"You knew I would come?" Xie Zhifei's voice trembled slightly.

"Of course you will come back." The human figure stood up, turned his head, and the front was also broken. "You are the last scene of this drama, of course, it is essential!"

"Big drama?" The madness in his voice made Xie Zhifei's hair stand up in an instant, and the sad and desperate man in front of him turned into a madman who wanted to destroy the world at this moment.

"Yeah, the big drama. It's about revenge, conspiracy, and youth and salvation." His voice softened, "Come on, hero, you can't miss such an important time..."

Violent shaking and firelight spread from the ground at the same time, and several cracks quickly spread in the square. The scattered and beautiful house buildings became toys that children randomly put together. Firelight and lava spread out from the ground. The fire snake that also exploded fell from the sky, and it was a semi-solid rock with hundreds of kilograms falling from the sky. In the thick smoke, a huge figure stood up. Like a king who destroys the world.

In the silent city just now, all the people who disappeared appeared at this moment, crying, wailing, and screaming like a purgatory on earth.

Xie Zhifei squatted down, stabilized his body with his hands, and then looked through the crowd to the church. The broken figure was still standing there, without any intention of avoiding it. But for some reason, the huge fireball that fell from the sky and the cracks on the ground seemed to be consciously avoiding him and moving forward.

"What the **** is this?!" Xie Zhifei shouted at him with all his strength.

The human figure turned his head and opened his hands wide, as if Moses who parted the Red Sea was embracing this purgatory-like world, the cracks passed under his feet, and a huge stream of fire rushed towards him from behind. A wall of flames several meters high swelled up on the ground, and then was smashed down by the stream of fire from the sky, forming an even bigger explosion.

However, Xie Zhifei saw that the lips made of fragments moved before the human figure was annihilated in the magma and flames, but no sound came out...


Chapter 5 Sicily

When will a war end? There are many related claims, and one of them is this. The real death of a human being is when the last person who remembers him forgets him or dies, and his last existence in society is also worn away. At this time, he is completely dead. And the same is true of war, when the last of the people loyal to the defeated side sheds the last drop of blood, the war ends.

So even if the war in the real sense is over, the victors are still not done with what they need to do. Religion, culture, belief, blood, and history, cutting off all the spread of the defeated side from an all-round perspective will become their first things to do at a time.

Therefore, throughout history, after each dynasty reformed, it would tear down the tomb of the subjugated country in the name of brutality, leaving not even the last thought. Even if it is rehabilitated in the history books, it is mostly a hundred years later. Only the Qing Dynasty is excluded, so even though his rule has been several generations, there are still countless people with lofty ideals who have become legends under the banner of 'anti-Qing and restoring Ming'. You must know that compared with the Tang and Song Dynasties, the rulers of the Ming Dynasty, especially the late Ming Dynasty, were not wise emperors and emperors.

So Xie Zhifei felt so strange when he saw the scenery of the heart. How could there be a place where so many traces of different dynasties, cultures and religions coexist? In particular, Christianity and Islam have historically had a near-dead relationship. There, the Gothic spire and the halal dome of the church are far from each other. The middle is lined with Balot and Norman-style suspended ceilings. How can such a crazy place exist in the world?

But now he knows, such a crazy place really exists! On the largest island in the Mediterranean, a place called Sicily, is such a crazy existence.

From the beginning of the third century BC, Sicily was divided by Rome, East Rome, Ostrogoth, Byzantine Empire, Arab Empire, Islamic regime in North Africa, Sicilian Emirate, Norman Empire, Kingdom of Sicily, Holy Roman Empire, France, Italy... The ten regimes alternated back and forth.

Among them, the beliefs have changed several times, but the really amazing thing is that the Muslims and Christians who were almost mortal enemies in the Middle Ages. In this land, there is no criticism of each other. Instead, there is a taste of peaceful coexistence. All the famous cathedrals in Sicily have been modified several times, not destroyed, and it is precisely because of this situation that multiple architectural features appear at the same time. on a building.

It is conceivable to imagine that it was a time when two nations, even dozens of nations and several nations could fight a war for hundreds of years for the sake of faith. Sicilian people under Islamic rule were actually allowed to believe in Christianity, and only had to pay a small poll tax, and the same was true for Muslims during the Christian period.

Looking at the piles of history, Xie Zhifei's scalp was numb, and the change of dynasties on that small island turned out to be so frequent and rapid. Almost every page of history is a war, and every word can drip blood.

But compared to the piles of thick historical materials and textbooks, placing another kraft paper envelope sealed with blood-red sealing wax is the focus of his real concern. What is contained in it is not recorded on the bright side, but belongs to the history of another world.

There are not many things in the paper bag, and it can't even match the tome next to it, but if it is compared with the precipitation of history, any one page can knock down the other pile. The oldest scrolls in it are even written on tanned parchment, and in the days before papyrus was invented, the whole of Europe used such expensive and unpreservable things to record culture and history.

The wizards also believed that the words recorded on the parchment would have special magic powers, and they would keep goats in caves. Let them grow up without the sun for a lifetime, then kill them in a full moon night, skin them, and write spells in the filthy blood of virgins. This way you can connect with the demons in the depths of hell.

The document in Xie Zhifei's hand was not a document used to summon demons, but the text on it had clearly passed through more than a thousand years, and it was still red as blood. The grammar and meaning of old English are almost completely different from what they are now. Xie Zhifei has been able to have a level of unimpeded conversation with Agrace and Catherine, and it is still extremely difficult to read.

He could only stumble and stumble, but even under such circumstances, the history revealed in those thin documents still made Xie Zhifei tremble.

Why is there almost no quiet time in this land, when war is eternal as its theme? Why didn't all regimes go through the war against the previous regime to the end, and why, religions can even live in peace there.

Because no matter who rules Sicily, they will always be outsiders to this land, and Sicily has always been a paradise for aliens and monsters. Since the ancient times, it has been ruled by weirdness! until now!

This fact made Xie Zhifei feel cold behind his back. Of the four major organizations, the strongest might be hard to say. But the oldest and most extreme, the Vatican can almost be said to be the first. Since the time of Augustine, the tyrant of truth, the word cruelty has almost run through this history when the Vatican treats the eccentrics under its rule.

It's hard to imagine that under such circumstances, the eccentrics of Sicily could rule a land with grandeur. As for why they have such capital, there is no record in the text. You must know that after the thousand-year **** war, there may be only Sicily who are still active in the world.

If the others are not like celestial foxes, they will hide in the world, and the rest will be hunted and killed. Under this situation, it is conceivable how arrogant the aliens in Sicily are even above the government.

But originally, these things had nothing to do with him, after all, it was the rotten pot of the Vatican. There is no need for the Fool to come out here.

But the problem is that Houtu shows that prophecy, the nearly falling moon, the crumbling island, and the massive black shadow. If you use Houtu, this is a thing that will not develop well and may destroy the world.

It was also on this day that Xie Zhifei had a new understanding of the concept of events that destroyed the world. In the words of Houtu, almost every day, there may be countless events that may destroy the world. For example, a waste disposal worker at a nuclear power plant catches a cold, and a sneeze causes a bacterium to be irradiated and mutated. become an unsolvable pathogen.

It's just the size of the possibility, and the possibility is almost 0.01 in 10,000. And an event with a probability of 11% is already very terrifying.

The threat of this incident, Houtu just smiled and did not answer. But that smile was enough to make everyone present feel the horror from the bottom of their hearts.

So Xie Zhifei now has to start from scratch to study these documents, and that wonderful island, and prepare to die for the world.

"Conspiracy is intertwined with conspiracy, mask and mask under the mask, who is the enemy? Who is the friend?"


Chapter 6 Youth One

The most prosperous time in a person's life is around the age of thirty, when both physical and mental strength reach the highest point. And if you want to say when is the best time in your life, the answer will probably be the period from high school to college. People often call it youth with a nostalgic tone.

So what are your memories of this period in high school? A boy or girl with a crush, an annoying teacher, a lost fight, a class game, a thrilling skipping class?

In the days when self-consciousness was just maturing, most of everyone's cognition of the world came from the stories told by others. Therefore, it leads to a chaotic contradiction between the two emotions of fantasy and longing for a better future and fear of an uncertain future at the same time. But it is also because of this contradictory mood that the magnificent colors of this period have collided.

That being said, the truth is, the real high school life is, for the most part, learning, learning, and learning. Real life is never the same as the stories in movies and TV series. It is not so colorful. Massive knowledge fills most of the time. All the other small stories and emotions can only be struggling under the mountain of learning. Survive.

Xie Zhifei was not originally among the oppressed students. After all, he was different from those second-generation rich and official, but in a sense, his future life was already planned. .

But since the original is used, it means that now he also needs to return to the embrace of the almost endless sea of ​​learning. Naturally, this reason could not be because he suddenly felt the importance of learning again, but because of the big words 'task required'.

The influence of Houtu was not only seen by Xie Zhifei alone, but everyone saw a different heart storm. In Houtu's words, it was, 'She jutting out a small flower in the river that belongs to their future ahead of time. of sparks. ’ But the only thing that may be the same is that no matter who’s in the water, Xie Zhifei appears in a form of existence.

This is an incident related to him. Although Xie Zhifei himself can't quite imagine what role he can play in an event that may even cause the destruction of the world. But it does not affect the leaders' decision to let him participate in this operation after research.

After all, according to Houtu, the future they see is already a relatively good result. Although Xie Zhifei didn't understand how it could be called a city that was on the verge of collapse and destruction that day. But after all, if the random changes in the future cause the butterfly effect, it may lead to greater harm and make people dare not act rashly.

And if it's just Xie Zhifei going to Sicily for a mission, it doesn't have much to do with him having to study in high school. And where does this situation manifest itself in impermanence? It is reflected in the surprise of development.

"Conspiracy is intertwined with conspiracy, mask and mask under the mask, who is the enemy? Who is the friend?"

At the end of the prophecy, Houtu immorally gave such a bluffing conclusion without any cause and effect. It even made Xie Zhifei feel that her LEVEL had dropped a bit.

But no matter what, it must be taken seriously, especially after Ai carefully analyzed this sentence, it made everyone feel uneasy. The appearance of the word conspiracy will make people feel very frightened, especially after the appearance of the fifth party of the Destiny Arena, from the point of view of the skeleton, the previous Cato blood incident in Longcheng, and they are absolutely divorced. It doesn't matter. In the arena, he also directly entered the semi-finals. If it weren't for Catherine's domineering, who knows if the champion of this session would be taken off by them?

Such a viper-like opponent hiding in the dark will naturally make everyone more cautious. Besides, there is a darker and more terrifying possibility.

Could there be a shadow of the Vatican in the mastermind behind this conspiracy? The meaning of conspiracy and conspiracy intertwined is very clear, not only one party is involved, but they are playing against each other. Isn't this exactly the state of the self-governing weirdos in the Vatican and Sicily?

Add the words mask, friend, and foe. Basically, people can cross out the Vatican on the negotiation list. And not only can't trust them, but also deal with them as low-level bosses.

This state of cooperation and hostility is actually the main body of the four major organizations. That organization did not place or was placed one or two, or even many spies, spies, counterintelligence and other things from other organizations? Therefore, too much writing and movement will inevitably lead to the reactions of several other organizations.

If you let the broken army fly to Sicily with great fanfare, it is estimated that just after crossing the Chinese border, it will face off against other world frontiers. The worst outcome could even lead to the complete disappearance of a flight. Not without prior experience. A certain line of flight MH37 is not an example.

Until now, its wreckage has not been found. Even if it is just the wreckage, modeling and simulating its destruction will still have an unimaginable impact on the current scientific system.

Therefore, the premise for Xie Zhifei to go to Sicily to solve this problem has become, to be natural and to have little impact. It is best to make people feel that this is something that has absolutely nothing to do with the mysterious world.

After getting such a request, Xie Zhifei also thought about how he could go to Sicily under this so-called requirement of being natural and having little influence. But when he learned that method, he was still shocked.

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