True Martial World

Chapter 911: Sea of ​​thunder and lightning

"Nine-tailed field, broken by Yi Yun!?"

Seeing the blood of the white fox that was swaying in the sky, the foxes in the field were all holding their breath, and the nine-tailed white fox, but the totems in their family, only at the fox festival, they sometimes saw the phantom of the nine-tailed white fox. For the Fox family, the nine-tailed white fox is the supreme being, but now it has been given by Yi Yun!

Moreover, this is a nine-tailed white fox that opens up the nine-tailed field and integrates with the field.

Breaking the field, the white fox, Yi Yun at this time, there are more than 800 flying knives suspended around the body, and there are many flying knives. His body is red with fox blood, thick blood, along his angular shape. The cheeks drip, the long sword in his tight handshake, the eyebrows like a sword, the eyes like the morning star!

A warrior from the lower bound is younger than most of the people present, but in the early days of Tongtian, he is chasing the first day of the fox family to cultivate the Princess of Cher, even if he has not caught up yet, but he is already a genius. The ultimate!

A kind of thing, with its own extreme, and the ultimate at this time, is undoubtedly belonging to Yi Yun.

Fenghua Zhengmao, hero boy, three-foot sword, do everything!

There was nothing to say to the disciples of the Fox family. Bai Yueqing pinched his fan and seemed to want to break the fan.

Many of the Rocky disciples are very excited. After all, because of the same family, Rockwell is still very united when it is unanimous.

"Yi Shidi is too strong!"

"Yeah, after the trial of the Leo Shrine, Yi Shidi must be famous for the imperial capital. At that time, his limelight is unparalleled. I am afraid that not only many forces will throw olive branches on Yi Shidi, and even many giants will even think. Marry Miss Qianjin in my family to Yi Shidi!"

When the Rocky disciples said that many people are envious, this kind of life is really desirable!

"Brother, this is..."

The elders of Duanmu looked at the stone elders, and the stone elders looked at Yi Yun in the image, and one word could not be said.

He just returned the old-fashioned commentary Yi Yun's battle, and he decided that Yi Yun couldn't find the way to crack. In the blink of an eye, the nine-tailed field would be shattered.

This really made the stone elders do not know what to say, he was glad that he just said his judgment with the Duanmu elders, and did not comment in public, otherwise his old face really could not be hanged.

"I don't know, this kid is really a bit out of the old man's expectation." Shi Chang's mouth twitched, his face wrinkled and shivering, he thought he was already knowledgeable, but what happened just now he really didn't Understand that this is almost the first time in his long years of guarding the Temple of the Gods.

"It’s weird. I’ve seen a lot of geniuses. I’m younger than the fox family, I’m younger than Yi Yun, but the genius Rock’s disciple who went further in the refining stone circle, I brought out several of them, but This kind of situation, I completely look away, even can say that I did not understand, but it is the first experience."

The stone elders murmured, Duanmu elder said: "It is true that in the history of Rockwell, the more genius is not, but the progress is so fast, I am afraid that Yi Yun can rank first, brother, this Yi Yun went to this step. Can you really realize something in the mysterious demon stone?"

"This..." The stone elder felt that his heartbeat seemed to have missed half a beat.

No way!

When the two elders communicated, many Rock and Fox disciples had similar thoughts.

In the seven years of Yi Yun, what did you realize? Now it seems that I am afraid that the sword of the will is so simple!

Fortunately, Yi Yun's metamorphosis is also limited.

After this war, Yi Yun has already killed the fourth ancient demon, but the strength of Yi Yun has dropped greatly, which is less than 70%.

The strength of the Yuan has dropped so much that it is obviously unable to fight the fifth old demon.

"With the fourth ancient demon, Yi Yun has tried hard to solve the problem, not to mention that the remaining less than 70% of the physical strength, even if he still has 10% of physical strength, it is difficult to fight against the fifth ancient demon."

"Yes, even if the physical strength only drops a little, the attack is far less sharp than before. Yiyun's physical strength has dropped to less than 70%. It is too hard to fight. Now, against the fifth ancient demon, Yiyun's attack power and defense power. They are only 70% of the 4th old demon in the previous game, and the 5th old demon, the strength will be several times stronger than the fourth ancient demon. It will be a long time, I am afraid that one face will be defeated."

When people thought about this, they saw that the body of the nine-tailed white fox disappeared, and even the fox blood dyed with Yi Yun disappeared.

Yi Yun has a ten-day time to meditate, but how much can be recovered from the forty interest, which is negligible compared to the fifth old demon.

People are thinking, suddenly a Rocky disciple exclaimed: "Look at the Fox Princess!"


People turned their heads and looked at it, but in the other side of the image, the scene changed greatly. The original deep blue sky has turned into a blue-violet ocean. That is... lightning! !

The fox family princess, the foot is empty, a silver hair flying, like a **** to the world.

She has seven stars on her feet, a long sword pointing to the sky, and thousands of gods and thunders, all of them are provoked by a fox-family princess with a long sword!

The infinite Thunder, condensed into the essence around her, like a sword of Thunder, to come to the demon dragon!

These powers, through the image of the refining stone, rushed to the surface, so that the arrogance of the arrogance on the scene is almost horrible!

They all know that the Cher Princess of the Fox family was originally the body of the Leiling, and it was extremely deep in the law of lightning. However, before, in fact, Xue Ergong did not use the law of lightning.

That is to say, from the very beginning, the Fox Princess is retaining its strength. Even if it is against the fourth dragon, the Fox Princess has never gone all out, but try to use the fighting style that saves energy. This is the fifth time. fighting!

From the very beginning, the Fox Princess has targeted the fifth battle! Now, she has poured all her strengths without reservation, and she has to go all out!

As a result, maybe... the Fox Princess even has the possibility to defeat the fifth old demon!

Realizing this, the fox's disciples are excited.

Conquer the fifth old demon? It’s exciting to think about it!

"The princess is invincible!"

A fox boy who worships the Princess of Cher, can't help but yell out, his eyes are full of excitement!

In the mortal world, there are people who pursue the dramas they admire and pursue them to the point of madness. Moreover, in the world of warriors, martial arts is not acting, but the root of the existence of the warrior world. A perfect arrogant woman, noble is a princess, talented Excellence, it is radiant, and in the whole Fox family, people who are willing to die for the Fox Princess, I am afraid I can find out a lot.

Fighting, unprecedentedly fierce! The fox princess is fighting the demon dragon, there is no worries, and no longer need to retain physical strength, she can naturally go all out.

Such a wonderful battle, even the Rocky disciples, had to admire, even being infected by the flamboyant figure of the Fox Princess, could not help but cheer for it!

This is the ultimate in life. If things have their own extremes, then it is undoubtedly the ultimate in the fox family, which is even more than Yi Yun!

"The demon dragon was injured! And it was not hurt! The Fox Princess, hit the fifth dragon!"

"The fierce battle has lasted for 30 years. The terrible endurance, the blood of the Fox Princess is really strong. After four battles, the Fox Princess has retained so much physical strength."

At the time of the 30th interest, there was a breath, and at this time, the Rocky disciple suddenly said: "Yi Shidi’s meditation is over, and he has to challenge the fifth old demon!"

The voice of the Rocky disciples, the voice is slightly excited, but the relative fox family and the fifth demon dragon have no reservations, and there are fewer people concerned about Yi Yun.

It was not until the Rocky disciples opened their mouths that people seemed to see it. It was obvious that Yi Yun had stood up from meditation and stood volley.

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