Because of the promise to Kyosuke, he was almost sleepless all night, and it was finally over, it was already dawn, and Kirino, who couldn't help being sleepy anymore, fell down and fell asleep, and Kyosuke also went back to his room to sleep, and it was too tiring to stay up late to do things, and the people who beat the iron couldn't stand it, so hurry up and make up for it while there were still a few hours before noon, otherwise it would inevitably be nagged by my mother at that time.

Until noon, Kyosuke got up first because he adjusted the alarm clock, and came to the hall downstairs, his mother had already prepared lunch, and seeing that Kyosuke was alone, his mother suddenly nagged a little: "Why hasn't Kirino come down yet?" This kid is really, even on a day off, you can't be so lazy, I'll go and ask her to come down to eat, Kyosuke, you eat by yourself first. "

"Mom, I'm going to call it, it's okay, anyway, it's rare to have a day off, and it's normal for Kirino to want to sleep more." Hurry up and take the initiative to speak, Kyosuke doesn't dare to let his mother go to call Kirino to get up, if Kirino is already awake, it's okay, if he's still sleeping, once his mother breaks in, he will definitely expose his relationship with Kirino, after all, Kirino is still young, Kyosuke is afraid that he will have to go to the orthopedic department to register, and maybe even prepare for the future.

"Okay, hurry up, or the food will be cold." A little suspicious glanced at the nervous Kyosuke, and his mother didn't think much about it, and urged directly.

"Got it." Smiling, Kyosuke hurried upstairs.

knocked on the door, and there was no reaction inside, Kyosuke went directly into Kirino's room, looking at Kirino who was still sleeping, Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he reacted quickly, otherwise it would be over, but what should be done is still to be done, and he came directly to Kirino's side and shook Kirino's body and said, "Kirino, get up, eat." "

"Huh?" Dissatisfied when he opened his eyes, Kirino still felt very sleepy, but dissatisfaction was dissatisfied, since it was time to eat, Kirino still struggled to get up, after all, his mother spoke, and he didn't dare to disobey, not to mention that if he was found out something, he would also suffer, and finally glared at Kyosuke, the culprit with a smirk, and Kirino went to wash.

After a while, changing into civilian clothes, Kirino cheered up a little and went downstairs with Kyosuke, and her mother had already set the meal out, and the brother and sister could sit down, as for the father who basically didn't come back at noon at the police station, because he didn't have much appetite, so Kirino didn't eat much, just hastily ate some and said that he was full, and then he went straight back to the room regardless of his mother's nagging, and the room became messy, and he had to clean it up by himself.

For lazy cancer people,Housework or something is really a chore.,It took more than half an hour to tidy up the room.,Finally relieved Kirino sat down at the computer desk for the first time.,Busy for so long.,The original remaining sleepiness has disappeared.,The idea of wanting to sleep back was immediately attracted by the game.。

Quickly turn on the console,Then ten seconds into the desktop,Open the web page and forum,Then open the game icon to enter the game,Kirino began to continue his own strategy road,By the way, discuss the content of the game with the friends in the forum,This kind of fun seems to be very incomprehensible to outsiders.,But for the house,This kind of topic is endless once provoked.。

All day long,Kirino is indulged in the game,Every time you clear the customs and find the hidden levels are an indescribable fun,When Kirino heard his mother's shout,,Only to react,It's night,It's time for dinner,Happy times always pass quickly,Temporarily left the computer desk,Went downstairs to eat,And then honestly went to take a bath.,Put on pajamas.,After playing for a while,Today Kino deliberately fell asleep earlier.,Probably because of yesterday's lack of sleep., Today, Kirino quickly fell asleep.

Time flies, in the middle of the night, in the headquarters, a group of people in charge of various regions gathered together, the situation is getting more and more tense, mainly because of the problem of the demon world, of course, everyone has made enough preparations for this, but in the face of such a grim situation, it is inevitable that there are still many clowns jumping up and down to make trouble, but the clown has a lot of power is the most headache, for this reason, before the upcoming event, an ad hoc meeting was held here.

And the main content of the meeting is to discuss the situation of this group of clowns, for the disposal of this group of people, most people's opinion is that they can be directly imprisoned, but because of the other party's forces, if they do it, they will definitely suffer a counterattack, once they enter the civil war, it is not a good thing for human beings, so it is definitely not possible to come clearly, so you can only play yin, since it is a conspiracy, there is no doubt that the executor as a chess piece must be the top elite.

In this regard, they naturally have the most people in charge, and it is the most suitable for the implementation of the Annai plan, and what everyone has to discuss now is what form to do, and the selection of candidates must be selected secretly and must be completed before the seal is broken, and this specific detail still needs to gather the efforts of everyone to be implemented.

Of course, this imminent officialdom shock has no impact on the common people, everything will be done quietly and quietly, of course, if it fails, it also means that the skin has been torn, and then the civil war will inevitably start, if it can't be fatal, the country will not do anything to these clowns for the time being.

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