart eyes widened a bit, and he quickly turned around:

"You... spit! Really..."

Tang Jingxuan lay on his side on the bamboo couch, with his hands on his cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Yo~ The concubine is still shy? When you practiced in front of me before, why didn't you see such a thin skin?"

Zuo Lingquan smiled brightly and looked behind the door:

"Bao'er, where are the princess and Qingwan?"

The blush on Shangguan Lingye's face flashed for a moment, and after he spat in annoyance, he regained his calm expression and turned to the bamboo couch:

"When I was a guest in Qianqiu Yuefu, too many people came over and it was easy to be noticed. I came quietly."

Shangguan Lingye walked closer, glanced at him, frowned slightly, and lightly hooked a blanket to cover his quiet waist. He sat on the side of the bamboo couch, with his left leg on his right, posing a very queenly posture.

Tang Jingxuan was a little unhappy when she saw her posing as a fairy who didn't eat fireworks.

"You secretly came here to eat alone, and what kind of fairy are you pretending to be? It's a family, who knows who, if you don't lie down, just sit outside and talk..."

Shangguan Lingye was unmoved, maintaining a condescending look, and said solemnly:

"Zuo Lingquan, the itinerary that I arranged for you, isn't there in Qianqiu Yuefu?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes lingered on the two daughters-in-law and said with a smile:

"Help Miss Xie find the ancestral qin, and stop by to have a look."

"I can't stop watching. Today, you are surrounded by dozens of fairies, and the scene is very high-spirited. If it wasn't for Jiang Yi and I, who would be lying beside you at the moment, it would be the Jingxun girl, I'm afraid that Madam Xue's sisters and daughters have all been captured by you..."

Zuo Lingquan frowned: "Bao'er, I'm not happy with what you said. Today I saw you being made trouble, so I came forward to make a peace, otherwise it would come out. As for fairies, they are all cruel and willful. It's just my lady, I have no interest at all."

"Cut~" Shangguan Lingye raised his wrist and played with the heirloom bracelet in front of Jingxing:

"I don't need your help to clear the siege. If I can't handle this situation, how can I take over Tietu Mansion in the future..."

When Tang Jingxun saw the jade bracelet, she could not wait to kick Ling Ye down, her eyes were slightly fierce:

"Lingye, what are you talking about? A man sees that you are being bullied, and risks your identity being exposed. He comes forward to help you out. If you are not grateful, you still dislike it. If you do this again, I will take care of you!"

How could Shangguan Lingye dislike it? At that time, his legs were weak, and he could not wait to say in front of many rich and powerful sons:

"This is my man, you bastards, how can you be worth him in case."

However, the words of these little fan girls, Shangguan Lingye's character will definitely not be spoken, let alone say it in front of Zuo Lingquan.

"I'm just telling the truth, I don't need his help, but this time, for the sake of me, I won't talk about you."

Zuo Lingquan understood Ling Ye's temper early, nodded with a smile, picked up Ling Ye's legs, and put them on the bamboo couch:

"Okay, I'm doing this today. But every yard is a yard. It's true that I helped Bao'er to clear the siege today. How can you thank me?"

Tang Jingxuan listened to her thanks, her mind moved slightly, and suddenly came up with some bad ideas, nodded and said:

"Yeah, look at Qingwan, every time I reward Xiao Zuo, how sincere I am. If you make Xiao Zuo cold, and Xiao Zuo hurts you and doesn't say anything, I won't agree."

Shangguan Lingye touched him at night just to reward her husband. She looked hesitant, and after a moment of hesitation, she said calmly:

"Okay, I don't owe you any favors, um..."

I wanted to talk about playing a vixen, but Jing Xun was in front of him. Ling Ye had never played with his tail in front of other people, so he couldn't open his mouth.

Tang Jingshen said with a thoughtful smile;

"It's boring to play with tails. As the saying goes, 'Little Bie is better than a newlywed', you and Xiao Zuo have finally reunited, and today is considered a wedding night.

Shangguan Lingye blinked, but he still didn't understand the meaning.

Zuo Lingquan naturally understood, but he didn't expect Jingxing to be so... so caring, he glanced at Lingye's perfect hip line and coughed lightly.


Shangguan Lingye understood something from Zuo Lingquan's eyes, and his face changed slightly, with a hint of paleness.

Fox tails are tossing people to death, and...

Shangguan Lingye has seen the appearance of Qingwan being tortured, and it makes people nervous when she sees it. How dare she try the law, staring at her eyes and saying:

"No... eh?"

Before she could finish her words, Jingxu, who wanted to clean up her, fell down on the pillow.

"Yo~ are you still shy? You are so solid, Qing Wan can't stand it, can't you stand it?"

"Paw—why didn't you come? You let me go..."


The candles were dimly lit, Zuo Lingquan smiled as he watched the two women, who had different temperaments but were equally familiar and attractive, countered each other on the bamboo couch.

The skin is smooth and snowy, the body is mature and plump, but the waist is as thin as a willow, making the curve of the lower circumference look like a big white peach.

Ling Ye is tall and slender, with ice muscles and jade bones, and a cool face. Her skin is like suet jade, and it exudes a crystal luster under the candlelight. Her gourd-like figure is matched with her innate nobility, showing a kind of completeness. different flavors.

Especially at this time, Ling Ye's face turned red, avoiding the persecution of Jing Xing, and the anger mixed with a little flustered eyes easily evoked the flames in Zuo Lingquan's heart.

If Ling Ye is really unwilling, with her jade-ranked Taoism, it is impossible for the two of them to hold down. At this time, pulling and pulling is obviously entangled in her heart. She wants to reward her husband but dare not do that kind of scary thing.

Well... to put it simply, it means half-assistance. Anyway, Zuo Lingquan understands this, so...

"Huh?! No, Zuo Lingquan, you..."

"Call me sister, and I'll let Xiao Zuo spare you..."

"Ha ha……"



The hibiscus golden chrysanthemum is fragrant, and the weather wants to be full of sunshine.

The autumn color of the far village is picturesque, and the mangroves are sparsely yellow.


As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, the surrounding of Chunchao Lake is already full of autumn colors, and the autumn colors on the islands in the lake are also pleasant.

In the Yuchan Palace, there are hundreds of flowers in the garden of a courtyard, and the most eye-catching ones are the hibiscus and the golden chrysanthemum.

Jiang Yi, in a red dress like fire, was walking alone among the flowers, holding a picked golden chrysanthemum in her hand, and absentmindedly destroying the delicate petals, Zuo Lingquan suddenly appeared in her mind today, calming the audience handsome scene.

Wu Qingwan is similar to Leng Zhu, meditating in the garden, but unable to meditate, sometimes raising his eyes to look at the lake in the distance, obviously expecting someone to appear, even if he takes a look from a distance.

But they also know that Zuo Lingquan is not easy to communicate publicly, and if they want to meet again after a long absence, they can only wait for the Qianqiu Yuefu to be over, and look for opportunities after going out.

But knowing that the husband is nearby, but can't meet, who can stand this time like a year.

After Jiang Yi tossed the delicate golden chrysanthemum away, she sighed softly, turned her eyes to the interior of Chunchao Lake, and thought about it:

"That dead girl Ling Ye said to ask Zuo Lingquan why he came here and why he hasn't come back for so long?"

Leng Zhu secretly played with the red bracelet given by the concubine, raised his head when he heard the sound, and whispered:

"I don't know."

Wu Qingwan shook her head, and her cheeks showed helplessness:

"This time, she didn't ask for two hours, can she ask the matter clearly? Now she is probably sitting on her face and asking Ling Quan, sigh..."


Jiang Yi blinked, the front of his clothes visibly undulated, and secretly said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi..." Turning around and sitting beside the futon, she gritted her teeth.

"Wait for this fox, I won't let her dance with her tail in the future, I'll take her surname!"

"Shangguan sounds pretty good...ah—"

As soon as Leng Zhu murmured, he was pressed on his knees by Her Royal Highness, who did not pity the maid, and raised his hand:

clap clap-

"Princess, I was wrong, I was just kidding..."

Wu Qingwan shook her head, her expression was light and cloudy, like a mountain fairy who could see through the red dust, but after sitting cross-legged for a while with her eyes closed, she stood up again and walked into the house.

Jiang Yi, who was holding Leng Bamboo Pickup, saw this and said suspiciously:

"what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, nothing to do, just play with a dog's tail."

dog tail?

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, let go of the grievance Baba and Xiao Lengzhu, got up and followed behind:

"It's a good way. I'll help. It's better to make it, um... It can be tilted up and shaken left and right."

Wu Qingwan has been proficient in the refining craftsmanship for a few years, and said with a smile:

"No problem, Ling Quan sure likes it when he sees it."

"Um... Let's make a bell hanging around the neck, and when it moves, it will be called "Wang Wang"... No, when it is moved, it will be called "Sister Jiang Yi, Ling Ye knows it's wrong", that's interesting..."




The other side.

The Qu family's cruise ship was moored near a manor outside Fengyue City. The banquet was over, and the guests from all parties dispersed one after another. Only a few of the Qu family's distinguished guests stayed in the manor. Mr. Sanzhu lived in the most luxurious main courtyard.

Mr. Sanzhu was born in a secular court musician, and he was very famous since he was a child. Later, he met a friend on the mountain and was able to enter the Xianmen.

The attainment of the Qin Tao cannot be shared with the practice. Mr. Sanzhu's Taoism is not high, and the experience of the practice is said to be "Xianyun Yehe", and the unpleasant one is that he is scattered and has no fixed place to live.

However, there is a skill in practicing Taoism, and it is enough to make a living. With his extraordinary skills in the piano, Mr. Sanzhu can eat well in major wealthy families. There are countless fairies who have learned piano skills from him. Even Yingyang Immortal Palace will invite him as a piano teacher to teach himself. Miss.

With this level of status, Mr. Sanzhu's reputation is naturally not small, and he is already considered a top-notch 'celebrity' among the loose cultivators.


Under the darkness of the night, the gray-haired old Confucian scholar sat alone by the piano platform and plucked lightly, pondering the music that was about to be displayed on the stage, with a three-point alcoholism on his face.

Before the song was finished, the bamboo curtain hanging in the elegant room made some waves, and a gentle man in a white robe appeared near the piano platform and slightly bowed his hands:

"Mr. Sanzhu."

The old scholar stopped the qin music, looked up, and smiled:

"Zhou Mu, but Miss Dongfang called the old man over to discuss the piano music?"

Zhou Mu was polite, sat down in front of the piano stage, shook his head and said:

"Yingyang Immortal Palace was offended by an outsider today, Yun Zhi was not very happy, and there was nothing he could do, so he wanted to come over and ask for a favor, sir."

Mr. Sanzhu frowned slightly: "This old man is half a teacher teaching Miss Dongfang piano music. If you have something to say, just say it..."

"It's not a big deal. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, there was a monk from Dongzhou who would listen to Mr. Qin's music. That person threatened to use swords in elegant occasions today. He was a barbarian from Dongzhou who didn't have the slightest bit of etiquette. It's natural to say..."

Mr. Sanzhu listened to Zhou Mu's remarks, his expression did not change, but he was a little hesitant in his heart.

With the weight of Yingyang Immortal Palace, he was offended but did not teach the other person to be a person face to face. Instead, he came to him as an old violinist. He could figure out the status of the other party with his toes.

This kind of thing, as a loose cultivator, should be safe and undisturbed, but if I don't help today, the incense that I finally accumulated in the past will be broken.

Mr. Sanzhu's current status as a 'celebrity' relies on the face of the rich and powerful family on the mountain. If these rich and powerful families do not honor him, who will give him the face of a musician?

After hesitating for a while, Mr. Sanzhu said with a smile:

"In elegant occasions, you should use the literati's way to discuss high and low levels, speak ill of each other, and even make threats. What's the difference between you and a barbarian? If the old man knew about this in advance, even if you didn't say it, you would still discuss it."

"Then thank you sir..."


Outside the manor, in the willow forest.

The beautiful woman with the flower hairpin looked at the two talking from a distance, shook her head slightly, and felt that this Zhou Mu was really petty, and in order to regain some face, she was able to turn around so far.

This matter is not a threat, but Zuo Lingquan doesn't seem to have anything else to help... The beautiful woman with the flower hairpin pondered for a while, and after looking at Mr. Sanzhu, she turned and left Liulin...


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