PS: I feel so weak, I can't bear it, so let's make some daily reconciliation... o

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"Although I have to admit it, the seal is indeed weakening, and if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the demon world returns to the world again." In a gloomy conference room, an old man said with a sigh, since the catastrophe passed five hundred years ago, the population of the human world has directly decreased by half, and the strong human beings have reluctantly repelled the demon world and arranged the sealing technique.

But now with the passage of time, the seal has been crumbling, even if it is constantly reinforced, it is only a delay in the time when the catastrophe is coming, of course, the catastrophe is not all bad, now magic can develop and prosper in parallel with science, and it is also thanks to the magic power flowing from the demon world that the first batch of people control the use of magic, so that human beings can develop so quickly and prosperously, but now the human beings who have been in peace for so many years do not know whether they still have the ability to repel the demon world is still unknown.

"No matter what, we have to do something, we can't sit still, since our ancestors can succeed, we as children and grandchildren have no reason, right? What's more, the current technology and magic are much stronger than they were five hundred years ago, and there are many human powerhouses accumulated by Chengping over the past few hundred years, so even if the catastrophe comes, there is no reason for us to lose. Another voice expressed its opinion more optimistically.

"Well, having said that, you can't be careless, after all, we humans have made great progress in five hundred years, but it doesn't mean that the demon world is still standing still, after all, the other party is also an intelligent creature, and it is always harmless to be cautious."

"Rather than discussing this issue, I feel that the first problem is that the monsters that came to the world because the seal began to weaken are the priority to be solved at the moment, so far, there are monsters coming all over the world and they are beginning to become more and more frequent, although the strength is weak, but it is extremely harmful to ordinary people, I think first of all, we need to set up an organization for monsters, which is used to specifically eliminate monsters."

"Indeed, seconded below!"

"I also second!"

"Judging from the observed situation, the seal can last for about a year or two, and the situation of the demon world invading again will be left to the heads of the World Federation to decide, and I will also second the proposal to eliminate the monsters."

"Since everyone has no other opinions, the specific plan and details will be submitted in two days, and the meeting will be adjourned now."

At this time, the Takasaka family, the family finished dinner, the mother was about to clean up the table, and Kirino and Kyosuke were also about to go upstairs, Daisuke, as the head of the family, spoke: "Kirino, Kyosuke, don't go upstairs yet, I have something to say to you." "

"What's the matter? Dad. Pouting, still thinking about the unfinished level, Kirino stood at the top of the stairs and said.

"Come and sit down and talk, girls have to look like girls." Although he spoils his daughter very much, it doesn't mean that Daisuke will get used to her, which is not good for the child's growth.

"Yes~..."For his father's majesty, Kirino still didn't dare to disobey, and came to the sofa with Kyosuke to sit down, looking at the father opposite and waiting for him to speak.

"Don't go out at night lately, you know?" Although the surface is very stern, Daisuke's tone is full of concern.

"Why?" The brother and sister spoke in unison, although they don't go out much at night, but sometimes there are things that need to be out at night.

"Recently, the security is not very good, in short, it is very dangerous, stay at home honestly, you can't go out at night without a necessary reason, even if you want to go out, you have to talk to your mother first and can't be too far from home, you know?" Daisuke can't refute the words,Recently, there has been an increase in cases of people being attacked and missing people.,As a criminal policeman,Daisuke is busy these days.,It's rare to have a little leisure today to come back and have dinner with your family.,Although Daisuke doesn't understand the specific situation.,But after so many years of being a criminal policeman,Daisuke has also seen a lot of things.,Experienced a lot of dangers.,Naturally, I can feel some of the weirdness of the frequent cases in recent times.,No matter what,As a father,,Always don't want your children to have an accident.。

"Got it..."The arm can't twist the thigh, the brother and sister can only respond, if they don't go out, they won't go out, anyway, the impact is not big, there is no need to contradict the father because of this matter, after all, it is also for their own good, this brother and sister still understand very well.

"Well, then I'm going out." Nodding, Daisuke got up and said, the case still has to be dealt with, and he doesn't have time to be idle now.

"Be careful on the road..."

"I'm leaving, remember to close the doors and windows at night." Still a little uneasy, Daisuke walked out of the house.

Watching his father leave, his mother also began to clean the dishes in the kitchen, Kirino and Kyosuke went straight upstairs, as soon as they came to the second floor, Kyosuke hugged Kirino from behind, it was obvious that this animal wanted, although he promised Kyosuke that he would compensate him by the sea, but today Kirino was not in the mood to play this, and temporarily dismissed Kyosuke's restlessness with a kiss, Kirino went straight back to the room and locked the door in one go, after all, Kyosuke's guy is getting bolder and bolder, and the sneak attack at night has not happened, You have to guard against him to clear yourself for a while.

"Kirino ..."

"No way!" As soon as he sat down, he heard Geres call himself, and Kirino unceremoniously refused.

"I haven't said anything yet," Jeres said helplessly.

"Needless to say, I know what you mean, didn't you open your mouth like and that with me that time? What's more, today's share has already been given to you, isn't it? Kirino had an expression that I had already seen through everything.

"Ahem... You're mistaken, but that's not what I'm talking about. I didn't expect my impression in Kirino to be like this, and Geres felt a little sad.

"What's that? Hurry up and say, don't bother me playing the game. Continuing to operate the keyboard and mouse, Kirino stared intently at the screen.

"Recently, monsters have appeared more and more frequently, although they have not directly attacked you, but I can feel that the number of monsters in the surrounding area is increasing, whether it is day or night, you have to be vigilant, after all, although my injuries have recovered, but the magic power has not returned to its heyday, if there are too many enemies, it is impossible to guarantee your safety, do you know?"

The movement of the hand paused and continued the operation of the hand, Geres said so, Kirino was not uninteresting, nodded in response: "I know, I will pay attention." "

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