Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1963: , Burning fruit

"This, this is?" Zhang Xiang brought the pineapple-like fruit in his hand to his eyes, and began to examine it carefully.

The more he looked, the more familiar he felt.

It seems that he has seen something like this somewhere.

"By the way, let's smell it." Zhang Xiang put the fruit in his hand close to his face and sniffed gently.

A scent of ripe fruit came from the tip of his nose.

If Zhang Xiang didn't know that this fruit was taken from the body of the Yanlong behind him, and it couldn't be an ordinary fruit, then he would really treat this fruit as a special pineapple.

And at this moment, behind him, the body of a super huge flame dragon that was about to perform some tricks, suddenly lost all its power, and the power that formed its body, it all broke apart. It became crimson magma, and it suddenly fell towards the ground.

And how huge is the flame dragon flying half of its body?

The body that it sprang out is already close to two kilometers long, and the width of its body is more than 100 meters.

Therefore, when its body suddenly burst open, the falling crimson magma was not calculated in tons, but in the order of ten million tons.

When the magma transformed from the huge flame dragon's body fell to the ground, the sound of ‘booming’ and the vibrations it caused were all comparable to a normal magnitude six or seven earthquake.

The crimson lava that splashed out spread over a radius of tens of kilometers, igniting all the trees on the ground within a radius of tens of kilometers, causing a raging fire.

And watching the huge magma lake that fell to the ground and formed like a lake, and the surrounding fires that seemed to be competing with each other.

A character suddenly flashed into Zhang Xiang's mind.

"This, this, shouldn't it, shouldn't it be the devil fruit?!" Zhang Xiang looked at the pineapple-shaped fruit in shock and felt the power, but he became more sure in his heart.

After all, even though he didn't remember what the burning fruit of the protagonist Rufu's brother Ace looked like in One Piece.

However, he hadn't forgotten the fact that the devil fruits are like fruits in appearance and smell of fruits.

Look at the flames and fire patterns on it, and the power contained in it.

This is not what is burning fruit?

However, what makes Zhang Xiang strange is that the burning fruit should not be in the shape of a flame?

Why did it just show the shape of magma?

In his memory, the devil fruit that can condense into magma should be rock berry, not the burning fruit in front of him!

"Do I have any omissions?" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself, and then turned his gaze to the remnant of the Yanlong that splashed on the ground and formed a magma pool.

A faint spirit wave dissipated from him, sweeping the area within a hundred kilometers.

Then, there was joy on his face.

"It turns out that it's here!" Zhang Xiang's face showed a suddenly realized expression, but his body shape suddenly fell to the ground towards the remnant of the Yanlong, knocking out the original Yanlong. The potholes rushed past the lava lake filled into the lake.

This performance shocked Zhang Xiang's "Baby Bird" Doudou not far away.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled in the direction of the "Baby Bird" Doudou, and conveyed to the opponent the mental fluctuations that hadn't mattered in the past to comfort him.

The other party stopped dubiously.

After all, even with the strong body of "Baby" Doudou, he dare not approach these super high temperatures, at least five thousand degrees of lava.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang rushed directly into the magma lake in the nervous eyes of "Baby" Doudou.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's vision all turned into a color of crimson and dark red that merged with each other, and occasionally he would see dark and gray things drifting past his eyes.

It is mostly a rock that has not completely melted, or a semi-condensed block that has frozen due to temperature.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay attention to this, but moved directly downwards quickly.

As for the high temperature of at least 5,000 degrees, it was blocked by a protective cover specially made by Zhang Xiang.

It was a double-layer protective cover, and it almost overlapped each other.

But the key is not this one, but the vacuum between the two shields.

Therefore, no matter how high the temperature is, it cannot be transmitted inside.

This is a kind of protective cover made using scientific knowledge.

As for only using a protective cover to withstand the temperature?

With Zhang Xiang's current strength, of course it can.

However, since there are more convenient and less expensive options, why should he choose the more expensive one?

With the deepening of the magma pool that Zhang Xiang dived into, the surrounding temperature also kept rising.

The rise is not only the temperature, but also the pressure.

Or it should be said that with the deepening of the depth, the pressure is continuously increasing at the same time, which promotes the continuous rise of the temperature.

In Zhang Xiang's field of vision, everything in front of him has become sticky, and even the brightness has risen a lot.

If a stone is thrown out of the protective cover now, I am afraid that in the next instant, it will be directly crushed into powder by strong pressure, and then directly vaporized by high temperature, and then compressed into liquid high temperature magma. Right.

However, for Zhang Xiang, all of these have no effect at all.

The protective cover outside his body is still as stable as Mount Tai.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's face suddenly showed a surprise expression.

"Found it!" Zhang Xiang exclaimed and controlled his body to move.

At the same time, a shadow appeared in the extremely bright underground.

Zhang Xiang leaned over, using the power of the protective cover to expel the surrounding magma, and ‘swallowed’ the fruit-like shadow into the protective cover.

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