Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 452: untitled

  Chapter 452 Untitled

  The two put down the two bags of bread, comforted the children, and left the alley.

   This behavior finally worked.

  Seeing the two tall adults put down their bread and leave the alley, the children who took the lead calmed down a bit, and did not take the initiative to rush out with some broken wooden sticks to fight Verak and the others to the death.

   Backing to the alley, Verak thought for a while and decided to give the children a little time and a little sincerity. He took out a gold ticket, waved it to the children, then put it on the ground and pressed it with stone bricks: "Let's go."

   "We're not looking for them to understand the situation—" Obrador realized that Verac couldn't understand what he said, so he gave up his plan to stay, "...Okay."

   "If they are still here tomorrow, we should be able to communicate with them." Verak is very clear that tomorrow is the key to getting closer to these children.

   "What?" Obrador didn't understand Verac's Bresci.

  Villac realized that he was subconsciously talking to Obrador in Bressi.

  His mother tongue is Blesi, and he has learned Dunman and Bash successively, and now he is working hard to learn Monlego, so it is inevitable that he will confuse them occasionally.

   "Are you talking about Bresey?"

   "It's okay." Verak waved his hand, "Let's go."

  Walking around the designated area, the time was just around noon. After the two went back, the other teams returned smoothly after a while.

  After lunch, everyone held a summary meeting.

"On the 15th, I sent a letter from Laquimoto City to the last station we left to report that we were safe. The time for the letter to be sent back was almost enough for us to reach Montrego City, so I was still in the letter. I left the address of my parents' cemetery, as well as the frequency band and time of telegram communication." Murphy first talked about the situation on their side, "Based on the time, they almost know that we are safe now, and will follow the letter. Prepare to establish a telegram contact at the agreed time. If the telegram contact is unsuccessful, they can also send a letter to the cemetery where my parents are located to reconfirm the contact time and frequency band..."

   "What time did you agree in the letter?"

"To be on the safe side, and to avoid wasting time, I set five dates in the letter to ensure that the letter arrives in their hands early or late, or we arrive in Montrego City early or late, there will be at least two or three attempts to establish Opportunity to contact. These five dates are October 19th, October 22nd, October 25th, October 28th, and October 30th." Murphy said.

   "Smart." Verak praised.

  In the case of inconvenient contact, Murphy was extremely considerate, which greatly improved their efficiency.

   "Connie and I's mission today is to purchase a radio telegraph and get in touch with the substation on the second appointed date tomorrow." Murphy clarified their current progress and short-term plan.

"Very good, you can briefly tell everyone about this matter." Verac couldn't find any faults in Murphy's work, and arranged for him to translate their communication in Bresci into Monrego and speak to Luo After Pace and the others listened, they sorted out the investigation results of the three teams all morning.

Lopez and De went to the area where they got off the train to understand the situation. The literate Lopez memorized half of the contents of the notebook quite seriously. To save trouble, he simply gave it to Murphy and asked Murphy to directly translate it to Wei lark.

  This is not only a summary meeting, but also a good opportunity to guide everyone, so Verac refused to report only to himself, and asked Lopez to make a public statement in Montrego, and Murphy was responsible for translating for himself and Connie.

"Okay, then let me say it, and I will speak slowly." Lopez took back his notebook and started from the first page, "The train station and the area around it are called Peña District, which is a city without A chaotic place of doubt. According to the residents there, there are two security bureaus in Peña District, but they don’t seem to provide any effective help in security. Ignoring the small fights, when gun battles and medium-scale weapon fights occurred, they just turned a blind eye and closed one eye, helping to cover them. The local snakes in the Peña District also gave the sheriff a face and never made trouble. Large-scale gun battles made it difficult for the sheriff. They maintained a balance between the two sides and plunged the Peña District into chaos, but it has not completely collapsed..."

   "It's not broken..." Connie said after listening to Murphy's translation.

"...The composition of local snake forces in Peña District seems to be quite complicated. Anyway, De and I asked a lot of people, and they each have their own arguments. One, they have a good relationship with the two security bureaus, maybe because of interests, there are conflicts from time to time. Okay, I'm done." After four or five minutes of speaking, Lopez finished talking about what he and De had learned in the morning.

"Very well said." Verac commented, "You have two points to be commended. The first point is that you were cautious when investigating, and pretended to be poor people who wanted to live in the Peña District. Let the special Asking the locals about the motives of local snakes becomes logical and will not arouse suspicion. The second point is that the content of the summary is more valuable and clear, which ensures the quality.”

   "This is what you told me." Lopez laughed.

  Verak looked at Yanez and Muskis, who are also orphans: "Comrade Yanez, Comrade Muskis, who in your team will be in charge of speaking?"

  Muskis, who was slightly older than Yanez, said, "Let me tell."

   "Okay." Verak listened attentively.

Perhaps influenced by Lopez's speech, Muskis deliberated for a while before speaking: "The area I went to with Yanez is between the area you are in charge of and the area in charge of Lopez, called the Maria area. The security conditions are better than those in Peña District, but the overall environment is much worse than the area you are in charge of. Yanez and I did not find any local snake forces in it. The only thing that is worth mentioning is that it may be because The land is cheap, and the warehouses of many commercial firms have been established here."

   After Murphy finished translating, Muskis still didn't speak after five or six seconds. Verak asked, "Is it gone?"

   "Not anymore." Musketine nodded.

"Okay." Verac felt that they actually prepared no less than Lopez's, but after listening to Lopez's own shortcomings, they made temporary cuts, "It's not bad, there are no unexpected situations, and there are stable gains. .”

   "Thank you," Muskis said.

   "Comrade Obrador, tell us about us." When it was Verac's turn, he handed over the task of speaking to Obrador.

   Obrador was obviously taken aback.

  Whoever looked at it, with Veraker present, it was not his turn to speak at all. But after quickly realizing that this was Verac training himself, Obrador immediately accepted it, and focused on the security and the group of children in the "Ordaz District" where they went.

   "There are still children?!" Connie was surprised, "Why do I feel that this is not a special case, but a common situation?"

   "What's going on, we still need to get in touch with the group of children tomorrow to understand." Verak said, "By the way, I want to ask you, didn't this happen in the two districts you went to?"


   "At least we didn't see it."

  Lopez and Muskis said one after another.

"It seems that the specific situation can only be known by asking those children." Verac plans to call Murphy to translate, otherwise, facing so many children of Montrego, he can only stare blankly at his level, "Murphy, tomorrow When will the communication with the substation be established?"


   "Are you going to prepare a radio telegraph this afternoon?"


   "Then come with me tomorrow morning. I need you to help translate when I communicate with those children." Verac and Murphy negotiated the time.

   "Okay." Murphy has no problem here.

   "That's it."

  The meeting was over, and none of the eight people had a lunch break, and set out to investigate the situation again.

  October 22nd, morning

  Villac, Obrador, Murphy, and Connie went to the Ordas area together, trying to communicate with the children hiding in the corner.

  Yesterday, Verac planned to assign Obrador to another group the next day, and bring a new comrade to study. But seeing that everyone got along well and played well, he temporarily dismissed this idea.

  Bringing Connie is because, as a woman, she has a stronger affinity and can more effectively appease the children and let them put down their guard.

   "In this alley?" Murphy confirmed when the alley came into view.

   "Yes, Comrade Obrador, please go buy some more bread." The bread is good and cheap, and it is the best help Verac can give to the children when funds are scarce. And it's not just the children. In order to save money, he is now setting an example by eating the lowest-priced food. "We bring food in, and remember to pay attention to our words and deeds. Those children may have experienced any dangers, and their personalities are very sensitive."



  After Obrador took out two more bags of food from the place where he bought bread last time, the four of them walked into the alley in a single line.

  In order to prepare the children mentally this time, Verac asked Murphy to use Montrego to make inquiries while walking.

   "Is anyone there? We're here to deliver food."

   "Is anyone there? We're here to deliver food."

  After speaking twice, four or five fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys walked out of the corner with sticks, posing for an attack on Veraker and his group.

  Seeing that the children were still there, Verak breathed a sigh of relief.

  The children did not leave, which means that they have judged and felt that Verak and others would not harm them, and the foundation of communication has been successfully laid.

  The children, big and small, who stood up one after another didn't shout, calling others to evacuate at any time, and creating good conditions for communication.

   "Show them the food, appease them, and explain why we're here." Virak said.

Obrador and Connie raised the bread in their hands, and Murphy was in charge of communicating: "Hello, we have no malicious intentions. We don't know what you have experienced before, but now we want to help you as much as we can .”

   "Who are you guys?!" The Kid King standing at the front asked coldly.

  He met many adults who drove them away, but this was the first one who gave them food and gold coupons. He didn't dare to relax, but he was also puzzled by the inexplicable kindness of these adults.

   Hearing the other party's questioning, Verak was overjoyed: "Continue to communicate."

   "I don't know if you've heard of the International Equality League, or the Equality Association?" In front of a group of children who couldn't get enough food and clothing, Murphy did not hide his identity after Verac's instruction.

   "Equal Society?" To children, the name Equal Society is much louder than the International Equality League. "Are you from the Equal Society?"

   "That's right, but the Equality Association has now changed its name to the International Equality Alliance." Murphy said.

"Stop lying to me. I've never heard of the existence of the Equality Society and the International Equality Alliance in Montrego. I'm not sure if it's fictional or not. What are you trying to do with the food you gave us?!" Kid King He clenched the stick tightly, and raised his voice, "If you want to take us away and do anything we don't want to do, then it's best not to think about it! We will never compromise!"

   "What is he talking about?" Veraker asked anxiously seeing the other party's mood suddenly unstable.

   Murphy translated the words of the lead boy into Bressi.

  After listening, Verak took out something he had prepared long ago—his own arrest warrant.

   "Give this to the other party, continue to appease, assure, and emphasize our purpose."

   "Can this work..." Murphy accepted the arrest warrant suspiciously, and threw it to the boy in a ball.

   "Pick it up." Kid King maintained a posture of attacking at any time, and ordered his companion to pick up the paper ball and spread it out for himself to see.

"This is a wanted warrant from the government. The person on it is Comrade Veraker, a core member of our International Equality League, who is the one next to me." Murphy pointed to Veraker and said, "We have just arrived in Montrego, and we plan to Revolutionary work is carried out here. After meeting you by accident, I want to learn something from you."

Kid King couldn't understand the words on the arrest warrant, but the photo on it looked exactly like the person in front of him, which made him a little shaken: "If you are really members of the International Equality League, why do you need a group of people like us to understand the situation? ?”

"Since you know the Equality Association and the International Equality League, you should also know that we were established to fight for equality and help the oppressed and exploited people. You are the ones who need to be helped, of course we must understand your situation " Murphy said, "Please rest assured, if we really have any bad thoughts, there is no need to send you food and gold coupons, just tell the Public Security Bureau, and you will all be arrested and manipulated .If you have any concerns, feel free to speak up, and we will try to communicate under conditions that make you feel safe."

  (end of this chapter)

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