Yi Nian also fell back to the side and reached out to help him. Xie Zhifei's mind became more and more aware of the gap between the two. Although the strength and speed may be similar, the difference in skills is obvious. Most of the time, I still rely on brute force to break the game, but I think more cleverly. So this time it was clear that he paid a higher price, but it was Yi Nian who left traces on Ron.

"We have different abilities, and you have done a good job." Yi Nian clearly saw what he was thinking, and comforted him. "The skills will be practiced after going out. First, think of sending the goods in front of you to life!"

Xie Zhifei nodded, and also turned his head to look at the Holy White Spirit in front of him. After the two retreated, the ice wall that was not smashed automatically shattered. Ron came out from behind, and the knife stabbed at its right front chest, where the front hoof and the torso meet, which can barely be called the shoulder.

But the wound didn't have any effect on its movements. The blood flowing out of the wound was pitch-black, exactly the same as what was covering his whole body. It fell to the ground, emitting '呲呲' corrosion like strong acid. With a sound, black mist emerged from the corroded place, and the smell in the mist was the kind of malice that Xie Zhifei and the others felt from a distance before they came here. From the inside out, the Holy White Spirit has been completely eroded by this malice.


Chapter 43 Awakening

"The erosion is quite thorough." Chen Ye squinted at the wound, tightened the white glove on his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and wandered in cold light, "It seems quite troublesome to wake up."

"I'm too old, and I can't do too delicate work. Everyone, be careful not to accidentally get hurt." Hearing Chen Ye's words, his expression became very complicated, and his eyes glared fiercely. Then he looked at Liu Huan and quickly pulled Xie Zhifei to the side to dodge.

"We are responsible for clearing the field, you are free." I don't know if it was his own delusion, Xie Zhifei always felt that when Yi Nian said this sentence, his teeth were shaking unconsciously.

"Pure white soul?" Chen Ye talked to Ron in front of him as he walked, "What an ugly gesture. It's really sad to fall into such an ugly situation for noble reasons."

"Get out!!" Ron was roared again, and the ice popped up from the ground again.

"You look so sad, let me end it for you." This time, Ye Chen didn't have any intention of evading.

Xie Zhifei, who was pulled away by Yi Nian, turned around and saw this scene, his mouth was so wide that he could swallow his fist! After all, it is flight. Power, speed, and flight are completely different from these capabilities. To put it simply, it is just like the unscientific and low-efficiency appearance of a robot that has to be made into a human shape. kind of romance.

But Xie Zhifei was, after all, a man whose reason was overwhelming, and he was surprised only for a short period of time, and then he began to analyze how Chen Ye flew up. Then he saw the fine silk threads that spread around him like a spider web. He didn't fly, but just stood on his own web! How can such a complicated web be woven? Because he also controlled blood at the beginning, and even developed abilities such as seven prisons and water cutting, Xie Zhifei was more and more shocked by what Chen Ye was doing now.

The old man has no way to complete the meticulous operation? ! ! If this kind of operation is still rough, there is no such thing as meticulous living in the world.

The ice ridges that had spread over only rose halfway up. To be precise, the part that was higher than the soles of Chen Ye's feet was strangled before it had time to emerge. And to do all this, Master Chen didn't even move his hand!

"That... senior..." Xie Zhifei grabbed Yi Nian's hand and wanted to say something.

"I know," Yi Nian held down his frantically shaking hand, "Butler or something, it's just a hobby, that's what aliens call Master Chen, the life-saver, the life-bearer Atropos."

Atropos is the **** in charge of fate and death in Norse mythology. Including the father of the gods, the fate of all people, gods, and living beings exists in her hands in the form of threads, and her task is to cut these The thread brings death to all things.

Grim Reaper...? Xie Zhifei looked at Chen Ye, who still maintained his interests like a noble even in battle, and felt a little chill in his heart.

Chen Ye slammed his right hand down, Ron instinctively moved away from the spot, five deep nicks fell on the ground, like five sharp blades falling from the sky, Chen Ye grabbed it in the air, and then slammed it to the right , the thin air-breaking sound rang again.

The silk thread swept out like a long whip, and Ron couldn't dodge in time, and was cut heavily on his body! The injury of this blow was even more serious than that of the stab of a single thought. It was able to grasp the black breath of the sharp blade, and did not entangle the thread thinner than the hair. Being cut deep into it, the steel-like muscles looked so fragile in front of the real silk thread, and were torn apart by the pressure in an instant.

But Chen Ye frowned suddenly and pulled his right hand back. The sight lines that cut into the body of the Holy White Spirit were all eroded and blackened in a short period of time. Chen Ye pulled it in his hand and it broke.

Like throwing down a few hairs, he threw the broken silk thread on the ground, his expression became a little more serious. And the Spirit of Saint White suffered a great loss, and the fierce light in his eyes became even more gushing out. He stomped his front hoof down heavily, causing cracks to appear on the ground.

The white mist-like rough air spewed out of its nose, and its front hooves were constantly stroking on the ground. This is the prelude to the attack of all cloven-hoofed animals, how to attack? Of course it was hit with a corner!

The next moment, Ron suddenly turned into a black shadow and charged straight towards Lord Chen, clearly the exact same trick he used when he rushed down from the Primordial Wood. But this time, Chen Ye didn't choose to dodge. He crossed his hands in front of his chest and pulled it sharply to the middle. Countless silk threads were stretched straight in the air, forming a fine net in front of him.

He was going to take the blow of the Holy White Spirit hitting the Ice Crystal Wood!

The next moment, the harsh Weng Ming sound rang in everyone's ears. Ron's horn slammed heavily on Chen Ye's net, and every stretched silk thread vibrated violently, making a sound like plucking strings, and the countless plucking sounds intertwined, and it was a burst that seemed to pierce the eardrum. buzzing. Hearing it gave a splitting headache.

Chen Ye kept the X-shape with both hands and buckled in front of his chest. The countless ice crystal wood branches supported by silk threads made an unpleasant creaking sound, and the silk threads were embedded in circles.

"Break—" Amidst the humming of the holy words, a crisp sound was incomparably clear. The string is broken! Although there was only one silk thread, it was indeed broken. The broken thread was yanked to both sides, leaving another scar on the Spirit of Saint White. Chen Ye turned his head immediately, but it was still cut off at the temples. A strand of white hair left a thin scar on his face, and blood gushed out in an instant.

Although the power of Lon, who broke off Chen Ye after the success, was exhausted, he did not intend to give Chen Ye a chance to do it. Almost at the moment of exhaustion, he used the power of the silk thread to bounce back Shot backwards.

After landing on the ground, two white mists sprayed out from the nose, and rushed up again! The blow just now made it understand that even the greatest impact force could not break through the defense of the old man in front of him, so it changed its tactics without hesitation.

The seven-colored folded lines on his body flashed at the same time, and the four splendid figures rushed out of the same place almost at the same time, appearing in front of and behind Chen Ye! The sharp antlers are like a jungle, crushing the person in the middle into meat sauce.

"Don't be distracted!" Xie Zhifei just wanted to go back to help, when he suddenly grabbed his hand, an ice spear slanted down, smashed to the ground, and a bunch of ice flowers about two meters grew out. Their opponents also came.

Although they avoided these ice fairies at first through Liu Huan's Mist Shayi, and prepared to take the lead, the Holy White Spirit was unexpectedly difficult, so they could only give up this plan. It is almost impossible to complete it without disturbing the ice fairies.

"You have to learn to trust your comrades, you can't fight everything." With a single thought, he slashed an ice spear in the air into two halves. "Let's get this sorted first."


Chapter 44 Elegy

Although the corruption has caused the ice fairies to become extremely war-thirsty, in essence, their fighting ability has not been improved much. So Xie Zhifei and the others had to deal with the three axes of blizzard, ice pick, and ice gun. As for the ice element giants with high blood and strong defense, it is obvious that they have no idea where they have been lost. They didn't bring them with him. Only at this time would Xie Zhifei sigh that depravity was not entirely a bad thing.

After all, the ice fairy, plus the amount of ice elements, and the ice mirror unique to the ice fairy, create a mirror image that is almost indistinguishable from the real body. If the three of them cope with it, they will have to peel off their skins if they don't die.

Compared to the situation where the scalp is tingling just thinking about it, there are now a bunch of mages who only use fixed spells, have thin skin and brittle blood, and whose brains are not very good. It's just a lot easier to do. Yi Nian and Xie Zhifei formed a hunting group, seduced by one person, was responsible for drawing out the blizzard and ice gun, and then dodged without hesitation.

Then the second person took the opportunity to cut to the side and hit the ice edge escape. The person in charge of being the bait kept up at this time, and after the ice edge escape was over, he made the last knife to complete the kill. Two people are used as bait at a time, which is extremely efficient.

But even compared to this, it can't compare to Liu Huan alone. She has turned into an elusive ghost. The misty gauze is only covering her. Even Xie Zhifei and Yi Nian may not be able to detect what she is. place. But as soon as she appears, there must be an ice fairy that will be directly sent back by a heavy blow. There is no other possibility.

Some people must be wondering why when a single ice fairy and a hundred and ten frost monsters were paired together, the four people who could fight were extremely embarrassed. Now Chen Ye is going to deal with the Holy White Spirit, and there are only three people left, but the fighting power is still guaranteed. a piece?

This is a question of the number of monsters pulled at the same time. Players who have played games such as Warcraft know that when root (new map reclaims wasteland), except for BOSS, no mobs can beat players one-on-one. However, the mobs have the advantage of quantity. Without AOE (area attack), if you pull too many monsters at one time, they will inevitably be destroyed by the monsters.

The situation of the frost demons is almost the same. They are even weaker than the ice fairies, but relying on their instinct to act, they completed the cluster very quickly and became a huge team. It is extremely difficult to kill one in a group of frost demons.

And the ice fairies had completely scattered into this huge jungle to search for their traces because of Liu Huan's fake actions. Since they are scattered, there are far and near, so naturally they come. Before and after. In this way, in the case of a unit, Xie Zhifei and the others would not have to face too many ice fairies, and killing them one by one would definitely be easy.

To use the simplest analogy, the ice fairies rushed up like the frost demons, and they might be able to make a few people cry, but if the gourd baby must be sent to save the grandfather, of course, this side will laugh at the head. As for the six illusions, they were simply suppressed by their attributes, and turned into attributes to suppress the opposite side, so the slaughter efficiency was naturally improved.

"There won't be any problems with Chen Ye." As time passed, more and more goblins came from far away, Xie Zhifei and the others began to have more trouble dealing with them. You can see that tall figures are running in the forest, causing the earth to shake. The ice elements are also rushing over.

Although they have solved a lot, but no accident, it won't be long before they will be surrounded, and then they will be frozen like the frogs by the pond. So this will especially require Chen Ye to break the game. But the situation gave him no chance to even turn his head.

However, the humming of the strings and humming from Lorne's continuous impact on Chen Ye's wire net was almost connected. If you want to come to him, the situation will not be better there. Just the sound of the thread breaking, Xie Zhifei had already heard it four times.

The actual situation is better than Xie Zhifei imagined, Chen Ye's situation is really not very good, sweat wets the long hair that used to be meticulous in the past, gasping constantly in his mouth, the imprint of the thread, Circles of infiltration and blood came out, making the white gloves look like a print.

The situation of the Holy White Spirit was not much better. The distance movement caused the blood to evaporate, and the mist from the nose and body almost wrapped it. The antlers on the top of the head, which were as sharp as countless daggers and blades, were also engraved in a mess, and even several pieces were broken in some places.

The whole body was covered with bloodstains drawn from the top and bottom by Chen Ye. The blood that was as black as ink flowed out from it, wrapped with the thick black breath on the body, and dripped down, looking like a melting candle.

"Humans! Get out!" Ron roared again, his voice was obviously much weaker than before, but the hatred in it was not less at all. With the sound of this sound, the black mist quickly poured out from the wounds all over the body, wrapping it like armor. Then it crystallized, and the black crystal plate completely engulfed it. It makes the already stalwart body look even more like a chariot!

But Chen Ye's eyes suddenly lit up! As if he had been waiting for this moment, he suddenly opened his hands and knitted something on his chest like a knot! Something like arrogance diffused out of him!

Sacred nicks appeared on the ground, and the branches of ice crystal wood were cut off by smooth cuts! It was as if the world within a radius of tens of meters from Master Chen was changing with his command.

Ron also felt this unease, and took a step forward with his hoofs, but before this step was completed, the crisp sound of "ding-" sounded like a plucked string suddenly, and a line did not know. When it was already horizontally in front of its feet, the crystal plate connected to it was cut off without any movement. Blood poured out. Ron was forced to stop this step, because if it really stepped forward, its front hooves would not be left, and would be cut off together!

Chen Ye stopped. Between his hands was a Rubik's Cube-like cube made of silk threads. Numerous silk threads were interspersed in it, carefully cutting every inch of space.

Outside of him, with the Spirit of Saint White as the core, the exact same Rubik's cube seemed to be enlarged in equal proportions, shrouding Ron. For the first time, the almost transparent and invisible silk thread was so dazzling, silver-white, like moonlight and like sword light, flowing on it.

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face, "It's really old, I almost didn't finish it. But it's my pride to be able to help you get out of this ugly posture."

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