Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 345 Entering the Mountain

In the past two days, the stone viewing has been calm. All the participating jewelers showed their talents and tried their best to choose as many rough jadeite as possible. Because on the third day, it is basically necessary to focus on discussing how much money needs to be bid for each promising rough stone.

This is also the most important part of the hidden bid. Only if you win the bid, you will have stock. Otherwise, once the jade jewelry in the store is out of stock, it will mean a continuous loss of customers.

Li Mo still maintains a steady stone-passing speed, and only when he encounters a 'particularly interesting' rough emerald stone will he have a focused discussion with San Pang and others. As for whether the follower will report to Song Xinqiu in detail, that's not their concern, it's just fun anyway.

But in the afternoon of the second day, something went wrong. Some jewelers from China recognized Qiu Guangyao and the Huaxia Jade King. The rough jadeite also paid attention.

"Li Mo, something is wrong. I think many people are paying attention to us." Qiu Guangyao also noticed the abnormal situation. He basically knows those bosses. After all, he is in the business of rough jadeite in China, and he can be regarded as their upstream. supplier.

The Battle of Nanguang made him even more famous in the emerald circle.

"If they believe in their own vision, maybe they still have a chance, but if they put their hopes on others, they will suffer. If Mr. Qiu feels sorry, he can hint at them, so as to show favor."

"It can only be the."

On the third day of the exhibition, some merchants have already started to write hidden bids. The same piece of rough jadeite can be bid repeatedly, and the highest price shall prevail.

In a corner, Li Mo, Qiu Guangyao, and Niu Sanpang got together and discussed.

"The four rough jadeites with a high probability of producing glass seeds are our most important goals, followed by ice jadeite rough, followed by waxy jadeite. We are old faces and it is not suitable to come forward to bid. My people will enter the venue one after another in the afternoon. At that time, I will quietly submit the written bidding documents through them. As for the three of us, we will focus on bidding on the more than 60 pieces of 'special jadeite rough', which will also distract other people's attention."

Niu Sanpang and Qiu Guangyao looked at the more than five hundred rough jadeite stones recorded in Li Mo's notebook, as if what they saw were not stones, but piles of money.

"Brother, we will do what you say, but how many of your people have come?"

"There are a lot of people, I have to do other things tomorrow."

The two nodded, but Qiu Guangyao knew a little bit. After all, he was an heir that Mr. Qiu valued very much, and Mr. Qiu would reveal some insignificant details on major events.

Li Mo was not in a hurry to write, but wandered around in the field again. It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon, when more and more people bid for the hidden bids, that he began to write the hidden bids, and then handed them over to the brown bears for distribution. At four o'clock, he walked around the infield again, and then wrote the hidden bid again for the second round of bidding.

At around five o'clock, the three of them solemnly placed their bids in the bidding boxes next to the 'special rough emerald stones'.

"Brother, how many hidden bids do you think we can win?"

"Who knows, I'm not a god. So many people are bidding. Although we have cast more than 500 bids, if we can win one-fifth of them, it is already unlucky." Li Mo can't Let them hit all of them, that's really too evil. So he tried his best to get those high-quality raw jadeite, and the waxy ice kind was naturally the best.

"Only over a hundred yuan?" Niu Sanpang was a little disappointed.

But Qiu Guangyao said with a smile: "Mr. Niu, this is the first time for you to participate in this kind of public offering. According to what I know, in the previous public offerings, if one party can win more than 20 yuan, it is already an amazing performance. If it exceeds 30 yuan It belongs to a top company with first-class strength and a lot of consultants. We were able to win a bid of more than 100 yuan, and it is estimated that we will immediately become the biggest dark horse this time. Therefore, after winning the bid, we must pay immediately and handle transshipment. The real thing is only when the goods arrive in China belongs to us."

"Are we so good?"

"It's not that we are so good. It's Brother Li's special cattle. It's 10,000 times more reliable than yours."

As night fell, Nay Pyi Taw was completely quiet.

In the hotel, Li Mo was waiting for a call. They would leave quietly before dawn tomorrow. There are still many unknown dangers in entering the virgin forest this time, and your own safety must be guaranteed.

"Brown Bear, have you purchased enough supplies?"

"It's all ready, boss, what is our task this time?"

"Go into the mountains to hunt."

The brown bear nodded slightly. Based on his understanding of the boss, he would not go to Burma to hunt so bored. It must be a major event, and it is a major event that cannot be explained clearly.

Didi Didi, the phone rang.

After Li Mo connected, he heard a hoarse voice on the other side, and then told him an address for him to pick up the goods at five o'clock tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mo told the brown bear to go to bed early and get up at four o'clock tomorrow.

The next day, eight off-road vehicles drove out of Nay Pyi Taw and headed north along the official road. When it was almost five o'clock, Li Mo asked the brown bear to stop the car, and a truck was parked 30 meters in front of them.

"Flash the lights at my command. Two times, four times, two times, five times, three times."

The brown bear immediately began to operate, and the headlights of the car began to flash regularly. After the flash on this side was over, the truck on the opposite side also flashed regularly.

"Four two three five five."

At this moment, Li Mo received another message: All the things you want are in the car, leave immediately after taking them, and deal with them by yourself after use.

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

"You lead people to transfer all the things on the truck to our car, and let the brothers below be armed."

As soon as he heard the word 'armed', the brown bear immediately became excited. The boss was so clever that he could get weapons here. He immediately took out the walkie-talkie to give an order, and soon a well-trained security guard came out of the off-road vehicle, and then moved boxes of weapons from the truck.

After being evacuated, the car disappeared into the darkness before dawn.

After about 20 minutes, the brown bear got into the driver's seat and said, "Boss, they are all good things, and there are three big snipers inside."

"Let's go, keep going."


The off-road convoy was driving northward, the sky was bright, and the number of vehicles on the road gradually increased. At noon, the team entered a temporary rest stop. They were there to refuel, and towards the end, five off-road vehicles also entered the rest stop.

"Boss, it's those islanders."

Li Mo had already seen them, and one of them turned out to be Song Xinqiu. He maintained a humble posture at the moment, and his expression was flustered. Someone around him was always watching his every move.

What's going on, the big snake, the eldest grandson of the Song family seems to be held hostage by the islanders.

After the islanders got off the car, they also looked at the eight off-road convoys. One of them said a few words in the old man's ear, and the old man nodded.

Then the people who got out of the car turned around and got on the car. Only one of them was asked to buy some supplies. They ate in the car for more than ten minutes and then drove to the north.

They are not real jewelers, this thought came to Li Mo's mind, but he just didn't understand how they would hold Song Xinqiu hostage?

"Brown bear, order to go down, and go on the road immediately after eating."

The convoy continued northward, and at around three o'clock in the afternoon, they finally came to the foot of a mountain, where there was a small town. The town is not big, but it seems very popular, most of them are tourists. Some tourists settle in small town hotels, while others camp outside with their own tents.

Li Mo and the others are camping outside.

"Boss, when shall we enter the mountain?"

"Don't worry, let everyone take a good rest first. This time it will take a long time to enter the mountain, and it may take many days."


Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and everyone was ready to enter the mountain officially. This mountain range is the largest in Myanmar, extending to the border with China, and 90% of the mountains are inaccessible.

The temperature outside the mountain is about 30 degrees, and it is cooler inside the mountain, but everyone wears special clothes, which can prevent mosquitoes, snakes and ants from turning in and biting them, and secondly, they can also block the rain when it rains .

There were quite a few tourists who entered the mountain. At that time, they saw that Li Mo and his group were all tall and majestic, and they were all carrying large backpacks. People with sharp eyes probably guessed what they were and stayed away.

The further you go into the mountains, the fewer people are there, and the mountain roads gradually disappear.

"Captain, a group of people followed into the mountain."

A voice suddenly rang through the intercom.

The brown bear immediately asked, "How many people are there?"

"More than twenty, it seems that they have come prepared."

"Be alert."

"Yes, Captain."

The brown bear thought for a while and said, "Boss, do you think he is from the archipelago?"

"Let's move on and see."

After thinking about it, Li Mo had to walk through the mountains for at least two days in order to reach his roughly planned destination, which was a huge test for everyone. If it was the archipelago who followed, things would get interesting.

After walking for another four hours, the guards at the back sent a message through the walkie-talkie, and the group of people who followed went in another direction.

"Let everyone rest, replenish their energy, and pay attention to safety."

At night, everyone looked for a slightly flat high ground and started camping. In the middle of the night, a sudden gunshot broke the tranquility in the mountains.

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