Yuanyue Academy, the opening ceremony of the new semester.

At this moment, Xingping Chuang really made a speech on the high platform.

In the face of the students in the audience, Xingping Chuangzhen did not have any stage fright.

"Ahem, that, I'll just say a few words.

My name is Kohei Soma, and I didn't want to come to this school, but two people asked me to come, so I came.

To be honest, this school is just a stepping stone for me.

Since I'm here, I only have one goal, to become the apex of this school, get the first place in the top ten, and then taunt my dad fiercely!

I hope Shijie will compete with me soon, and when I trample all of you under my feet, I will step on Daddy! Then challenge the stars!

In the past three years, please advise! In

the end, he did not forget to bow, as if the previous provocative words were not what he said.


After Kohei Sozane finished speaking, the students in the audience almost rioted, and all kinds of water bottles and debris kept throwing on the stage.

"Arrogant bastard!"

"Where's the hillbilly? Still want to reach the top of the far moon? Do you deserve it?

"Kill you! Bastard!

"Why didn't I think of these words in the first place?"


Kohei Soma didn't care about the abuse, but walked to the side, and Erina Nagikiri was sitting in a chair watching him.

"Yo, examiner, meet again."

Kohei Soma looks like he is familiar with it.

Erina Nagikiri's face was full of unhappiness, this man took advantage of his unpreparedness during the exam and attacked himself.

I almost lost my temper in front of the scarlet sand.

But the smell of siu mai is still lingering in my mind.

However, Kohei Sojina's strength should not be underestimated, and even Erina Nagikiri herself was not sure that she could win the shomai during the exam.

It's a nirvana dish, even beyond ordinary nirvana.

Obviously just a commoner, thinking of this, Erina Nagikiri was a little unwilling.

"You said you came to Yuanyue because two people asked you to come, and one of them was your father, right?"

Kohei Sojin nodded: "That's right!

Erina Nagi gritted her teeth and continued to ask.

"Did your father teach you to do the siu mai for the exam?"

Kohei shook his head.

"The three-egg siu mai was taught to me by Xingsheng, but it's a pity that he refused to teach me the four-color four-egg siu mai, which is more delicious."

"Xingsheng? Is that the one you just said you wanted to challenge? Which fine dining restaurant is he head chef at?

Erina Nagikiri reminisced and found that she had never heard of a chef named Hoshisheng in a high-end restaurant.

"Fine dining? No, no, Xingsheng is the chef and manager of the Rest Traveler's Shop on the Commercial Street, and my dad helped build the shop. "

Kohei Soma has the impression that there are no high-end restaurants in the shopping street, at least not in Xingsheng's store.

"What? Not a chef in a fine dining restaurant? Just a small shop on the high street? So how could he make a dish that was better than the three-egg siu mai? "

Erina Nagikiri can't believe that after being trained by her father, she always has a concept that she can't get rid of.

That is, high-class cuisine is real cuisine, and only those who know real cuisine are qualified to be called chefs.

Everything else is dross, something that must be thrown away.

But at the same time, the short fond memories of her childhood told her that even if a dish is not delicious, someone has made it with care, and it cannot be wasted at will.

Two diametrically opposed ideas are so entangled with each other that they have developed the current distorted character.

"Why can't it be? Who says a small restaurant can't make delicious food? Kohei Soma asked rhetorically.

"The food of the common people can't be put on the table! The difference in ingredients alone is very different, but I looked away, and I thought you were learning from which chef, and the three-egg siu mai was probably made by mistake.

Erina Nagikiri's bad problem flared up again, and after belittling Kohei Soma and the common people's cuisine, she turned her head and snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

This made Kohei Chuangzhen angry, and said to Erina Nagikiri.

"People who haven't eaten Xingsheng's cuisine are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about Xingsheng, you Yuanyue is known as the strongest culinary academy on Sakura Island, don't you even know the basics of cooking? To judge a dish, you have to eat it before you are eligible. Seeing

that Erina Nagikiri still didn't speak, Kohei Soma could only talk to himself.

"I'll quit school when I defeat all of your ten masters, I really don't understand why Dad and Xingsheng said to let me come."

The opening ceremony ended quickly, but the turmoil caused by Kohei Soma intensified.

A freshman who clamored to defeat Shijie as soon as he entered the school, and didn't pay attention to other students at all.

Naturally, when I was in class, I was inevitably excluded and targeted.

And no matter how Kohei Chuangzhen was treated in Yuanyue, Xingsheng on the other side opened a small shop as always.

It's been almost a week since Kohei Soma entered school.

The Resting Traveler's Shop also welcomed a few special guests.

An old man with white hair and beard who looks like a wild lion.

The other is a woman who is still hanging on a drip by someone who is still being supported, and her pink blonde hair color is rare, especially the eyebrows, which are really hard to say.

Under the friendly communication of these special guests, the customers in the store basically left, and only a few of them remained.

Hoshisheng recognized the old man at a glance, Nagi Senzaemon, Erina Nagikiri's grandfather, and the commander of Enzuki.

I don't know that woman, she looks a bit like Erina Nagikiri, could it be her mother?

Xingsheng shook his head secretly, it shouldn't be possible, although Erina Nagi looks very proud, she is everyone's best girl.

The woman in front of her, if you have to describe it by Xingsheng, it is the head of the eldest sister of the Extreme Dao.

Even if you hang a little bit, you can't hide that wild feeling, like a lazy lion.

Senzaem held the head of the eldest sister of the extreme road and said to the secretary on the side.

"You go to the car and wait."

The secretary nodded and walked out of the shop.

And the head of the Extreme Dao eldest sister suddenly stared at Xingsheng with hanging eyes at this time and said.

"Visitors from another world?"

Joichiro! It's definitely this guy who didn't run away!

Anyway, this woman can't be some kind of mysterious force from the Investigation Bureau, right!?

Seeing that Xingsheng didn't speak, Senzaemon spoke up.

"Hello, I'm Nagi Senzaemon, this is my daughter, Nagi Shinaki, and you told me about it."

No way!? Is it really Erina's mother? This temperament is too different, right!?

"Sit down and talk, why are you still sick?" Xingsheng motioned for the two of them to find a place to sit down.

He walked to the door of the store, closed the door, and hung up a sign saying that he was closed for the day.

Returning to the counter and sitting down, Seisheng asked.

"What do you have to do with me?"

Senzaemon cleared his throat and said what he meant.

It turns out that Nagi Nagiri's illness is due to the tongue of the gods, and as the sense of taste becomes more and more sensitive, the requirements for taste are also getting higher and higher.

Later, it developed to the point where you don't eat, and as long as it's an ordinary dish, you can't eat even the most high-end ingredients.

So Nagi Shinaki went around to participate in the judging of food competitions in order to be able to eat.

Later, she became a professional judge, but she still couldn't find a dish that matched her taste.

For a long time, she could only rely on intravenous drips to maintain her vital signs.

"So we came today just to taste whether the delicious food of this world can satisfy my appetite."

Nagi looked at Hoshisei with anticipation in her eyes.

"I see, no problem, wait for me."

Now that he has figured out the other party's intentions, it will be fine, and Xingsheng also wants to try how difficult it is to satisfy this greedy god's tongue.

I happened to get some deer tendons today, so I made a hoof tendon pigeon egg soup.

Senzaemon and Nagi looked at Hoshisei who was cooking.

When Xingsheng cooks, he feels like an invincible emperor, and his technique is as smooth as flowing water.

Amazing skills, unusual ways of cooking.

The two were amazed.

It wasn't until Xingsheng brought the prepared dishes to the table that the two of them woke up like a dream.

"This unusual aroma seems to awaken my appetite."

Nagi Makai only had this dish in his eyes at the moment, and Senzaemon swallowed his saliva, but he didn't fight with his daughter, after all, this was the first time his daughter had an appetite in so many years.


Nagi Nagi scooped up a scoop of soup, blew hard, and when it cooled down a little, he put it in his mouth.


Xingsheng felt an invisible wave spread out of Nagi Shinaki's body in all directions.

But Xingsheng has absolute confidence in his own strength and does not dodge, and the result is...


Hoshisheng was dumbfounded, his clothes were torn, and so was Senzaemon on the side.

On top of that, Nagi Shinaki's clothes are gone!

Is this what I can see? Xingsheng asked himself in his heart.

In the next second, Xingsheng felt as if he was dazzled, and the originally broken clothes reappeared.

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