Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 19: what am i doing? !

the next day.

The light of the lake, the autumn water and the warm sun together outline a beautiful picture of the fairy palace outside the world.

In the central area of ​​the Palace of Liyue, there are three adjacent islands, which are connected by suspended bridges.

The main hall of Zongmen is located on Kuigu Island in the east, where the Qianqiu Yuefu Patriarch Hall is located. Between the pavilions there is a majestic drum-beating platform with a giant drum bearing the emblem of Qianqiu Yuefu. The buildings below are staggered and overlapped.

Among the suspended corridors leading to the main hall of the sect, four women in costumes walked slowly.

The cold and beautiful woman at the head, with graceful and noble manners, set her eyes on Wangyuetan; the three women behind her, with their eyes on her, had different expressions.

Jiang Yi's red dress is like fire, her makeup is gorgeous and gorgeous, but her eyes are sour, looking at the concubine who is proud of the spring breeze in front of her, she is still thinking:

"I went over to ask about the situation, a few words, and I didn't come back until noon yesterday. Which mouth did you use to ask? Huh?"

Wu Qingwan folded her hands around her waist, her demeanor was demure and elegant, and she spoke softly:

"There's still another question. Ling Ye is stubborn. He can't speak hard when he meets a man after a long absence. Naturally, he has to ask in a pink and tender place."

Leng Zhu blushed and pretended not to understand.

Although Shangguan Lingye suffered a lot of sins at night and was a little unbearable to look back on, he was still satisfied where he should be satisfied. The moisturizing of the long drought and the rain made Xue greasy cheeks have a bit of moisturizing luster.

Hearing the two sisters mocking her for eating alone, Shangguan Lingye felt a little ashamed. In addition, what happened last night was too hard to tell. She was afraid that the two would know, so she explained:

"I originally went over to ask about the situation, but you still don't know his temperament? When he said 'it came at the right time', he started to do both hard and soft.

Jiang Yi didn't believe it at all: "You can't help it? Do you really want to leave and he can hold you down?"

"Yeah, Quan'er never forces women, you really don't promise that he will come hard? Look at your walking posture is not right, you were repaired very hard last night, right? I came together today and found that the water in Spring Tide Lake is rising. In a few feet, Quan'er's house is probably flooded..."

Leng Zhu couldn't understand, and asked curiously:

"What does it have to do with the rising water of Chunchao Lake?"

Jiang Yi's face was a little red, but she still explained: "This fox flutters, it's called a river flooding, and it has more water than my aunt."


? ?

Wu Qingwan's eyes sank slightly, and she glanced at Jiang Yi. She felt that this girl didn't have any sense of 'common hatred', so how could she even taunt her?

Shangguan Lingye was so ridiculed that he was unavoidably embarrassed and panicked, but his expression remained calm, but his footsteps paused slightly.

After all, her mind is now full of shame when she found a new way, she feels weird behind her back, and she is restless.

The four of them chatted and came to the main hall of Yuefu on Kuigu Island. The Palace Master sat in it, Madam Xue was entertaining female guests, and Shangguan Lingye was still near Madam Xue.

The Mid-Autumn Festival will only start at noon. The monks who came from all sides to join in the fun gradually arrived by cruise ships. Most of them boarded the two accompanying islands. Some people stood directly on the cruise ship and watched from a distance below the hanging veranda.

The water of Wangyuetan is as clear as a mirror. There are many platforms that are flush with the water near the three islands. There are fairies and masters who are good at rhythm. They will perform on the stage and communicate with all parties. The stage, because the Mid-Autumn Festival has not yet started, no one went up.

The main hall of Yuefu is facing Wangyuetan Lake. It is a waterfront palace. There are already many famous immortals sitting down. Others are coming one after another.

"Xianchang Wang, it's a pleasure to meet..."

"I haven't seen each other for ten years. Xiao Yunli has grown into a big girl. Who is waiting for a young hero standing here looking around?"

"Oops~ I didn't wait for anyone..."


After Shangguan Lingye took his seat at the viewing position, the two girls next to him finally stopped, and turned to look for the trace of the figure in the vast crowd around Wangyuetan.

Shangguan Lingye looked around and couldn't find it, so he turned his attention to the guests seated in the main hall.

In addition to the wealthy noble sons who showed up on the cruise ship, there were also senior foreign sect elders and patriarchs of aristocratic families in the main hall. It was the first time Shangguan Lingye came to Huajunzhou. He may have heard the name, but he did not know it.

According to status, Shangguan Lingye is a member of the top immortal family everywhere. Naturally, it is impossible to take the initiative to go and greet these politely. When no one comes to visit, he just chats with the receptionist Ya He.

Not far away, people from Yingyang Immortal Palace were already seated in the main hall.

Originally, according to their identity, the location of Yingyang Immortal Palace should be near Shangguan Lingye, but there was a conflict between the two parties on the cruise ship. Mrs. Xue separated the seats very intimately. .

Among the elegant seats, Dongfang Yunzhi in a white dress, with an unattractive face, sat alone behind a long desk, fiddling with the beautifully crafted lyre in front of him.

Zhou Mu sat next to him and glanced at the crowd around Wangyuetan. Seeing Dongfang Yunzhi, who always liked the feeling of being surrounded by stars, he sat here without speaking and said:

"Yunzhi, I have already greeted Mr. Sanzhu, and today I will teach that Dongzhou barbarian in public..."

Dongfang Yunzhi is stubborn, but his brain is not stupid. He said coldly:

"The sword demon Zuo Ci scolded you in public, what does it have to do with me? Do you think I'm angry about this? Offending Yingyang Immortal Palace, as a disciple, instead of fighting for your life, you went to Madam Xue for help. You've lost your face."

Dongfang Yunzhi dared to scold Zhou Mu, but Zhou Mu didn't have the guts to scold the ancestors' descendants, so he could only shake his head and say:

"I read to you as a companion since I was a child. I studied piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs. I am really not good at fighting in the arena. That barbarian is a sword cultivator. Pressing people with force is equivalent to using the long to attack the short. It's not reasonable at all. If I compete on the chess and chess, how can I be afraid of him half a point."

Dongfang Yunzhi did not deny this, but said:

"Knowing that the other party is a barbarian, what's the use of letting Mr. Sanzhu scold him for being rude? If you want to scold him, you should scold Shangguan Lingye, who is obviously an illiterate country woman who came here to pretend to be elegant..."

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. Today, the barbarian will definitely not come to the stage. They are all from Dongzhou, and the barbarian is ashamed. Isn't it also slapping Guan Lingye in the face..."

When the two of them finished speaking, Dongfang Yunzhi suddenly turned to look at Wangyuetan.

Zhou Mu followed and looked - the two adjacent islands of Wangyuetan were crowded with people, and there were fairies and immortal masters on more than a dozen round platforms by the lake showing their quyi. The round-faced little girl is debugging the pipa and preparing to perform.

clang clang~~

"Is there something wrong with this person?"

"I don't know, this pipa has a very special timbre."

"Well... the sound is really rich, and... it's similar to playing cotton in the world. Can this thing play a tune?"

"Can cotton bounce?"




Zuo Lingquan took a cruise ship, crossed the lake for hundreds of miles, and arrived at Ganfeng Island in the Palace of Liyue in the early hours of this morning.

Because the sect celebration had not yet started, he stood by the side of Wangyuetan with Jingxing and Qiu Tao, watching the performances of the scattered cultivators and the small sect disciples outside.

The Mid-autumn Festival in Qianqiu Yuefu is an occasion for artistic exchanges. As long as you have a little ability, you can come to the stage. If you don't have the ability to go to grandstanding, the deacons of Qianqiu Yuefu will not hinder you, but no matter how thick-skinned normal people are, they will not be on such a big occasion. Fucking shameful.

The cultivators who performed on the stage outside were not as good as the famous people, but there were not a few female cultivators with outstanding looks.

Zuo Lingquan stood by the water pool and watched for a long time. He also saw a cool-dressed female cultivator dancing on the stage. He didn't know if it was from the 'Hehuan Sect'. It hinted that the dumplings were covering their eyes when they saw it: "jijiji...", saying something like 'this mother-in-law is more angry than her mother'.

It's a pity that before Zuo Lingquan took a second glance, he was dragged away by Jingxing's waist, listening to a bad old man pulling the erhu for a long time, but he didn't look at anything.

After Xie Qiutao arrived at the Liyue Palace in the early morning, she signed up with the deacon of Qianqiu Yuefu, but there were too many people in line. When it was her turn to play, the sect celebration was about to start.

Xie Qiutao has a lively and outgoing personality, and has no stage fright at all high-profile occasions.

Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jing were in a hurry, but they were a little nervous, especially the dumplings, biting Xie Qiutao's skirt, indicating, "Tao Tao, don't be impulsive, people can not be afraid of death, but you can't be dead for a long time."

Zuo Lingquan can't say that Qiu Tao's skills are not good. Anyway, it is a communication occasion. After hesitating, he still encouraged:

"Don't worry, who dares to laugh at you and who I will clean up."

Xie Qiutao was not very satisfied with these words: "Young Master Zuo, you still don't believe I can't do it? I used to play it for fun. I'm serious, but it's very good."

Zuo Lingquan was dubious, and watched Tao Tao, who vowed to be famous today, jump onto the round platform by the lake.

Xie Qiutao sat down holding the pipa under the watchful eyes of thousands of cultivators, adjusted his posture slightly, and after finding a familiar rhythm, began to perform the tune that he had practiced for many days:



It can't be said to play cotton, the tune is very cheerful, with the deep and heavy tone of the iron pipa, it has a unique flavor.

However, Xie Qiutao has taken the responsibility of subduing demons and eliminating demons since childhood, and his main focus is on the melody technique passed down from his family. He does not have a deep research on simple melody.

But even so, the level of Xie Qiutao's performance on the stage far exceeded most of the loose cultivators who came here. The cultivators who were watching were curious about the sound of the pipa, and finally they were attracted by the music, and there were countless people who nodded and applauded.

The master seated in the main hall of Yuefu also heard the pipa music of this special tune. Sister Yahe listened for a while, then said:

"The tune this girl plays has a bit of the shadow of the music from the North. After Beishouzhou fell, most of the immortal families such as Xuanwutai died out, and the inheritance was also broken. Now it is rarely heard."

Shangguan Lingye and others, who were worried about Xie Qiutao, breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

clang clang~~

At the end of the song, after a moment of silence by the lakeside, there was a warm clapping and applause.

Xie Qiutao was a little proud, hugged the pipa and bowed, and jumped off the stage. After everyone was attracted by the female cultivator who performed the next performance, they ran to Zuo Lingquan:

"Master Zuo, how are you?"

The dumpling squatted in Tang Jingxun's arms, and responded "jiji~", he should be saying: "You played like this before, the little turtle has long recognized the master, and the bird thought you could only play cotton."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes filled with admiration: "It's an eye-opener, and it sounds great."

Xie Qiutao was a little dissatisfied, and said with a smile:

"This compliment is so insincere, Mr. Zuo, don't you know how to recite poetry? I play so hard, you can't improvise a poem to praise?"

Tang Jingxun also nodded: "Yeah, for this kind of occasion, you have to join in the fun, why don't you go up and sing a poem?"

"Yeah yeah……"


Zuo Lingquan could recite poems and make correct poems, but Qiu Tao's eyes were so eager, he thought about it a little, and Wen Xuexuan said:

"Um... The shaft plucks the strings three or two times, and before the tune is formed, there is love. The strings are suppressed... suppressed... I forgot later."

Xie Qiutao waited eagerly, very disappointed:

"Anyway, if you want a complete piece, you don't necessarily have to evaluate the song, praise the beauty, describe the scenery, you can."

"That's okay, um... goose goose goose, Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange..."

"Poetry is good...but is there a goose here? The dumpling doesn't count, it doesn't have a neck..."


"Okay, then change to another... There are beautiful women in the north who are peerless and independent. Take a look at the city of Qingren, and then consider the country of Qingren..."

"Well~ it's almost the same, it just doesn't sound like I..."

"Ha ha……"



While the three were chatting and laughing, time passed, and as the sun rose to the sky, the palace lord of Qianqiu Yuefu climbed up the drum tower on Kuigu Island and banged the giant drum with the insignia of the sect:

dong dong dong-

The sound of drums was like thunder, and it traveled a hundred miles away. The monks who gathered near the Palace of Rites and Music also stopped talking and looked at the main hall of Yuefu on Kuigu Island.

The Yuefu Mid-Autumn Festival is a rare occasion for literary and artistic exchanges in the practice of Taoism. There are not too many people who practice Taoism, but there are countless people who play music, chess, calligraphy and painting to the peak.

No matter how talented Zuo Lingquan is, he is just a layman here, and he can't do anything except watch and listen to the beautiful fairy.

The purpose of the three of them coming here was to see the guqin of the Qu family, and Mr. Sanzhu, who was in charge of playing the guqin, as an important guest of the Mid-Autumn Festival, was arranged in the evening. .

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao stood by Wangyuetan at first, but when the dumplings got hungry, they found a secluded pavilion and sat in it to eat and watch, just like attending a party.

After waiting for a whole day, when night fell, the white moon rose from the lake, and the main play finally started.

Under everyone's attention, the gray-haired Mr. Sanzhu boarded the platform where the center of the lake was flush with the water, and played the well-known guqin against the backdrop of the moonlight and the lights.

dong~~ dong~~

The sound of the piano is melodious, and the meaning of the song is high and low.

Zuo Lingquan listened quietly and listened for a long time... but didn't understand.

He turned to look at Xie Qiutao next to him: "This is the Xianpinqin? It doesn't feel as good as you play cotton."

Xie Qiutao was considered a half expert in rhythm and rhythm, and shook his head:

"The artistic conception of the song is too high, and mortals can't understand it. This is for everyone in Qindao."

Tang Jingxuan sat on the side of the beauty and rubbed the dozing dumplings:

"No one can understand, what is a good song?"

"Oh, everyone is like this, others say it's great, if you don't understand, you will be laughed at, so you have to pretend to understand, and you have to look down on those who don't understand. And what everyone can understand , no matter how good it is, it is still inferior, and if you don’t belittle a few words, you will not be able to show the identity of those people…”

Zuo Lingquan was not interested in Qin Qu, so he didn't answer, just chuckled lightly.

Soon, at the end of the song above the lake, Mr. Sanzhu sat in silence for a long time, and after posing for everyone, he got up and bowed to the surrounding.

The tens of thousands of cultivators on the three islands gave a lot of applause and comments. As for whether they really understood or falsely understood, no one knew.

However, everyone in the main hall of Yuefu should have understood it. Madam Xue praised:

"Sir, this song is worthy of the word 'Tian Lai'."

Mr. Sanzhu stood in the middle of the lake, bowed his hands to Mrs. Xue, and after a few words of self-humility, he turned to look at the monks on the surrounding three islands:

"Today, the old man came to Qianqiu Yuefu because he admired Qianqiu Yuefu's tradition of 'respecting ritual music' for thousands of years. However, some fellow Daoists present may not understand why a wealthy family on the mountain would go to great lengths to teach the monks in the world what to do by example. 'Propriety'; based on the heritage of Qianqiu Yuefu, according to the rule of 'the strong is respected', it is still a wealthy family on the top of the mountain, why bother with these things that have nothing to do with the avenue of longevity."

Mr. Sanzhu turned his head and looked at Mrs. Xue:

"Can Xue Fu explain to fellow Daoists present?"

Qianqiu Yuefu does this every year, and the original intention is to instill the concept that the sect has inherited to this day - the education of ritual and music.

Mrs. Xue didn't mind the question and responded:

"Under the way of heaven, there is no distinction between noble and lowly people. The reason why people can become the leader of all spirits is not because the way of heaven favors the human race, but because people themselves understand 'propriety', or 'rules'. With the rules of the world Only with secular dynasties, cities, and towns can there appear, and immortal families have large and small sects; with courtesy, righteousness, and shame, people know what is right and wrong, and what a man can do or not do, which is the foundation for the human race to grow."

Madam Xue stood up and looked at fellow Daoists present:

"Etiquette is the shackles that ancient sages put on people, and it is of no benefit to the strong, but it is because of this shackles that people can be called 'humans'. Without this shackles, people are no different from birds and beasts in the world.

"After thousands of calamities, the human race finally cultivated into a 'human' and set foot on the cultivation path, but abandoned all these and became 'respectful of strength' and only cared about the avenue of longevity. 'Demon', can never be a 'immortal'."

There is definitely no problem with these words. The presence of the practice may not necessarily be practiced, but everyone understands this truth, and they all nod their heads.

Mr. Sanzhu surrendered to Mrs. Xue and continued:

"Mrs. Xue's words are concise and horrifying, and she clearly explained the weight of the word 'rules'. But there are always some people in this world who, with a little bit of Taoism, begin to follow the principle of 'whoever has the most fists is right', and treats the religion of the ancestors. I forgot everything. Others dare not respond due to force, but this old man is just going to say a few words today."

When Mrs. Xue heard Mr. Sanzhu mention the word 'rules', she guessed that there was something in his words, and did not respond to it.

Mr. Sanzhu stood in the center of Wangyuetan Lake and glanced at the surrounding crowd:

"The old man heard yesterday that Mrs. Xue was sitting on the east side and invited guests to go to Jiangkou to enjoy the beautiful scenery of 'River Wind and Autumn Moon'. On the way, many children of immortal families were learning piano songs on the cruise..."

The monks onlookers noticed that the situation was not right, and calmed down and looked at the center of the lake.

Mr. Sanzhu recounted what happened on the ferry, and then said:

"... Dongzhou Xianjia is not good at music and temperament, and Zhou Mu's words are not wrong. That Dongzhou swordsman is uncomfortable listening to this. He can compete on the piano stage with his ability, but he ended up on the piano stage. , holding the hilt of the sword and speaking ill of each other."

Mr. Sanzhu looked sullen and glanced at the surrounding people:

"The old man asks everyone, does this count as ignorance of the rules?"

Many cultivators on the three islands looked at each other in dismay, and felt that this was not a good comment.

Although 'Sword Demon Zuo Ci' is domineering and arrogant, it is not unruly. Duobaotan will kill whoever he needs to kill, and he will not kill anyone in a duel in the Falling Sword Mountain arena. When the matter is settled, it should be polite, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for what happened on the cruise ship yesterday, Zhou Mu was a bit sloppy, and Zuo Ci was angry and scolded for a matter of course, but he didn't really draw his sword.

But if he really wants to go online, Zhou Mu said that Dongzhou is not good at rhythm, and Zuo Ci wants to refute it. He should start with rhythm and use force to shut up the other party.

In the main hall of Yuefu, Shangguan Lingye frowned, knowing that this situation was not easy to handle, so he secretly thought about countermeasures.

Not far away, Zhou Mu, who was watching the play, showed a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Today, let Mr. Sanzhu find fault in the public eye, "Sword Demon Zuo Ci" does not show up to find a scene, but his behavior is inconsistent, and most of the influence of "not to be messed up" left by Luojian Mountain is lost.

But what if the sword demon Zuo Ci came out?

If Mr. Sanzhu wants to rely on Yingyang Immortal Palace, he will not be forced to be subdued by force like Zhou Mu. Mr. Sanzhu sticks to the rules, how can the sword demon Zuo Ci really beat people?

Not to mention whether Qianqiu Yuefu will intervene, even if Zuo Cizhen shuts up Mr. Sanzhu, the name of 'unreasonable, rude and reckless man' is also true. This is not a good reputation. Anyway, no matter how you deal with it today, it will be It's a loss.

Zhou Mu glanced at the crowd, wanting to see the reaction of the reckless man who dared to threaten him in public.

And Mr. Sanzhu in the heart of the lake still reprimanded in a deep voice:

"When you hear words that don't catch your ears, you use combat power to oppress people. In the eyes of the old man, he is no different from a demon. Today, in the eyes of the public, the old man said that the Absolute Sword Immortal Sect did not understand the rhythm. Threatened the old man to shut up and not to say this in the future?"

Mr. Sanzhu turned to look at everyone:

"He 'Sword Demon Zuo Ci' is also a swordsman. When he heard Zhou Mu say that Dongzhou is not good at rhythm, he jumped out in a hurry and used force to shut Zhou Mu. The old man will say it again today, 'The inheritance of Dongzhou's cultural heritage is broken. , no one teaches, bad rhythm', are you still dancing today?"


Before the words fell, the sound of breaking the wind suddenly rose.

Mr. Sanzhu's voice stopped abruptly, and when he looked around, he saw a figure rising into the sky from Ganfeng Island.

The figure was dressed in a cloud-patterned son's robe, with two sabres hanging from his waist, flying up and rising into the air, overlapping with the silver moon in the sky, and then like a goddess descending from the sky, with a fierce imposing manner, he directly smashed towards the center of the lake.


"It really came out?!"

"It really lives up to its reputation..."

"So handsome~"

The noise continued, and the fairies and fairy masters on the three islands were stunned.

Even the many experts in the main hall of Yuefu were stunned. I didn't expect that the sword demon Zuo Ci would really dare to jump out. You are a sword cultivator, what can you do when you jump out?

He danced so arrogantly, as if he wanted to trample Mr. Sanzhu to death.

Maybe it was because he was afraid that this reckless man would kill Mr. Sanzhu in public, several experts from Qianqiu Yuefu stood up.


But in the blink of an eye, the white robe figure fell from the air and landed on the platform in the middle of the lake, causing a ring-like ripple.

The ripples spread from the platform to the surrounding three islands with bright lights, and the center of the ripples was the terrifying Zuo Lingquan and the frightened Mr. Sanzhu.

Mr. Sanzhu was so shocked that he stepped back a few steps, almost fell into the lake, put his hand on his chest, and looked at the cold son who was close at hand:

"you you……"

The audience was Looking at the confronting two people, they were a little nervous, thinking that this sword fairy, who was famous for his domineering, would attack Mr. Sanzhu in the next moment.

But under the attention of all the people, Zuo Lingquan's face was cold and he didn't move.

Because Zuo Lingquan's heart was more unprepared than everyone present:

what am i doing? !

Why did you jump out?

Sister Yingying, are you kidding me? What can I do now, I can't stab him with a sword...



Many thanks to the leader of the [Youth Who Came Here] for the reward!

happy New Year!


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