"After all, we have to rush to broadcast at the same time as "Song". Donghua TV is very happy about this." Tan Mo said with a smile, "Donghua TV and Xingke TV are old rivals. It was a long time ago that Xingke TV was not pleasing to the eye. In the first year of the "Singing" hit, Donghua TV also produced a singing program, but there was no splash, and the broadcast ended tepidly. Donghua TV It didn’t go any further.”

These are all Tan Mo heard from Xu Dashi, "But because of poor grades, they stopped after only one season, and the people at Xingketai laughed at them. Ge Guangzhen even bought a navy, Laughing at the Donghua TV program with rhythm on Weibo. Fortunately, there was no strobe at that time, otherwise, the strobe would also have to laugh at it."

"But speaking of it, that program is indeed quite vague." Tan Mo felt sorry for Donghua TV, "It's only been three years, and no one remembers what the program was called. Speaking of it, it's all Instead, Tung Wah TV will also go abroad for a singing program.”

Talking about chess: "..."

All the talking: "..."

Thinking about it this way, it really is.

"One is a program for the purpose of competing with "The Voice of Songs". It is not comparable to "The Voice of Songs", and it is even far behind. I'm gearing up for this time." Tan Jinqi said with a smile.

Tan Mo nodded, "So this time, Donghua TV's price for "Broken Continent" is actually considered fair, and it also allows Ke Feng to have all the production rights, as long as the show is broadcast on Donghua TV at that time." .”

"However, because Donghua TV has failed once before, we must strictly control the program this time. After the first episode of "I Sing" is recorded, the edited samples are first sent to Donghua TV for review. , Donghua TV can only broadcast it if it thinks it is okay, otherwise, it will have to start again."

"The program group can do it again, the key lies in the participating artists." Tan Jinqi said, "This is not acting, and we can't accompany the program group to continue reshooting. As long as Donghua TV is not satisfied, it has to reshoot. In this way Endless reshoots, the entertainers won't agree."

"Yes." Tan Mo nodded, "So we must do it well and let Donghuatai pass it at one time. Just now I went to the production department to have a meeting, and I added a planning plan. When the plan is officially finalized, I will give it to Donghuatai Take a look at Huatai, after passing, the problem should not be a big deal.”

Although Tan Mo didn't officially join, the two meetings were the proposals provided by Tan Mo.

Although it was spoken verbally and there was no formal written plan, the people who made the film already regarded Tan Mo as their comrade in fighting together.

an item,

Although each part is particularly important.

But idea is the most basic.

If there is no good idea, where will the follow-up work come from?

Tan Mo has done the most basic and important things for them.

Therefore, after Liu Jingfu's planning team wrote out a formal planning plan that could be submitted, they sent the document to Tan Mo for him to review.

Looking at the document, Tan Mo couldn't help sighing that a professional is a professional.

Although she can provide some ideas, if she is asked to write, she will definitely not be able to write the plan so beautifully as a layman.

Of course, you can still write after you have learned it.

Tan Mo looked it over and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Liu Jingfu's words were full of joy, "President Xu and President Yan also think there is nothing wrong with it. In this way, I can rest assured that I will hand it over to Donghuatai. There is a reply from Donghuatai, and I will tell you as soon as possible."

Tan Mo replied "Yes".

It happened that Tan Mo didn't have much to do recently, except for the few courses he had to take every day, he just went to work in various laboratories.

Originally, Beijing University wanted to give Tan Mo a place in the graduate school.

But Tan Mo felt that even if she went to take the exam, she would still get a perfect score, so why take up an extra quota for the graduate school, it would be better to give the quota to other students.

Moreover, since Principal Mu wants her to be a math teacher, it will be more convincing for her to pass the math test and get a perfect score.

Although there will definitely be some different voices, Tan Mo has long been prepared, but with real results, it can still be better.

Moreover, she also plans to choose a mathematics major for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Hearing what Tan Mo said, Principal Mu felt more at ease.

Tan Mo clearly has made plans for the future, and has made careful plans in his heart.

He was not afraid that Tan Mo would change his mind again.

However, the pre-registration for the postgraduate entrance examination is in September, the official registration is in October, and the real exam will be at the end of the year.

So there is no rush.

For more than half a year, Tan Mo still has time to do other things.

As for exam preparation?

If it doesn't exist, she will.

As for taking over Tanyue in the future, this plan has also changed slightly.

Because Tan Wenci told Tan Mo that in the future when Tan Mo and Wei Zhiqian get married, Tan Yue can also be taken care of by Wei Zhiqian.

Wei Zhiqian manages such a big Wei Feng well, can he manage to compare with Wei Feng, just like talking about the distance between the solar system and the universe?

Such a ready-made, such a high-end free wage earner.

It's not in vain, so why bother Tan Mo?

Tan Mo just does what he likes to do.

Even if you want to try it in all walks of life, there is no problem.

So it doesn't matter whether Tan Mo will become a teacher, become a screenwriter, or prepare to engage in scientific research in the future.

And Tan Mo chose to major in mathematics for the postgraduate entrance examination, in order to be more convenient to convince the public.

As for the undergraduate finance major, she has almost learned it, the only difference is practical experience.

After studying for graduate school and then continuing to study finance, no matter what aspect it is for her, it has little effect.


Donghua TV is also eager to ensure that "I Sing" can be broadcast smoothly at the same time as "Singing".

Therefore, Donghua TV also changed the style of the TV station's procedures, and quickly gave feedback.

It is also because this set of plans is indeed well done, and Donghua TV has not proposed any amendments.

Shi Shulei's team began to work intensively.

Before the plan was fully finalized, they had already drawn up a series of invitation lists.

Now that the plan is finalized, but the production has not yet started, Kefeng has already held a press conference to prepare for investment.

And announced a series of to-be-invited lists.

"Director, watch this." Chen Xinghan sent a Weibo to share with Ge Guangzhen, "But Feng actually wants to do a singing variety show, and he has already agreed with Donghua TV that it will be broadcast on Donghua TV."

Ge Guangzhen didn't click on it at all, so he said proudly: "What's the matter?"

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