Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 34: Dragon Lion Cliff Six

The stone door closed silently behind him, Siegel didn't notice it, and his entire attention was now on the gray shadow in front of him. As the distance shortened, he could see more and more clearly, until he realized that it was not a step at all, but the remains of some kind of huge creature. The straight spine and curved ribs fell to the ground, and from a distance it was mistaken for a flight of stairs. Next to the ribs, you can see the broken thick thighbone. The bones were blasted with holes by an unknown force, like a honeycomb, obviously unable to support the huge body. Backwards from the spine, the bones became thinner and thinner, and eventually turned into a sharp tail that was ten meters long; while forwards from the spine, there were only a few broken cervical vertebrae. The wreckage came to an abrupt end, so Siegel didn't see the monster's head.

Behind the huge wreckage, there is a three-storey cube building, all red, the surface seems to be made of crystal, and it will reflect a dazzling light under the light. Each side of the cube is divided into nine pieces, an image that reminds Siegel of a Rubik's cube toy. There was an open door on each side of the building, but only one of the doors was full of scorch marks—some kind of high-temperature flames that melted the crystals of the walls. Siegel, thinking of Erint's warning, decided to enter the door and take a look.

The door is open, and you can see that there is a hall inside, the floor is paved with marble, and the black pillars support the room. Beneath the pillars were piled with treasures of gold and silver.

Siegel stumbled into the room. He covered his mouth in surprise, otherwise he would have shouted hysterically. The dwarf only said "you can be as rich as me", and Siegel had already imagined as much as he could, but it was definitely not the scene in front of him. Gold nuggets of different sizes are stacked on top of each other, from the corners to the ceiling; jewels and jade are scattered all over the floor, like fallen leaves covered in a late autumn forest—these should all belong to the collection of giant dragons, mostly from the hills, Deep valleys are uncut treasures. In addition to this, there are many artworks, decorations and beautiful weapons. Perhaps these are the collections of the "Magician", perhaps the legacy of the "Dragon Slayer".

Anyway, these things are close at hand, and you can collect them.

Siegel knelt on his knees in the center of the hall, unable to say a word. He was so excited, his heart was beating wildly, but he still felt dazed and couldn't get enough air. The great wealth, far beyond his means, was constantly tempting him - not by making him depraved and evil, but by losing him. The brilliant light of gold and silver shone on the body, as fascinating as the holy light.

A sense of fear burst out from the depths of his soul, tightly gripping Siegel's throat, and he suddenly became unable to breathe. The black-haired boy dropped the lighting stick and staggered towards the door, until he was no longer illuminated by the light of the treasure and threw himself into the dark environment, did he feel the "rope" around his neck loosen a little. Siegel breathed greedily, relived the simple happiness of being alive, and retched on the ground.

Fortunately, he hadn't eaten anything, and he didn't make a mess around. After a while, this physiological response ceased, and he opened the water bladder and took a few sips slowly. After a short break, Siegel suddenly laughed. At first, the laugh was a little soft, and then it turned into a big laugh. This is not because of the ecstasy of the great wealth, but to laugh at the stupidity of almost losing my heart.

When he entered the hall again, he had already controlled his emotions. He would still be excited and happy, but he would no longer be crazy. He picked up the gems from the ground and let them slide down his fingers like a waterfall. Listening to the crisp sound of hitting the ground, and then only sighing: "This is much better than the troubadour singing about the wealth of the king!"

Siegel left the cloth bags at the foot of the mountain, so he couldn't bring much things. He looked around, only to find unusual treasures that were easy to carry. He stepped on the gem, and according to his own preferences, first pulled out a few weapons buried in it. To his disappointment, several weapons were ceremonial decorations, made of rare and expensive materials, with high artistic value, but were not made for actual combat applications. There are two two-handed swords of good quality, but Siegel can't carry such a burden on his back. Only a solid black dagger caught his mind. This dagger is not made of metal, nor is it a crystal gem, it is just a black rock edge, and there is not even any sign of sharpening. But Siegel gently flicked the surface of the dagger with his fingers, and even if he didn't touch the sharp point, he would still be cut through the skin and shed blood.

"What a sharp dagger," Siegel exclaimed. There is a soft scabbard to match it, and it can't be seen that it is made of animal skin, but it just won't be hurt by the dagger. Siegel pinned the thing to his belt, then threw away the other items—there was a second floor to go up and see.

Except for the stairs going up and down, the second floor was a completely empty room with nothing at all. There are no windows on the walls, no chandeliers on the ceiling, and the floor is polished like a mirror, spotless. Because there was nothing, Siegel didn't stay on this floor and climbed to the top floor.

Here is a combination of study and bedroom. On one side of the wall are three bookshelves filled with books of different sizes and thicknesses, next to which is a comfortable sofa and a set of writing desks. On the other side was a single bed, the silk quilt was lifted, and a pillow embroidered with gold thread fell into the gap between the bed and the cupboard. It was clean and tidy, as if the owner had just left. Siegel couldn't help but shouted, "Anyone?"

There wasn't even an echo.

"Okay, don't scare yourself anymore." Siegel looked around, and opened a few doors next to him to take a look - the kitchen, cloakroom, storage room and toilet behind. He was sure there was no one here.

"The mages of the Common Society haven't come here yet, what can I do?" Siegel scratched his chin and thought about it carefully. He used the toilet here first, then found some bread from the kitchen, dipped it in honey and ate it, and it still tasted good. There must be some power that preserves these things from the damage of time. Siegel doesn't understand the principle, but it's fine if it doesn't affect his use. Then the black-haired boy took off the quilt, tied the quilt cover with rope, and prepared to use this as a pocket.

He accidentally touched the pillow, causing it to fall from the crevice of the bedside table to the ground, making a crisp crashing sound. Siegel was very strange and picked up the pillow. He saw a metal key on the ground, strung as a necklace with silver thread, which should usually be hung around the neck.

The key is extremely cold and uncomfortable to hold. It is adorned with dwarven writing that means something like "mind" and "door lock". Siegel's Elvish language is already very good, but Dwarven language is a little bit worse, and there is a rare Dwarven dialect on the key, and Siegel can only recognize the approximate meaning.

"Having a key means unlocking." Siegel took the key and looked around. For the first time, he realized that finding a key to unlock is exactly the same as finding a lock with a matching key. He said to himself, "Where's the lock?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a light appeared in the void in front of the key, weaker than candlelight, in the shape of a keyhole. Siegel became curious, poked the key in, and twisted it in the air. The spot of light elongated into a thin strip that was one palm long, and then extended to the sides. Siegel held the key and stared blankly at the change of light until it formed a shimmering box in the sky. Inside the box is a separate space, about an arm deep, with two golden books, two small bags and two rings.

Siegel took out two books and found that they were exactly the same, with "A Study of Magical Constructs" written on the cover, and two mages' signatures on the title page - Lynch and Ossos. He threw the book aside and found that the floating box would change position with the movement of the key, and he could take things in and out at will. Siegel just thought it was a lot of fun, and threw a few books in from the shelf. He wanted to close this "portable space", so he tried to put the key in the middle of the box and stretched it out. Sure enough, the space stayed still, and then shrank into a spot of light, leaving the tip of the key and disappearing into the air.

"What a good thing!" Siegel was so satisfied that he hung the key around his neck and put it together with his twenty-sided dice. Then he carried the silk pocket and went to the bottom floor, first filling the space in his pocket, and then stuffing some random things into the bag.

At this time, the lighting rod burned to the end and could no longer emit light, and the surroundings immediately became pitch black. Even a brilliant gem cannot shine in a dull environment. Siegel took out the last lighting rod from the bag, and was about to use it, when he saw a few bright lights suddenly appear in the cave outside the Rubik's Cube.

He immediately became alert. It was only possible that an outsider had entered, perhaps a mage from the Common Society. Siegel didn't have time to run out of the cube, especially when there was no lighting at all - it was so easy to fall over and make a sound of whereabouts.

Siegel thought for a while, hid behind the gold nugget, covered his head with a huge gold cup, and weakened his breathing. The light outside was getting closer, and he also heard a few exclamations that seemed to praise the magnificence of the skeleton. There were the footsteps of three people, and the sound of bats flapping their wings.

Those footsteps stopped outside the Rubik's Cube, and then there was the sound of chanting spells like singing. The bats chirped and flew close, and then they heard the sound of lightning and thunder and the exclamation of a person. Siegel held back his curiosity motionless, just listening intently. After a while, the sound of explosions, loud lightning, and howling wind came from outside. A skeleton, empty-handed, walked slowly through the correct door.

Immediately afterward, three casters in robes, all holding long staffs, surrounded by swirling lights, slowly stepped into the hall full of treasures. Several people were also moved by this enormous wealth, trembling, weeping, and laughing loudly. They use magic to detect danger around them, but forget to detect living creatures. Siegel watched as they rummaged through the treasure. In order not to be discovered, he completely held his breath.

Above the sea, Siegel can hold his breath for a long time in order to catch a pearl, or find a valuable sea cucumber, or simply to demonstrate his diving skills. After his physical strength and stamina were both trained, the breath-holding time became longer.

The three guys searched for a while, put a lot of exquisite gems in their pockets, and enjoyed the excitement of making a fortune. One of them walked deep, rummaging through things and approaching the stairs. He kept his head down, all the colorful gold and silver jewelry in his sight. It wasn't until the stairs hit his back that he woke up.

The man looked at the other two, then quietly climbed the stairs.

A few minutes after he left, the other two finally realized something was wrong. They shouted, "Liars! Bastards! Traitors!" and rushed up with their wands.

Siegel didn't know what was going on above, but only vaguely heard the sound of arguing and fighting. There were flashes of light coming from the gaps in the stairs, and loud curses, the roar of thunder, and the wailing of pain after the injury.

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