"Guns, yes, but I prefer dual swords to guns. "Pull out the two long swords on the weapon rack,The witch took the lead in attacking.,After all, the monsters in the front level are best brushed.,It's difficult to get behind.,It's a very good choice to brush more monsters to occupy some advantages while it's still easy.,After all, compared to double swords,Guns are more suitable for group battles.,This is very clear to the witch.。

Compared with the witch's attack, Lin Ling is much calmer, although this gun is not very handy, but it is enough to use it on his own, and directly launched an attack on a group of slimes that surrounded him, and a sweep instantly exploded several of them, and the trend continued to wave at the slimes that came up, and the efficiency of killing monsters was much stronger than that of the witch's side, even if the witch attacked first, it could not open up the gap in number, and was quickly overtaken by Lin Ling.

A large wave of slimes was easily eliminated by the two of them, the witch killed twenty-three, but Lin Ling killed thirty-seven, there was no time for people to relax, the next moment a new monster appeared, refreshed every five minutes, if you can't quickly get a wave, then there will be more and more monsters, this is almost an unsolvable situation, it can be said that you can't relax for a moment.

"Anyway, Witch 540 Lord, isn't there a problem with this game, these monsters seem to have something like that..."

"Uh... I don't know, it's a new game, and it's my first time playing it. "The witch also feels wrong.,How is this scene so much like the scene of the H game.,Although this kind of game is not nothing.,But most of them are forbidden matters.,Almost no one will dare to blatantly take it out to play.,It's even more so on such an important occasion.,But the monster in front of me clearly shows that this game is an H play.,It's not a normal serious game.,And the way of attacking people is also very discordant.,Although I don't know what's wrong.,But it's really embarrassing.。

"I'm like asking, Mikomi-sama, is this virtual game almost as realistic as the real situation?" Lin Ling felt a little bad, no, this good game was about to become a monster wheel X conference for the two.

"It's 100% realistic, and all the feelings and physical performance are related to the real body, for example, if you get injured in this game, it will also hurt. The witch said solemnly, it has been fifteen minutes now, the first two waves of monsters are okay, this third wave of robots is a little difficult to fight, and the core of the heart must be destroyed to completely eliminate it, this is still the third wave, I don't know what kind of powerful monsters will appear in the back, and I don't know how long the two of them can last.

"It's not going to go on like this, Mikome-sama, let's work together. "More than half an hour has passed, the arena is almost crowded with monsters, Lin Ling is now back to back with the witch, facing a group of various monsters around her, it is now the tenth wave, and there are still fifty waves behind, this is definitely the rhythm of the end."

"I think so too, but why hasn't the game been terminated yet, are the guys out there idiots?"

At this moment, the referee's voice sounded again in the game: "Mistress Wumaiden, Lord Lin Ling, are you still safe?"

"It's okay for the time being, but I don't know if there will be any next" A shot to the head, a minotaur rushed over, Lin Ling was also anxious, the number of these monsters has accumulated to as many as two or three hundred, a big live look, you can definitely play with the dead, just the big guy under the minotaur is terrifying, not to mention that there are dozens of bullheads, and other monsters are also a bunch, all of which are not weaker than the size of the minotaur.

"Because the machine applauded.,The game can't be terminated immediately.,I'm really sorry.,But the relaxation device outside has been turned off.,And the total number of layers of this game is five.,As long as the two adults hold on, you can clear the level.。 (chca)"

"It's easy to say, you can try it, I'm tired of my mother. The witch said angrily, at this time a new monster refreshed out, it was a group of bipedal flying dragons, although it looked mighty and majestic, but the things hanging under the abdomen really looked spicy, worthy of the game of the H master, all kinds of shows without discipline bottom line.

"Miko-sama, why don't you sacrifice yourself. Lin Ling was also a little intimidated, although her physical fitness was linked to her real body, but Lin Ling couldn't use other abilities in the game, and she would definitely not last long in the face of this group of monsters.

"Ha, Lin Ling, can't you sacrifice? Anyway, it's just a game, I'm the head of the clan, so it's okay to save some face." The witch was also anxious, and the next moment, the flying dragon in the sky roared directly and spit out a ball of dark green water, which directly poured the two of them through.

"Is it poison?" Looking at the green smoke rising from her body, Lin Ling was a little happy, and she could quit the game if she hung up, but Lin Ling thought too beautifully, there was nothing wrong with her body, but her clothes and weapons in her hands were quickly corroded.

"There's no way, Lin Ling, go to the entrance under the rock wall over there!" The witch pointed to the cave road not far away, as long as it occupies a favorable location, it can still last for a while, at least it doesn't have to be attacked on the back of the enemy, and it can greatly reduce the pressure.

"Okay!" This is the best way, Lin Ling immediately jumped into the air with the witch, stepped on the head of a minotaur, and took advantage of the fact that the flying dragon had not yet surrounded the air to occupy the front, and quickly rushed towards the position of the cave.


"What's wrong!?" Halfway through the run, Lin Ling felt a pull force coming, and almost didn't fall, the witch's ankle was entangled by a tentacle, but the reaction was fast, and the witch shot the tentacle with the remaining blade.

"Hurry, the wyvern is catching up. The shrine maiden urged.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Ling was also desperate, and after a while, the two successfully arrived at the cave, but the dumbfounded situation was that although the cave arrived, the two of them had no weapons, so they couldn't fight with the monster with their bare hands, and at this time, the entrance and exit of the cave had been blocked by dense monsters, and now it was really a turtle in the urn and fled.

"Mikome-sama, I don't think things are going well. Somewhat regretting that she didn't take a few more weapons, Lin Ling slowly retreated.

"It's not bad, it's over, okay? Next, if, I mean, if you really want to be like this and that, you might as well die. "

"Is it necessary? It's just a game, you can sacrifice it. "

"Why didn't you sacrifice it, hey, don't bring it to play like this. "

The two talked for a while, and the monsters had already begun to enter the cave, and finally the two were forced into the corner, but fortunately, due to the relatively small terrain in the cave, there were not many monsters coming in, and at most three monsters could come in side by side, Lin Ling's physical skills were not weak, and he could continue to kill, and without weapons, the melee witch would have no way, so it would be good to hide behind Lin Ling and not drag Lin Ling back. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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