Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

: 112 Qi Chenglin sighs that he is really attractive.

She was very grateful to Gao Xiaoyang for not saying anything else. He just sent a link and never wrote a sentence. [There are almost all the books that I want to read in the book novel network. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

Her fingers trembled, and when she clicked on the link, she saw a long microblog.

The po owner saw the trumpet just registered, did not add any attention, did not even set the avatar, the home page has no content except this long microblog.

It is because of this incident that a large number of fans have grown, and the number of fans has reached 600,000 in a short time.

Qi Dan Chen took a deep breath and opened a long Weibo. He saw that the po owner had vowed to say that he was absolutely reliable. The source of the news was quite reliable. Although he did not say anything in words, he hinted at his own news. The source is one of the parties.

And before talking about specific things, the po master swears and swears that he said that what he said below is absolutely true. If he is half-sent, he is thundering, and he is killed by a car, drowning, and walking. The flower pots are drowned, and in short, all kinds of deaths are not good.

Just because this po master is so embarrassed to himself, so many people have already believed him before they have read the following.

Looking at these things, I feel that this is definitely a professional gossip. It is estimated that the person behind him is looking for a gunman.

I used to watch gossip on Weibo, so I can see that I can see that the writing of this special explosive person is different from the average person. They know how to catch the eyes of netizens, even if they are things that are nothing but real, they can be said to be true and people believe.

Qi Dan morning took a deep breath, his breath followed and trembled, and he took the courage to continue to look down.

The result is the kind that she doesn't want to see the most. This person is not far from what happened in the past. It is only on the fact that she has been completely transformed into a woman who uses her mind to step by step.

It was said that when Shen Jingjing was infertile due to repeated abortions, Liu Ronghua was asked to let Yan Danchen replace her, and the children born belonged to Shen Jingjing. Liu Ronghua, out of his love for Shen Jialiang, promised to go to Qi Danchen to help, but I don’t know if Dan Dan will refuse to help. But who knows that Dan Chen just wants to take the opportunity to approach Qi Chenglin, and he promised it.

Shen Jia gave Qi Chenglin the medicine, so that Qi Danchen replaced Shen Jingjing with Qi Chenglin.*, and Qi Chenglin was under the control of the drug, and he was unconscious, and had a relationship with Yan Danchen. After Qi Chenglin was stunned and asleep, Yan Danchen exchanged with Shen Yujing again. When Qi Chenglin woke up, he thought that the person who had a relationship with himself was Shen Jingjing.

At that time, Dan Dan was the first time, and things happened again in Shen's family. Shen Jialiang deliberately designed and caught it. The plan behind it was surprisingly smooth, and Yu Danchen was pregnant afterwards. Shen Yujing said with Qi Chenglin according to the plan, so it will be later that Qi Chenglin and Shen Yanjing are engaged in the news.

As a result, the fans of the year unveiled one, and the netizens finally understood how they would be engaged to Shen Yanjing in the identity of Qi Chenglin.

Although the development of the incident is really unexpected, the twists and turns are not like what will happen in reality. The description of the po master is clear, the logic is clear, there are causes and consequences, even if it is incredible, but everyone believes that many times, the truth of the matter It is often so unbelievable.

So with this article, I believe that there are more people in the po.

Then the po master said, but the child was born prematurely in eight months. She had an anesthetized caesarean section in the morning. When she woke up, Shen Jia lied to her that she was aborted and the child did not keep it. Shen Jia sneaked the child back home, and cheated Qi Chenglin. This is Shen Yujing's birth to Qi Chenglin. Qi Chenglin certainly can't easily believe that taking the child to test the dna is sure that his son is right, but it is not Shen Jingjing.

As a result, Qi Chenglin successfully canceled the marriage contract with Shen Jingjing.

This solved the puzzle of the year. Why did Shen Yanjing claim to be pregnant but did not give birth to a child? Why did Qi Chenglin get engaged with Shen Yanjing but she dismissed her marriage contract and then took her son home.

So, 90% of the people believe in the words of the po master.

As a very powerful means, Qi Danchen was not so easy to be deceived by Shen. She found that Qi Chenglin brought back a son and suspected that it was born of her own, so she tried to approach Qi Chenglin.

After she had been forced to deploy for seven years, Qi Danchen finally used Song Yu to get close to Qi Chenglin and his father and son, and took advantage of the innate advantages of blood and blood, first gained the trust of Qi Youxuan, and then won the favor of Qi Chenglin, step by step plan, and finally Successfully married Qi Chenglin. <>Marshmallow novel network

The po master finally summed up one sentence: This is the heart-shaped women's white lotus, counterattacking Bai Fumei, embarking on the peak of life's realistic inspirational drama, successful model, life winner.

This po is obviously to blacken her with Shen Jingjing, which means that this thing is definitely not Shen Jingjing.

Even if Shen Yujing wants to take himself out of this matter, there are other ways. There is no need to blacken himself like this, but to find someone to replace himself and infertility.

Just one infertility, it ruined the way out of Shen Jingjing. Not to mention the family with heads and faces in the circle, even if it is the home of ordinary people, no one will know that this woman is infertile, but also to marry her, to pass on the issue of inheritance, and not to have money.

Besides, there is no emotional foundation. Even if a man loves her, she loves to die, and there is pressure from her elders. Can she really marry her or say two things, not to mention that she does not have such a man now, the future of marriage because of This incident is all blocked.

Let Yu Dan morning breathe a sigh of relief, because the person behind the po master, it seems that the main purpose is to black her, by the way, Shen Jingjing is also black, because she and Shen Yanjing are really eye-catching, but instead let the article mentioned Qi Youxuan’s existence was weakened, and no one was too concerned about Qi Youxuan’s announcement. He took his life to say things.

When I opened the message, I was basically yelling at her, and occasionally mixed with a little bit of scent.

1l: The winner of life, just step by step to calculate the male god, so that the woman is not jealous, the upper position is too difficult.

2l: Hahahahahahaha, that Shen Yanjing is not self-satisfied, can't live?

3l: On the woman who is married to Dan Chen, why marry Qi Chenglin, how can it be worthy of Qi Chenglin, which is worthy of happiness!

4l: I heard that Lin was less married. I was very uncomfortable in my heart, but I also know the difference in reality. I usually secretly yy myself, but I also know that I can’t have anything to do with Lin in my life. impossible. He is married, I wish him well, only hope that he can find a good wife, love him, can match him. I did not expect his wife to be such a person. She is not worthy of Lin Shao!

5l: A shameless woman, oh. Man, roll!

6l: Scheming, no shame! She is not worthy of getting Lin, not worthy of happiness, her son has such a mother is really poor!

7l: If you can get happiness, then there is no reason!

8l: How to get the male god, don't harm the male god, it hurts.

9l: How could this Yudan morning be really loved by Lin, isn’t he just looking at his money? Then love money, but Lin is so handsome, handsome, how can she be so cheap. She should wait for the old man when she loves money so much!

10l: On the top floor, Lin Shaoli divorced her, don't be defiled by her, and she is really a stain on life!

11l: At first glance, it is a woman who is a man, and I wish her a round!

Yan Danchen looked at these comments. Some of them were unfortunate for Qi Chenglin. The words were not too intense. She was also okay, but some of them were too ugly. She hurriedly browsed and confirmed that in addition to the few sporadic pieces, she felt that she had her. This mother is poor, and no one takes the child to say something, she turns off the comment.

Then she found that she had a thousand comments under the microblog that she sent a year ago.

When Weibo is just emerging, she will feel fresh and often play on Weibo, but most of them are watching some big v-sends, there are some funny paragraphs and gossip, and they don’t have much to send. .

Later, the rise of WeChat, the **** is better, only the people who know can see the life of their own, not as complicated as the people on Weibo. Even if a friend turns to purchasing, selling health care cosmetics or something, it is not unbearable to send some advertisements. So Qi Danchen didn't go to Weibo very much. The Weibo that was a year ago was her last post. Then on Weibo, it is to look at the instant news or something, no more.

When Dan Dan went into his Weibo homepage, he found that thousands of comments were all about her.

At that time, she just took a picture of a rare blue sky in Zhang City, with text: seeing the blue sky, the mood will follow.

In the past, there were only a few comments on this Weibo, including Song Yu.

The result is now a few minutes, and it has been brushed into thousands of comments, even Song Yu has been linked.

1l: Hey. People, don't be a good man, a little shame and hurry, don't kill your son!

2l: Hey. People are feelings!

3l: Efforts to women rely on their own ability to fight, hey. People rely on open legs to sell 13!

4l: Hehehehe, can talk about it without saying anything. * Open the legs for men, who knows that seven years have followed a few men.

5l: Don't wear a green hat for Lin, don't smudge him, hurry!

6l: You don't be fooled by this woman. Now, just recognize the true face and hurry away from her, fire prevention and anti-theft! (After I also had Song Yu.)

7l: There is a mother like you. How can you let your son lift his head outside? It doesn't matter if you don't care for yourself. The child is innocent.

8l: If I were you, I hurriedly left.

9l: Please, please leave Lin Shao, leave your family? Don't bother them, I beg you, I really feel bad.

10l: I saw that Lin Shao was deceived by this woman, and I cried.

Seeing the comments of 9l and 10l, Qi Dan was really angry.

While watching, there are still new comments coming in, and the content is similar, they are all embarrassing to her, some are very difficult to listen to, involving organs and elders, unsightly. Some are quite innovative, with online language. There are still very talented people, and even edited the first oil poem to marry her.

The most regrettable is that she is still tired of Song Yu, because she and Song Yu have a common concern, and she does not care much, there are not many fans, plus Song Yu’s Weibo name is also called feather, with a feather It is very good to guess, and many people still don't forget Aite Song Yu when she comments underneath.

Her Weibo didn't charge vip, there was no way to close the comment, only the comments were always coming in. She set the message reminding the comments to the setting, not reminding, the prompt in the upper right corner was cleaned.

Seeing some of Aite's, she only knows that some big v-level gossip marketing accounts have exposed her Weibo id, and even a very "good" Aite has let her find it directly by clicking on the netizens. She is here.

She first saw a marketing account called Bagua Inn, and sent a Weibo.

Gossip Inn v: Today, "I am a small vest" broke the news of the heart machine ** silk table on the top motivational stickers, one of the parties 阮 某 的 微 微 微 微 , 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 传送 : : : : : (I can only help your husband to come here, don't ask me what I am calling, I am a five-bar.)

There are still some people behind, who follow or forward this Weibo, or open another one, and Aite has her. Yu Danchen also canceled the notice of Aite News.

Now all the noises on Weibo are all smashing her. The original morning of the rushing relay caused by Qilin’s employees, no one mentioned it.

After watching the morning, he took his mobile phone out of the office.

Not long after she left, the colleagues in the office also saw the news on Weibo, and I didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Qi Dan’s relationship with them was good, and Qi Chenglin* was in the eyes of the whole company, so it was not as extreme as those on the Internet, but I really didn’t know what to think for a while.

Yan Danchen didn't know, but I also expected that colleagues in the company would see it sooner or later.

She went out of the elevator and was heading to Qi Chenglin's office. On the way, she met several staff members and said hello to her, but her eyes were a little different.

Qi Danchen did not have time to control this, and he was approaching Qi Chenglin’s office door, but he just received a call from Qi Chenglin.

"Isn't busy now? If you are not busy, come to my office." Qi Chenglin's voice is still very soft on the phone, with the strength to give her peace of mind.

It was also because of Weibo’s things that I was a little uncomfortable. When I heard Qi Chenglin’s voice, I immediately felt at ease.

The thing that broke out on Weibo, she just worried that the Qiyou publicity would be affected.

As far as the current situation is concerned, all the malice has come to her, and even Shen Jingjing has rarely mentioned it. Infertility has been very pitiful, coupled with that piece of faint text, there is a kind of immersive kind of Shen Jingjing is used by her, smashed the corner of the corner, so the netizen damaged a few words after Shen Jingjing, the gun is consistently aimed at her.

As for the embarrassment of the netizens to her, although she is angry, she is really uncomfortable to watch, but she is not flustered when something goes wrong.

Now I heard the voice of Qi Chenglin, and Dan Dan knew that she could still be so calm, because Qi Chenglin was there. As long as he is there, she will not worry about anything, he can certainly handle it well.

She is a bit guilty, and this matter has bothered him and his family.

His gentle and hoarse voice made her warm, and Dan Dan had left her previous troubles aside. She couldn't help but smile and walked to his office. "I am just outside your office."

Qi Chenglin was slightly surprised. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Didn't Dan Danchen see him on Weibo, so he came to him?

But listening to her tone, it is not like being hit, the words are laughing, the mood is normal.

Anyway, no matter what, she is in a good mood.

Jiang Yuan came to tell him about the troubles on Weibo. After he saw it, he immediately called Qian Danchen. She was afraid that she saw a blow and thought she would let her come up.

Although she had to know about it sooner or later, but he looked around and let her know how to prepare in advance, but also let her be hit the lightest, and give her support and confidence in time. Before she was afraid, she gave her peace of mind and dispelled her fear.

Thinking about it, Qi Chenglin said: "Isn't that coming in?"

Then he rushed to add a sentence, "Do not knock on the door."

The voice just fell, the door of his office was pushed open, and Dan Dan smiled into the rice, and held his mobile phone against his ear. When he saw him, he forgot everything. He couldn’t remember anything uncomfortable. .

A pair of black and white eyes with bright eyes and crystals, laughing and falling, falling on the face of Qi Chenglin Jun Ya Qing Ming, I do not know to remove.

I feel that it is not enough to look at Cheng Lin.

Even if he is forty or fifty years old, he is also a middle-aged man who is imposing and temperamental, long and handsome, and handsome and handsome. Even if it is seventy-eight, it is also an old man who makes her look tired.

Qi Chenglin saw her seeing that she was watching, and her heart was happy. She sighed that she was really charming. It was a great sense of accomplishment to be able to make her wife like this.

I couldn't help but arrogantly put my body straighter. A suit that fits his body is more straightforward and straightforward. It looks better than a model, like an authentic English gentleman.

"I have seen real people, what are you doing with your mobile phone?" Seeing that she was fascinated by her own beauty, the stupid look, Qi Chenglin was very contented to raise her eyebrows, and even her face was proud. Flat.

Qi Danchen suddenly thought that she was framed in the police station by Mu Si Si, and she was received by Qi Yu in the old house. At that time, Qi Chenglin hit her mobile phone. She was stupid and picked up, and he was mocked by him. It is.

Now think about it, it was really stupid at that time.

Qi Dan morning face was a little red, quickly took the phone down and ended the call.

Jiang Yuan, who had been waiting for Qi Chenglin’s instructions, no longer stayed. He turned and smiled at Dan Danchen and left the office.

The office left two of them, and Jiang Yuan was outside, and it would not be disturbing. Qi Chenglin thought that when she saw that she was confused, she hooked her, "Come."

When Dan Danchen thought about telling him something on Weibo, he immediately passed.

Can just call the sound "bear", Lin has not had time to say it, he was pulled to sit on his lap.

It’s not bad to be able to hold her like this during working hours.

Qi Chenglin thought, if you don't need to see the people below, if you work in the office, just call her up and hold her office.

If she has work to do, let her bring her work. When I work like this, I can still look at her, enjoyable and happy, and I want to work more efficiently. I can kiss her from time to time.

Thinking so, she saw her red and hot ears, and the white crystal clear, the white fluff on the white soft and soft, the ear roots filled with blood red, making her skin look more white, red, White is as transparent as it is.

When Qi Chenglin looked at the itch, she couldn't help but kiss her ear roots and broke into her mouth. She felt so sweet.

Yan Danchen wanted to come and tell him something right. He thought that when he moved over, he was dragged into his arms and kissed him. The roots felt the temperature of his mouth, and he could not help but tremble from the scalp to the toes. The places that can't be seen are all red.

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