PS: The author is a psychotic and metamorphosis late-stage patient.,You don't have to think about it.,Give me a reward and let me go to the cure.,Attention.,The next chapter is high-energy.。

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"Your Majesty, you're finally back. The little monk of natto cried bitterly and pounced, and was directly kicked away by Lin Ling.

"Tell me what's going on, if you don't satisfy me, I'll roast you." Lin Ling sat down on his throne and said, Ten Thousand Demon City is still the same, but Lin Ling found that there is a lot less demonic energy, or most of the backbone and high-level monsters are gone, leaving only a bunch of garbage monsters still in the city.

"Uh... That's the case, the king, you have been in retreat for almost three years, and it was okay at first, but then gradually everyone went to the western kingdom of the Douya King, because you are the wife of the Douya King, so everyone thinks that joining the command of the Douya King is not a rebellion or something..."Looking at Lin Ling, whose face turned cold, the little monk of natto immediately did not dare to continue, anyway, the matter is very simple, this is the case.

"Okay, I see, you can go about your business. Clenched her fist and let go, Lin Ling waved her hand weakly, and actually dug into the corner of her wall, she couldn't say it, the king of fighting teeth can do it, he obviously said that he didn't want this title, this is not the same as in the table, one set on the surface and one behind the other, you must educate and educate the king of fighting teeth, this matter can't be counted like this, although I don't mind the power of 540, but if it's not happy, it's not happy.

Directly set up the demon wind, Lin Ling flew quickly towards the western country, all the way through, into Lin Ling's eyes is the scene of the demonic atmosphere all over the mountains, the western country has expanded rapidly in recent years, ten thousand demons gathered under the command of the king of fighting teeth, the entire western country can be said to be demonic, and you can see the scene of the capital from a distance, but even so, the management of the king of fighting teeth is very good, the villages and towns passing by are very harmonious, and there is almost no monster eating people or fighting or anything like that.

"Captain, there is a big monster invading, why is there no one to warn you?" asked a little demon who trembled when he felt the earth-shattering pressure, he was a member of the patrol team, and he was responsible for security issues in the territory, which was also one of the routines learned by the Ten Thousand Demon City.

"Stupid, that's the second lady, you newcomer don't know, let me tell you, at the beginning..."

When Lin Ling came to the palace that had become a palace group unimpeded, King Douya walked out with a smile on his face, opened his arms to Lin Ling and said, "Lin Ling, are you out of the customs? I want to kill you in the past three years." "

"Don't pretend to be garlic, okay, King Douya, take advantage of my absence to dig the corner of the old lady's wall?" Unceremoniously grabbed the ear of the Fighting Tooth King, Lin Ling said extremely irritablely, looking at the smiling handsome face of the Fighting Tooth King.

"Ouch, you dissipate your breath, don't be angry, you're still pregnant. Lin Ling's strength can make a top monster like the Fighting Tooth King feel painful, it's all pretended, quickly hold Lin Ling's little belly, and stick it with a dead face, I can't get rid of it, looking at this cock-like Fighting Tooth King, Lin Ling feels that she has seen a fake Fighting Tooth King.

"Okay, what do you like, I don't have anything to do. Sighing, Lin Ling didn't see the figure of Sesshomaru.

"That kid will come back as soon as he hears that you are coming, and he is probably still haunted. The Fighting Tooth King also looked helpless.

"Well, I'm here today to tell you something in addition to what I just did. Nodding, Lin Ling sat down in the pavilion, and the King of Fighting Teeth sat in the position facing him, and the dog's eyes were still staring at his stomach, as if he could see the flowers.

"Say, I'm listening. "

"Now that the matter has come to this, I don't care about the rest, first, this child will follow me in the future, second, I have my own life, we will live our own lives, and third, I don't want to make trouble for me. "

"Why? Isn't it good to be with me? I'll be good to you! And children need fathers too, right?"

"Not good, as for the child, you can choose the name, you can also take the time to see him, as for the rest, don't talk about it. Lin Ling also patted the table and said-for-tat, no matter whether this child is the so-called protagonist in the future, since he was born by himself, then Lin Ling will never allow this child to suffer a little grievance, if the child stays with the Fighting Tooth King, there is no guarantee that the Fighting Tooth King can fully take care of the child, and (CHCA) cannot guarantee that no one will bully him.

"Okay, I agreed, the child will stay with you, but the Ten Thousand Demon City will be merged into the Western Kingdom, and I will send someone to take care of the guards, and after the child is born, I must also have the right to inquire about things like education in the future. The Fighting Tooth King took a step back.

"I'll go! You think it's a bargain at the market? Don't kick me in the face, believe it or not, I'll slap you against the wall? Don't forget that I'm better than you. Lin Ling suddenly became angry.

"You..."The Fighting Tooth King opened his mouth, and was suddenly a little speechless, but he couldn't beat him, and suddenly felt so aggrieved, obviously he was his own person, he was so amorous and soft and lovely when he first did it, and now he is still so beautiful, but he is not cute at all, and he feels so sad.

"Alright, arrange a room for me, I'm going to get some sleep, I'm sleepy. With a yawn, Lin Ling sat down and looked at the decadent appearance of the Douya King and said, he is about to become the second of Yayun Zi, and he basically has to sleep for more than twelve hours a day, otherwise he will have no energy.

"Your room is still there, I'll take you there!" His eyes lit up, and seeing that Lin Ling had the intention of staying, King Douya hurriedly said.

After a while, he sent the Fighting Tooth King, lying comfortably in the bed, he was pregnant twice, not as special as this time, it is worthy of being the crystallization of demons and immortals, it is really tormenting, Lin Ling quickly fell asleep after thinking about it, and fell into a deep sleep.

Time flies, it's time for dinner, King Dou Yan listened to the maid's report, and looked at Ling Yue Xianji and Killing Pill on the table embarrassedly, he was still sleeping for most of the day, and he originally wanted to have a meal together as a family to improve the relationship, but he had no choice but to let Lin Ling continue to sleep, and Killing Pill had quickly cleaned up his dinner and left, not giving King Fighting Tooth any face, Ling Yue Xianji was still the same, but the smiling black expression made King Fighting Tooth's scalp numb, and the banquet was simply over, King Fighting Tooth quickly found a reason to deal with government affairs and left the palace immediately。

I don't know what's going on, it suddenly became this situation, which made the Fighting Tooth King feel very incomprehensible, polygamy is a very normal thing for both humans and demons, how did it change to himself, think about it carefully, these two wives are people with unique personalities, maybe the reason is here, plus the opinion of the son of Sesshomaru is very big, maybe separation is the most suitable way, and thinking about it, unconsciously, the Fighting Tooth King found himself at the door of Lin Ling's room.

"Still sleeping?" looked at the two maids who saluted him, and the King of Fighting Teeth said softly.

"Yes, King. One of the maids replied immediately.

"Well, stand down. Nodding, King Douya waved his hand, softly pushed open the door and walked in, I haven't seen you for three years, King Douya wants to see more of this mother and son, after all, after Lin Ling leaves, I am afraid it will be more difficult for me to meet, it is not easy to manage a country, there are many things, and I have to take into account the mother and son of Ling Yue Xianji, it is not easy to take time out in the future. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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