Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 282: agreement

  Chapter 282 Agreement

  April 17, early morning

  Government buildings, conference halls

  François’s mood has been ups and downs recently. Yesterday he looked sluggish, but today he became energetic again: “You know the news, don’t you?”

   "Do you mean that the Equality Association's sub-station in Dunman was wiped out by the Dunman government?" asked the Foreign Secretary.

"Otherwise, what else could it be? Could it be that you have done something to make me happy recently?" Francois accused him in the name of joking, and then said with a smile, "The Equality Association has been hit hard in the outside world. I guess I'm feeling really bad right now."

   "I think this matter can be publicized, so that citizens can see what happens to those people in the Equal Society." The Minister of Finance suggested.

Francois nodded: "This is definitely going to be done, but it's a pity that the Dunman government dealt with it very decisively and killed all those people, otherwise maybe we can try to learn something from them Useful information."

"This is actually a bit wrong. No matter what they do, they should leave a few people for interrogation to ensure that if Dunman still has people from the Equal Society, they can be uprooted directly after they have the information. This will wipe it clean , but may leave hidden dangers." Pissel was puzzled.

"Since they were able to wipe out the sub-stations of the Equality Society, they must have obtained critical information. I think the content of this information may be that the expansion of the Equality Society was not going well, resulting in only the old South There are sub-stations. Only in this way can it be justified to clear them all at once.” After François learned the news last night, he will analyze the reasons for this incident.

   "You make sense." Pissel asked again, "Then the assassination of President Dunman was killed. Will this matter affect our subsequent dispatch of troops to Bash?"

Francois shook his head, thinking, "Probably not. Jordan was assassinated. To put it bluntly, it was a problem of their civil war. The conflict has not been completely resolved. I don't think this is the first time he has been assassinated. It's a pity. In the end, I still couldn’t escape. I predict that for a long time to come, although there will be no more large-scale wars between the North and South forces in Dunman, there should be fierce confrontations. This is also a good thing, and the civil strife in Dunman has not stopped , Wellland will feel more at ease in the expedition to Bash."

   "Understood." Pissel felt relieved.

"We have to hurry up, and we can learn a lot from Dunman's methods. They can solve the trouble in such a short period of time, why do we still suffer from it? The powerful Brexi is no match for a country in civil strife , This is too ridiculous." Francois felt that his face in the world was about to be lost.

  In other words, when the holding of the World Expo ended in failure and half of the government building was breached, it had already been left with nothing.



   Several ministers responded feebly.

  The Equality Association in Dunman is only a newly established sub-station after all, far less powerful and deeply rooted than Laizeinli, and has established intricate connections with the people.

  Dunman's incident is like tearing off the blood scab on the body, and eradicating the equal society in Laizein is almost comparable to tearing the flesh and tearing the bones out.

  The difficulty of the two is not at the same level, and no one dares to take the pressure.

  Of course, no matter how difficult it is to do, it must be done. In just over two years, the Equality Association has been deeply rooted in Brescia and is difficult to remove. If it is left alone for a few more years, I am afraid that there will only be two choices left for the government, either to live together and wait until the other party replaces itself, or The Jedi Rebellion died together.

"Now the matter of the Equality Society must be resolved first. If we do not eradicate the Equality Society, we will not be able to carry out other work." Francois emphasized the importance of eliminating the Equality Society. "The follow-up will still be led by Pissel. Quill led the guards to assist, and other departments also provided convenience within their ability to sweep away this disturbing force."

   "Before the expedition to Bash, I will definitely eradicate the Equality Society." Pissel promised.

   "I will fully cooperate with General Pissel." Captain Maguire said.

  Francois thought of something and asked Maguire: "How is the care in the parliament?"

"I sent people to seal their mansion tightly, and prohibited them from entering and leaving in the name of protecting their safety. At present, many people are expressing their dissatisfaction with us, but there was no more assassination last night, so there are fewer such voices. Some." Maguire reported.

"An accident at the Equality Meeting last night may have disrupted their arrangements, but it does not mean that they will give up the assassination. I will continue to take care of the people in the parliament in the future. I will not allow them to die, and I will not allow them to escape from my control. ’” Francois reminded.


"In the last one or two months, I will never allow any more mistakes." Francois coldly glanced at the people present, "If any of you make omissions and affect the overall layout, think about the consequences yourself. "


  North District, Equality Association Terminal

  Villac didn't know how he got back to the room to lie down, and what happened last night.

He only vaguely remembered that the sub-station of the Equality Association was annihilated. Dozens of cadres in the conference hall of the main station reviewed the whole process overnight after the grief, carefully searched for omissions and hidden dangers, and immediately reported the same problems. The notice was sent to the person in charge of other sub-stations, asking them to self-check the situation and submit a complete work report as soon as possible to avoid tragedies from happening one after another.

  He has no idea about the aftermath of the sacrificed comrades and how to notify other comrades of the bad news.

  After he came back from the conference hall in a daze, he didn't fall asleep, his lips were dry, his eyes were dull, and he just recalled the fragmented picture without a clue.

  He didn't stay in the Old South Testament for a long time, only about two months. But in the past two months, he met and guided many like-minded people.

  Monroe, Gold, Ruffalo, Boss Sim, Willow, Sarah, Eve...

   are fresh lives and comrades who have dealt with him, regarded him as a role model, and regarded him as a new force.

  When Colin and Dawn died because of him, Verak felt tremendous psychological pressure. He often asked himself in the middle of the night whether the efforts he had made were worthy of their efforts.

  Hundreds of people die today.

   Not only the comrades of the Equality Association itself, but also those immigrants who thought that the Equality Association would allow them to survive safely, and those local residents who thought that the Equality Association would help them gain equal respect.

  As their leader, comrade, friend, hope, and the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, Verak suffered a greater shock.

  Byne blamed himself enough to want to step down as president, and Veraker was also wondering whether he was worthy of being a leader of others.

  He thought of what Boyne had told him not long ago, that after the victory in Laizein, he would be assigned to take charge of the important task of opening up to the world.

  After such a thing happened, do I still have this ability and qualification?

  Verak was in a mess, thinking about things.

   "Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

  He didn't respond, and let the knock on the door be so loud.

   Not long after, Keating opened the door and walked in. Seeing Verak lying on the bed, he sighed: "Get up and have some food."

   "...You can eat." Verak made a dry, hoarse voice.

"Moles is right. What we should do is not to forget the sadness, but not to be immersed in it." Keating put the food on the table and sat down on his own. "Things have happened, Their lives stopped, but we haven't stopped, the struggle is still going on, isn't it?"

"Yes... I was just thinking... I could have reminded them. Winston told us that it wouldn't work, and I should have understood that our success was just a fluke, and we couldn't go far at all. I should go there immediately Tell them that some people are short-sighted and selfish, even if they can cooperate, it is definitely not now, let alone have no reservations about them... But I didn't..." Verak murmured.

Keating's eyes softened: "We didn't either. We didn't pay attention to this sentence, and we were all immersed in the joy of meeting Winston and finding advanced ideas. We also felt that even if Lazerin's success cannot be simply replicated, the old Nato’s actions have also been successful, and no matter what happens, this fact will not change. Yes, there is no doubt that we were wrong, we overestimated ourselves and underestimated the enemy.”

  Verak turned his head, his eyes were bloodshot: "Teacher, I don't know what I'm thinking right now, I can't explain the feeling, my heart is empty..."

"I understand that everyone needs a process of acceptance, a process of getting out." Keating didn't expect Verak to be alive immediately. It takes time, and it should take time, I just hope you can come out as soon as possible, and feel better in your heart."

"Thank you…"

"We should blame ourselves, but we can't be directly defeated by self-blame, otherwise all this is meaningless, and it's not just them who are sacrificed, but also us who have become walking dead." Keating opened the food box, and the aroma immediately overflowed. "Come on, eat your meal first."

  Verak wanted to refuse, because he really had no appetite.

   It can be seen that Keating helped him open the box and prepare the tableware, but it was difficult for him to continue lying on the bed in a daze.

  He also wanted to cheer up and do something.

   "Today's food is good, I specially picked some that you like." Keating patiently waited for Verak to get up.

   "" Verak slowly got up, came to the table and sat down.

   "Eat slowly." Keating said.

  Verak picked up the cutlery stiffly: "Teacher, how is it going outside?"

   "Now that everyone knows the news, many tasks and work have been temporarily put on hold. Boyin and the others are preparing for tomorrow's mourning meeting, as well as aftermath work, such as compensation for the families of the sacrificed comrades."

   "Say, what can we do?" Verak asked, picking up the food.

"a lot of."

   "I mean now, to them."

   "What do you think they need from you?"

   "I don't know..." Like a machine, Verak stuffed the food into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it mechanically.

   Keating suddenly became serious: "There is one thing I haven't asked you, I think it's time to ask today."

   "What?" Veraker looked at Keating blankly.

   "If one day I sacrifice, what will happen to you?" Keating looked directly at Verak and asked.

  Verak's hand holding the cutlery froze, and he couldn't answer Keating's question.

  He hadn't thought about it, he didn't dare to think about it, so he didn't know.

   "On the road of revolution, everyone is close to death. It is normal for me to die one day. What will you do then?" Keating asked again.

   "I..." Verak couldn't speak.

   "Will it still be like today, even more sad and sad than today, can't do anything?" Keating smiled and asked softly.

  Verak didn't speak.

   "At that time, I will no longer be able to stand by your side to help you untangle your heart." Keating kept smiling, wanting Verak to feel the peace in his heart, "Are you going to keep doing this?"

   "If I sacrificed, what would happen to you?" Verak asked back.

Keating had expected Veraker to say this a long time ago, and he replied simply and firmly: "I will suppress my grief as soon as possible and continue to do the work I should do. Because I know very well that you definitely don't want me to be devastated, You will be relieved to see that I am still bursting with energy and doing meaningful things as usual."

  Verak dodged his eyes, buried his head and ate again.

   "If I sacrifice, I will expect the same from you." Keating continued softly, "They are the same."

  Verak quickly picked up the rice, as if he was using this method to escape reality.

   Keating watched quietly.

   Before long, the meal was eaten up, and Verak had nothing to escape from.

  He could feel Keating still watching him, waiting for his reply.

  The two of them were silently deadlocked.

After a long time, Verak looked at Keating: "You are right. If one day I die, I hope that my death will not affect you in the slightest. You will still be unswerving in doing a great cause. Protect yourselves. Build a new world by yourself."

   "So you also have to put yourself in our and their shoes, don't you?" Keating said, "They are just as noble as you, they also disregard life and death, and they also hope that their death will not become a drag on their comrades."

   "Yes." Verak nodded.

"I told you what happened after my sacrifice today, not just to give you an example to make it easier for you to understand." Keating continued, "Maybe one day in the future... I will really die, and that's okay. Avoid. I want you to keep going, to be the unstoppable leader I want you to be, to live up to the expectations we all have.”

  Verak and Keating looked at each other: "If I sacrifice, I hope you will do the same."

   Keating smiled: "Then let's make an agreement."

  (end of this chapter)

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