Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 1094 Dong Qichang's Words

Li Mo quickly selected three items on the street stall, two bracelets and one ring, without picking and choosing at all. This swift action also made the stall owner breathe a sigh of relief. He was afraid that if he met such a difficult person, if the other party competed with him, it would be a big trouble.

"Boss wishes you a fortune."

Li Mo put the bracelet and ring in his crossbody bag. The three pieces are all Lantian jade, not particularly good quality, with one or two cracks inside. Fortunately, the appearance is not bad, so he can wear it casually.

Going forward, there is a north-south road. There are no stalls on this road. There is only a booth at the corner. The booth is quite large, and the things on display are quite miscellaneous. There are calligraphy and painting, jade, porcelain, sculpture, beads, Buddha Heart fruit and so on.

There are four stall owners, they look like a family, two middle-aged people, two young men and women. Li Mo glanced at their faces, he was really lucky today, in this corner, he met the person he had been looking for.

Professor Zhu Changping is over seventy years old, if these four people join forces to fool an old man, it should not be too easy.

Li Mo squatted down calmly, and picked up a Buddha Heart Fruit from the booth. The middle-aged man was sitting on a small pony beside him, with a bucket of water, sandpaper for polishing, electric turning gun, wax oil and towels at his feet.

"Sir, would you like to open one?"

"How much is it to open one?"

"Two hundred yuan."

This has the same meaning as opening jadeite rough stones. If you open stones, I'm sorry that your money was wasted. The Buddha Heart Fruit is also played in the same way, but people who don't know how to do it will be deceived.

The Buddha Heart Fruit is also called Buddha Heart Bodhi. This thing comes from Africa and has no value. It was hyped up by antique merchants. They took advantage of common people's curiosity-seeking psychology, falsely exaggerated the significance of the Buddha Heart Fruit, and then used some very subtle techniques to make the surface of the Buddha Heart Fruit appear colorful textures and colors, which attracted the curiosity of ordinary people even more.

In fact, it is a chemical product with no value.

Li Mo put down the Buddha Heart Fruit, and looked at the various beads on the stall. Only a small part of them were carved out of bodhi fruit, and most of them were made of resin. Those bodhi fruit beads were probably used to deceive others. Eyes and ears.

He picked up a string made of resin and asked, "Boss, how much is this string of beads?"

The boss looked at it and said, "This is a Bodhi string of beads, eight hundred and one strings."

Li Mo rubbed it in his hands with interest, and then said, "Boss, do you know how this bodhi bead is panned? I heard people say that it is more valuable if you need to pan out a layer of patina."

"Do you want to buy it?"

The boss asked a little unhappy.

"Of course I have to buy them. Are these bodhi beads all 800 strings? If yes, I'll pick a few strings and take them home to play with."

"Of course, you can pick whatever you want."

The attitude of the boss changed very quickly. It's all business, so there's no reason to spit it out again.

Li Mo then picked around the booth, and finally picked out six skewers: "Boss, I will transfer the money to you."

The boss looked at the one in his hand, and then at the rest on the stall. They seemed to be all the same, and he couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake. Really, he has marked the hidden places, but now that the things are in Li Mo's hands, he can't see them.

"Let me pack six boxes for you."

The boss reached out to take the bodhi beads from Li Mo's hand.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can just stuff it in my bag, anyway, I will give it to a friend when I get home."

Li Mo stuffed it into his satchel naturally, and then opened the payment software in front of the boss to enter the number 4800. He even looked at the boss deliberately and said, "Is this number correct?"

The boss glanced at the page and clearly saw that the balance was still more than 400,000 yuan, then nodded and smiled, "That's right."

After Li Mo paid, he walked to the jade wares, and he gave up after choosing for a while.

"Handsome guy, do you like calligraphy and painting?" The young woman said with a harmless smile, "If you are interested in calligraphy and painting, you can take a look at these."

"Of course I'm interested. The elders in my family are all good at calligraphy. Beauty, I'm not bragging to you. I can identify the authenticity of the works of famous calligraphy masters in history. Do you have antique calligraphy and paintings here? Take it out for me to admire."

"We just eat together, and we can't tell which are real antique calligraphy and paintings and which are fake calligraphy and paintings. We also found some in other people's hands. It's hard to judge the real ones. I know you are an expert as soon as I hear you speak , There is really a calligraphy work bought from someone else here, which cost more than 80,000 yuan at that time. You are an expert, please help me identify it."

"no problem."

Li Mo patted his chest and said angrily. No wonder the teacher missed it, what this woman said was very logical. She first said that she didn't understand, but she once spent more than 80,000 yuan to buy a painting. So no matter who appraises it, no matter whether the calligraphy and painting are genuine or not, it is only reasonable for her to ask for a price of at least 80,000 yuan if she wants to buy it. This is paving the way in advance and making people feel prepared.

The woman opened a box behind her, opened another square box from it, and then took out something like a picture album wrapped in yellow silk, and handed it to Li Mo with her hands.

Li Mo took out the painting album, these are Dong Qichang's six albums, the content of the calligraphy is: Dao cannot be pursued intentionally, cannot be obtained without intention, cannot be created by words, cannot be understood silently, is so straight that there is no one to rely on, and it is beyond the love of saints and ordinary people. Quantity, nor do you rely on it, there is no dependence, beyond the sage's sentiment, scholars do not understand the meaning of the ancestors. . . .

This is Dong Qichang's running script calligraphy, the last inscription of the calligraphy: Imitation of Zhong Taifu's script, Dong Qichang, red clay seal. There are also many appreciative Tibetan seals throughout the text, such as Qianlong seal, Jiaqing seal, Sanxitang seal, etc.

This work of Dong Qichang's running script is authentic, and his calligraphy achievements are among the best placed in museums.

"This Dong Qichang's calligraphy... How should I put it? Calligraphy alone is very good, but it is difficult to say that it is Dong Qichang's authentic handwriting. After all, Dong Qichang's calligraphy has influenced generations for hundreds of years, especially in the Qing Dynasty. Countless literati are imitating it. Many of Dong Qichang's characters are fake."

Li Mo smacked his lips, looking engrossed.

"Not bad, not bad, the writing is really good. Beauty, how much do you plan to sell this painting for?"

"You want to buy?"

"Seeing this painting, I feel a little bit, you understand. But I haven't confirmed whether this painting is genuine or a fake. If your bid is right, I will consider buying it?"

"Sir, to tell you the truth, I can't tell whether it's genuine or a fake. At that time, I also felt that I could try my luck, so I bought it for 85,000 yuan. If you feel a little bit, I will earn a hard fee." , how about you take eighty-eight thousand?"

"Eighty-eight thousand?"

Li Mo muttered a few times, his eyes looked and looked at the words, and hesitation appeared on his face.

"Sir, if you haven't thought about it yet, you can think about it again. I don't want to cheat people, the sale is voluntary, and I will make a move if it suits me."

The woman stretched out her hand to Li Mo, motioning him to return the copybook to her and put it away. The young man walked around from the opposite side and walked up to Li Mo with a smile: "We keep this painting as Dong Qichang's authentic work, so it's not advisable to hold it for too long. I'd better put it away and wait for you to think about it." Let's talk."

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