of the North Wall.

After complaining, she directly pulled out her magic wand from her sleeve.

Sakura pulled out her wand, which undoubtedly represented a signal for battle.

The moment Sakura pulled out her wand, Luo Hao, Kuang San, and Estes also entered the fighting state within a second.


Without any hesitation, since she wanted to participate in the battle, Sakura would not hold back her hands.

Sakura, who was the first to fire the first shot, drew a death curse directly at Ushiwakamaru.

Just when Sakura’s magic wand threw out the miserable green death curse.

Luo Hao also took a step forward, and through the ground shrinking technique, he came directly behind Leonidas, and directly printed his palm on his vest.

Facing Luo Hao’s sudden attack.

Leonidas, who was not known for her agility, didn’t have time to make any response.

Under the slap of Luo Hao’s slender palm, it smashed countless demon gods like a cannonball, and then hit the north wall heavily, causing a lot of smoke and dust.


Ushiwakamaru couldn’t help shouting out Leonidas name excitedly when he captured the scene where Leonidas was knocked into the air by Luo Hao from the corner of his eye.

But the current Ushiwakamaru is completely unable to provide any help for Leonidas… With Ushiwakamaru’s durable attribute, facing the death curse issued by Sakura, who is now a human being in the golden age, although it is not enough to die immediately, But it’s okay to be hit hard if you touch it.

Therefore, apart from constantly avoiding Sakura’s death curse and getting as close as possible to Sakura who was like a fortress, Ushiwakamaru had no time at all to help Leonidas.

Trembling, he got up from the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

Leonidas, who felt that his heart had been severely injured by Luo Hao’s palm just now, insisted on continuing with his A-level battle and stood up again.

“Oh, my heart is about to be smashed, can I still stand up again, interesting barbarian.”

Facing Luo Hao’s eyes as if looking at some interesting little animal, Leonidas, who took off his helmet and threw it on the ground, raised his wrist to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, fierce fighting spirit was ignited in his eyes, he held a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, and charged Luo Hao with a roar undoubtedly out of fear.

“Nice eyes, but unfortunately the movements are too rough.”

As if playing, Luo Hao easily avoided Leonidas’ spear by turning sideways.

Then, when he met Leonidas eyes, he let out a compliment, and then kicked his right leg upwards like lightning, kicking Leonidas jaw to pieces with a very chic and beautiful movement.

The snow-white teeth splattered in all directions, accompanied by blood on the ground…

With a bang, Leonidas body fell to the ground.

Looking at Leonidas, whose eyes had turned out and her chin had softened and collapsed on his neck.

If it was normal, maybe he would suppress his own strength. Luo Hao, who fought a fighter like Leonidas for a while, doesn’t seem to have such interest now.

The continuation of the battle took effect again, and a surging force gushed out from Leonidas’ body again.

Looking at Leonidas who wanted to stand up again and continue fighting.

While Luo Hao looked at Leonidas with a hint of admiration in his eyes, he also cruelly crushed Leonidas limbs.

Holding the cloak on Leonidas’ back, he carried the helpless Leonidas in his hands like a suitcase.

Then Luo Hao activated the magical foot-shrinking technique, and stepped out to the north wall in one step.

Throwing Leonidas, who could do nothing but roar, to the feet of the soldiers on the north wall, looked at these trembling soldiers, then looked up and became extremely gloomy, A chilly sky.

After Luo Hao shook his head, he raised his hand on the short city wall and summoned a huge pink flower. Then he activated the Earth Shrinking Technique again and disappeared on the city wall…

324. Illusion and Assassin Merlin….

The sky seemed so gloomy that it wanted to cry.

Fully mobilizing Teigu: the appearance of the demon god, the quintessence of the devil and the power of the sky, Esdeth, at this moment, is like a witch who walks out of the painful winter, in the gust of windIn the blowing of the wind, a head of long blue hair fluttered in the wind like a devil’s tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, an emotionless declaration came from Estes.

“Freeze everything in front of me!”

Countless ultra-low temperature snowflakes fell from the sky.

A soldier curiously extended his palm to the falling snowflakes.

The next second, as a snowflake fell on his palm, the ultra-low temperature in the snowflake instantly bloomed.

In just a split second, the soldier did all kinds of bad things when he touched Xuehua’s arm.

Before the soldier wailed, as a snowflake fell on his head, the soldier whose brain was frozen in ultra-low temperature fell silently.

Such a scene naturally didn’t just happen to this soldier alone.

In the two kilometers of the north wall, everything is being baptized by these ultra-low temperature snowflakes.

Even many monsters that were too close to the north wall fell under the snowflakes released by Esdeth.

Looking at Luo Hao, who easily killed a follower in seconds, and Esdeth, who was showing his might.

Kuang San originally planned to use the new power Kuang Kuang Emperor to perform well in front of Sakura, because he had just obtained Kuang Kuang Emperor not long ago and was not yet familiar with its control.

I originally planned to use the Lion’s Bullet, which can crush the space and swallow the space after the explosion, similar to a small space shock, to hit the north wall with such a mad three.

Because she was not familiar enough with the system-modified Kuangkuang Emperor’s mastery, the speed of the bullets she needed to make the Lion’s Bullet was slow, so she could only watch Luo Hao and Estes completely eliminate their opponents in the end.

Sighing, he put down the flintlock he was holding.

As far as the eye can see, apart from Sakura’s opponent Ushiwakamaru, the so-called enemies are only a few soldiers on the city wall, protected by that magic plant, and surrounded by them, they have completely disappeared. Leonidas in battle.

“Really, I still want to perform well in front of Sakura…”

Hearing what Kuang San said, Luo Hao, who had some ‘discord’ with Kuang San, naturally would not miss this opportunity to ridicule Kuang San.

“I haven’t even mastered my own power, do you want to show Sakura how incompetent you are? You incompetent elf~!”

“Ha, you old antique from the Qing Dynasty, what do you know? I don’t believe that you can develop her to the point where you can make no mistakes just after obtaining a power…”

“Hmph, power is the power of the gods…”

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