Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 234: Escort

  Chapter 234 Escort

   "Do you know the Sea Rat Gang?" In the restaurant, Verac had eaten before breaking up with Keating, so he only ordered a small amount of breakfast, and asked the boss about the situation while eating.

   "Just came to the old Nanyou?" The owner of the small restaurant is a middle-aged man with a short beard, and he is doing accounts while he is not very busy.

"Dunman just arrived." Veraker sat eating near the boss's work place, "I found out that all the Bresci people live in Manchester City, and Manchester City has the largest gang formed by the Bresci people, the Sea Rats. Help, I just want to join in."

  The boss glanced at Veraker, and continued to look at the ledger: "It's not easy to join the Sea Rat Gang, and it's not easy to say."

   "Is there any condition?"

   "Either you have some skills, or you have to do business in Manchester City like me and pay protection fees regularly." The boss said.

   It’s easy to talk about showing your skills. Verac will directly arrest Derek, who is secretly selling guns, and hand them over to the Sea Rat Gang. There should be no problem in getting in.

   "According to what you mean, you are also a member of the Sea Rat Gang?"

   "More than half of the people in Manchester City are sheltered by the Sea Rat Gang. If you go out and recruit anyone, they are more or less related to the Sea Rat Gang." The boss replied.

   "Where should I go to find them to join? I escaped and almost couldn't afford to eat, and I didn't have much money to do business, so I had to choose another way and try my best." Verak asked.

The boss paused and closed the ledger: "Coincidentally, they are nearby. You go north, and about two or three hundred meters to the east of the first intersection, there is a tavern called Minke. That tavern is Sea Rat Under the name of the Sea Rat Gang, and the leaders of the Sea Rat Gang stay there when they have nothing to do."

   "Go north, go east at the first intersection, Mink's Tavern." Verak noted down the location of the leaders of the Sea Rat Gang, "Thanks."

   "It's okay, I will eat here often in the future." The boss didn't care.

  Villac left the restaurant after finishing his food, and walked quickly to the location indicated by the boss. After about five minutes, he saw the signboard of Mink's Tavern.

  With such a cold day and the current chaotic situation, the leaders of the Sea Rat Gang should not move around much.

  Verak couldn't be sure when Derek would return. To be safe, he didn't inquire about the situation in Minke's tavern in detail, but returned to the hotel after confirming the location.

  There is no abnormality in the hotel room, and the door is still ajar as Verak went out, indicating that Derek has not returned yet.

   "Shut up!"

  After closing the door again, Verak loaded the pistol, stuffed it back into his pocket, and waited quietly for Derek's return.


   Half an hour later, there were footsteps outside the door, and then Derek pushed the door in: "Wake up, don't sleep."

  Verak, who pretended to be resting, slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed: " is it?"

"It's your first time working today, so I won't arrange more for you to be on the safe side. After you prove your ability, I will give you a chance to make a lot of money." Derek said, and took out two guns from his pocket Handed it to Veraker, "Both of them are given to the same person, and the address is 1663 Haven Street in the urban area."

   "Understood, if you get ten guns for me, I will be arrested right after I go out, and you will lose a lot." Verak took the two guns and weighed them casually, "Empty guns, no bullets?"


   "I've touched it before." Verak put the two empty guns aside, rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking sleepy.

Derek continued to emphasize Veraker's mission: "After you arrived at 1663 Harvin Street, you said that Mr. Derek had something for Mr. William. The other party asked if it was a record? You answered yes, and you can come back after the other party accepts it. .”

   "Okay." Verak nodded.

   "Repeat." Derek was afraid that Verak would not remember.

   "No. 1663, Haven Street, said that Mr. Derek had something for Mr. William, and when the other party asked what it was, he said it was a record." Verac repeated what Derek had explained to him.

  Derek put his hands in his pockets and said with satisfaction: "Then you can set off. If this trip goes well, you can get 10,000 gallons."

   "What's that on the wall?" Verak suddenly tilted his head, narrowed his eyes and looked behind Derek.

   Facing the bed, the defenseless Derek turned his head subconsciously: "What?"

  He looked around for a long time, but he didn't find anything weird on the wall, so he turned back and was held in the head by a gun.

   "Shut up." Verak held his gun calmly.

   "You..." Derek's body froze immediately, he looked at the bed with the remaining rationality, and found two empty guns there intact, his heart was half cold.

"If you want to live, come with me." Verak pushed Derek, let him raise his hands and lie on the wall, then loaded the two empty guns on the bed, and pointed the loaded gun at Derek waist out the door.

  Derek's legs were weak and his teeth were chattering: "You, who are you..."

   "Be more natural, or I will kill you." Verak saw that Derek's body was shaking more and more, and threatened him.

   "Good, good, good." Derek couldn't figure out the situation, so he could only temporarily save his life according to Verak's request.

   "Who is your boss?" Verak held Derek hostage, walked out of the hotel, and walked north.

  Derek swallowed frequently, sweating uncontrollably: "Verak...don't embarrass me...what I say will surely die..."

   "If you don't say it, you will die now." Verak pushed Derek's back with the muzzle of a gun.

   "It's Vicki."

   "Vitch? Tell me carefully." Verak escorted Derek to the Mink's Tavern to meet the leader of the Sea Rat Gang, and at the same time inquired about the information on the gun dealer organization.

Derek trembled and said intermittently: "I, I don't know more things, things... He found, found me, just like I found you... You don't know my details, and neither do I. His details..."

   "You always know where he is." At the intersection, Verak held Derek and turned right and continued on.

   "He doesn't have a fixed address, he is the one who contacted me..."

  Verak heard the contradiction in Derek's words: "He took the initiative to contact you, how can you find him after you have settled with me?"

   "Because, because..."

   "Lying will do you no good."

   "I really don't know where he is, it's a coincidence today, he just visited me..." Derek rambled nonsense.

  Villac didn't bother to listen. He just tried to see if he could get rid of the gun dealer organization and become a core member of the Sea Rat Gang, making it easier to negotiate with Boss Xin. If that doesn't work, just relying on Derek to get in is enough.

   Not long after, the two arrived in front of Minke's Tavern.

   "Are you a member of the Sea Rat Gang?" After being held by Veraker, Derek found himself in front of Mink's Tavern and guessed Veraker's identity.

   "It's coming soon." Verak pushed Derek into the door forcefully.

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  (end of this chapter)

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