Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 10: Wangchuan City

The spring rain is like crisp, falling among the old towns on the coast.

The buildings in the town are dilapidated, and I don’t know how many years have been abandoned. There are many figures in different clothes walking around, and a few small beasts are crouching under the eaves, looking at the ships coming from the rain.

The ship docked silently, and the monks gathered here from all over the world, one after another, came ashore.

Zuo Lingquan walked in the middle of the crowd, holding a sword in blue clothes, holding a paper umbrella to shield the fine rainwater, and looking at the unfamiliar land. As far as he could see, there was no devastation caused by the war, and some were just lifeless and desolate, so he turned his eyes to the unfamiliar land. and placed it on top of the surrounding pedestrians.

Xie Qiutao walked behind him, holding the dumpling in his arms, talking about the news he inquired on the boat:

"This is Qiaotou Town, and if you go inland, you will find Wangchuan City..."

The dumplings had been on the boat for nearly three months, and had already gone crazy, but when they saw the desolate land where birds lay no eggs, they lost their interest in wandering around. What to eat later.

Tang Jingshen was wearing a goose-yellow spring dress, walking under Zuo Lingquan's umbrella, and while walking, she found Zuo Lingquan looking around, looking at the passing female cultivators from time to time, her eyes gradually became strange:

"Little Zuo, what are you looking at?"

Zuo Lingquan was naturally looking at Venerable Peach Blossom.

Zuo Lingquan has been paying attention to the female nuns on the ferry ever since Venerable Peach Blossom wore calm clothes and made out with him.

It's a pity that Venerable Peach Blossom's Taoism is too high, and if you don't want people to find it, Zuo Lingquan's ability really can't find it. He hasn't seen anything for nearly three months, and it's not even clear if Venerable Taohua is still around. .

Searching on the shore to no avail, and seeing Jing You suspecting her husband's thoughts, Zuo Lingquan retracted his eyes and said with a smile:

"Look at the beautiful girl, what else can you see?"


Tang Jing frowned, pretending to be a housekeeper's daughter-in-law, and secretly twisted it around Zuo Lingquan's waist, without saying much.

After disembarking, Zuo Lingquan took the two girls to the inland Wangchuan City.

Wangchuan City is the rear of the righteous path in Bosuo Continent. The immortals from the rich and powerful who came to help out are all waiting for the opportunity to move there, while maintaining the stability of the rear, so that the monks who have penetrated into the enemy's belly have no worries.

Most of the practitioners travel thousands of miles alone, but confronting the Youying alien head-on, it is obviously not enough to describe Sansha as only relying on the bravery of ordinary people.

The monks who came to slay the demons and eliminate the demons and restore the righteous path, whether they were sect disciples or scattered immortals, were reported by Wangchuan City.

If you want to be a lone wolf who travels thousands of miles alone, no one will stop you, but you have to be conceited about your life and death. If something goes wrong, you can't come to backup, and there are no reliable news sent in time by countless cultivators.

Zuo Lingquan's road behavior is not low, but the main force of both the good and the evil is the Jade-rank Immortal Venerable, and the Youhuang monks are even more difficult to count. It's good to follow the process.

As a springboard for the Three Continents, Bo Suozhou was mastered by the right way, and the Youying aliens were blocked overseas. When the aliens held it, they directly pointed to Huajunzhou. The importance of geographical location is self-evident. Thousands of years ago, it was the battlefield of the magic wrench. It's just that sometimes it's small, and sometimes it's big.

The last war happened a hundred years ago, when Miss Qiu's mother participated in the war. In the end, the losses on both sides were unbearable, and the war turned into a period of silence. Until a few years ago, some evil monks killed dozens of disciples from Juejianya. And the owl's head was displayed to the public, and Zhengdao Xianjia felt that the arrogance of the alien race was too high, so they regrouped the monks to conquer the Posa continent.

It is impossible for the Youying aliens to withdraw from Posuo Continent. According to the law of previous years, once this side moves, the opposite side will definitely assemble manpower to counterattack, until one side cannot afford the loss and retreat.

But what is surprising is that the aliens have indeed assembled a large number of people across the sea, but they have been in a state of only defending and not attacking.

Right now, what the cultivators can do is to push forward step by step. After clearing a safe area, set up defenses in place and wait for the aliens to come and **** them. If they don't come, they will continue to push forward until the aliens can't sit still.

Clearing a state or county is usually a team of people, because it’s okay to find no monsters, and 80% of them are found and killed on the spot. It is harmful and useless to go to too many people at one time. .

The remaining monks were all on standby near Wangchuan City, and if something went wrong, they would immediately rush over to help.

No matter how small Bosuozhou is, it is still a continent. It is about half the size of Yuyaozhou. It is very deep and the geographical environment is even worse. It can be said that ghosts and ghosts are everywhere. I haven't walked out of the eastern part of Posauzhou for two years.

Because the alien races only defend and do not attack, the big demons basically do not show their heads, and the little demons and small demons can't find a few a day. The monks have nothing to do, and Wangchuan City is now overcrowded.

It was cloudy and rainy at noon.

Zuo Lingquan entered Wangchuan City. The scene in the street market was completely different from the Xianjia city that he had seen in the past. There were very few Xianjia shops, and all the houses were converted into temporary residences. Ninety percent of the people he saw were carrying flying swords. Those who do not carry flying swords can see that the momentum is the peak of Youhuang, and there is no mortal at all.

There was no paradise for cultivator Youhuang to cultivate in his spare time, and most of the cultivators in the city were in a panic. Any cultivator who talked about the news from the outside could gather around a large circle of people.

Zuo Lingquan took the two girls and walked near the entrance of the hall where the disciples of the Eight Arms Xuanmen reported. He also saw the deacon of the Eight Arms Xuanmen, telling the monks what happened recently in Hua Junzhou at the door:

"...Speaking of that sword demon Zuo Ci, there are two ancient divine weapons hanging from his waist, one named 'Fenghua' and the other 'Xueyue'..."

From Huajun Continent to Posuo Continent, it takes three months to take a cross-sea ferry. The Tiandun Pagoda, which can transmit sound from thousands of miles, only conveys important matters, such as confirming the identity of a monk, asking for help, etc. It is impossible to pass on these insignificant things, monk If you want to know, you can only rely on word of mouth among monks.

Even if the Eight Arms Xuanmen is well informed, when the news of Zuo Lingquan's rampage in the eastern part of Huajunzhou is passed, it will become completely unrecognizable - what's the reason that the sword demon was broken off by Luojianshan when he was a child, One-on-one with Twelve Lang's father and son' and so on, complete nonsense.

The deacon of the Eight Arms Xuanmen is very eloquent, and his nonsense is also thrilling and passionate. There are thousands of people in the audience outside, and even Xie Qiutao is attracted, standing behind the crowd and listening with relish.

Zuo Lingquan's embarrassed scalp went numb, and after listening to a few sentences, he pushed the girl Tao Tao, who had not heard enough, to continue walking.

Xie Qiutao was pushed by her shoulders and turned back three steps:

"Don't worry, I still want to hear what the sword demon Zuo Ci said to the illiterate female cultivator when he was divorced..."

Zuo Lingquan said helplessly: "Just like the sword demon, the woman broke off the engagement because she felt that she was not worthy, so what can she say."

"Hey~" Xie Qiutao clicked his tongue twice, then smiled again: "I think so too."

Tang Jingxuan was a little confused when he first arrived: "Little Zuo, where are we going now? This place doesn't look like there are monsters."

"If there are monsters here, there is no safe place in the world. Go to the Yitang in the center of the city to report to see if there are any suitable errands..."

Zuo Lingquan said gossip and continued to walk forward. Before he reached the Yitang, which arranged errands for the scattered cultivators, he found a sign 'Dongzhou Nanmeng' hanging outside a building on the street. They are all monks from the Nine Sects in the South, and there are also a few scattered Sword Immortals from Sword Imperial City.

Zuo Lingquan was a native of Dongzhou, so he naturally took a second look inside, but this look was really rewarding. I saw many monks walking among several high-rise buildings inside the building.

In the corridor on the second floor of the main building in the middle, there is a young man with a sword on his back, holding a large pile of files in his hand, and is running to the first floor. Although his appearance is slightly different from that of the past, Zuo Lingquan still recognizes it at a glance. For this younger brother Wang Rui, who sacrificed his life to save him.

Seeing that his old friend was safe and sound, Zuo Lingquan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and he felt a little like another world away. After a little consideration, he walked into the reception area of ​​Dongzhou Nanmeng. He wanted to say hello to Wang Rui, but before he entered the hall, he heard:

"...What are you doing, the sword demon Zuo Ci and I have seen the relationship between the widow's bathing together, his brother is even more powerful, my serious senior brother, the one-handed sword 'junzijian' seems to have no rules, but in fact The ghosts are so unparalleled, even the great sword fairy of Qiu Fengqingqiu is amazed when they see it..."

Wang Rui was sitting behind the desk, talking nonsense with the cultivators in the hall. He looked a lot more mature, but I don't know if he had been with the fifth brother for a long time.

Tang Jingxuan lived in Xihuang Valley for a while, and when she heard this outside the door, she subconsciously looked at the Lord Xianggong next to her, the meaning was obvious-Xiao Zuo, have you peeked at the widow's bath?

Xie Qiutao didn't know Wang Rui, but his eyes were a little weird.

Zuo Lingquan shrugged slightly, his eyes were very helpless, he felt that this junior brother should wait to meet each other when he left, and now that he went in, he might just sit down when he saw the widow taking a bath.

Zuo Lingquan just heard a few words when a middle-aged deacon walked over outside, wearing the uniform of Tiecu Mansion, and said:

"The three are from Dongzhou?"

Zuo Lingquan bowed his hands in a salute:

"Dongzhou Zuo Lengkuan, Nanmeng loose repair, who is your Excellency?"

"Nangong Zhaixing, serve as a deacon here, and receive monks from the South Alliance."

While Nangong Zhaixing was talking, he led the three to the building on the side. On the way, he had to pass the ID card to check. After confirming his identity, he said:

"Yitang was run by Hua Junzhou. In the past, the casual cultivators in Waizhou were mostly chores, and the heavy responsibilities would not be placed on the loose cultivators. You can just come here in the future. We Dongzhou people, no matter what sect or faction we come from, It's a family outside..."

Fighting demons and eradicating demons in Posuo Continent is a matter of correcting and correcting the righteous path, but at a young age, it is actually a matter of experience and opportunity.

Demons are full of treasures. When their location and realm are determined, they are sent to destroy them. That is to collect money for nothing, and gain both fame and fortune. It is impossible to treat such good things without distinction; It was arranged to be sent to death, but under the circumstance that there are too many monks and little porridge, it is certainly not big to be able to receive errands.

Zuo Lingquan came here for the experience of subduing demons and eliminating demons, so he naturally said:

"Then thank Nangong Xianchang..."

Zuo Lingquan took the two girls and entered the building on the side. After registering his identity as 'Zuo Lengwan', he began to inquire about the situation outside.

At present, the cultivators of the right way are all gathered in the east of Guiliao River. The pioneers are investigating all over Guiliao River, and the rest are on standby. Only a very small number of high-level monks dare to go out of Guiliao River and walk around the Snow Wolf Mountains.

Deacon Nangong met too many monks in Wangchuan City. After listening to Zuo Lingquan’s words, he understood that he wanted to set off immediately to slay demons and eliminate demons. He sat behind his desk and shook his head:

"Little friend Zuo, don't be impatient. You are a sword cultivator, and a Taoist is good at magic. This little girl is a martial arts cultivator. The three of you have outstanding combat power. According to the rules, you should wait in Wangchuan City. If you take action, you will be notified immediately..."

Everyone in the practice has their own strengths. Most of the tasks such as scouts are done by people with flexible legs and good five elements and gossip; let Wu Xiu dig the ground three feet and one inch in a thousand miles to investigate, not to mention whether he can see it or not. When something comes out, it can be seen that the skill is also used on the scabbard.

Zuo Lingquan knows the current situation. There are still a bunch of rich and powerful children waiting for the performance of the demons and demons. He is waiting for arrangements in the city. Like other monks, he is likely to spend time in the room and play as a Taoist companion. Wait a few minutes. Something happened to me that I haven't seen in months. So he said:

"I have my own way to distinguish the deeds of the demons. The three of us are all good at fighting strength, and there is no problem in self-protection..."

Xie Qiutao didn't want to be idle in the city, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Xianchang, let's not talk about combat power first, when it comes to escape skills, I said that no one dares to say first..."

Nangong Zhaixing shook his head and persuaded:

"It's a good thing for young people to have a passion for blood, but I have to say something unpleasant. Bosuozhou is not our Dongzhou, and there are Shangguan ancestors in the sky in every aspect. The demons here are real demons, and the methods of alien monks are strange. , is far beyond what you and I imagined. I am too embarrassed to come here without a forbidden technique. I have seen too many heroes from Dongzhou before. I can’t even persuade me to leave; as a result, those who can come back have a long memory, and those who haven’t come back become examples of educating the younger generation…”

Zuo Lingquan said with a smile: "I have always acted steadily."


If Nangong Zhaixing can be a deacon who arranges scheduling in Wangyue City, he will not be a cultivator who regards the lives of fellow Daoists as child's play. He was afraid that Zuo Lingquan was young and vigorous, and he didn't know the heights of the sky when he first arrived, so he sighed softly:

"Little friend Zuo is young, and it's normal to be a little arrogant. You have a plan in your heart, and I can't persuade you to go where you want to go; but as someone who has come here, I have taken this responsibility, so I can't watch fellow Daoist sacrifice his life recklessly. ."

Nangong Zhaixing picked up the stack of dossiers on the table, flipped down a few pages, took out one, and looked at it carefully and handed it to Zuo Lingquan:

"Listen to my advice, don't do things privately. This is the news sent back in the morning. It is located on the west side of Guiliao River and near the Snow Wolf Mountains. You can go there and see. Something really happened, Miss Qiu who shocked the terrace. , is leading a team to patrol in the Snow Wolf Mountains; my Tiecuo Mansion's Qingkui Shangguan Baxue is also within a thousand miles. They are all from their own family. If something goes wrong, basically you will survive the death. If you can go and pick it up, you must not rush in. If you can come back safely, I will see the situation and say hello to the teacher, and let you follow the seniors into the Snow Wolf Mountain. "

Zuo Lingquan took over the dossier to check it, which was an investigation errand—a few days ago, a monk in Shajiang in the west of Gui Liaochuan found an abnormality, but no definite clues were found, and he reported it to Wangchuan City to send a high-level monk for re-examination.

After Zuo Lingquan read it briefly, he didn't pick and choose. As for Miss Qiu and Shangguan Baxue's help, he didn't expect it at all. After putting away the file, he said goodbye to Nangong Zhaixing...


Just finished writing or2!


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