Sakura brought Estes to the garden.

The subspecies Holy Grail War ceremony has been arranged, and two Orochimaru of the Servant Summoning Formation have been drawn on the ground, and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

I looked at Luo Hao, Kuang San, and Irisviel who were standing nearby and also came to observe the ceremony…

Arrange Shinji and Estes to stand in front of a summoning formation, and arrange the accessories that Sakura brought back from the Age of Gods in the formation.

Followed by Shinji and Estes chanting the classic servant summoning spell.

On Sakura’s side, the Godslayer Ritual was also activated simultaneously.

To trigger the godslayer ritual, people need to kill the gods.

And what is God?

Possess divinity? Or have the blood of the gods? Or is it based on human legends?

Judging from the stories about the godslayer in Sakura’s memory, the gods needed to trigger the godslayer ritual are likely to be based on the last item, which is based on human legends.

After all, in the story of Godslayer, Lancelot, the Knight of the Round Table, was also a member of the Disobedient God.

Intense magic power erupted from the summoning array, and at the same time, the godslayer ritual in Sakura’s body was fully activated.

As two groups of human-shaped black shadows condensed and formed in the summoning formation.

In the next second, the extremely sharp ice pick and Kusanagi sword pierced the spiritual core of the shadow servant who was gathering human form…

At this moment, the godslayer ritual was launched.

In the virtual space formed by the godslayer ritual in Sakura’s body.

Sakura, Estes, and Shinji appeared together in this misty space.

He looked at Estes and Shinji lying on the bed in front of him, eyes wide open but unable to move.

Although Sakura didn’t plunder any powers from the shadow servant… But Sakura herself has kept four powers in her body, isn’t it…

So, taking out two of the powers she saved, Sakura sent them into the bodies of Estes and Shinji respectively…

295. The Faction War Breaks Out, and the Power of Calamity Is Tried for the First Time

Through the subspecies of the Holy Grail War, summon shadow servants to trigger the godslayer ritual, creating an experiment for godslayers.

It succeeded, but it also failed.

By killing the servants of the Age of Gods, it is indeed possible to trigger the Godslayer Ritual.

But maybe the servants are too inferior. Sakura didn’t usurp any power from the two shadow servants who didn’t show their faces, and didn’t gain the slightest divine power.

And without divine power, it is naturally impossible to transform the bodies of Esdeth and Shinji so that they can become real godslayers through rituals…

Shen Er and Estes, after the ceremony, just became ordinary people with power.

Slowly opened his eyes, the thunder on his body kept flickering…

Squinting his eyes, he looked at Shinji who created a large amount of thunder out of thin air. At this moment, Orochimaru seemed to see the shadow of his former disciple Uchiha Sasuke from Shinji.

And compared to Shinji who was unable to control the power of thunder given by Sakura after the ceremony.

Esdesh, who obtained the power of the sky from Kozakura, did not show any abnormalities.

After all, compared to Shen Er, Esdeth’s control over power is far, far greater.

“It failed… But this method can at least divide the power in my body, and it can barely be regarded as a different kind of success… Irisviel, I still have a power of light, which needs to be divided Get out, come on…”


After distributing all the powers in my body, I only leave for myself a solar power that can be resurrected once a day.

In the next few days, Sakura didn’t make any troubles anymore, but started to prepare for the battle by grasping every second.

A few days passed in a flash, and soon a brand new week arrived.

In the early hours of this Monday…a small family belonging to the democrats in the suburbs of London was attacked by unknown persons…

The civil war in the clock tower broke out at this moment.

With the first magic blooming in the suburbs of London.

From the northernmost Scotland to Morocco in the south.

From Ireland in the west to Russia in the east.

In the hidden world of magic, the whole of Europe beganThe sparks of war bloomed.

Of course, the flames of war that broke out at the beginning of this civil war spread throughout Europe and its surrounding areas.

But the core battlefield is still London where the clock tower is located.

At this early morning hour, facing the well-prepared aristocratic attack, the democrats were naturally caught off guard at the beginning of the war.

A large number of small families belonging to the democrats were all defeated by the allied forces of the aristocrats who were already prepared shortly after the war started.

And those family residences, well-defended big families, famous families… It seems that they can’t last long.

But at this moment.

Just as Lorelai expected, the neutral faction suddenly turned against the noble faction.

Eyes locked tightly, Lorelei, who was attacking the castle of the Tramberio family, one of the three great nobles, was leading more than 300 magicians and ten shadow servants, and quickly closed his eyes. The magic parchment used to pass messages to each other in the hands.

Then Lorelai, with a calm face, raised her hand and stretched out a finger, touching her temple.


“Lorelai, I’m here.”

“The neutral faction has made a move…”

“It’s not surprising, after all, it’s impossible for them to see that our family dominates, isn’t it…”

“Are you in your seat?”

“Of course, I’m right outside the residence of the Meastia clan.”

“That Sakura, please, please annihilate them!”


Put down the arm that needs to be pressed against his temple to perform the communication magic.

Looking at the manor in the distance with the mountain on its back and facing the lake, the style is very modern and trendy.

Suddenly, Sakura hummed a traditional Japanese nursery rhyme – Give me a pair of wings.

Immediately after Sakura hummed softly, Estes, who was behind Sakura, took a step forward.

In an instant, the entire sky was filled with wind and clouds, and countless black clouds blocked the bright moon in the sky with stars… Then a blizzard fell from the sky, covering a range of dozens of kilometers nearby.

When Estes used the newly acquired power to directly create a celestial phenomenon that allowed his power to be better utilized.

Kurumi, who was standing on the other side of Sakura, was not idle either. Numerous avatars emerged from the shadows of herself and Sakura, covering the entire mountain where Sakura was located almost instantly.

After that, Countless Kuang San Minutes laughed loudly, and amidst the nursery rhymes hummed by Sakura, they flew towards the manor where there was already a commotion…

A few minutes later, the singing still didn’t stop, and Sakura was bouncing around among the snowflakes.

Just like this, while watching the hail of bullets in the manor, he looked at the icebergs that emerged from the manor from time to time.

Like a young child full of curiosity, he came to the vicinity of the manor unconsciously.

“As expected of the leader of the neutral faction, the strongest family outside of the three nobles, Meastia, the third sister Kuang and sister Esthers have not been able to break through the outer line of defense…”

He stopped humming nursery rhymes, and then pulled out the Chronos scythe from his small satchel with some difficulty.

Just like that, Sakura leaned on a scythe nearly two meters long, stopped, waved her hand to the hundreds of magicians on the defense line in front of her, and sprayed a large black mist…

“Uh~! Not good, quickly avoid those black mist…”

Following the first magician who came into contact with the black mist sprayed by Sakura, he coughed up a large piece of black lung tissue in an instant, and the true face of the mist sprayed by Sakura was undoubtedly revealed.

The calamity in Pandora’s box…far surpasses the evils of this world, or one of the world’s evils, such as beasts and human beings–epidemic!

This is the power of the catastrophe witch Pandora, and this is the catastrophe that destroyed human beings in the golden age.

With the physique of modern people, even if they are magicians, even if the disease they have to face is just a small part of the disaster in Pandora’s box, it is enough to kill modern humans instantly under such a disaster.

It can be said that Sakura who has the identity of Pandora’s Box and Pandora, as long as she is willing, can easily destroy all life on the entire surface of the earth within a few hours by releasing disasters…

Unless the magical power of Dayuan returns and the gods return, and the earth returns to the magical environment of the age of gods, even in the past 10,000 years, the earth will still be devoid of life in the ravages of disaster.

This is also the reason why in the Age of Gods, Prometheus’ brother, Epimetheus, the god of hindsight, would warn Sakura that if she didn’t want to become a beast, she must use the calamity power with caution.

As long as Sakura was a little bit excessive in using the calamity power in the era when Alaya was born, then Sakura would definitely become the evil of human beings immediately, and become a beast……

296. The leader of the neutral faction – Meastia, a magician without “emotions”

Under the ravages of the little bit of plague and disaster released by Sakura.

Originally, he fought fiercely with Estes and Kuangsan for at least ten minutes, and it was impossible to break through the line of defense.

In the face of the disease that Xiao Sakura waved and spilled, it took less than a minute for the whole body to collapse.

The black mist in the air has disappeared, but the disease lurking in the human body still exists.

After the magicians who retreated with the collapse of the defense line arrived at the inside of the manor together, they immediately began to wreak havoc inside the manor.

Accompanied by Kuang San’s body, Sakura came to the gate of the manor with the sickle of Kronos.

I glanced at the ones on the road because of the fire that I released.The corpse of a magician whose internal organs are carved out, nostrils, mouth corners, eyes…etc. are all black blood.

Sakura’s heart was slightly shaken.

But when I think of my goal, I think of my pursuit.

After murmuring that this is a necessary sacrifice, Sakura then regained her composure, passed through the gate of the manor that Esdeth had just breached, and entered the interior of the manor together with Kurumi’s body.

In the huge vestibule inside the manor.

Even though the Meastia family was tortured by the three-minute attack and disease of Esdeth and Qianqian Kuang, they still resisted very tenaciously.

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