Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 165: abandonment and reunion

  Chapter 165 Abandonment and Reunion

  Villac and Keating walked until late at night before transferring from the small pier in Oral Bay to another small town 20 kilometers away. There were also some other escaped prisoners passing by here one after another, but because basically they had already managed to change their clothes, and the news of the escape from Daimans Prison had not yet spread, the residents of the town did not have any reaction to them. what doubts.

But even so, the two of them didn't dare to relax completely. After buying some food and begging for water to drink, they endured exhaustion and persisted in walking for two kilometers. When they arrived at a secluded place, they picked a piece that could withstand a lot of wind and cold. In the low-lying area, they took turns sleeping for a few hours, and then continued to drive in the direction of Laizein.

From their location to Laizein, if you take the train, you can get there in two days, but trains, passenger ships and the like can help the prisoners spread the most convenient and fastest means of transportation to the whole country and even the world. The government Will definitely arrange personnel to focus on inspection.

In addition, Verac did not dare to easily determine what impact his escape would have on the peace talks between the Equality Association and the government. He and Keating speculated that the government's greatest possibility was to block the news of the escape of all prisoners in Daymans Prison in order to stabilize the Equality Association. Facilitate peace talks. A small number may accelerate the collapse of the government and the Equality Council negotiations because of their own escape.

In order to avoid the danger of marching and the collapse of the peace talks of the Equality Council, Verac and Keating adopted the safest and surest method, which is to try their best to avoid contact with the government, and use other unobtrusive ways of marching to reach Lezein as soon as possible. The negative impact of fleeing by oneself on the Equality Association is minimized.

  November 15th

   After driving for three days in a row, Verak and the others walked and hitchhiked, and after driving almost one-fifth of the distance, they came to the territory of Joseph County in the Brexi Republic. Verac had lived in Tswold, Joseph County for almost twenty years, and now that he had reached his boundary, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and decided to take a good rest, and then finish the last journey in one breath, to Lezein Find equals.

   This night, they checked into a hotel for the first time in three days. Although this is an extremely cheap hotel, and the environment and facilities are really nowhere to be called a qualified hotel, the living conditions are better than prisons and sleeping in the open air these days.

   "There are still nine silver grams, which is enough." In order to save money, Veraker and Keating lived in a house, and when Keating lay down to rest, he counted the remaining money.

   "I remember you said that the place you used to live is near here?" Keating was lying on the bed, massaging his legs, knowing that Joseph County was here and planning to ask Veraker.

  Villac put away the nine silver grams and went to wash in the messy bathroom: "Yes."

   "Why don't you drop by and have a look?" Keating asked.

"No, going to Tsward City and us is not on the way, and it will take us at least a day or two to make a detour, and my friend either died or went to live in Montrego, there is nothing to go back there It's over." Turning on the faucet, Verac flushed his face and explained the situation, "In a sense, I have no home, no destination, and the only place I can go is Lazein."

   "Okay... then rest early, and continue on the road tomorrow morning." After Keating learned of Verak's feelings for Zward City, he didn't say anything more, closed his eyes and rested.

  Verak feels sorry for Keating, now his own feet are blistered, and his legs are weak, not to mention how much the intensity of this rush is a test for the elderly Keating.

   What touched him even more was that Keating and him drove frantically for three days while compressing the rest time, but never took the initiative to take a break.

  This behavior of not wanting to hold him back became a spur to him.

"Have a good rest. It won't be too late for us to set off again at noon tomorrow." Entering Joseph County, on the one hand, away from Daymans Prison, and on the other hand, approaching the capital Lazein, Verac's uneasiness eased a lot, and he decided to proceed appropriately. Take a good rest, "Now we are basically out of the danger zone, and we can take the train in a few days. If you arrive early, you will arrive at Laizein five or six days later, and you will arrive seven or eight days later. Anyway, it is no problem to catch up with their meeting of."

   Keating didn't answer, and Verac also fell asleep after washing up.

  The next morning, Keating took the initiative to wake up Veraker.

   "What's the matter, teacher..." Verak thought it was someone from the government chasing him, so he sat up and was about to put on his shoes.

   "Hurry up." Keating prepared a simple breakfast at some point, and sat there to eat quickly.

"You scared me." Verac heaved a sigh of relief, threw his shoes aside and lay down again, "I told you last night, but you probably didn't hear it. There is basically no danger now, and we will continue to rush After three days of traveling, you can rest for a while and start again at twelve noon."

   Keating rejected Veraker's enthusiastic invitation: "Hurry up and go."


   "Come and eat."

  Verak thought about how to persuade Keating not to spell it like this: "You..."

"I know you are worried about my body." Keating swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "It's okay, my body can handle it. The most important thing right now is that you return to Laizein as soon as possible to contact the Equality Association. Keep them safe."

   Keating set an example again. Verac had to put on his shoes, had breakfast with Keating, and set off for Laizein early in the morning.

Not daring to relax in the slightest and evading the possible surveillance of the government, Verac and Keating traveled for another five days, then took the train to Kip City, and finally spent another day, Arrived in Laizein in the early hours of November 23.

  Because the World Expo is being held, Laize has become stricter on access control, and all people entering and leaving the city need to register and verify their identity.

  Villac and Keating, who finally came back, were unable to enter through the main road controlled by the government, so they could only re-dress up before entering, and slipped into the northern district of Laizein City.

  During entering the North District, Verac was too sensitive and always felt that someone was following them. Fortunately, nothing happened.

   "I'm back." Verak looked at the buildings and streets, not feeling overwhelmed, but with a different feeling.

  After only leaving for more than two months, he felt that the city had changed. He couldn't tell exactly where it had changed. It was strange everywhere, and it was full of invisible thorns that kept people thousands of miles away.

   "Are you sure?" Keating asked as the two walked on the deserted street.

Veraker took Keating to the nearest Equality Society site according to his impression, and at the same time worried that the people of the Equality Society would transfer all the personnel because they were worried that he would reveal all the secrets in prison: "No, I wish I knew beforehand Those sites they didn't deprecate."

  He had already considered the issue of the transfer of the Equality Society's site, but unfortunately, if the Equality Society really didn't trust him so much, he had no choice but to find another way to try to contact them.

On a cold winter night, Verak took Keating for more than an hour to walk in the northern district of Laizein City, and finally arrived at a site that he had prepared when he was the president of the Equality Association, but found that the Equality Association had long since disappeared. The traces of them—they really moved the location according to the worst possibility guessed in Verak's mind.

   "Hmm..." Verak was a little at a loss. He searched the abandoned warehouse for a long time, but found nothing of value.

   "We have no money, right." Keating sat on an empty wooden box in the warehouse.

  Verak nodded ashamedly. They had just spent their money frugally at noon yesterday, and it was Laizein who walked all the way from Kip City hungry.

   "It's too cold outside, let's rest here for the night." Keating didn't complain, but shivered, and piled up several wooden boxes to form a crude, bone-crushing 'bed'.

  In order to avoid rubbing dirty clothes, he spread a large number of newspapers they bought on wooden boxes to understand Laizein and the international situation, and to make up for the gaps that were missing in the prison.

"I have to think about how to find them." Verak had no intention of resting, standing in front of the abandoned warehouse, listening to the cold wind outside, racking his brains to think of any other way to contact the Equality Association .

  Although the Equality Association and the government have reached a peace negotiation, their positions are far from equal. Except for the personnel who were sent to negotiate in the past, the other members of the Equality Association are still hiding in the dark.

  In such an international metropolis, the two of them have many constraints, and it is not easy to find someone who can't even find government officials.

   "There's no rush, we'll find it." Keating comforted.

   "Hmm..." Verak responded with difficulty, leaning on the door frame with one hand, feeling a little uncomfortable.

   It turns out that this is what it feels like to be abandoned.

  He abandoned the Equal Society for a million gold grams, and now the Equal Society has treated him as such.

   "Huh..." Veraker had no complaints about this, only wishing that he could see them again and make up for everything.

"Let's rest." Keating could tell from Verak's figure that he was a bit disappointed, which is not difficult to understand. After all, Verak was worried about whether equality would accept him before, but now he learned that equality would abandon him. The sense of dread became stronger.

Verac closed the rotten door of the warehouse symbolically, turned to look at Keating, Keating prepared two beds for him to barely sleep in when he was suffering: "Tomorrow I will find a way to find them again. "

   "We'll talk about it tomorrow, there's no rush." ​​Keating didn't urge Veraker.

  Verak had this concern for a long time, but he never thought that he should go there to find them after the Equality Society moved. Keating didn't think he would be able to find them tomorrow, so it's better not to put pressure on him.

"This matter can't be delayed. We are now penniless. If we don't meet with the Equality Association, there are only three possibilities left. We will be arrested by the government, or freeze to death or starve to death." The weather is too cold, and the dilapidated warehouse is difficult to Resisting too much cold wind, Verak just wanted to wrap his clothes tightly when he suddenly thought of something, so he took off his coat and put it on Keating.

   "What are you doing..." Keating sat up and was about to return the clothes to Veraker.

  Villac lay back on his simple bed, and stretched pretending to relax: "I don't like to sleep wrapped in clothes, you can wear them."

   Keating wanted to say something, but he didn't make a sound. He sighed and lay down again.

  What should we do tomorrow?

  I don't know what to do when I wake up. Verak curled up, his body trembling slightly.

   After more than two months, he has gone through hardships and hardships and returned here, but it seems that everything has just begun.

  How to find an equal society, how to break their stereotypes about themselves, how to get rid of the shadow of Chris, get rid of the despicable self in the past and integrate into it?

  Verak had ten thousand questions in his mind, but no answer.

"You actually know exactly what to do next, but you are ashamed to face them." When Veraker was sleepless and troubled by complicated thoughts, Keating said, "It's nothing, you have to face it. Since it’s something you can’t avoid, it’s better to go up to it neatly than to shrink back and waste time.”

   "...No matter what, this matter needs a result." Veraker turned his back to Keating and shrank into a ball, "Don't worry, I won't worry too much."

   "That's good, go to sleep." Keating seemed to have really fallen asleep this time.

  Verak still had his eyes open in the dim, dark warehouse.

   Early morning of November 23rd

  After running around for a day, Verak, who was extremely tired, heard some noises, and turned from a peaceful sleep to a half-asleep state. He wasn't sure if the voice was from Keating, because he was too tired to open his heavy eyes, so he just paid attention to it after waking up a bit.

   Gradually, the voice moved from far to near, as if mixed with footsteps and whispered conversations, approaching the warehouse.

  Verak frowned, opened his eyes suddenly in the next second, stood up and patted Keating awake, then crept down to the warehouse door and looked out.

   Just as he was looking outside, a few figures came to greet him, blocking the light from the warehouse hole, and at the same time, one of them said, "They are right here."

   "Teacher! Run!" Upon hearing this, Veraker immediately confirmed that they had been discovered. He blocked the broken door with his body and beckoned Keating to leave quickly.

   Keating's reaction was extremely quick. He started to look around when Verak came down to the ground, and when he was sure something was wrong, he immediately set his eyes on the broken window on the other side of the warehouse.

   Several people outside the warehouse started banging on the door, and Verak, who was leaning against the door, urged: "Quick!"

   "Come on!" Keating ran to the window.

  Verak knew that he and the broken door couldn't stand up to a few people, so when Keating ran to the window, he found the right time and rushed over.


   Just as the two climbed over the window one after the other to escape from the warehouse, a familiar call came from behind Verak.

  Someone is actually calling his real name! People in the government don't know his true identity!

  He paused and looked back in disbelief.

   Embarrassed but polite smile, I continue the rest of the liver!



  (end of this chapter)

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