On the battlefield, there was a lot of gunsmoke, and there was a condensed magic power everywhere, making it impossible for everyone to approach.

In this place where the space has become extremely unstable, sometimes the wind is fierce, sometimes the lightning and thunder, and even the sudden appearance of flames in the sky, and then ice and snow.

Worthy of the name of the humble king Futigeng, although the heart containing the surging magic power took a lot of time for Yuanliuin to fuse, at the last moment, he who successfully unlocked the eight seals of the sword of victory of the oath can be described as seeing God killing God, seeing Buddha killing Buddha.

Crushed with a dignified domineering, the silent blood began to flow, surging like a violent storm, and the temperature of the blood was like burning, burning all the giants of the entire battlefield.

“I won…”

The explosion of the dragon’s heart instantly consumed all the magic power, and with the withering of that heart, the overdrawn body also fell weakly.

Vaguely next to the water, like a residual autumn maple leaf. Looking at the blood erupting from Yuanliuin, Gilgamesh only felt muddy and thunderous, and could not see this turbid world clearly.

[Your world… I’ll carry it! 】

The passionate words burned in the heart, burning more and more, burning more and more, the whole world was silent and could not breathe, and when he came back to his senses, Gilgamesh woke up like a big dream.

Hurriedly hugged Yuanliuyuan, the current hero king, is no longer the rebellious lady.

“Yuan……. Willow……. Yard…”

Crimson eyes looked at the man, and amid the cheers of the soldiers behind him, the Ancient King made a decision.



Half a month has passed since that day’s fighting.

During this period, Yalandran was responsible for the post-war reconstruction of the entire Uruk, such as the pacification of the soldiers, the repair of the city walls, the mourning of the dead, and so on.

At the same time, about what happened that day became a common topic for the whole of Uruk.

Whether it is the heroic fearlessness of Gilgamesh or the extreme salvation of Motoyanagiin, the prestige of the two kings, the hero king and the human king, is respected to the extreme, and even many people pray for the two kings at home every day.

Even various foreign races in other areas sent envoys to offer condolences, and at the same time, after seeing the battlefield that was sunk by the bombardment of Yuanliuin for tens of meters and hundreds of square kilometers, they all offered their highest respect and expressed their willingness to submit to Uruk as a vassal state.

Just that huge pit that was bombarded by celestial bodies made all alien races dare not have different hearts, because it was a field that they could not touch, or even imagined, as if opening a new door, standing at the gate, peeping into the depths of the heavenly ladder that towered high clouds, completely refreshed cognition, and the reaction was not enough to come together.

Inside the royal palace of Uruk and the royal hall of Yuanliuin, Ren was full of people outside and busy with government affairs, but within the transparent enchantment, the dark blue curtain gently fell, and there was a quiet and peaceful breath flowing.

“Really, why aren’t you awake yet?

Obviously the injuries on the body are almost healed, this bastard! ”

Sitting on the edge of the bed in Motoyanagiin, Gilgamesh supported his chin with both hands, and his crimson eyes stared at the sleeping person lying on the bed.

Instead of wearing her favorite golden armor, now she is just dressed in a simple robe.

“Cut, it’s really troublesome.”

Gradually attracted by Motoyanagiin’s sleeping face, Gilgamesh was unconvinced, but the people did not know that they had been looking at each other.


Not knowing what came to mind, she suddenly stretched out her jade finger and went up. Poke the man’s nose, eyelids, mouth, and then quickly retract it like an electric shock.


Biting her lower lip, Gilgamesh looked at whether there was anyone in the hall like a thief, and after being sure that it was safe, she slowly leaned down, and then carefully looked at Motoyanagiin’s face.

“Really, it’s you guy, hate to die.”

Sakura’s red lips whispered, and the golden hair could not see the eyes of the hero king, but the increasingly red cheeks betrayed Gilgamesh’s thoughts.

Slightly pressed up her face, just when her moist wetness was just about to touch it…

“King, we found it on the battlefield


Silence like death!

Turning stiffly and looking at the Jalandran at the door, Gilgamesh swallowed several times before slowly speaking; “High Priest, King Ben just thinks…”

“I understand, Wang.

However, I think it’s better to wait for His Highness Motoyanagiin to wake up….. Right? ”

Sighing slightly, secretly sighing that the current young man is really bold, and Yalandran looks like I understand.

Well, the mother who stole the kiss is shining, and it’s really … Surprisingly cute.

—————— dividing line ——————

Ps; I can find a chapter for a lunch at lunch, and in the afternoon I have to install appliances such as washing machines and furniture, and in the evening I try to write another chapter.

It is expected that the 26th can be updated normally, sorry before that, but I am also used to being scolded by you, anyway, penguin you can’t find me, cool + skin!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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