Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 794 Negotiation

Qin Yali has been drinking tea in silence, the three official representatives of Los Angeles have not been able to gain the upper hand, so the communication will be very passive. I have reminded them a long time ago that they have to show their own attitude to talk about it. If they come up and put forward their own conditions, then the next rhythm must be to bargain on those conditions.

They insisted on testing Li Mo's attitude first, but they forced themselves into a corner and felt uncomfortable.

"Professor Li, Mr. Wang and the others already have a set of plans. The main purpose of meeting you today is to let you understand and see if it can satisfy both parties."

Qin Yali had to keep silent at this time, lest the three responsible persons in Los Angeles be too embarrassed and make everyone unable to get off the table.

"That's right, what Qin Si said is right." Ms. Jiang, the person in charge of the Los Angeles Cultural Protection Bureau, nodded repeatedly. She has the lowest position, and it is most appropriate for her to answer the question at this time.

Li Mo poured tea for the four of them respectively, with a very interested look on his face: "Ms. Jiang, please tell me."

"Professor Li, it's like this. We officially listed the following points after discussion. First, the security management of Liangshe Village is uniformly mobilized by the Los Angeles City Bureau. There will never be any mistakes. After all, the soldiers on the army are not Familiar with local affairs, there will definitely be obstacles in communication with local villagers, and many things will be resolved very easily by the local police force to communicate."

Li Mo nodded and acknowledged this point: "It's okay for those soldiers to be stationed for a short period of time, but it's really not suitable for a long time. But soldiers also have the advantages of soldiers. They order and prohibit, are upright, and never take the villagers' stitches."

The three officials almost spit out a mouthful of tea. What they said, it seemed that the police officers in the local area would stretch their hands quite long.

"Just follow what Ms. Jiang said, and change the guard tomorrow morning."

Li Mo then said another sentence.

The person in charge of the Cultural Protection Bureau cleared his throat before continuing: "Secondly, the archaeology of the Zhou Tianzi's tomb is still dominated by a team of experts, supplemented by our local archaeologists in Los Angeles, and we will fully undertake the logistical support."

"This is good."

"Regarding the issue of compensation, whatever compensation Professor Li gives, we will continue to replace the money you paid in one lump sum."

Li Mo nodded, since you want to participate, all the expenses will naturally be paid by your local government, and it is impossible for me to be taken advantage of again.

"As for the ownership of the cultural relics born in the tomb of Emperor Zhou, Professor Li is the first to contribute. However, you are a top expert in this field, so you naturally understand the significance of the tomb of Emperor Zhou. Our local government also hopes to build it locally. A Zhou Tianzi Museum, and then develop the tombs into tourist attractions, which can drive the economic development of a place and increase the annual income of local villagers. Regarding the last point, we have the same idea as Professor Li.”

Li Mo continued to nod.

"We have also learned about the scale of the Yanjiao Museum under the name of Professor Li. So far, there is still a lack of a bronze-themed cultural museum in Yanjiao. In terms of its influence, the bronzes unearthed from the tomb of Emperor Zhou are naturally more suitable. So We discussed and researched and came up with a suggestion. After the excavation of the tomb of Emperor Zhou, we will build a themed museum in Los Angeles and Yanjiao, Professor Li, what do you think?"

Li Mo drank his tea silently, and the others didn't speak, waiting for his reply.

"To tell you the truth, I attach great importance to the upcoming bronze-themed museum. There should be a lot of bronzes that can be unearthed from the tomb of Emperor Zhou, but it is not enough to support the construction of two museums at the same time."

The second person in charge of Los Angeles asked with a smile: "I don't know if Professor Li has a better solution?"

Li Mo put down his teacup and said: "There is no good solution, but I just have a new idea temporarily. There are also thirty or forty pieces of bronze wares from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the treasure room of the tomb robber. When the time comes, I will apply to my superiors to get those The bronzes are enriched into the bronze-themed museum."

When it came to the secret room where the tomb robber hid the treasure, the three leaders of Los Angeles looked sour, and it was like rubbing salt on their wounds.

"Professor Li, if you can help us deal with the remaining antiques and relics, and return them to the Los Angeles officials after the case is over, we are all grateful."

This attitude has been put very low, and it is almost like saying 'everything will be rewarded'.

Li Mo didn't answer right away, but hesitated before saying, "I have to find a perfect excuse to get around."

What excuse? Whether it can be returned to Los Angeles is not a matter of your words.

"See if this works. I'll go around Los Angeles a bit more, and I'll try to find other clues related to historical sites."

"Does Professor Li have any clues?" Ms. Jiang from the Cultural Protection Bureau asked in surprise.

"Luocheng is the capital of thirteen dynasties. There are countless historical legends circulating here. Some legends seem unreliable, but in fact no one pays attention to research. In addition, the information is fragmented and cannot be pieced together into useful information. You can’t find the news you want from it.”

"If you really make a major discovery, our Los Angeles officials will fully support you, and no matter what important treasures you discover, our local authorities will never intervene."

This time, the second person in charge of Los Angeles made a very straightforward guarantee.

Perhaps he thought that even if there was any discovery, it could be compared to the tomb of the emperor last week?

"I really didn't expect Mr. Wang to support my idea so much. Since you are straightforward, I should also be cheerful. Now that the treasure hidden in the secret room on the old street has not been transported to Kyoto, I will contact my superiors now, hoping that they will agree to send it to the capital. All cultural relics and antiques except the bronze wares will be handled by Los Angeles officials, after all, there are thirty or forty bronze wares as ironclad evidence, which is enough to convict those tomb robbers."

Only then did the three officials in Los Angeles show surprise. They didn't expect that there would be unexpected surprises in this communication. They will be heroes after they go back.

Li Mo stepped aside to make a phone call.

"Qin Si, thank you for reminding us this time, otherwise there wouldn't be such a good result."

Qin Yali smiled and said: "Professor Li is not a narrow-minded person. There must be a reason why he is valued by many bigwigs. Don't look at me as the director of the Cultural Affairs Department, but in terms of strength, he can make me feel good with a single sentence." I'm going home to retire. I heard that the first person in charge of Yanjiao, Jingdu, came up from your Los Angeles city. In fact, if Professor Li didn't acquiesce, he wouldn't have a chance to go up."

The three officials in Los Angeles naturally didn't feel that Qin Yali was scaremongering. They really realized how strong Li Mo's background in the capital was at this time, and thinking about it made their scalps tingle.

Because Yanjiao, Beijing is a national-level development zone, the first person in charge there is at the same level as the first person in charge in Los Angeles. However, with the rapid development of Yanjiao, the person in charge of Yanjiao has greater development potential in the future.

People with such a status need Li Mo's approval and support to secure their positions. People who don't know the inside story think it's a fairy tale, but Li Mo is actually more terrifying than imagined.

A few minutes later, Li Mo returned with a smile on his face, raised his glass and said, "It's done, and your Los Angeles officials will take over the treasure room tomorrow, but the bronze wares inside will be transported to the capital immediately."

"Without Professor Li's support, there would not be such a best-of-both-worlds result. Let's drink tea instead of wine."

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