May 1st went out to play, spending money as much as possible, spending too much money, the national treasury was in deficit, and the deficit was bright ... I even stopped my cell phone ...

No money to pay Internet fees —> Can't access the Internet —> Can't upload articles —> No updates —> Despised ... ToT

While the overlord in the bedroom took the time to go to the toilet, I climbed to her computer to update. Before she returns, let's pass a few chapters and count a few ...

I now look like the secret agent behind the enemy. My fingers are shaking the bird ~~~~~~

Fan Wai 2 weight loss

"Two ... two feet ?!" I took the buckskin and burned it with a soft ruler and sat down!

Unbelievably holding the "orange peel" on the arm and thigh ... tearful mourning of the ever-lost small waistline of 18 feet ... I double checked the data on the book, I had to accept The fact that a five thunder bomber topped out-

"Even fat bird ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!!!!

Yeah, how can you not get fat?

Since I came to Luo Mansion, I have broken away from the fine tradition of Zangchun Tower, from simple to extravagant ...

When I was in Zangchun Tower, I had to rehearse dance every day. In Luo King's Mansion, I slept after eating ...

When I was in Zangchunlou, I was exploited by my husband for three meals a day. I filled ducks at the water price of Shaw's Fin, Ginseng, Abalone, Jujube and Bird's Nest. Tonic ...

When I was in the Tibetan Spring House, I was woken up by Shouer in the morning, and no one interfered with my sleep at night. In Luo King's Mansion, I died at sunset.

When I was in Tibet Chunlou, I was happy and my metabolism was normal. In Luo King's Mansion, I struggled with a dozen wives and satyrs. I was depressed and had endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders ...

Yeah, how can you not get fat?

Shaking down a **** piece of data in the observation diary, I started a career that no one over 20 years of age has not done-weight loss!


Chef Song: "Well! Isn't this a fine girl? Which gust blows you?"

Xi Niang: "Master Song, I have something to ask you ~ Ms. Min Min has written a new recipe, please follow the preparations written on it in the future."

Chef Song: "Oh? Changed it? Let me see, did you want to change your taste?"

Song Chef unfolded the note, but saw a few four lines above:

One bowl of apples for breakfast

One bowl of salad with cold vegetables for lunch

Dinner bowl of milk

Note: If I find that I steal food in the room late at night, I can use force.

Chef Song: "..."

Xi Niang: "..."

Chef Song: "Are you sure this recipe is for people, not birds?"

Xi Niang: "You're fine here, Miss Minmin has talked to me ruthlessly, saying that from now on I will dare to cook Shiquan Dabu soup for her supper, and she will die for me!"

Chef Song: "..."


Minmin, respectfully held up the lambskin whip with both hands: "Qing Qing, starting tomorrow, after the big rooster yells three times and I can't get up, just use this to pump me!"

Qingqing: "Use this to pump you?"

Minmin: "Yes! I hesitate! Pump hard! How hard you make it! Pump to the dead!"

Qing Qing sneered: "Do n’t laugh at me, where does that lambskin whip wake you up? I really want to wake you up with this!" Qing Qing took out a mace from behind ...

Minmin's cold sweat brush came down ... "Qing ... Qing Qing, good sister, shall we discuss it?"

"No need to discuss it," Qing Qing smiled, leaning on Min Min's shoulders, and measuring the mace in his hand, "Rest assured, you don't have to ask me anymore, I remember to hold on ~ 甭 hesitate! How hard you make it! Pump to the death! "

Minmin: "Wow ah ah ~~~~ Qingqing I was wrong, I was really wrong! I will never dare to blindly match you and Lian right again ~~~~~~ TOT"

Small courtyard:

Minmin stood in front of the servants of the maidservants who blinked in the eyes of anticipation, and said, "Everyone, from today, the Jinjiang Novels Talks Alliance is officially dissolved !!!"

There was a wailing, hissing, protest ...

Minmin: "Based on the original organization, I propose to set up a brand new organization-Fitness and Weight Loss Alliance !!! This will be a healthy organization, a progressive organization, a vibrant organization! The initial courses are: weight loss Pilates, bodybuilding, bodybuilding ballet, folk dance, endurance running, long-distance aerobic cross-country ... Come, Qing Qing, Xi Niang, please help me send the curriculum, oh! By the way, sign up before the lantern tonight Friendship comes with a surprise gift package-weight loss fat burning yoga exercise! "

There was a jubilation underneath, and the girls were enthusiastically discussing which course to join, painfully hesitating in the curriculum ...

Women in the world are essentially the same regardless of ancient, modern, Chinese or foreign.


Los Angeles: "Kittens haven't eaten well recently, have they? They are so sweet ~ there is no meat on the cheek ~"

Minmin: "Blindly, I'm fat, and I'm losing weight."

Los Angeles: "Naughty! Do you lose weight very much? Minmin is just fat and soft and cute ~"

Minmin: "... where is your hand?"

Los Angeles: "Fat and soft place ~"

Minmin, turn around and kick! Fiercely said: "Don't lose weight!"

Luo Luo, put down the book and glanced at Min Min: "How many people ca n’t eat rice, but some people do n’t eat it." He reached to Min Min, and stretched out La Min Min's waist,

"Ah, so rough."

Then the sleeves fluttered away.

Minmin, angry and stagnant, Yangtianchangxiao: "Dying to lose weight !!!"


A lady Luo Luocheng sat in a gazebo on the lake for tea.

Minmin is leading a relay race around the house.

"Miss Minmin, we can't run ... tired ... exhausted ... well, so much sweat ..."

"Sweating is right! Sweat is burning fat! Fat is fat! Sweating does not have fat! Sweating will become thinner! So, our goal is-

"——Sweating to death !!" Everyone growled!

Madam: "What is this doing?"

The envious little girl who looked at the lively relay race next to her: "I heard that I'm losing weight."

"Hum, pluck!" Mrs. 369.

"Hum, what kind of system!" Mrs. Forty-eighty-two.

"Well ... don't eat, it's bad for your health ..."

The old lady asked with a heavy expression on his face, "Like anything, playful, go and tell Minmin that it won't be reduced."

The ladies nodded together!

Luocheng, obsessed with looking at Minmin ’s sweaty posture in the sun, and tight sportswear, smiling, “It ’s actually pretty good ~”

Minmin has taken down the flag inserted on the rockery and is sitting on the highest point to laugh and celebrate with his team members! Xi Niang and Qing Qing slowly came along the path with herbal tea towels, and Yang Shuwei followed them silently.


Minmin's eyes saw the three of them light up! Jumping out of the rock, he ran towards the guard Yang with open arms:

"After a while ~~~ hug ~~~~~"

"Oh!" All the people in the gazebo sprayed!

Servant Yang reached expressionlessly and held Minmin's waist to lift her ...

Minmin, nervously: "How is it?"

Guard Yang: "Well ... a pound, three, two, five dollars." (Good accurate weight scale ...-_- #)

"Yeah !!!!" Minmin laughed and pinched her neck, and a roar from Luocheng was heard in the gazebo in the distance:

"Not allowed to be reduced !!!!"

In this way, Minmin's vigorous weight loss came to an end ...


Luo City, aggrieved and held Minmin: "Why ask him? Why not ask me? I can answer more accurately! In addition to weight, I can tell you other sizes. For example, here, here, and Here……"

Minmin: "Enough, I don't want to listen."

Tobecontinued ...

I like crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume is for everyone to collect: ( Crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume of literature updates the fastest.

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