Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Little Fengdu

Fengdu is a ghost mansion, and a place that can be called 'Little Fengdu' is obviously not a place that ordinary people are willing to set foot in frequently.

In less than October, a heavy snow fell on the coast, and the last port in the northwest of Huajunzhou was buried in white snow. A lonely boat broke through the snow and sailed from the sea.

The ship is a cargo ship, not too long in length, with the flag of the Yingyang Immortal Palace hanging on it, and the deck is full of animal corpses, rare and exotic stones, and broken instruments.

Cheng Jiujiang, who was wearing the black armor of the Iron Cluster Mansion, used the black shield issued by Zongmen as his back, sat in the pile of debris with nowhere to rest, and looked at the distant coastline, with a long sigh of relief.

Cheng Jiujiang used to be a loose cultivator in Nanhuang and a national teacher in Great Dan, and he had a lot of disciples.

But good luck makes people, after the age of Jiazi, he actually rejuvenated the second spring, and by accident, he became an 'important figure' of the righteous vanguard, interspersed and dispatched on the frontal battlefield of immortal blood and fire.

Although this job is seen by lay people as a 'heavy soldier' ​​who is running errands to transport supplies, which is true, but Cheng Jiujiang doesn't think so.

What happened to the heavy soldiers?

The troops and horses will go ahead without food and grass, and the sea of ​​Qi and Linglong Pavilion of the Immortal Venerable on the top of the mountain are not endless. With so many loot seized, no one can bring it back, so we can't let the monks produce and sell them on the spot, right?

And it's not that simple.

Righteous and evil are fighting for territory, and the decisive role is the wave of immortals on the top of the mountain; under normal circumstances, the army will not gather and charge into battle as in the world, because no matter how many low-level monks, they can't stop the sword of the immortals on the mountain. Crowd tactics are meaningless.

To control a continent, the monks on the mountain usually do not move to preserve their strength, and the monks in the low-level are responsible for cleaning up the opponent’s eye lines and small strongholds, and gradually nibbling away; once the opponent can’t sit still and there are monks on the mountain, they will be surrounded and strangled and killed. If one party cannot afford the loss and retreat, the site will naturally change hands.

Under such circumstances, most of the monks who came to subdue the demons and eliminate the demons formed a small team of several people, scattered all over the eastern side of Bosuozhou, and moved forward slowly.

More than 100,000 cultivators sounded like a lot, but if they were scattered across the territory of half a continent, they might not be able to see a group of people for hundreds of miles, and there was no fairy market or ferry.

After the cultivator has cleaned up an area, he can't turn around and run back to Huajunzhou. At this time, he needs to go to a nearby safe stronghold to obtain supplies and trade the various loot that have been captured.

There are strong people in the stronghold, and the surrounding area is also cleaned up, so there is little danger; but the distance between the strongholds is very long, and Cheng Jiujiang has to travel back and forth between the small strongholds to transport materials back and forth.

With a pile of supplies on the road, the combat power is generally weak. For foreign races, it is walking a money bag, which is much easier to bully than a regular team of monks.

Even if there is no accident in Posuo Continent, if you pull a boat of materials and medicine pills with high prices across the sea, you will not be equipped with powerful monks to **** them.

In order to reduce the loss, they are all sending a small cargo by one person. Everything is fine. If something happens, Cheng Jiujiang has to ask for more fortune. Long West Sea can't even make a specific positioning, so it is impossible to come to backup.

However, the monsters in the sea are also 'opportunities' for the monks of the high realm. It is not so easy to meet them. Cheng Jiujiang sent them back and forth twice, and they were all safe and sound. Wang Rui was crying.

Seeing the stable and peaceful 'Little Fengdu', Cheng Jiujiang finally let go of the three months he had been hanging at sea, got up and went to the bow, waiting for the cargo ship to dock at the port.

Xiaofengdu is not only a port, but also a gateway to defend against foreign races in the northwest. The protection far exceeds that of other places. There is often an immortal who sits here, so as to prevent the Youying aliens from making a large-scale attack and directly enter the hinterland of Huajunzhou. God's oriental candle shines, but ordinary people can't see it.

Although he has only been here twice, Cheng Jiujiang is good at making friends, and he is relatively familiar with the port where cargo ships enter and leave. Just approaching the coast where the ships are stretched, an old man appeared at the dock and greeted him with an account book:

"Lao Cheng, your legs are very fast. How's the situation over there?"

The old man is the port's little steward, responsible for sending and receiving supplies. Because Bosuozhou has not been completely occupied, the only few towers in the sky can only be used to transmit important battles. If the bottom layer wants to know the exact information, it can only be passed on by word of mouth among the monks.

Cheng Jiujiang hung his shield on his back, jumped off the cargo ship, rubbed his hands, and took a sip of the warm wine on the stove:

"It's still the same, it's all small shrimps. The most powerful one I've found so far is a snake spirit of the jade rank. Seven or eight Immortal Venerables were killed. As a result, my own people almost fought over the sharing of accounts. I still want some snake meat. The wine is coming, and there is not even a single snake hair..."

The old man looked at the messy cargo on the ship, shook his head and sighed:

"It's a good thing to be okay. It's better than the monsters everywhere; before you changed it, you didn't dare to go over after the first trip."

"Old Wang, you are underestimating people. I am a disciple of Tietu Mansion, how can I say that I dare not say it?"

Cheng Jiujiang patted the armor on his chest, indicating that he was the disciple of the Eastern Continent Valkyrie, then took out a piece of paper, opened it and looked at it:

"If you look at the things on the ship, it's not worth much. After unloading, pack me 20 boxes of healing pills and 20 boxes of worry-free charms... By the way, Old Wang, do you have any way to get 'Dragon'? Yang Dan''Han Chun Dan'? This stuff is very popular in Gui Liao Chuan. I saw that a product from Eight Arms Mysterious Gate got two boxes and sold them secretly, and the supply was in short supply..."

Old Man Wang was stunned for a moment, then turned around: "When you arrive at Bosuo Continent, do you still have the heart to use this thing? Are you not afraid that you won't be able to stand up to the world when you fight?"

"Hey, you don't understand this. To subdue demons and exorcise demons, you will have to suffer all day long, and be full of sufferings and sufferings? subduing demons and exorcising demons is to hang your head on your trousers belt and return to a safe place for the rest of your life after the catastrophe. Can't enjoy it? Bosuozhou can't even drink good wine, and I have nothing to do when I'm resting, what else can I do besides being a Taoist companion?"

"It's also..."

Cheng Jiujiang glanced from side to side, then leaned forward and said:

"Actually, I think the above is a bit too serious. How can a little cultivator like us be as hopeless as the Immortal Venerable on the Mountain, and there is always something in my heart. If the above can send more good wine, or let Qianqiu Yuefu The fairy, sometimes in the past to perform or something, we go out to throw our heads and shed our blood, and it is more energetic not..."

"It's a good idea, but what's the use of you talking to me? You should go and tell your ancestors, if Dongzhou Valkyrie can agree, it's not a matter of words..."

"It's just a joke in private, what are you doing with the ancestors?"

Cheng Jiujiang hurriedly shook his head: "Don't forget what I just said, get me two boxes of Longyang Dan to earn some extra money, keep the money, I'll come back alive for you..."

Old Man Wang laughed twice, wrote down the matter in the ledger, and then said:

"Your old buddy Song Chi came back two days ago. She seems to be the granddaughter of the old swordsman. He didn't find the big demon to vent his anger. He wanted to go deep into the hinterland. He disagreed and came back to negotiate."


Cheng Jiujiang looked surprised.

Last time, he, Song Chi and Wang Rui came to Xiaofengdu on Miss Qiu's boat, and they were going to travel together.

But the three of them are all martial arts practitioners, and their talents and combat power are very different. Together, it is estimated that they will really "go on the road" together.

Miss Qiu didn't want to bring a fuel bottle, so she arranged errands for the three of them.

Wang Rui was Lu Jianchen's apprentice. His background was decent but his morals were too low, so he was assigned to patrol the coast. He was very experienced and clever, so he assigned him a small cargo ship to transport him back and forth. It seems that the future martial arts masters will follow the core disciples of Yingyang Xiangong to get rid of demons.

Wang Rui stayed at the port of Bosuozhou, and Cheng Jiujiang could gather occasionally, and Song Chi, who had fooled him over, had really never been seen again.

Hearing that Song Chi was also in Xiaofengdu, Cheng Jiujiang naturally didn't say much. After inquiring a little about the place, he ran to the city.

Xiaofengdu is located in the northwest of Huajunzhou, and the surrounding area is a wasteland with no grass. If it hadn't been deployed here, such a big city would not have appeared.

Most of the monks walking in the city are looking for someone to go with them to Bosa Continent. The number is not comparable to the inland ports, but the quality is significantly higher. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "walking everywhere in secluded places".

The main force against the Youying alien race is the big immortals and giants, but the scattered cultivators and the small sects want to do their best, and the righteous giants will naturally not be turned away. There is a high-rise building in the city called 'Yitang', thinking about the past The monks must register in advance and arrange a ferry across the sea after confirming the realm background.

The cultivators who can come to fight have the blood of 'do not hesitate to do this for the right way', but it is the main reason why most cultivators come here.

As long as the monks participating in the battlefield of the fairy and demons are equivalent to a layer of gold plating, after returning to their hometown, the loose cultivator can go directly to the Xianjia Zongmen to report, and the last time they can mix up a worship position; the outer door enters the inner door, the inner door The door becomes a direct line.

Even if you just want to be a loose immortal, just relying on the sentence 'I bleed for the right way in Bosuozhou', the rich and powerful of the immortal family do not dare to bully them at will. If something really happens, there will be someone to help investigate. Died on the right track.

In addition to the various benefits after the event, on the battlefield of the immortals and demons, rare talisman elixir such as warming and healing, breaking the realm and forging the body, all cabbage prices, can be obtained for free by patrolling; Martial arts skills, most people who want to learn masters will not be stingy.

And once the demons are eradicated, not only will they be able to remember great deeds, but the opportunities they get are all theirs.

One can imagine how attractive the rich treatment of fame and fortune can be. Even if in the past, only one of the past ten could come back, there are still countless people who follow one after another; because they want to live on the path of longevity, it is a life-and-death to find a big chance by themselves. , at least you can get a righteous death in Bosuozhou.

However, the monks who came here are also aware of the risks of this trip. Many monks waiting for the ship stayed on the streets outside Yitang to inquire about all kinds of news about Bosuozhou.

Cheng Jiujiang wondered if Lao Song was missing an arm or a broken leg. He walked in a hurry. He passed the street outside Yitang and did not stop, but when he was about to reach the end of the street, he suddenly heard a shout from behind:

"Old Cheng?"

Cheng Jiujiang paused for a while. Hearing the familiar voice, he turned back quickly, but saw a young man in a black robe standing up from the window of a restaurant on the street, looking at him with surprise.

"Brother Zhao?" Cheng Jiujiang's eyes couldn't hide his surprise. The last time he met Zhao Wuxie was when he just left the Southern Wilderness. It had been many years.

Cheng Jiujiang hurriedly turned around and came to the door of the restaurant, looking at Zhao Wuxie who came out:

"Why did you come here?"

"Hey, I've been here before. I didn't know you were here at the time. After walking around for two laps, I left. I met you in Luojian Mountain two months ago..."

While Zhao Wuxie was talking with a smile, Yu Guang sensed something, frowned, and looked into the distance on the street.

The location of Xiaofengdu is too remote, and its strategic significance is relatively large, but it is not very prosperous. Most of the major immortal sects have settled in the city.

Yitang is in the center of the city, and a mansion not far away has the emblem of Yingyang Immortal Palace hanging outside.

Cheng Jiujiang followed his gaze and saw that above a watchtower in the mansion, a woman dressed in white was looking towards this side.

The woman was wearing the disciple robe of Yingyang Immortal Palace, like a snow-white dress full of immortality, with a blue-green saber hanging around her waist; although her face was not clearly visible, she could imagine that she must be a woman through her tall figure. A glamorous female Sword Fairy who conquers the country and the city.

Seeing the woman upstairs, Cheng Jiujiang was startled, and quickly whispered:

"This is the eldest lady of Jing Terrace, the direct descendant of the Yang God, and the granddaughter of the old Sword God."

Zhao Wuxie was taken aback. After all, the background was a little too exaggerated. He raised his hand and bowed to show his respect.

The woman on the watchtower is obviously not low, and the distance is about two miles. After speaking, the voice of Qingling still enters the ears of the two:

"Fellow Daoist swordsmanship is good."

Zhao Wuxie was originally very confident, but after seeing Zuo Lingquan's swordsmanship and meeting the granddaughter of the old swordsman, he didn't dare to mention the word 'sword', and responded:

"Fairy Qiu has won the prize."

Miss Qiu continued:

"In the past few months, a lot of things have happened in the east. I heard that someone walked through Luojian Mountain alone and crushed Twelve Lang outside Juejian Cliff; communication here is inconvenient, and the news is in a mess. You went there two months ago. After passing Luojian Mountain, can you know the exact situation?"

Zhao Wuxie heard the old swordsman's granddaughter asking about this. As Zuo Lingquan's friend, he was naturally honored:

"I asked Jian at Luojian Mountain that day, and I naturally knew the situation."

? !

When Miss Qiu heard this, she was obviously stunned, and re-examined Zhao Wuxie:

"That day, was it you who asked Jian at Luojian Mountain?"

Zhao Wuxie sensed that the other party had misunderstood, and was slightly embarrassed. He thought about it:

"That's right! But strictly speaking, two people asked about swords at Luojian Mountain that day. At first, they were down, and then the sword demon Zuo Ci appeared, and I was silent. Hmm... I'm considered a 'brick' to attract jade. ."


Miss Qiu was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly:

"Being able to ask about swords on the stage at Luojian Mountain is enough to show that you are skilled in swordsmanship. You don't have to belittle yourself, you just ran into a monster. That sword demon Zuo Ci, is his swordsmanship as good as rumored?"

Zhao Wuxie nodded and said, "No one of my peers can come out on top. As far as swordsmanship is concerned, I have only served three people in this life, one is the old sword god, the other is my master, and the third is the sword demon Zuo Ci, the others are in my opinion. , it's more than a line."

Miss Qiu heard how loud this tone was and asked:

"Where is Master Ling?"

"I don't have much reputation. I added my master because as an apprentice, we must respect the teacher and respect the way, and I can't look down on my master's swordsmanship and learn it. In fact, there are only two people who really admire him."


Miss Qiu felt that this son, like Cheng Jiujiang, was a **** full of nonsense, and his words could not be taken seriously at all. After greeting him casually, he disappeared on the watchtower.

Cheng Jiujiang had been floating on the sea for several months, and he was inexplicable. When Miss Qiu left, he asked in a low voice:

"Who is the sword demon Zuo Ci? If you wear Luojian Mountain alone, at least he must be an Immortal Venerable, right? How does swordsmanship compare to Brother Zuo?"

After Zhao Wuxie was sure that no one was spying on him, he dragged Cheng Jiujiang to the restaurant and said mysteriously:

"All surnamed Zuo, who do you think it is?"


Cheng Jiujiang suddenly understood, and his eyes were a little awkward:

"Walking through Luojian Mountain alone and defeating Juejianya, our three brothers are so powerful?!"

"The three of us?"

"Hehe... Brother Zhao and Brother Zuo are so powerful?"


Zhao Wuxie was ashamed and waved his hand: "Brother Zuo is very powerful, how dare I compare it, and see you next time, maybe brother Zuo will become an immortal... Saying that, Miss Chou seems to be unconvinced, no. Are you going to trouble Brother Zuo?"

"Brother Zuo, where do you need me to worry? He is handsome, skilled in swordsmanship, and good-natured. Miss Qiu is also going to **** it back to be a good man when he asks for trouble. If he dares not agree, let the old sword **** and the sun **** join forces to kill brother Zuo, this matter. It's no use worrying about us."

Zhao Wuxie shook his head seriously: "Brother Zuo is devoted to love, and he was really snatched up to be a Taoist partner. If you don't want to, it's still a hassle..."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You're going to Po Suizhou, right? It happened to be on my boat. Let's go together and leave tomorrow."

"Uh... do you have a ferry?"

Cheng Jiujiang patted his chest proudly: "I'm the only one on the private ferry from Ferry Port. It's very spacious. No one will say anything when I stand on the bow to urinate."

"Private ferry? Isn't that something that only the second ancestor of the Xian family could afford?"

Zhao Wuxie's eyes were surprised: "Brother Cheng can get along I have traveled all over the world for so many years, and I have never been on a private ferry."

"Hey, no matter where, the popularity is so good that people can look up to it. Later, when I go to Bosuozhou, I will cover you and bring you to make a lot of money."

"Is it safe for the two of us to cross the sea?"

"What are you afraid of, we are going to die together, and there is a companion on the Huangquan Road; at sea, are you afraid that I will leave you behind and run away?"

"Uh...also ha..."



Transition chapter, explain the background.



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