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Chapter 730: The Selfish Mother Who Abandoned Her Child in the End Times (45)


"I said, I said." The man took the bread and held it in his arms as if he had met a treasure.

This person is a bachelor in his thirties, who lives on the same floor of Fu Shi's apartment. Since the end of the world, he has been huddled at home. Because he is a bachelor, his family has stocked up a lot of instant noodles before, and he has been eating them all the time. Now.

There was a lot of noise in Fu Shi's family, and the zombies on this floor had been chopped up by zombies before, so he likes to gossip, and occasionally he would still go to see if he heard noises.

"...It was Fu Shi's mother-in-law who brought someone to look for her daughter."

When the words "Fu Shi's mother-in-law" were mentioned, Su Hui was ecstatic, and his always indifferent face finally showed excitement.

"Are you sure it's Fu Shi's mother-in-law? Is it like this?" Su Hui took out a one-inch photo from the inside of his clothes.

I don't know how many years I have kept that photo. It looks quite old, but the owner of the photo has preserved it very well, without any wrinkles, and can clearly see the appearance of the person in the one-inch photo. .

It was a beautiful girl with a classical beauty.

Although there is a gap between the age of the woman I saw before, but the appearance has not changed much, but the bachelor secretly glanced at Yin Yin a few times, and immediately nodded: "It's her, it's her. I tell you, she looks like It's more beautiful than this photo."

Su Hui was ecstatic, and at the same time said in his heart: My daughter-in-law is naturally beautiful.

Bachelor: "If only it were my wife."

Su Hui suddenly turned a knife in the eye, and the bachelor immediately shut his mouth, why are you so fierce, making him look like your wife.

Su Hui said solemnly, "That's my wife."

The corner of the bachelor's lips twitched, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not: "Yes, yes, it's your wife." Alas, a single dog is not allowed to even fantasize about having a wife, it's all tears.

Su Hui wanted to emphasize that Yin Yin was his wife, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was too naive, so he didn't say anything, but let this person continue to talk about Yin Yin and the others.

The bachelor told all the members of Yin Yin's team, and Su Hui listened carefully. When he heard that there were two people like Su Cha and Su Zhou, he was excited again.

Great, they are all fine. Su Hui instantly felt the urge to cry.

"...They left a day ago. If you arrive a day earlier, you might meet them."

Hearing this, Su Hui was a little disappointed. Yes, if they had arrived a day earlier, they might have met. However, Su Hui did not regret rescuing the team of soldiers.

"They went in that direction?" Su Hui couldn't wait to ask.

The bachelor just knew about it, so he pointed Su Hui in the direction, and at the end he asked timidly, "Well, can I go with you?"

He ate all his food, and if he stayed at home, he would starve to death.

But let him go out alone, he didn't dare, he has no ability, but these people in front of him have abilities.

This was just overheard when he was at the door just now, and it was because of this that he came out to talk to them, sell it, and ask for food.

Su Hui glanced at him and said, "We are a mercenary team, and we often need to kill zombies instead of ordinary people. But there is a team of soldiers behind us. They are just going back to the security base. You can follow."

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