The attacker was Ji Qinger.

The upright girl's waist-length ponytail has been spread out, and the black hair like Mo Mo will bloom like a huge Mo lotus every time she turns around. And even more dazzling than the blooming of the black lotus is the blood flower blooming on the girl's body. Xie Zhifei couldn't even count the number of wounds on the girl's body.

Just a cursory look, you can see no less than twenty wounds, and the cuts in the suit look like open mouths. It's just that the girl is even more broken and even has a ferocious body, which makes this should be fragrant clothing unbearable to look directly at. The field is covered with deep or shallow sword marks and gun marks, and blood stains are like children smearing paint at will.

Another blow was dodged, and the girl turned around and quickly approached with one deep and one shallow step. The crooked movement was not a tactic or a way to confuse judgment, but because the knee joint of the left leg was twisted at an abnormal angle. write. That foot was no longer able to exert force and support normally, so the posture of letting the girl run became extremely strange.

But even so the girl rushed forward very fast, the blue sword light seemed to be able to travel through time and space, and quickly chased after the sand. In the face of certain supernatural opponents or opponents who are not good at physical skills, the girl may have succeeded in this blow. But her opponent is Nazaruddinsha.

The spear bearer did not have the almost endless terrifying ability like Catherine, nor the exquisite and mysterious skills like Chen Bingyi and Edward, nor did Scipio's magical weapon that could almost overwhelm everything. He only has the black spear in his hand, and he doesn't have any other black spear worthy of praise except for its sturdiness.

But he is still one of the only eight seeds in the four major organizations, because he has become an existence on the same level as several other people by virtue of that black spear. There are many people who are good at physical arts and weapons. Xie Zhifei, who combines ability and skill training, inheritors like Ji Qinger, and even an existence like Lan Python Galawa can be said to be good at physical arts. .

But none of them have Shaqiang. It's not that it's inferior in any way, but the overall strength, speed and skill are overwhelmed. Xie Zhifei was still able to make such a judgment even if he had only seen the opponent's previous two battles. Nazarudinsha, in terms of physical skills, is the strongest in the field.

Ji Qing'er's sword that seemed to span time and space, when the opponent twisted his right hand, the black spear swirled and bounced out of an almost impossible position. He blocked Ji Qing'er's sword. Then press down instantly!

What is a genius is that when faced with a problem that ordinary people don't even know how to deal with, they can instantly come up with five, six or even more than ten solutions, and each of them can be easily done. . They always have countless paths to choose from.

But Sha is not such a genius, he never had so many paths to choose from, he only had his spear. Therefore, his solution has always been only one, and that is the black spear in his hand. Because everything depends on this black spear, this black spear can solve everything.

Ji Qinger's attack was stopped. Facing the shot from the sand, she had almost no choice but to retreat. At this distance, she had no way to dodge. But she didn't do it, she pulled away as much as she could, and the tip of the spear slid across her shoulder and added a deep wound there, but she didn't see the same handing out a sword with the other hand. . This blow in exchange for injury is just as difficult to succeed.

Her way of attack was almost crazy, but Xie Zhifei knew that she was not crazy, and her eyes were extremely calm. The sword in her hand was also extremely stable, and she knew very well that the next blow in exchange for this blow would not cause any damage to Sand. But he chose to resist without hesitation. Because once she gave in, the battle rhythm that was originally in her hands would be snatched back by Sha without hesitation. And she has no chance of getting it back.

And once she loses even the rhythm of the battle, it will become an extravagant hope for her to even leave a trace on the sand. It is almost impossible to achieve such a practice that the battle suddenly explodes at the end and then perishes with the opponent. Especially for a fighting style like sand.

It should have been said before that Sha's play style is very stupid, and the way of accumulating victories by recklessly and hard is not beautiful, not easy, and even the damage is quite high. But the advantage of this style of play is stability! As long as the opponent is weaker than himself, the possibility of losing does not exist in his dictionary.

Therefore, Ji Qinger has been insisting on this method of exchanging injuries for possible, stubborn, crazy, almost self-mutilating tragic attacks to firmly grasp the rhythm of the battle in the hands of the originally weak self.

"How to do?"

"I don't know, I can only call and talk."

"What if you can't beat it?"

"Then keep fighting."

"I'll fight first, but I can't fight, you continue. You fight first, but I can't fight, I'll continue." The words I had talked with Ji Qinger leaning on the guardrail about what to do when facing the sand were replayed in my ears word for word.

At that time, Ji Qinger said very light and light words, but now it seems that every word contains a thunderbolt, and it explodes with a bang, which is full of **** smell. What she said was simple, and her purpose was equally simple.

She fought first, but it was time to Xie Zhifei. If Xie Zhi had to win, she couldn't simply make two moves and then admit defeat. It is necessary to create a real possibility for Xie Zhifei. Sand has no weaknesses or flaws, just like an iron nugget. What Ji Qinger does now is to gnaw a weak point on this iron nugget with teeth, blood and bones.

Hitting a stone with an egg is already extremely tragic, and it is almost an illusion that the water droplets want to break the stone. But after the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 water droplets smashed into pieces on the stone, there was always a glimmer of hope that could be torn apart.

There are only two people Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger, but they are neither eggs nor water droplets, so even if there are only two people relaying, they are equivalent to the sum of millions of water droplets. But to do this, all you need to do is swallow the pain of millions of water droplets smashing into them.


Chapter 138 One person and one sword

Xie Zhifei understands all these reasons, but this does not prevent him from clenching his teeth. He didn't even have the courage to pray that Ji Qinger couldn't take it any longer when his heart softened. Because he knows better than anyone else, if it's just like this, he still can't win Sha.

So even if the scene has reached this situation, no, it should be said that it is precisely because of such a situation and scene that he does not dare to soften his heart. He even had to pray that Ji Qinger could persevere and continue such a tragic battle, because it was not enough, and he had to work hard.

Once you give up at this time, the previous effort will become completely meaningless. The so-called plan is such a thing, the weak always need to pay enough price to defeat the strong. Big or small difference.

Time and sweat can make you stronger.

Payments such as laxatives, poisons, and assassinations are material losses.

Tactics and planning are the same, but a reversal of strength and weakness is guided by a little loss. There is no essential difference in this kind of pay. The simpler the plan, the more things you need to pay.

There was no place for plots and trajectories in a blank arena, so Xie Zhifei could only choose the simplest and most basic plan. So they need to pay enough blood and flesh.

Ji Qinger, who was separated by another sword, didn't give up. Facing the sand who was dodging sideways, she squeezed a step further and slammed into his arms with a heavy shoulder. The new strength after the old strength has been exhausted does not even have a breath, which can only be described as reluctance. Even if Sha didn't expect to be bumped into it, he just shook his body and didn't utter a groan.

One inch long and one inch strong, this kind of close-fitting bunt, but not the black spear in Sha's hand, I saw his chest that was knocked back shrank, and he hit back at a faster speed. The chest hit the shoulder again, but this time both the force and the force changed direction. Ji Qinger's center of gravity, who was reluctant to walk, was unstable, and she was led to a twist, and then she retreated.

Even so, Sha was unwilling to give up, and he took off the spear with his left hand and hit Ji Qinger's forehead with him. Ji Qinger, who had already retreated violently, shot out even more, and barely stood still after retreating several meters away.

Two black and red blood columns meandering like small snakes flowed out from under her nose, and dripped down her face to the ground, making the small face that was already pale and pale as a servant. Ji Qing'er raised her arm and wiped it, and this movement made her whole body sway for a while, almost falling to the ground.

Everyone could see that her body had reached a certain limit, and even standing was just trying to support her. Not to mention fighting. After the sand was solid with one palm, a retracted spear stood on the spot. Although he didn't speak, he already understood the meaning. He was waiting for Ji Qinger to admit defeat.

Ji Qinger, who was shaking several times because of wiping the blood, finally stood still, her sleeves snoring on her face, making the black and red blood even more wiped. "What's the matter? If you don't fight, you have to admit defeat?" Then she asked the sand in front of her, and she even pulled out a smile. It's just that such a smile seems like a strong support. Xie Zhifei's heart seemed to be squeezed by someone, and his mouth opened, but he couldn't say the words, like a thirsty fish.

Of course Sha understood what Ji Qinger was saying, but he did not answer, nor did he mean to persuade or explain anything. Instead, he silently held the black spear on his back in front of his chest. Ji Qinger's meaning was just as clear, unless I couldn't get up again, surrender would be impossible.

Sand is not an expressive person, nor is he a talkative person. He certainly couldn't choose to surrender at such a time out of respect or pity for his opponent, and he wouldn't even say a word of persuasion. As long as the other party has not conceded defeat, they must go all out to treat them. This is the real respect.

So without any dialogue or confrontation between eyes, the two started to charge again in unison. One side was staggering and the other was steady, but they both slammed into the other side in such an impartial manner, without the slightest concession, they were relieved and determined.

The sand steps are extremely fierce, and every step is like a bomb shattering underfoot. He bent down and threw his arms, and handed out the black spear with all his strength. The black spear traveled in the air with difficulty, making a crisp sound, tearing the air as if it was tearing brocade, and forcibly pulling out several lines of black ink. The dragon Jiao slaughtered Ji Qinger in front of him with this spear.

Ji Qinger, who was staggering, held the thin sword Qingmang in his hand. The sword energy had been shattered again and again before, but the sword was still condensed and powerful, as if it were real. Then the spears and swords collided, nothing fancy.

The two majestic auras collided with each other, and it was strangely forbidden, as if the vibration and sound had been annihilated. The next moment, the clothes on the chests of the two of them shook like ripples layer by layer, accompanied by a heavy collision sound like Huang Lu Dazhong.

This sound didn't look like two light weapons could produce it. The green light on Ji Qinger's sword shattered into pieces. A jade dream was unfolded in front of her, and they strangled all the dragons that came over. .

But this is still not enough. Even if the two are of the same level, the sword, a light weapon used for stabbing, and the spear, do not have the slightest advantage. Besides, Ji Qinger was completely suppressed by Sha in terms of strength and speed.

As the green light dissipated, the rapier began to be curved by the black spear, and an astonishing arc was bent back from the middle. And Ji Qing'er just stopped the nose, two more blood gushing out. For the first time, her hand holding the sword began to tremble violently.

"Ding——" Huang Lu's big bell rang, and a crisp sound was particularly distinct. It was the crisp sound of the sword in Ji Qing'er's hand, and the sword flew upside down from her hand after a crisp sound!

Almost everyone sighed and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, relieved that they didn't have to see this girl attack again and again like a self-mutilating tragic attack. Crazy girl finally lost.

Then, before the thought dissipated, they were astonishingly aware that Ji Qing'er's sword stance did not dissipate because of the sword's release, but instead became more jagged and steeper.

Since ancient times, swordsmen have been like literati, one of them pays attention to writing in one stroke to govern the country and the world, and the other pays attention to the injustice of Haiqingheyan with one sword. Therefore, Jianzhao is like calligraphy. It pays attention to the clear and hearty details. When one thing is uneven, one sword is flat. Fast and sharp.

One wave after another, the sword move that the sesame blossoms are rising steadily does not exist. Therefore, the lack of sword strength naturally means that the sword is not finished! The sword is lost, the sword is not finished yet! Where is that sword? What does she take out of the sword?

Then all of them saw the sword, and the majestic blue air descended from the sky, as if a Yangtze River was pouring down, just like Lao Tzu left Hangu Pass in the west, the purple air was three thousand miles away, and it was Ji Qinger's endless stream. Sword Qi. And the front of that sword qi is her own who has no sword in her hand!

Her last sword was not the sword in her hand, but herself! A river is a sword, and a person is also a sword.


Chapter 139 Win or Lose

When facing Alice, Xie Zhifei saw Ji Qinger's sword slash across the river, and the sword was flowing like a surging river. It was also after that sword that she fell into a state of deep sleep and epiphany.

After waking up, her fast sword turned into a sword just a short distance away, as if a gap, her sword flower could pull out a bamboo forest, as real as an illusion. But Xie Zhifei, the sword of Hengjiang, has never seen her use it again. It wasn't until today that he understood that the reason she didn't use it was not because the sword was not strong enough. But this sword has become stronger.

If the previous Hengjiang was a rushing river, then the sword she hit now is a long river falling from the sky, flying down three thousand miles, like the Milky Way falling down!

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