Along with the magic box and hope, everything flowed into Sakura’s body like flowing water.

Sakura faintly felt as if she had come to a colorful and wonderful world, and the light spots around her that were laughing at her seemed to be her own children, hoping to get her guidance and her blessing…

Although he felt something was wrong, under the influence of countless light spots that kept smiling and acting coquettishly at him like elves of light.

Sakura still instinctively stretched out her hand, holding up a green spot of light, intending to send some of her magic power and energy to this coquettish child…

However, in fact, at this time, the consciousness is purely from Sakura in her own Pandora’s Box, and what she holds in her hand is the disease in Calamity.

As long as Sakura sends magic power and energy…

It only takes a split second, and with the help of Sakura, the diseases that ravage the world will become stronger…

Suddenly a big hand patted Sakura’s shoulder heavily, causing Sakura’s consciousness to return to her body.

“Epimetheus is you… I almost did something just now!”

Staring at Sakura with a complicated expression and pity, Epimetheus, who woke up Sakura, sighed and said to the panicked Sakura.

“Pandora’s magic box…you are the magic box, and the magic box is also you. All the disasters in the world released from the magic box, it can be said that from the moment you open the magic box, it becomes your child… .

Pandora, this is part of your talent. ”

Looking down at his hands, he muttered.

“Talent… Is this my talent?”

Being able to affect all disasters in the world, becoming the mother of disasters in the world… Sakura doesn’t mind much, as long as she can find a way to make good use of this power, isn’t it a power to make the world a better place? .

But the premise is that it won’t happen just now, when I was bewitched by the disaster in the magic box.

As an afterthought, Epimetheus, who still had his hand on Sakura’s shoulder, could naturally see the thoughts in Sakura’s mind through his power.

“Using it well… is a good idea, but you must use this power with restraint… Otherwise, once the disaster has an excessive impact on the world…you who return to the future may directly become beast……

And Pandora, I can give you some advice, if you want to fully master your talent, you need to master the hope at the bottom of the box first…”

All the goodness and hope of the gods, all the disasters in the world…

This is the true talent of Pandora, who possesses all the talents… and it is also the talent that Sakura has obtained.

Just when Sakura, under the guidance of Epimetheus, gradually understood the true face of becoming Pandora’s own talent.

On Mount Olympus.

Zeus, who was sitting on the throne, was laughing heartily at this moment.

Looking at the disasters raging in the mortal world, he personally performed the drama of the mortal world, temporarily ignoring the ups and downs on Mount Olympus.

In a mortal village.

The people who used to live in harmony with their neighbors, except for the necessary predation, are fantasy species that live in harmony…

began to quarrel amidst jealousy.

Began to be full of lies in hypocrisy.

Started to fight because of greed.

began to fall into despair in pain…

Peace, tranquility…all these beautiful words began to leave this world amidst the raging disaster.

And on the earth, the more chaotic it is, the uglier it is.

The happier Zeus was when he performed this scene.

He is looking forward to, looking forward to the day when the evils of the mortal world will cause the creatures to target the gods.

He is waiting, waiting to completely understand the mortal world and create an era that belongs to their gods…

However, not all gods hope to become true rulers in this way.

Just when Zeus was admiring the blood and tears of the mortal world, he regarded it as a kind of praise to his greatness.

Raging disasters, coupled with the advance layout, the ancient rebels on Gaia who hated the outsiders on Mount Olympus formally formed an alliance with Athena.

If we move forward according to the normal history.

Athena would not rebel no matter what.

Because her rebellion is meaningless, even the gods can onlyUse the great flood to cleanse this sinful era polluted by endless disasters.

Because the magic box would be closed in advance, Pandora only got the sin, not the hope at the bottom of the box.

But now, with Sakura’s arrival, all of this has changed, there are changes, and changes are allowed.

The witch who coexisted with disaster and hope…brought hope to this era that was destined to be washed away by the great flood.

So it was on this day.

On the day when the magic box was opened, the disaster in the box began to wreak havoc, and the gods headed by Zeus began to celebrate.

Not long ago, Athena, who left Mount Olympia with Hephaestus, shot and killed Zeus’ condor.

Together with Hephaestus, they lifted the divine chains that bound Prometheus, and jointly raised the flag of rebellion on the edge of Mount Olympus’ rule.

“It was he who brought disaster to the world, he who selfishly destroyed the beauty of time, and it was Prometheus, the father of the humans he imprisoned…”

Standing heroically on the top of the Caucasus Mountains, he loudly swears to the world the crimes of Zeus one after another.

After Athena announced to the world one by one the thirteen crimes that Athena would weave for Zeus.

Prometheus behind him also immediately set up the battle flag made by Athena herself.

“Unite all living beings in Greece, unite and love the living beings of this world…We will fight for the beauty of this world!”

243. The first battle, under Mount Olympus……

All over the place, there are wolves and flags everywhere.

After Athena’s proclamation on the top of the Caucasus Mountains spread throughout Greece.

Those who are dissatisfied, those who want to fish in troubled waters, those who are hostile…

Countless gods, fantasy species, and beasts with various thoughts and purposes began to overthrow Zeus for the same purpose, and united into one army after another.

Temples were destroyed by them, and one after another gods who supported Zeus were sent back to Mount Olympus.

In less than a month, an army that gathered nearly half of the gods and nearly 30% of the living beings in the mortal world swept all the way to the foot of Mount Olympus.

Standing on the top of a nearby mountain, I looked at Mount Olympus, which was supported by Atlas, the giant god of the sky.

As for the army below, Athena, who started the rebellion, was not optimistic about them.

“Do you think they can succeed, Athena?”

“I’m not optimistic, it’s too hasty, and too disorganized, but they should be able to help us test the strength of Zeus…”

“Then, does Athena want me to support a batch of equipment for them?”

“Hephaestus doesn’t need it. Let’s leave the artifact you built to our own army… Let’s see the beginning.”

Perhaps it was the non-resistance of the Olympus gods that gave the army below illusions. The huge and hastily formed army below was, as Athena said, too hasty and disorganized.

There is no formation and no command.

Almost completely fighting independently, this army is composed of one small group after another.

After a god blew the horn, a chaotic charge began in an instant.

The magic of countless ages of gods began to rain down on the defenses of Mount Olympus, and a large number of secondary gods began to try to undo the spell that bound the giant Atlas.

However, on Mount Olympus, the shields used by warships in the interstellar war that suddenly appeared made the army abruptly stop.

Immediately afterwards, several portals with flashing blue thunder unfolded at the foot of Mount Olympus.

Tens of thousands of god-made soldiers wearing majestic armor, holding very sci-fi-looking cold weapons, and carrying various cannons, under the leadership of Ares, Artemis, and Apollo, appeared beside the army. forward.

There was no pre-war declaration, and no so-called mobilization was carried out.

Led by the three gods, this army, which had just been pulled out of the ‘freezer’ by Zeus, began to charge along with the sword held high by Ares, the god of war.

Countless magic and artillery began to collide with each other.

The ground began to tremble in such a collision…

Soon the two armies ended their confrontation at the long-range stage, and collided like two torrents.

Wielding the extremely sci-fi war knife in his hand, wrapped in a special stance, the blade is as high as millions of dollars.

Ares, who was the first to rush into a group of secondary gods, laughed ferociously while shaking with excitement in the blood bath.

This is what Ares wants, this is what Ares longs for—war.

Calmly looking at Ares, who is killing all directions on the front line, for Ares, the main battleship in the fleet, he has been polluted by the collective will to become a god of war fanatics.

Like a bright moon, Artemis exuded such a cold and cold aura, while shooting and killing the gods and beasts in the sky with the bow in his hand.

Glancing at the noble and elegant Apollo, who was disgusted by the bloody battlefield, he spoke immediately.

“Apollo drives your chariot to cover Ares… Athena and the others haven’t appeared yet, we can’t let that fool Ares be attacked.”

As the calmest god among the three, Artemis is definitely not the strongest among the three gods, but he is definitely the most suitable as a conductor.

After hearing Artemis’ order.

Although Apollo showed a reluctant expression, but knowing Athena’s power, Apollo still held her hand.He took the reins of the chariot and lit the sun’s fire on the battlefield.

Immediately after a sound of “drive” was spit out from Apollo’s mouth, the solar chariot under Apollo’s crotch, which can ignite the artificial sun and has the most advanced nuclear fusion technology, pulled an artificial sun chariot with a diameter of nearly ten meters. Sun, rushed directly to the rebels.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees began to rage, and countless phantom species that had no time to react were instantly evaporated.

Apollo, who was driving the sun chariot, started running on the chariot under his crotch, and it was like entering and exiting no one’s land. With Apollo on board, he began to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Looking at the army that had clearly shown signs of wavering under the joint impact of Ares and Apollo.

Then he looked up at the thunder that was beginning to flicker in the clouds in the sky.

Athena, who was sitting outside the battlefield on the top of a mountain with her hands behind her back and her legs crossed, said softly.


Just as Athena expected.

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