Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 89: Survival four

There are many dangers in the volcanic tunnel, mostly hidden in the seemingly ordinary natural environment. This is where ice and fire meet, and there are always extreme situations. You might think the melted snow overhead would be icy and refreshing, but chances are it has been heated to the point where it can burn you. The ground under your feet is just temporarily calm lava in some places. The surface looks very solid, but if you step on it, the whole foot will be cooked. They also need to be careful of loose rocks, where intermittent shaking of the volcano widens the cracks between the rocks, so be careful with hands and feet. The air here is the most dangerous killer. It is very possible to take the wrong breath and the toxins in it will kill you. The two of them would rather be scalded, so they took off their shirts and put them on their faces, blocking their mouths and noses.

Salamanders hunt fire elementals at the bottom of the pit, which is a joyous game for them. But any one of them only had to look up and see two shadowy shadows moving upwards. Compared with the monotonous taste of the fire element, food made of flesh and blood is more popular with salamanders. They would hunt without hesitation, and the two of Siegel were basically unable to resist.

The higher you go, the lower the temperature in the air, the surrounding rocks are no longer too hot to touch, and the soles of your feet feel much better. Wonder how long it will take for the two escapes to be discovered? How far can two people run? Siegel tried not to think about these things, but to focus on what was to be done in front of him. Pay attention to the disturbance of the air and be careful of the poisonous smoke. Siegel kept reminding himself that he must breathe little by little even if he is holding back badly.

A salamander was knocked over by the fire element's struggle, just in time to see the two people advancing against the wall. The first thing it did when it turned around was to screech its head up. The salamander group found the two stowaways and chased after them. Flesh is more attractive than elemental creatures.

With the things in hand, it is impossible to defeat these salamanders no matter what, running on the mountain road is not their opponent. Siegel almost fell into despair. At this time, the mountain suddenly swayed, and rubble continued to fall from the mountain wall. The lava at the bottom of the pit began to boil, and the constantly bulging bubbles blasted the magma high. The salamanders looked at each other and quarreled with each other, but finally decided to turn around and escape into the cave passage at the bottom of the pit, leaving only the fire elementals dancing happily in the lava. Siegel wasn't in the mood to appreciate the dance, and even though it was his first time seeing a volcano, he knew something bad was going to happen.

"Hunk!" The orc shouted, and then began to run wildly, followed by Siegel. At this time, it was no longer necessary to consider why the "just right" earthquake occurred. Even if he had doubts in his heart, Siegel knew that he could survive by leaving here quickly. This was the most important thing. The ground vibrated more and more under their feet, and many vent holes appeared on the mountain wall, increasing from bottom to top. As long as it is sprayed, whether it is temperature or toxin, it can be fatal. Siegel quickly took out the fat, only the size of two fingernails, and could only release a light weight. This and this kind of inferior material will cause the spell to be unstable, which already involves energy, and it is even more difficult to maintain during running. Siegel took a deep breath, knowing that he only had one chance.

He stopped, focusing all his attention on the spell and sensing the fluctuations of magical energy. The surrounding fire element affects his spellcasting, but the strong eruption of airflow enhances the vitality of the air element, which is the only good news. When the Maw of the Volcano began to let out an earth-shattering roar, even Siegel's voice chanting a spell was completely muffled. The fat was consumed, and the spell barely completed. The air elemental elf happily wrapped around Siegel's limbs and supported his armpit, increasing the speed of the mage in all directions - even if it was only for a while.

Siegel chased after a few steps. There was no wind resistance, only assistance. This was the power of magic. Poisonous gas will not get close, because only the purest air can get close, and toxins and acid are both products of the earth, not vassals of the gas element. The Hunk orc stumbled forward. He took a breath of poisonous smoke and almost lost consciousness. Now he is completely relying on his strong will and physical fitness. Siegel caught up with him, reached for the cellmate, and dragged him forward.

This behavior makes the spell energy drain faster, but the mage doesn't care. He calculated that it was enough to get out of the crater before the spell expired. But at this time, the volcano suddenly shook violently, and the entire mountain swayed up and down, left and right. The two were thrown up and slammed hard against the rock. The passage in front of them collapsed, the last section of the road turned into a cliff, and at this time they were still ten meters away from the exit.

"Can you climb it?" Siegel observed the rock wall. There are concave holes and protruding rocks everywhere, and there are many places to let go. His body lightness is still there, there is no problem in climbing here, the only thing to worry about is the orcs.

Under the influence of the poisonous smoke, the orc's condition was very bad. His eyes were blurred, his head was dangling, and his consciousness was obviously not very clear. Siegel patted him on the face, barely able to concentrate. There was no time to waste, Siegel thought, and something had to be done as soon as possible. He took out the chain that bound the prison door, wrapped it around the orc's armpit, and tied the other end to his waist.

As for the idea of ​​letting go of the orcs, it just flashed through his mind without causing any waves.

Siegel climbed up first, and Humke followed closely. They only climbed three meters before they found the problem. There are plenty of places to stand on the wall here, but few safe points of support. The rock and lime-soil structure has long since been unstable in the earthquakes that the volcano continues to create. Perhaps the spiral passage could be supported here before, but the last shock also became extremely unstable up the mountain. Siegel grabbed the rocks several times, and stepped on a lot of gravel under his feet, so he couldn't stand still. This can only be achieved with the help of the body light technique. If a half-orc comes to climb, it will definitely happen, and at that time, Siegel will bear the weight of two people. The mage doesn't think he has such a good climbing ability.

Siegel jumped back to the passage and pulled out a few of his own hair in the half-orc's puzzled eyes. If there is spider silk as the casting material, it is the most ideal situation, and there is no need to endure the pain of plucking. But the stickiness of the silk will affect Siegel's final desired result, and the hair might work wonders.

"Well, this can't be called cobweb surgery, it can only be called a headband..." Siegel rubbed his aching head and ruffled his hair in his hands. He mobilized the surrounding magical energy, carefully transformed the elements of the spell, and tried to maintain the stability of the spell structure. It only took three seconds for the spell to fail, but Siegel understood the missing element of the spell: the material must have an intertwined structure, or at least enough curl, otherwise it will directly affect the final shape.

Siegel has straight hair, so does Hunk, where is the entangled curly structure around it? Siegel was stunned for three seconds, his brain spinning rapidly, his eyes searching around. Everything was shaking, like a sick man with a cold sniffling, ready to sneeze hard—a deadly lava-flaming sneeze. Fortunately, the poisonous smoke has faded a lot, and Hunk's situation has improved. Time is running out, there is no other way, Siegel thought. He reached into his trousers, endured the excruciating pain, and pulled out the casting material.

"There will never be a next time." Siegel resisted the tears and discomfort, and at the same time, with the determination that he must succeed once, he began to mobilize magical energy again. This time, the spell finally took effect, and a large piece of vine-like filament mesh covered the rocky mountain wall, forming a reinforced structure two meters wide and eight meters high, extending all the way to the top of the cliff. Unlike cobwebs, it does not have any adhesion ability, but penetrates the filaments into the cracks of the rock, connects the loose parts into a whole, and shares the force together. This allowed Siegel to find a stable point of support and to climb up with his hands and feet free.

He walked up three meters and found that the chain around his waist was tightened. He looked back and saw that Hunk was still standing on the ground. He stared at the wall covered with filaments, his expression stunned, and he has been hesitating whether to put his hand on it.

"What time is it, still hesitating?" Siegel reprimanded loudly: "If you want to die here, just say it!"

"Hunk! Hunk!" The orc finally made up his mind and tried his best to climb up. Siegel pulled him to share his weight. As they climbed, the walls disintegrated, but at least they held up until they managed to climb over the crater.

Above the volcano, the strong wind is a living thing, roaring and roaring around them like a lone wolf in the wilderness, mixed with the explosion of magma and the eruption of strong airflow, shouting loudly: "Run, run." Two people Rush down the volcano, and pick places where there is still snow. Lava is already flowing from the outside of the mountain, forming fiery rivers, so only the snow-covered areas are safe. Siegel fears that as the temperature rises, the snow on the entire hillside will loosen, possibly leading to a large avalanche.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not happen. The volcano did not fully erupt. It just shattered the top of the mountain, billowing thick smoke, and projected thousands of dark red flame flower clusters outwards, within a radius of three miles. There was a catapult siege show. The two of them rushed down together, and everyone was covered in snow, like a chubby snowman. They dropped more than 400 meters and stopped before a hot spring lake. The two were cold and hungry, sweat soaked their clothes and froze on their bodies, and Siegel's hands and feet were shaking constantly, which was a sign of a rapid drop in body temperature. If they don't do anything, they will soon lose consciousness.

But there is no place to hide around, only a huge and deep snow valley that is empty. The water of the hot spring has a sulphurous smell, it is definitely not drinkable, and it cannot be heated at this temperature - unless you want to cook the meat. But here provides him with another important casting material: sulfur. Siegel walked to the Sulphur Lake, where yellow crystals were everywhere, and there were a lot of them when he grabbed it with his hand.

Since he learned that this place is near the volcano through the mouth of the troll, Siegel has made a plan and carefully screened the available spell materials and corresponding spells in his mind. Charcoal and nitrate are necessary materials for the spell, and if there is sulfur, the effect of this spell will be more powerful, stable and long-lasting.

He took off the cloth bag, placed the broken bones, beetle shells, charcoal, sulfur, and nitrate powder together, and cut his fingers with broken pottery pieces to squeeze out It is indeed very convenient to use blood to assist the casting material. But Siegel also knew that this method wouldn't work well either. Except for the blood magicians who specialize in this technique, others do not master the special recovery potion that is suitable for their own constitution. According to the research of the Master, it is not only the nutrition of the body, but also the affinity for magic elements that flows with the blood. To put it simply, too much bloodletting will reduce the power of spells in the future. There is no special recovery potion, and the material-free spells in blood magic should be used as little as possible.

The Hunk Orc shivered in the cold wind, clasped his arms tightly to his chest, and watched Siegel cast spells. The flames first rose from the charcoal, then burned violently with the help of sulfur and nitrate, producing thick black smoke and dazzling fire. Siegel threw the broken bones and worm shells into the black smoke, and under the command of the spell, he saw the black smoke envelope the two things, making them suspended in the air. The shell represents the outer skin, the broken bones represent the inner, the smoke makes up the muscles, and the flame provides the drive. Siegel used his ingenious spell control ability to successfully cast the summoning spell he had meditated on many times. In front of the two people, a black takin appeared.

"Our mount." Siegel stepped forward and touched the takin. The shoulder of the cow is about one meter five feet from the ground, and the back is wide and long, and it is covered with soft fur. Takins in nature are grumpy, but summoned creatures will always obey the summoner's commands. The takin bowed his head meekly and let Siegel ride his long horns on his back. The Humk orc also climbed up and curiously touched the long hair on the cow's back.

Siegel stuffed a piece of charcoal into the mouth of the summoned creature, which further extended the duration of the spell. They left the erupting volcano behind and rode takin down the mountain.

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