332. Speaking from Experience, Dialogue with Roman and Da Vinci

With a bang, the bullet of scales was launched.

Before the system modified the Kuang Kuang Emperor, the effect of the bullet of the scales was to reverse the cause and effect within a certain space, and to bounce back the opponent’s attack. At the same time, it could also exchange positions with the quasi-elf’s empty shell.

However, after the system modification, the first two abilities have not changed, only the last one, from transposition with the empty shell, to transposition with the person with the mark of the Kuangkuang Emperor.

As Sakura’s most fanatical fan, Tokisaki Kurumi.

It is naturally impossible for her not to mark Sakura.

So with the launch of the scale bullet, Sakura and Kurumi instantly exchanged positions.

In the next second, Anna’s scythe and Merlin’s holy sword were placed on Kurumi’s neck at the same time.

Faced with this situation, Merlin immediately beamed with joy. Although he was not the subdued Sakura, it was not bad to subdue Kuangsan. After all, with the hostages, there is room for negotiation.

Otherwise, Merlin had already received news from Gilgamesh that he would not be able to break through the nearby ice wall in a short time.

It is very clear that if this continues, the servants summoned by Chaldea or Gilgamesh and himself will only end in total annihilation.

But before Merlin issued his declaration of victory, he used Kurumi in his hand as a hostage and demanded a truce from Sakura’s side.

Kuang San smiled and launched the bomb of the scales again.

In an instant, Merlin’s smile froze on his face.

As the owner of the top clairvoyance, Merlin can see through the currentClairvoyance, of course, was used by Merlin to spy on Sakura and the core members under Sakura’s command.

Therefore, he can naturally recognize Kuang San’s signature avatar.

That’s right, with Kuang San launching the bomb of scales again, Kuang San has switched places with her clone in the shadow space.

Afterwards, Kuang San, who had completed the transposition, came out from the shadow of Sakura outside.

“Ah, my avatar seems to be under control. This is really bad, right Sakura.”

He took a slight breath, and then looked at Merlin with an embarrassed expression through the hole that Matthew broke through not long ago.

Seeing Merlin’s handsome face, Sakura couldn’t help but shake her head in admiration.

“Sure enough, compared with these old coins, I still need more experience…”

In terms of strength, Sakura is really not weak at this stage.

Although the basic attributes are low, it is roughly equal to the speed-enhanced version, durability, and magic power-deteriorated version of the servant Medea, but these are only temporary. As she ages, Sakura’s physical attributes will gradually become stronger and stronger After all, she is a perfect human being in the golden age created by the gods.

Coupled with Sakura’s abilities, big moves, skills, and ‘treasures’, they are all super powerful.

Among them, Pandora’s Box, Chronos’ Scythe, which may be completely mastered by Sakura in the future, and Sakura’s current absolute trump card, Sword Twenty-Three and Love in Allure… are completely comparable to first-class, even top-notch Noble Phantasm.

It can be said that as long as she is not particularly restrained by Sakura’s type, and Sakura uses her own advantages to play against first-class or even top-level servants alone, she may not be at a disadvantage, and may even have the possibility of victory.

So in the true sense, what is still restricting Sakura’s strength is actually the experience that Wang Hassan emphasized in the beginning of Fuyuki City.

Compared to most of the followers who have fought and faced many different enemies in their lives.

In Sakura’s battle history, there are still too few types of battles she has experienced.

In the words of the game, Sakura’s white value and level are relatively low now, but her treasures and skills are super powerful and her level is very high, Sakura is just short of raising her own level.

However, Sakura is now consciously increasing her experience in this area. This is also the reason why Sakura chose one-on-three at the beginning.

Since the battle has been interrupted, Sakura naturally has no intention of continuing to ‘play’.

After all, if it drags on, Gilgamesh will break through the ice wall built by Esdeth in a while.

As a result, Sakura and the others opened fire with all their firepower, beating everyone except Siduri and Merlin who raised their hands and surrendered to the ground.

Ignoring the unwilling eyes of the followers, Sakura just dragged Ushiwakamaru to the shield that was still projecting.

Looking at the frowning Roman in the projection, Sakura first smiled at Roman, then raised her hand and tapped the ring on the braid.

“Do you want to take it back, Roman?”

“Wait a minute, Roman, do you know her?”

Naturally, Roman wasn’t the only one on the opposite side of the projection. Da Vinci was still standing by Roman’s side.

Regarding Sakura’s strange behavior, Da Vinci looked at Roman curiously immediately and asked.

However, the current Roman is not in the mood to pay attention to Da Vinci. Instead, he is frowning tightly, as if he is thinking about something.

After a while.

Roman loosened his frowning brows, then sighed, and said very sincerely.

“If you oppress, you will get resistance…Maybe I was wrong before, but Sakura is sorry, I can’t take her back now, the current you are full of hostility towards us.”

“Shouldn’t it be? Although the current Chaldea… will the ending you lead to be really happy?”

“Hey, hey, Luo~Man! What does she mean, and why do you know each other? Tell me quickly…”

I don’t know if Da Vinci felt the heaviness contained in the discussion between Roman and Sakura, or Da Vinci didn’t want to see Roman like this, in short.

Following Sakura’s words, Da Vinci once again started acting like a trick.

Da Vinci in the projection grabbed Roman’s neck, and then almost climbed onto Roman’s body, and began to shake continuously.

“Let go, let go… Da Vinci hurry up and let go… I won’t be able to breathe.”

“Leonardo da Vinci, do you really know nothing?”

“Ah? Me? This… oh Sakura, do you think I know anything?”

A finger tapped the corner of her mouth lightly, and then she used her face as perfect as the Mona Lisa to show a slightly puzzled and playful expression.

This kind of movement, this kind of expression… It can only be said that Da Vinci really knew how to show the charm of women.

For someone who doesn’t understand, maybe it’s because of Da Vinci’s current actions and expressions that he thinks Da Vinci is an extremely innocent woman who doesn’t understand these messes.

It is absolutely impossible for Da Vinci’s actions to confuse Sakura. After all, the other half of Sakura’s soul is a foreign soul with a lot of information about Xingyue.

So facing Da Vinci’s pretense, Sakura grinned, showing a slightly gloomy expression.

“Big Sister Da Vinci, do you want to know?”

“Oh, would you like to tell me, little sister Sakura…”

“Of course I am willing, and it’s still in front of you—Kang Sanjie is starting to act~!”

333. Invade Chaldea, kidnap Da Vinci….

Although Otome no Sword and Maiden’s Bullet have different names.

But in essence, it is still the ability to open the ‘bug gate’ that allows Sakura and the others to come to this era easily.

The reason why the names are different is that when using the ability, the weapons used to trigger it are different.

As Sakura shouted loudly: ‘Sister Kuang San starts to act~! ‘

Kuang San, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately pointed a mark on Mash’s shield on the table with his finger.

Sakura let Orochimaru invade the Animsfia’s house before, and what she got was naturally more than just the construction blueprint of Chaldeas.

A large number of research materials of the Animsfia family were naturally copied by hand.

Although most of these materials are still early studies.

However, relying on these materials, there is still no problem in understanding Chaldean spirit seed transmission, spirit seed transmission… and other Chaldean-related technologies.

It is true that the spiritual son can send Sakura, but with the help of the understanding of the spiritual son technology, Kuang San imitated its mark as a kind of spiritual son similar to a communication signal, and it is still possible to send it to Chaldea through the current communication. Can do it.

Following this mark, Kuangsan pressed on the shield and merged into the spirit particles released from the shield.

Kurumi, who sensed that the communication was in place, immediately waved the saber in his hand, and with the Otome Sword, opened the bug door in the space in front of him that could go back and forth between domains.

Sakura and Kuangsan stepped straight into the bug door, while Estes and Luo Hao chose to stay on guard.

In the next second, the shadows of Sakura and Kurumi appeared in the projection from the shield in front of him.

Before the astonished Da Vinci and Roman in the projection could react.

Kuang San, who had been prepared as early as the beginning of passing through the gate, immediately shot the seven bullets at Da Vinci from Chaldea, which could stop the time of the target being hit, and fixed Da Vinci in place.

“Sakura, what exactly do you want to do? Are you going to violate the contract?”

“Of course not. My current body can’t stop the backlash of the contract…and did I violate it? I didn’t kill anyone in Chaldea.”

Just as Sakura was talking to Roman with a dignified face, countless avatars also flew out from the shadows of Kurumi and Sakura at the same time, and forcibly opened the door of the control room, and began to press against the inside of Chaldea. All kinds of defensive firepower, scurrying around the entire Chaldea, and laying out more marks.

“Sakura Chaldea is really not your enemy…”

“I probably understand, but the future created by Chaldea is not the future I long for… How many sisters are there?”

“Seven thousand or eight thousand.”

“That’s almost done. Let’s take this curious big sister Da Vinci and retreat…”

While talking about Sakura, she pulled out her wand to Roman, who was still about to say something, and gave a petrified shot, which completely ended the conversation between her and Roman.

Immediately afterwards, Kurumi picked up Da Vinci with a little difficulty, followed Sakura through the gate again, and returned to the Chaldean embassy.

In the next second, the BUG gate shattered, and a brand new gate opened.

There was no time left for Chaldea and the followers to react.

Sakura and the others took Da Vinci and Ushiwakamaru who were kidnapped from Chaldea, and left the embassy through the gate together.

Just as Sakura and the others passed through the newly opened BUG gate and disappeared together with the gate.

The ice wall covering this block was finally breached by Gilgamesh. With a face full of anger, he just walked in…

But these are not about Sakura’s business anymore.

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