PS: I'm so tired, I want to rest, I want to have a girlfriend, I want to be a rice worm and wait to die... Anyway, can I take a month off and let the old man relax, relax, hey, hey?

================Dividing line====================

"Mom... Mom..."In her mother's arms, Dandis reluctantly waved her little hand at Kirino at the door, the summer vacation is over, and Dandis has grown to be two or three years old.

"Well, wait at home for your mother to come back." Touching the child's little head, Kirino watched Dandis, who had quieted down under his touch, go out with Kyosuke, the new semester has begun, but you can't be late.

Walking on the way to school, it looks like Kyosuke is separated from Kirino at the crossroads, after all, Kyosuke is a high school student's school location is different from Kirino's middle school, along the way, the streets have gradually returned to the prosperity of the past, but most people still inevitably have a worried look on their faces, after all, the impact of the things in the demon world to ordinary people is too great, not to mention that there are countless deaths and injuries in this incident, and the victims are also incalculable, in the face of this disaster, most people can only passively bear it, These things take time to heal, and it also takes time for everyone to get used to it.

"Kirino, here!" Waving his hand, Ayase stood on the street not far away and shouted, Kanako and Ran beside him had already gathered together, and the three of them were safe and sound during this time, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Of course, it should be pretended to be pretended.,After the signal was restored.,The three girlfriends kept calling themselves to ask about their situation.,After all, you can't hide it if you want to hide it.,In this regard,Tong Nai also pushed the boat to tell the three of them about the matter.,For Tong Nai's experience,Naturally, there is no doubt that it caused the anger of the three.,But after all, it's still a little girl who is annoyed and useless.,I can only try to comfort Tong Nai.,I hope Tong Nai can come out of the shadow of this matter.。

"Good morning, everyone!" Showing a smile, Kirino behaved no different from usual, this series of events had no impact on Kirino at all, but in the eyes of the three of Ayase, there was a taste of forced laughter, and the three girls didn't poke it, deliberately saying some irrelevant topics, and the four girls came to the school with a smile as usual.

The school still looks the same as before.,But the atmosphere isn't as warm as before.,A morning class down.,Except for the notice that the school will increase magic classes and martial arts classes in the future.,Everything else hasn't changed.,Just when Kirino thought that today would also be spent in peace.,After his phone rang.,Put down the lunch in your hand.,Look at the caller ID.,It's Aoi calling.,It seems that it's been half a month without contact.。

Smiled apologetically at the third girl, Kirino pressed the answer and walked to the side and said, "Aoi, it's me." "

"Sister Kirino... Woooooooo

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Listening to the other party's cry, Kirino hurriedly asked.

"You told me you're going to go over there a few times a month... I'm sorry for you... Woo..."

"Uh... It's okay, I forgive you, after all, there are a lot of accidents during this time. Scratching his face embarrassedly, Kirino thought it was something, probably because Aoi was afraid that he would not fulfill the conditions he promised him, and he would be abandoned by himself.

"Actually... Actually, the main thing is that last week I wanted to go to you, and then I ran into a demon, and then I gave birth to a demon child... I'm sorry for you, Sister Kirino..."

"Huh!?" This news really scared Kirino.,Aoi is definitely an authentic boy.,Listening to Aoi's words shouldn't be a joke.,But Aoi in women's clothes is indeed a really beautiful girl.,And martial law hasn't been lifted last week.,It's normal for Aoi to run to find himself and be attacked by demons.,But the fact that boys can have children by XX really makes Kirino a little unsure of what to say.,My head also subconsciously made up for a scene like this after Aoi was caught by the devil.。

"What are you going to do now?" I really didn't know what to say, so Kirino could only ask about Aoi's situation.

"I raised the child for the government, and I'm home alone now..."Aoi replied while sobbing, after all, Aoi's age is there, and he was given XX by the devil and gave birth to a child, and the average adult may not be able to bear this blow, not to mention a little boy at Aoi's age, this phone call is estimated to be to talk to himself, Aoi's mind at this time is estimated to be very fragile, and if it is not handled well, it may be over.

"What about your parents?" Kirino was silent for a few seconds and asked again.

"Missing... My aunt is now my guardian, but she's busy..."

"Send me the address, and I'll go find you." Decisively interrupted Aoi's remaining words, Kirino said directly, and then hung up the phone, at this time Aoi's situation was a little not good, Kirino decided to invite the afternoon class, and went directly to Aoi, now the only people who can provide him with luck are Kyosuke and the black cat, Kirino doesn't want to lose the supply of Aoi's side in vain, as for Dandis can share it with himself, it's better than nothing.

"Kirino? What happened to you? My face is a little unpleasant. Looking at Kirino with an ugly face after returning from the call, Ayase said with concern.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm in a bit of a hurry to leave, please help me with the afternoon class, and I'll come back to make up for it." Cleaned up a little.,Kirino ran out directly.,Received a message from Aoi on your phone.,There's a detailed address on it.。

In the three-story building on the other side,Aoi buried in the quilt closed the phone,Thinking about the upcoming Kirino,I couldn't help but have a smile and look on my face,I looked at the family photo on the table,My eyes couldn't help but darken.,Then I got up and went into the bathroom to wash up.,Facing your lover,Can't continue to cry and mourn.,Although your parents are missing.,But you still have relatives and friends.,And your favorite lover.,In the absence of parents,Kirino has become Aoi's only spiritual pillar.。

More than two hours later, after getting off the subway, Kirino did not skimp on the fare and took a taxi directly to the door of Aoi's house, looking at Aoi, who was already waiting at the door, although a little haggard but in good spirits, Kirino breathed a sigh of relief, paid the fare, came to the excited Aoi and gently hugged it into his arms and said: "Everything is over, it will be fine in the future, don't be sad." "

"Hmm..."hugging Kirino's waist, the whole face was buried in Kirino's mouth, Aoi's face became serene, and the original anxiety and pain seemed to be smoothed out at this moment.

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