“Ahem, since it’s a child of the gods recognized by Hera… Before our daughter goes to complete his mission, please take out your gifts.”

Standing in the center of the gods in a daze, watching the gods’ clumsy performance.

At this moment, Sakura is still unclear…what exactly she is going through.

Pandora, she became the first woman in the world in Greek mythology, a gift from the gods to mankind, Pandora who brought disasters to the mortal world…

“Then let me come first, kid. I plan to give you a perfume that will make all the men in the world fall in love with you.”

Talking about the one that made Sakura see that she was the most beautiful in the world, beauty should be a goddess like her – Aphrodite.

Just like that, he took out a bottle of perfume and walked towards Sakura.

However, facing this so-called perfume that all men in the world will be fascinated by, what Sakura felt was a chill.

After all, she is not interested in being surrounded by a bunch of men., with no interest in holding Pandora’s box to marry Epimetheus, the god of hindsight, in the near future.

So, when Aphrodite was about to sprinkle perfume on her instinctively, Sakura stretched out her hand and pushed Aphrodite directly.

However, at this moment, Aphrodite had a strange misunderstanding about Sakura’s behavior.

Mistakenly thinking that Sakura was Aphrodite who was about to accept this gift, when she saw the hand that Sakura was pushing towards her.

She even stuffed the perfume directly into her hand.

Silently looked at the bottle of perfume full of magic in his hand, the gods who were amused by Sakura’s strange appearance, and then, as in the myth, gave one gift after another to the silent Sakura .

Athena dressed her up, Hephaestus gave her various decorations, and Hermes gave Sakura the ability to understand all voices…

In the end, when the gods dressed up Sakura almost as beautiful as a god of beauty, he wanted to give Sakura curiosity, but Zeus changed his mind when he suddenly thought of Sakura’s curiosity when she was just awakened.

When taking over the magic box prepared by the gods in the hands of Hera, Zeus secretly smiled and gave Sakura the name ‘Pandora’, and at the same time bound the magic box with Sakura through some kind of technology .

222. Escaping from Pandora of the Gods of Olympus

In ancient Greek.

P~~AN in Pandora refers to everything, dora refers to gifts, and Pandora after He is together refers to a woman with all talents.

But would the gods who had already decided to exterminate this generation of human beings really have such good intentions to endow Pandora with all the talents that gave the meaning of its name?

Of course not.

At this moment, Sakura, who was following Hermes, the God of Messenger, was being led by him to fly across the mountains and rivers. Instead of feeling any talent given to her by the gods, Sakura felt something similar to a curse in her body. magic.

The Olympus Mountains where the gods lived gradually disappeared in Sakura’s eyes, and the appearance of the ancient land was vividly displayed in front of Sakura. If it was the past, Sakura might appreciate such a naturally formed beauty.

But now, knowing the fate of Pandora in the future, she doesn’t have the heart to appreciate everything under her feet.

Although she had been turned into a stone before, she was later carved into the appearance of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl when she grew up, and was awakened by Zeus.

But at this moment, Sakura’s body still looks like her original body.

For some reason, the Huang Ting Jing in the body is still running, and the magic circuit and attributes have not undergone any changes.

It’s as if, after I was brought into this world by Sha Tiao Ai Ge, I turned into a stone.

Kankan glanced at Hermes, who was flying in front of him, using an invisible force to drag him in flight, and tightly hugged Sakura who was about the size of a magic box put together by two bricks.

All of a sudden, evil came to the gallbladder, and anger started from the heart.

This gift, whoever likes it, can take it.

With a sound of a touch, Hermes, who did not expect to be attacked by his own creation, was immediately slammed on the back of the head by the magic box raised in Sakura’s hand.

She turned her head a little strangely, with a look of confusion in her eyes.

Before Hermes, who was completely dizzy, made further moves.

Sakura, who was holding the magic box, smashed the magic box on Hermes’ forehead again.

This time, Hermes’ quasi-divine body was finally unable to resist the dizziness.

He rolled his eyes, and then plunged headfirst into the ground below.

Suddenly recovering from her strange state, she didn’t expect that she would be so reckless, that she would suddenly ignore Hermes and knock out Hermes, Sakura, who had already started to fall freely.

I didn’t even care to think about why I suddenly became so reckless and impulsive. I hurriedly cast a spell without a staff to launch Apparatus, then turned into a cloud of black mist, and randomly found a place far away from the Olympus Mountains in the opposite direction. , began to escape.

Although I don’t know much about the real Greek mythology of Xingyue.

But the group of Greek gods is essentially a group of space battleships. This point is very clear to Sakura who has completed the fusion with the soul of the foreign land.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the gods of Olympus at this moment must have known about the fact that they smashed Hermes’ pseudo-divine body.

Just as Sakura expected, it wasn’t long before Sakura flew away through Apparatus.

A streamer of golden light, like the radiance of the sun, flew from the direction of the Olympus Mountains to the spot where Sakura’s “crime” was just now.

Appearing, Apollo, the sun god, glanced around the place where Sakura just ‘committed the crime’, retrieved the pseudo-divine body of Hermes that fell to a tree on the ground and was hung, and then hugged He turned into streamer again and flew towards Mount Olympus.

Following Apollo’s return, it was confirmed that Pandora, his own creation, dared to attack the gods.

Among the gods of Olympus, Ares, the god of war with the most fiery temper, suddenly became furious, and immediately clamored to bring his divine soldiers to the mortal world to arrest Pandora.


Maybe it was upset by Ares’ quarrel, just when Ares kept yelling loudly, trying to get the other main gods to agree to his proposal.

At this moment, Hera raised her hand to stop Ares from speaking, and then turned to look at Zeus with a smile on her face.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to hunt down Pandora for the time being…”

“Wait, why…”

Looking at Zhou with a smile on his face, majesticly stroking his pure white beard,s.

Ares, who was very puzzled and unwilling, immediately questioned Zeus.

However, before Ares finished speaking, a blue lightning flashed in the eyes of Zeus, which was very similar to the form of thunder.

Ariston stood there in embarrassment, and smirked awkwardly.

“I have bound the magic box with Pandora. As long as Pandora is in the human world, sooner or later she will be out of curiosity to open the gifts we ‘give’ to humans…but the gods arranged a task with her, She will never escape, Athena…”

“Father, I am here.”

“You are in charge of guiding Pandora and letting her return to the right path…”

“Obey, my Father God.”

Just as the gods on Olympus were discussing how to deal with Pandora.

Sakura, who flew out for an unknown distance, also landed beside a stream in a jungle.

Looking at his own reflection in the stream.

Sakura couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Is this the talent endowed by the gods, or the so-called beauty of the gods in mythology?

In the later Greek mythology, Pandora was endowed with all the beauty of the gods.

But Sakura, who had sensed the situation in her body not long ago, except for a few gifts given to her by the gods, she did not perceive any talent and beauty bestowed on her by the gods. Cursed magic.

And at this time, through her own reflection in the lake, Sakura finally knew what the so-called beauty endowed by the gods was.

It turned out that it was this body that was roughly similar to Sakura herself when she grew up, but more delicate and beautiful.

Unconsciously, she raised her hand and touched her face, as if she was touching a piece of smooth and tender tofu. Sakura even felt that as long as she pinched herself hard, water might even come out.

Then Sakura lowered her head and took a good look at her body. Although at first glance, there is not much difference from the grown-up self under the influence of Sakura, but in the details, it has been meticulously crafted by the gods. It’s almost perfect.

If Sakura can bring back her current body, which has been re-sculpted by the gods, if Seshoin does not use powers, her charm will not even be as good as the current Sakura.

Beside the stream, after a short period of indulging in her ‘beauty’.

Feeling a little hungry, Sakura first raised her hand to wash her face with the stream water, then turned around and walked into the jungle, as if she was planning to look for any berries or prey that could be caught.

However, Sakura, who had just left the stream, didn’t know that not long after she turned around and walked into the jungle.

A nymph covered in blue was sticking its head out of the stream, staring viciously at the direction it left.

PS: p~~an are blocked together, speechless

223. The Age of the Gods, Stream Nymphs

Nymphs are a group of minor goddesses in Greek mythology.

Often appearing in mountains, fields, springs, seas and other places, it is a kind of elf that is similar to goblins, but far superior to goblins.

Generally, it is the image of a beautiful girl who likes to sing and dance. They don’t age or get sick, but they die. They can also be combined with the gods to give birth to the immortal offspring of the gods.

Many nymphs are free, but some nymphs also serve gods.

This is generally the image of Nymphs of later generations in legends.

But you must know that the Greek gods are a group of alien visitors. How could nature or the elves conceived by Gaia be willing to serve the gods and even accept this group of outsiders to rule the land?

Although they used human beliefs and their technology to successfully create imitation gods, they fooled some newborn idiots.

But on this land, the ancient existences who know the true appearance of the group of Greek gods will not be fooled by the tricks of the Greek gods.

For this group of gods who robbed them of their homes and status, and even tried to rule them in vain, these ancient existences never showed them any good looks.

At this time, the stream nymph who was staring at Sakura, the “creation of God”, was one of the ancients of the original gods of this land.

Just as Sakura was searching for edible wild fruits in this jungle.

Under the control of the stream nymph, the stream that was left behind by Sakura changed its course and started flowing in the direction where Sakura was.

The carriage pulling the sun gradually set from the west.

After collecting for half a day, Sakura, who has already filled her stomach with a bunch of wild fruits in her arms, is also planning to find an open space in this jungle to spend the night.

After carefully protecting the wild fruit with an enchantment in an open space that he chose.

For this open space, I added a magic-tracking Sakura, so I clapped my hands and turned around to collect dry firewood for the bonfire.

Not long after Sakura left, a finger-thick stream of water diverted from the stream that had been diverted not far away, and came to this open space.

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