The Lorien Kingdom was situated on a large island located to the west of the main continent. This unique geographic disposition gave it unparalleled access to surrounding waters, which not only gifted the kingdom with bountiful harvests from the sea but allowed it to participate in seaborne trade with its neighbors along the coastline. It grew wealthy from these boons, and its culture and people were lively and prosperous. 

Such riches were being displayed before Larry’s eyes as he walked towards the palace dining room while holding hands with Griselda. The woman had eagerly asked for his hand with a feverish expression on her face. Despite said peculiarities, Larry was glad to have someone to guide him through the maze-like halls so that he wouldn’t lose his way and accepted her invitation.

He examined floors covered in exquisite rugs and walls adorned in complex tapestries and paintings. Such items normally would have created a chaotic show of ostentatious wealth. However, here they were meticulously arranged so that not one of the decorations stood out individually, but instead all combined together to form a sophisticated harmony. The halls were further illuminated by the morning sun’s rays which shone through large windows, creating an even grander sight. 

His admiring of these works was interrupted once they stopped in front of a set of large doors. Pushing them open with ease, Griselda announced their arrival to the sole occupants of the room who were merrily eating their breakfast, moving aside for her liege.

Stepping in front of the door, Larry saw the royal family of Lorien, Christiana’s family, for the first time and scanned their faces one by one. 

Lysander Phaedrus Lorien, a lean man with prominent cheekbones and a chiseled jaw, was Christiana’s father and the reigning king of Lorien. He had ice blue hair and dazzling azure eyes. Despite having just stepped into his forties, he still looked to be in his youth, a trait some would attribute to the ancient ancestral bloodline within the royal family. Lysander gave a welcoming nod towards his daughter as he saw her enter the room.

Elanoa Audrey Lorien, Christiana’s mother and the queen consort of Lorien, shared her daughter’s signature long, flowing deep blue hair. She had cold sapphire eyes and a face that still had tinges of baby fat, giving her a piercing stare that contrasted with an otherwise beautiful and delicate appearance. She currently sported an adoring expression as she saw Christiana standing at the doorway like a lost little puppy; her inner daughter-con was starting to show through.

Next came the two brothers. Edward had his eyes glued to the food on his plate and James had his full attention on the book in his hand. Edward acknowledged his sister’s presence by looking up for a brief moment before turning back to his breakfast to wolf it down. James continued to be absorbed in whatever literature he was reading. Edward had his father’s hair and his mother’s eyes, as well as a tall and broad-shouldered physique from his chivalric training. James was the complete opposite of his older brother, having azure eyes and blue hair that reached down to his neck. He had inherited Elanoa’s calculating nature and Lysander’s slim build.

 The eldest brother Edward was already 17, and would graduate from Aesir Academy within a year to take over more of his father’s duties in administering the realm. James was 16 and would follow in his brother’s footsteps within 2 years. The two of them were commonly seen by the populace as a perfect combination of looks, personalities and abilities. Nobles in the court had all expressed their sincere admiration for the two princes. Even Lysander had joked more than once that he could simply retire and leave the country to them in a couple of years. 

Larry felt his heart skip a beat at the scene of utter perfection before him. For Christiana’s family was just as, if not more, appealing to the eyes than the novel had described them. 

Holy shit, is everyone in this world this dangerous? I feel like I’m taking passive damage just looking at them. 

Of course, Larry wasn’t just admiring  the outrageously attractive royals, he was also using the System to gauge their affection levels for him. 

[Name: Lysander Phaedrus Lorien]

[Affection meter measurement: 92%]

[Description: Sovereign of the Lorien Kingdom; a kind man, a capable king, and a loving husband and father, who strives to do his best for his country and family.]

[Name: Elanoa Audrey Lorien]

[Affection meter measurement: 110%]

[Description: Queen of the Lorien Kingdom, a seemingly demure and lovely woman who controls the kingdom’s noble circles from the shadows. Treats Griselda like a sister, and dotes heavily on her daughter.]

[Name: Edward Albatrace Lorien]

[Affection meter measurement: 84%]

[Description: The eldest son of the Lorien royal family and the current crown prince. He is more militarily and politically adept than his brother. Vice captain of the kingdom’s first knight order. Holds affection for his sister, although he doesn’t love her fanatically like certain people do.]

[Name: James Fulmarus Lorien]

[Affection meter measurement: 76%]

[Description: Youngest son of the Lorien royal family. Extremely capable in administrative and financial duties and aims to help his brother manage their country’s affairs. Holds affection for his sister on a similar level as Edward, is sometimes unable to express it due to the mask of seriousness he constantly wears.]

Larry was speechless. After all, the System showed things about the Lorien royal family that were never even mentioned in the original novel. He had always known that James was cold to his sister, but he was shocked to find out that this suave and dignified guy was actually a tsundere. 

This was not to mention how the System revealed that Christiana’s mother practically controlled the country’s noble society like a puppet mastermind. He didn’t even think it was possible for an affection level to go out of bounds, and  was starting to think that she was an even scarier woman than Griselda.

However, Larry realized from these developments that he could abuse the System’s Description feature to obtain information about other people without even talking to the individuals themselves. It could even reveal details that were unknown to the person in question. 

This was the perfect function for an antisocial college student who found it beyond his means to hold a decent conversation.

Noticing that he was still standing at the doorway this entire time, he forced his legs to start moving and gathered the courage to approach the family, sitting in an empty seat beside Elanoa with the men of the family sitting across from them. 

“Good morning Christiana, Griselda told me that you had a little nightmare last night. Are you alright now? Would you like mother to give you a hug?” The daughter-con took the initiative to launch an attack right off the bat. She looked at the little girl sitting next to her as if Christiana was a pet, hesitant to leap straight onto her mother's lap. 

 Larry shuddered, as he nearly lost his life the last time he was hugged by an older woman. Granted, Griselda clearly had monstrous strength that was above the norm, but he felt as if he would lose something precious deep within him if he allowed himself to be pampered at this moment. 

“I’m fine, it wasn’t too bad, and I slept well after.” He hurriedly declined.

“It’s not good to spoil her, mother. She’s about to turn 13 within the next month; you should let her keep her dignity. What would you do if she is unable to live by herself when she attends the academy this year?” James scolded his mother for babying his sister. 

“Hmph, you and Edward were all so abnormally mature as children that I never got to experience the joys of being a mother. At least let me treasure my precious daughter’s adorableness while I still can; who knows if she will treat me as coldly as you two do when she grows up.” Elanoa lamented the fact that her two sons were simply too capable and independent at a young age. She decided to properly raise Christiana, the only normal child in the family, and shower her with all her affection and maternal love.

Larry looked at this scene and was dumbfounded. Elanoa, a graceful and high class lady in the novel, was uninhibitedly acting like a total daughter-con right before his eyes. 

“You do have a point. She’s already this old and yet it’s as if my little sister hasn’t grown at all compared to others her age. As an older brother I must say that this worries me greatly.” Edward feigned being fretful in order to tease Christiana.

“No need to worry, Edward, I’m sure that she will grow up well. Why, I remember that when Elanoa was at that age she was considerably smaller than the aver-- guh.” Lysander tried to assuage his eldest son’s worries only to have his wife’s heel viciously grind into his foot. 

Larry was left flabbergasted at their behavior that broke all of his preconceptions. In a poor attempt to ignore the comedy routine in front of him, Larry began to quietly pick at his meal.  After a healthy mealtime filled with conversation and bickering, the family finished their breakfast and departed for their day's activities.

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